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JUST A BASIC TEST // joiner - Printable Version

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JUST A BASIC TEST // joiner - charactercemetary. - 11-25-2019

[glow=#000,1,400]WE'VE BECOMES ECHOES BUT ECHOES, THEY FADE AWAY — 。+゚.[/glow]
Pandora was not in the Typhoon. It was unfortunate, really. He hoped this would all end quickly. But it appeared not.

No worries, Oyaji. I'll still find the jewel. He'd finally be able to get revenge on those who turned his father into a crisp yet. A spft smirk appeared on the cat's maw as he trekked through the territory. Then, he regains his poker face, lifting his paws slightly, blue eyes scamning. I have passed the border, Kaito muses to himself. If I keep going, I may get attacked. He logically goes through what to do, before sitting down. "Kuroba Kaito. Can I join?"

Re: JUST A BASIC TEST // joiner - wormwood. - 11-25-2019

i was born, on the highway, in a train wreck
with a heart, that was beating, out of my chest
It wasn't often when Aurum came across someone that smelled of the Typhoon who was looking to join, rather than just visiting for some sort of ambassador program, or to bring gifts. Part of the guardsman wanted to ask why Kaito had left the Typhoon as he trotted over, but he didn't want to make the other uncomfortable or anything like that. So, instead, the angel came up to the other with a smile, his tail flicking back and forth behind him as he sat back on his haunches. He rumbled softly as his large wings shifted upon his back, his feathers stretching out lazily, "Kaito, huh? Well, Tanglewood is very happy to welcome you, Kaito. My name is Aurum, and I'm a guardsman around here. You need somebody to show you around? Because I can if so." He hadn't really given any tours around the territory since Kamara, so he wouldn't mind it if Kaito wanted a long tour around.
template by orion

Re: JUST A BASIC TEST // joiner - arcy - 11-26-2019

Crowley is .. tired. And a bit hurt, and maybe not entirely there. In the head, mostly, but he was pretty missing a bit metaphysically, too. He's certainly been coughing up a lot of black -- expelling whatever he'd been picked up from the knife, presumably. So that was .. great. He probably shouldn't even be out here, but, well .. things happened a lot if they happened at all, so Crowley had, indeed, forced himself up and out. It wasn't the greatest plan in the world, but he'd run into a joiner. .. And Aurum. Oh well.
"Uh .. welcome," Crowley says, trodding over to seat himself next to Aurum. He hadn't heard a name like that in a bit. They hadn't even had that many newcomers in a bit .. probably. Listen, Crowley doesn't really care. "Crowley," He introduces, clumsily half-spreading a wing in greeting.

Re: JUST A BASIC TEST // joiner - fulzanin - 11-26-2019

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The snow leopard didn't often leave the camp. She barely left her own home! Too busy planning and setting up festivities to go and wander about the territory. She had to prepare the parties and other fun events in order to keep everyone's mind off of... well, everything. Everything was terrible, and she was the only one who could divert the group's attention. Parties were her method, showering the group in party after party. Still, even that could grow boring, and she'd have to get out and stretch her wings. This was one of those times, and hearing voices Feza, of course, bee-lined. She was a sucker for conversation, and there was a new voice in the mix too! The vibrant feline came barreling on down from the sky, her landing quite heavy due to her swift arrival. "Hi, hi, welcome to Tanglewood! I'm Feza!" She happily introduced, fluffing out her wings before finally tucking them back close to her sides. She grinned, a pleasant expression spread across her face.

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Re: JUST A BASIC TEST // joiner - charactercemetary. - 11-26-2019

[glow=#000,1,400]WE'VE BECOMES ECHOES BUT ECHOES, THEY FADE AWAY — 。+゚.[/glow]
Kuroba already didn't trust this Aurum guy. What, did he get his name from gold? And he spoke using Kaito's own name twice. However, he appears like his usual sassy self. "Thanks, Auru! I'd love that," the Angora replies with a huge grin.

He looks over upon hearing the next voice. It took everything in the teen to not look like he'd just seen some fish. He regains his composure, staring at the demon. What was up with this guy? Was he just in a fight, and badly beaten and that? "You should get some rest, Crowley-san." His tone suggests he is joking - but he's not. Crowley needed some damn sleep.

Kaito looks up... What the hell? A pink snow leopard?! This time, the regular-looking cat cannot keep his composure, looking shocked. Poker face, poker face! He tells himself, though he cannot help but smile. "So, Feza, do you plan parties or something? You seem very outgoing- like that type of person. If so, I cannot wait to attend one! Thanks for the welcome."

Re: JUST A BASIC TEST // joiner - wormwood. - 11-26-2019

i was born, on the highway, in a train wreck
with a heart, that was beating, out of my chest
If Aurum had known that Kaito immediately didn't trust him right off the bat, he probably would've been a little hurt, as well as slightly offended. For so long now he had worked to become a more warm, welcoming, and social person, so why did it seem as though his first impression hadn't worked? As for his name, it wasn't actually his first choice, but it had been what Ament had always called him, so he had a certain amount of fondness for it. He always just assumed it was due to the golden coloration of his fur, since he wasn't sure what else it could refer to. The guardsman blinked and glanced over at his clanmates as they approached, the smallest of frowns coming to his face when he saw Crowley, just because he wanted the other to get some damn rest. Thankfully, it didn't seem as though he was the only one who thought so. Blinking at Kaito, Aurum found himself caught off guard for a moment by the nickname, a soft chuckle leaving him. He rumbled with a nod as he sat there, "Then I'll be happy to show you around. I can show you to the town first, since that's where you can put anything you have..." He then glanced at Crowley, nodding firmly, "He's right, you know. You should be resting." When Kaito followed his comment up with a smile to Feza, the older of the two guardsman smiled, flicking an ear as he spoke, "...Huh. Well, there you go Feza. Now you know somebody will participate in your events." He knew that recently the snow leopard had been very down in the dumps thanks to nearly no one coming to her events... hopefully this would be a turning point, not only for Feza's parties, but also for joiners in general.
template by orion

Re: JUST A BASIC TEST // joiner - arcy - 11-27-2019

Oh wow, no peace, huh. Crowley huffs, childishly resorting to sticking a forked tongue. It'll take ages for him to heal, and there's better things to be doing. This is a strange sentiment, coming from Crowley -- Aziraphale had certainly seemed to consider Crowley's penchant for long naps a key trait. I mean, to be fair, he'd slept for a century once. Which -- what's the point if you're not sleeping for days on end, huh? ... Don't answer that, Crowley does actually like short naps, but ... Listen. There's not really a point here.
"Oh, ffuck off," Crowley says, with little heat. A few beats of silence, and the serval groans. "Later. Don' worry about it," He'll walk around a bit, and then go back. The New Thing presumably is currently happening, so he shouldn't be missing anything. .. Really though, he shouldn't be so tired so soon. He shouldn't be tired at all*. It's entirely nerve-wracking to his foggy head, so he decidedly doesn't think about it.
*He has been getting tired for a bit now, but it was getting .. worse.
"S'pose I shouldn't be surprised you're so easily to, uh, figure out," Crowley adds, turning a head to Feza with a crooked, albeit half-hearted grin. He couldn't entirely recall what his first impression of the snow leopard was -- he'd been too stressed and detached to care about much besides adjusting, probably. Still, it was always somewhat jarring to encounter people who could just sort of ... place people like that.
I mean, if nothing else, at least the main thing Kaito got from Crowley was that he was fucking exhausted, and not anything worse. Probably. Crowley hopes so, at least.