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I FEEL THE CHEMICALS KICKING IN || Maple's Storage - Printable Version

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I FEEL THE CHEMICALS KICKING IN || Maple's Storage - MysteriouslyMaple - 05-03-2018

Feel free to track but please don't use this as a chatting thread!!

Active/Current Characters:

Caesar Cipher - Rank and Group TBA; Former Marauder [HP] of The Pitt; former Head Officer [HP] of The Typhoon; last seen in The Pitt.

Planned Characters:
Pisces Walker
Ace Lannister
Cleopatra Thema

Inactive/Dead Characters:
Inactive -
Bruce Walker - Former Berserker [HP] of Zealandia, last seen in Zealandia
Horizon Cipher - Former member of The Rosebloods, last seen in The Rosebloods
Dante Northwest - Former Dweller and former Crusader [HP] of The Pitt, last seen in The Pitt.
Caesar Cipher - Former Marauder [HP] of The Pitt; former Head Officer [HP] of The Typhoon; last seen in The Pitt.
Atbash Cipher - Former Lunar Lieutenant [HP] of The Ascendants; former Hailcaller [leader] of Snowbound; last seen in The Ascendants
Vigenere Cipher - Former Captain of the Guard [HP] of Tanglewood; last seen in Tanglewood
Gordon Cipher - Former Goldenblood [HP] of Sunhaven; last seen in Sunhaven
Aphra Cipher - Former Crewmate of The Typhoon; last seen in The Typhoon

Re: I FEEL THE CHEMICALS KICKING IN || Maple's Storage - MysteriouslyMaple - 05-03-2018

FULL NAME Caesar Cipher
NICKNAMES Angry Lemon (by Pincher)
Broken Highlighter (by Pincher)
Lemon Boy/Lemon Ass (by Roxanne)
Eyestrain/Eyesore (by Roxanne)
Peewee (by Roxanne)
Twinkletoes (by Roxanne)
Warhead (by Roxanne)
Lemonhead (by Roxanne, Greed, and Pincher)
Hurtful Neon (by Roxanne)
Lemon Tart (by Roxanne)
Daddy Caesar (by Henri)
Caelus (by Deldratch)
Pissfur (by Bakugou)
—ranking TBA
[b]FORMER CLAN/GROUPS[b] The Typhoon
— former ranks Crewmate of The Typhoon (promoted to Striker)
Striker [sHP] of The Typhoon (promoted to Privateer)
Privateer [HP] of The Typhoon (promoted to Officer)
Officer [HP] of The Typhoon (promoted to Head Officer)
Head Officer [HP] of The Typhoon (demoted to Sharkbait & exiled)
6 years
—mental age 4 years
—aging ratio 1 year every September 10
—zodiac sign virgo
—pronouns he/him
is a dream demon
has a blade given to him by Roxanne that he uses for battle and tortures
also has a sickle that he uses for battle and tortures
used to have a black crown in his room in the typhoon
health status -[100%]
SPECIES[b] domestic cat
—breed F1 Savannah
a long-bodied, thin and lithe F1 Savannah with a golden pelt. He has black paws, ears, and tail tip, along with spots that litter his body. On his front legs, there are thin black stripes; on his tail, there are thicker black stripes. He also has black eyes. his left paw has a scar from being bitten by zimavich, as well as having a huge scar on his side from where he had been bitten by charlie. There is also a bite-wound scar on his right hind leg from blue. His tail has a scar on it, from where delta had bitten it off in his old main feline body. he also wears a black knife sheath on his left arm that holds the knife roxanne given him. finally, he has scratch scars on his side from delta of snowbound. he also has a deep claw wound on his chest.
—smells like the ocean, death/rotting prey
—injuries n/a
SPECIES[b] mongoose
a short and stocky mongoose with golden fur. He has slightly darker stripes on his back, and black eyes. His left paw has a scar from being bitten by Zimavich, as well as having a huge scar on his side from where he had been bitten by Charlie. There is also a bite-wound scar on his right hind leg from Blue. His tail has a scar on it, from where Delta had bitten it off in his old main feline body. Finally, he has three scratch scars on his side, given to him by Delta of Snowbound. His chest also has a deep claw scar on it.
—smells like the ocean, death/rotting prey
—injuries n/a

SPECIES[b] tiger
—breed strawberry
a muscular and large strawberry tiger with black eyes. his left paw has a scar from being bitten by zimavich, as well as having a huge scar on his side from where he had been bitten by charlie. There is also a bite-wound scar on his right hind leg from blue. His tail has a scar on it, from where delta had bitten it off in his old main feline body. he also wears a black knife sheath on his left arm that holds the knife roxanne given him. finally, he has scratch scars on his side from delta of snowbound. he also has a deep claw wound on his chest.
—smells like the ocean, death/rotting prey
—injuries n/a
ESTP ("The Entrepreneur") - Chaotic Evil - Slytherin
arrogant - argumentative - assertive - blunt
careless - cold - deceitful - demanding
disloyal - malicious - narcissistic - power-hungry
ORIENTATION[b] pansexual and panromantic
[b]STATUS[b] single
—crush n/a
—friends n/a
—family vigenere cipher (brother), atbash cipher (sister), horizon cipher (son), gordon cipher (daughter), aphra cipher (daughter), billiam cipher (son), katherine cipher-roux (granddaughter), cleo roux-cipher (granddaughter), silus cipher-roux (grandson), sylvina cipher-roux (granddaughter), coriander (adoptive nephew)
—enemies pretty much anybody; notable ones are pincher, goldenluxury, and beck
start fights - fight back - will try to end fights - will kill
—platonic relationships hard to get along with; he's very abrasive and harsh towards others
—romantic relationships has an extremely hard time getting to actually "like" anybody
—rivalries extremely easy to become his enemy
—physical difficulty easy
—mental difficulty  medium
attack in BOLD YELLOW

Joining Thread - May 3, 2018
Tags - Updated November 26, 2018
Entrance Ritual - May 7, 2018
Weekly Prompt - May 10, 2018
Weekly Prompt - May 21, 2018
Promotion to Striker - May 27, 2018
Promotion to Privateer - June 3, 2018
Weekly Prompt - June 7, 2018
Tumblr - Created on June 12, 2018
Wound from Beck - June 17, 2018
Promotion to Officer - June 18, 2018
Got Edgar as a pet - June 19, 2018
Attacked Atbash - June 19, 2018
Wound from Zimavich - June 19, 2018
Confronted by Jacob - June 20, 2018
Spotted Vigenere for the first time - June 22, 2018
Temporarily demoted - June 22, 2018
Wound from Charlie - June 24, 2018
Wound from Blue - June 24, 2018
Wound from Delta - June 25, 2018
Warning for IC actions - June 25, 2018
OOC Prompt - June 27, 2018
Stuck in seagull body - June 28, 2018
Discovered fire elementals - July 1, 2018
Gifts from Roxanne - July 1, 2018
Back in feline body - July 1, 2018
Character Study - Updated November 26, 2018
Gained Fire Elementals back - July 1, 2018
OOC Prompt - July 2, 2018
Killed by Delta (this is prior to events June 28 - July 2) - July 2, 2018
Found the sickle at his paws - July 16, 2018
First capture + torture (Pele of The Ascendents) - July 16, 2018
"Happiness" Prompt - July 23, 2018
Attacked Atbash for the second time - July 23, 2018
Broken hind leg from Dimitri/Delta - July 24, 2018
Second capture + torture (Thea from The Ascendants) - July 24, 2018
Wound from Dimitri/Delta - July 24, 2018
Wound from Carolina - July 29, 2018
Gift from Goldenluxury - July 30, 2018
Captured for the first time (by Carolina of The Ascendants) - July 29, 2018
"Death" prompt - August 3, 2018
Killed for the second time (by Carolina of The Ascendants) - August 5, 2018
Stuck in mongoose body - August 6, 2018
Felt fear and was unable to hide it from his Crewmates - August 8, 2018
Return to cat body - August 8, 2018
OOC Prompt - August 13, 2018
Gave Edvwdug to Beck - September 16, 2018
First Ambassador visit to The Rosebloods - September 17, 2018
Gained Electric Elementals back - September 17, 2018
Briefly haunted by spirits pretending to be Vigenere and Atbash - October 12, 2018
OOC Prompt - October 29, 2018
Set fire to Snowbound - November 3, 2018
Promotion to Head Officer - November 7, 2018
Caused a scene over Bakugou's promotion to Quartermaster - November 7, 2018
OOC Prompt - November 10, 2018
Challenges Bakugou for his position of Quartermaster - November 10, 2018
Attempts to attack Pincher - November 10, 2018
Attempted to attack Stella - November 12, 2018
Exiled from The Typhoon - November 13, 2018
Joining The Pitt - November 13, 2018
OOC Prompt - November 23, 2018
OOC Prompt - December 15, 2018

Angriest Character of The Typhoon - June/July 2018 Choice Awards
Most Saltiest Character in The Typhoon (with Coldblue) - June/July 2018 Choice Awards
Best Crackship of The Typhoon (with Roxanne) - June/July 2018 Choice Awards
Most Likely to Cause Mutiny in The Typhoon - June/July 2018 Choice Awards
Most Likely to be on the FBI's Most Wanted List in The Typhoon - June/July 2018 Choice Awards
Angriest Character of The Typhoon (with Bakugou) - September 2018 Choice Awards

TV Tropes:
Above Good And Evil, Achilles's Heel, Acid-Trip Dimension, Adorkable, The Ageless, All There In The Manuel, Authority Equals Asskicking, Ax-Crazy, Big Boss, Badass in Charge, Bait the Dog, Berserk Button, Bitch in Sheep's Clothing, Card-Carrying Villain, Cloud Cuckcoolander, Consummate Liar, Deal with the Devil, Demonic Possession, Discard and Draw, The Dreaded, Dream Weaver, Reality Warper, The End of The World As We Know It, Evil Cannot Comprehend Good, Evil Genius, Evil Has A Bad Sense of Humor, Evil Is Hammy, Evil Is Petty, Evil Plans, Exact Words, False Friend, Fatal Flaw, Faux Affably Evil, Flaw Exposition, Freudian Excuse, From Nobody to Nightmare, Grand Theft Me, Great Gazoo, Hell on Earth, High-Pressured Emotions, Hoist By His Own Petard, Hypocrite, Ignored Epiphany, I Just Want To Be Free, I Let You Win, Immortals Fear Death, Insult Backfire, Jerkass, Jerkass Genie, Lack of Empathy, Laughably Evil, Laughing Mad, Logical Weakness, Louis Cypher, The Mad Hatter, Manipulative Bastard, My God What Have I Done?, Necessary Drawback, Never My Fault, Not So Well-Intentioned Extremist, Omnicidal Maniac, The Omniscient, Perpetual Smiler, Playing with Fire, Psychopathic Manchild, Sadist, Sataniv Archetype, Self-Made Orphan, Sense Freak, Slasher Smile, Smug Snake, Smug Super, The Sociopath, Stepford Smiler, Surreal Horror, Take Over the World, Time Abyss, Too Kinky to Torture, The Unfettered, Ungrateful Bastard, Villainous Breakdown, Villain Wants Mercy, Where I Was Born and Razed, Would Hurt A Child, You Wouldn't Like Me When I'm Angry, Ancient Evil, Break Them By Talking, Evil Laugh, The Muse, Must Be Invited, My Parents Are Dead, No Nonsense Villain, You're Insane!, Corporal Punishment, Evil Overlord, Deceased Parents Are The Best, Never My Fault, Attention Whore, Believing Their Own Lies, The Berserker, Blood Knight, Blood Lust, Can't Take Criticism, Chronic Backstabbing Disorder, Combat Sadomasochist, Control Freak, The Corruptor, Dirty Coward, Domestic Abuse, Drunk with Power, Entitled Bastard, The Fundamentalist, Hates Everybody Equally, In Harm's Way, Mood-Swinger, Narcissist, No Sympathy, Pride, The Primadonna, Slimeball, Small Name Big Ego, The Social Darwinist, Stopped Caring, Straw Nihilist, The Unapologetic, Wild Card, Would Harm A Senior, Would Hit A Woman, Complete Monster, Evil Feels Good, I Control My Minions Through..., It's All About Me, Kick the Dog, Moral Event Horizon, Murder is the Best Solution, Obviously Evil, Put the "Laughter" in "Slaughter", Revenge Through Corruption, You Have Outlived Your Usefulness, Abusive Parent, The Bully, Comedic Sociopath, Dystopia Justifies the Means, Hope Crusher, Loves the Sound of Screaming, Torture for Fun and Information, Troll, Evil Gloating, Hate Sink, Brutal Honesty, The Brute, The Gadfly, Irrational Hatred, It Amused Me!, Jerkass Has A Point, Kick Them While They're Down, Tough Love, All Take And No Give, Parental Favoritism, Appeal to Force, Don't Make Me Destroy You, The Easy Way or the Hard Way, Give Me A Reason, I'll Kill You!, I'm Your Worst Nightmare, Make An Example Out of Them, An Offer You Can't Refuse, Scare 'Em Straight, Condescending Compassion, HAHAHA-no, You Have Failed Me, Activist Fundamentalist Antics, Bloodbath Villain Origin, Bright is Not Good, The Chessmaster, For the Evulz, A God Am I, Used to Be a Sweet Kid, Who's Laughing Now?, All Take And No Give, Con Man, Despotism Justifies the Means, Greed, Self-Serving Memory, What Have You Done For Me Lately?, Fame Through Infamy, Never Accepted in His Hometown, Sibling Rivalry, Evil Twin, Sibling Seniority Squabble

Re: I FEEL THE CHEMICALS KICKING IN || Maple's Storage - MysteriouslyMaple - 05-03-2018

FULL NAME Atbash Cipher
NICKNAMES Bash (by Izuku and Cry)
Powder Puff (by Stryker)
Attabash (by Coriander)
CLAN/GROUP[b] The Ascendants
—ranking Lunar Lieutenant [HP]
—former ranks Warrior of Snowbound (promoted to Flurryhost)
Flurryhost [sHP] of Snowbound (promoted to Articplayer)
Arcticplayer [HP] of Snowbound (stepped up to Chief)
Chief (leader) of Snowbound (named changed to Hailcaller)
Hailcaller (leader) of Snowbound (Snowbound was destroyed/deboarded)
Observer of The Ascendants (promoted to Starstruck Guardian)
Starstruck Guardian [sHP] of The Ascendants (promoted to Lunar Lieutenant)
—titles Snowflake of Snowbound (awarded to those who show promise)
—mental age 4 years
—aging ratio 1 year every September 10
—zodiac sign virgo
GENDER female
—pronouns she/her
is a dream demon
used to have a pastel teddy bear in her room in Snowbound (given to her by Izuku; destroyed in the fire)
used to have a hibiscus flower in her room in Snowbound (given to her by Izuku; destroyed in the fire)
wears a purple bracelet on her right leg (given to her by Wendell)
has a moon pendant (given to her by Izuku) that glows in the dark. on this pendant, there is also a charm of a duckling, signifying the title she earned in Snowbound, that she keeps in a drawer in her room.
health status -[90%]
SPECIES[b] domestic cat
—breed F1 Savannah
[b]DESCRIPTION[b] a long-bodied F1 Savannah with an orange-tinted pelt and a short tail. she has black paws, ears, and tail tip, along with spots that litter her body. her left ear tip is burned off, and she has a triangle brand on her shoulder. on her right leg, she wears a purple bracelet that was given to her by wendell. she only has one black eye, as the other was removed by stryker. the left side of her face has deep claw marks from where stryker had ripped out her eye.
—smells like lavender
—injuries n/a
[b]BODY LANGUAGE[b] sort of tense; she always seems like she's looking out for something.
—posture normal
INFP ("The Mediator") - Neutral Good - Ravenclaw
alert - balanced - caring - compassionate
soft - hesitant - cheerful - focused
gentle - friendly - generous - good-natured
ORIENTATION[b] homosexual and homoromantic
[b]STATUS[b] single
—crush n/a
—friends cry, harrison, jacob, lucifer, gwen, izuku, dimitri
—family vigenere cipher (brother), caesar cipher (brother), horizon cipher (nephew), gordon cipher (niece), aphra cipher (niece), billiam cipher (nephew), cleo cipher-roux (grandneice), katherine cipher-roux (grandneice), silus cipher-roux (grandson), sylvina cipher-roux (grandniece), coriander (adopted son)
—enemies caesar, stryker
won't start fights - fights back - will try to end fights - won't kill
—platonic relationships easy to make friends with; she's very caring and understanding
—romantic relationships has an extremely hard time getting to actually "like" anybody, mostly because she's somewhat guarded in this sense
—rivalries hard to become an enemy
—physical difficulty easy
—mental difficulty easy
attack in BOLD ORANGE

Joining Thread - May 3, 2018
Tags - Updated November 25, 2018
Marking Ceremony - May 6, 2018
Weekly Prompt - May 10, 2018
Promotion to Flurryhost/Title of Duckling - May 11, 2018
Clanwide Prompt - May 22, 2018
Panic attack over seeing Caesar - May 29, 2018
tumblr - Created on June 14, 2018
Gifts from Izuku - June 15, 2018
Attacked by Caesar - June 19, 2018
Nightmare about drowning - June 24, 2018
Promotion to Articplayer - June 25, 2018
Character Study - Updated November 25, 2018
OOC Promotion to Chief - July 5, 2018
ICly stepping up - July 5, 2018
Changed ranks in Snowbound - July 11, 2018
Saw Vigenere for the first time since joining Snowbound - July 23, 2018
Got attacked by Caesar for the second time - July 23, 2018
Recovering from Caesar's second attack - July 24, 2018
August Character Development Challenge Tracker - August 1, 2018
Full recovery from Caesar's second attack - August 5, 2018
Given the bracelet she currently wears by Wendell - August 9, 2018
Dimitri tries asking her out - August 9, 2018
Rejects Dimitri - August 11, 2018
Injury from Stryker - August 13, 2018
Snowbound gets taken over - August 13, 2018
Loses her left eye to Stryker - August 14, 2018
Healing from Stryker's attack - August 15, 2018
Trying to walk after Stryker’s attack - August 20, 2018
Snowbound rebels against The Pitt/Stryker - September 3, 2018
Fully recovered from Stryker's injury - September 12, 2018
October Character Development Challenge Tracker - October 2, 2018
Saw ghosts for the first time (Halloween Event 2018) - October 7, 2018
Snowbound's camp and territory destroyed - November 3, 2018
Joining The Ascendants - November 3, 2018
Talking to Pincher post-fire - November 3, 2018
Settled in The Ascendants - November 8, 2018
Adopted Coriander - November 14, 2018
First Ambassador visit to Tanglewood - November 16, 2018
Promotion to Starstruck Guardian - November 18, 2018
Promotion to Lunar Lieutenant - November 25, 2018

Favorite Overall Character of Snowbound (with Izuku) - August 2018 Choice Awards
Favorite Oldie of Snowbound (with Izuku) - August 2018 Choice Awards
Favorite Personality of Snowbound (with Cry, Izuku, and Tsuyu) - August 2018 Choice Awards
Resident Ball of Angst of Snowbound (with Izuku) - August 2018 Choice Awards
Favorite Relationship of Snowbound (with Izuku & Aizawa and Dimitri) - August 2018 Choice Awards
The Second Titanic of Snowbound (with Dimitri) - August 2018 Choice Awards
Ship Taking Too Long of Snowbound (with Cry) - August 2018 Choice Awards
Most Likely to be Arrested For Putting Water in a Cup of Snowbound - August 2018 Choice Awards
Sea Shell Collector of Snowbound - August 2018 Choice Awards
Most Likely to be Hit With a Beach Ball (with Henri, Kirishima, and Toshinori) - August 2018 Choice Awards
Most Likely to Drown in an Inch of Water - August 2018 Choice Awards

TV Tropes:
Hates Being Alone, Horrible Judge of Character, In Love With Love, Looking for Love in All the Wrong Places, Weak-Willed, Sibling Seniority Squabble, Because You Were Nice to Me, Desperately Craves Affection, Conflicting Loyalty, The Ditherer, Heel Realization, The Quiet One, Good is Not Dumb, For Happiness, Wouldn't Hurt A Child, Neutral Good

Re: I FEEL THE CHEMICALS KICKING IN || Maple's Storage - MysteriouslyMaple - 05-03-2018

FULL NAME Vigenere Cipher
NICKNAMES Vinny (by Valo-kas and Friday)
Vig (by Beck and Morgan)
Vinegar (by Valo-kas)
Viggy (by Iota)
My Vigenere (by Morgan)
Veeg (by Malphas)
Vee (by Morgan)
Cap (by Leroy)
CLAN/GROUP[b] Tanglewood
—ranking Captain of the Guard [HP]
—former ranks Rogue of Tanglewood (promoted to Chaser)
Chaser of Tanglewood (promoted to Firebrand)
Firebrand (promoted to Proxy)
Proxy (promoted to Regent) [rank has since be changed to Guardsman]
Regent (rank changed to Captain of the Guard)
—titles Gatorbait, Good Noodle
6 years
—mental age 6 years
—aging ratio 1 year every September 10
—zodiac sign virgo
—pronouns he/him
is a dream demon
has reinforced claws, given to him by Fenrisulfr, which he uses for combat.
wears a mask during battle, given to him during the Mask Vigil.
has a tulip in his room, given to him by Morgan
health status -[100%]
SPECIES[b] domestic cat
—breed F1 Savannah
[b]DESCRIPTION[b] a long-bodied F1 Savannah with an yellow pelt. Hee has black paws, ears, and tail tip, along with spots that litter his body. He also has black eyes. His left ear has a hole in it, and his right ear is torn. He has a scar on his lip and on his shoulder.
—smells like the swamp, burning sulfur, smoke
—scars one on his lip and one on his shoulder (both from a war)
—injuries n/a
[b]BODY LANGUAGE[b] tense; he always seems like he's looking out for something.
—posture bad; he sits slouched constantly
INTJ ("The Architect") - Lawful Neutral - Ravenclaw
adaptable - calculating - calm - challenging
clever - critical - courageous - blunt
compulsive - narrow-minded - opinionated - strong-willed
ORIENTATION[b] bisexual and biromantic
[b]STATUS[b] taken
—crush Morgan
—friends Fenrisulfr, Morgan, Amunet, Zimavich, Whisper, Killian
—family atbash cipher (sister), caesar cipher (brother), horizon cipher (nephew), gordon cipher (niece), aphra cipher (niece), billiam cipher (nephew), katherine cipher-roux (grandniece), nyssa roux-cipher (grandniece), silus cipher-roux (grandnephew), sylvina cipher-roux (grandniece), coriander (adoptive nephew)
—enemies caesar
may start fights - fights back - will try to end fights - may kill in defense
—platonic relationships he's very guarded and finds it hard to make friends (although this is his own fault)
—romantic relationships is very guarded and finds it hard to get into romantic relationships
—rivalries easy to become an enemy
—physical difficulty medium
—mental difficulty  medium
attack in BOLD #999900

Joining Thread - May 4, 2018
Tags - Updated November 26, 2018
Gift from Fenrisulfr - May 27, 2018
Promotion to Chaser - June 3, 2018
Oneshot/Prompt - June 7, 2018
Promotion to Firebrand - June 17, 2018
OOC Prompt - June 20, 2018
Spotted Caesar for the first time - June 21, 2018
Journey with Morgan - June 28, 2018
Promotion to Proxy/Title of Gatorbait - July 1, 2018
OOC Prompt - July 1, 2018
Character Study - Updated November 26, 2018
Gained Electric Elementals back - June 5, 2018
Promotion to Regent - July 14, 2018
Saw Atbash for the first time since joining Tanglewood - July 23, 2018
Learns about Caesar attacking Atbash for the first time - July 24, 2018
Morgan admits his feelings - July 26, 2018
Vigenere asks Morgan out - July 26, 2018
Morgan and Vigenere start dating - July  27, 2018
Receives the tulip from Morgan - July 30, 2018
Morgan and Vigenere return from their journey - August 8, 2018
Regent rank changed to Captain of the Guard - August 11, 2018
Received title of Good Noodle - August 18, 2018
Saw ghosts for the first time (Halloween Event 2018) - October 4, 2018
Saw Atbash's new scars for the first time - October 7, 2018
Saw Athena's spirit - October 8, 2018
Athena accepted his apology - October 11, 2018
November Character Development Challenge Tracker - November 1, 2018

TV Tropes: Never Accepted in His Hometown, Brilliant But Lazy, Bystander Syndrome, The Cynic, Don't You Dare Pity Me!, Deadpan Snarker, Hates Being Touched, I Work Alone, The Resenter, Bad Mood as an Excuse, Brutal Honesty, Good Is Not Nice, Jerkass Facade, Stepford Snarker, Sibling Rivalry, Stronger Sibling, Sibling Seniority Squabble, Nerves of Steel, The Stoic, Not So Stoic, The Hermit, True Neutral, Accentuate the Negative, At Least I Admit It, Lack of Empathy, No Honor Among Thieves,  No Sympathy, "The Reasons You Suck" Speech, Safety in Indifference, Took A Level in Cynic, They're Called Personal Issues For a Reason, Appeal to Inherent Nature, The Anticipator, I Did What I Had To Do, Know When to Fold 'Em, Must Make Amends, Bruiser with a Soft Center, Paper Tiger, Cornered Rattlesnake, Sour Inside Sad Outside, Heel Realization

Re: I FEEL THE CHEMICALS KICKING IN || Maple's Storage - CAESAR CIPHER. - 05-04-2018

Opinions & Choices IC | Bump private threads after 7 days | Updated 11/26/18

> "Officer" Caesar Cipher | Male (he/him)
> 6 years (40 human years) physically; 4 years mentally
> Dream Demon (Species), God of Chaos, King of Nightmares, Ruler of the Mind (Self-given titles)
> The Pitt | Dweller
> Former Typhoonite | Former Head Officer [HP]

> Single
> NPC xx NPC (first generation)
> Parents were demons from his Home Dimension; killed by himself
> ½ of Hensar (formerly crushing on Henri)
> Brother of Atbash and Vigenere
> Father of Horizon, Gordon & Billiam, and Aphra (Caesar xx NPC)
> Grandfather of Cleo, Silus, Kathrine, and Sylvina (Pincher Roux xx Aphra Cipher)
> Uncle of Coriander (adopted by Atbash Cipher)

> F1 Savannah; golden fur with black spots; black ears, paws, and tail tip; black lines across his forearms and black stripes on his tail. Black eyes. His left paw has a scar from being bitten by Zimavich, as well as having a huge scar on his side from where he had been bitten by Charlie. There is also a bite-wound scar on his right hind leg from Blue. His tail has a scar on it, from where Delta had bitten it off in his old main feline body. He also wears a black knife sheath, which holds the blade that Roxanne gave him. Finally, he has three scratch scars on his side, given to him by Delta of Snowbound. He also has a deep claw wound scar on his chest.
> Long-bodied, thin, and lithe

> Mongoose; short and stocky with golden fur. He has slightly darker stripes on his back, and black eyes. His left paw has a scar from being bitten by Zimavich, as well as having a huge scar on his side from where he had been bitten by Charlie. There is also a bite-wound scar on his right hind leg from Blue. His tail has a scar on it, from where Delta had bitten it off in his old main feline body. Finally, he has three scratch scars on his side, given to him by Delta of Snowbound. On his chest, there is a deep claw scar wound.

> Strawberry Tiger; large and muscular with black eyes. His left paw has a scar from being bitten by Zimavich, as well as having a huge scar on his side from where he had been bitten by Charlie. There is also a bite-wound scar on his right hind leg from Blue. His tail has a scar on it, from where Delta had bitten it off in his old main feline body. Finally, he has three scratch scars on his side, given to him by Delta of Snowbound. On his chest, there is a deep claw scar wound.

> Inspired by Bill Cipher from Gravity Falls; named after the caesar cipher used in real life and in the show
> Power-hungry and manipulative
> Easily pissed off
> Will fight and kill; usually the start of fights
> Enjoys tortures; masochistic and sadistic
- DISORDERS compulsive liar disorder, narcissistic personality disorder

> Physically easy, mentally medium
> Will start and try to stop fights / aggressive
> attack in BOLD YELLOW
> Wields a sickle in battle, as well as the knife Roxanne gave him.
- POWERS: Reincarnation, Possession, Fire Elementals, Electric Elementals, Mental Manipulation & Communication

Re: I FEEL THE CHEMICALS KICKING IN || Maple's Storage - ATBASH CIPHER. - 05-04-2018

Opinions & Choices IC | Bump private threads after 7 days | Updated 11/25/18

> Atbash Cipher | Female (she/her)
> 6 years (40 human years) physically; 4 years mentally
> Dream Demon
> The Ascendants | Lunar Lieutenant [HP]
> Ambassador to Tanglewood
> Former Snowbounder | Former Hailcaller [leader; HP] | Snowflake [former title]

> Single
> NPC xx NPC (first generation)
> Parents were demons from his Home Dimension; killed by Caesar
> Sister of Caesar and Vigenere
> ½ of Crybash (formerly crushing on Cry)
> ½ of Melbash (formerly crushing on Melantha)
> ½ of Abobash (formerly crushing on Abomy)
> Aunt of Horizon, Gordon and Billiam, and Aphra Cipher (Caesar Cipher xx NPC)
> Grandaunt of Cleo, Silus, Kathrine, and Sylvina Cipher-Roux (Aphra Cipher xx Pincher Roux)
> Adoptive mother of Coriander

> F1 Savannah; orange-ish fur with black spots and a short tail; black ears, paws, and tail tip. She wears a moon pendant (given to her by Izuku) that glows in the dark. On this pendant, she also wears a charm of a duckling, signifying the title she earned. Her left ear tip is charred off, and she has a triangle brand on her right shoulder. She also wears a purple bracelet on her right leg (given to her by Wendell). She only has one black eye, as the other one has been removed by Stryker. The left side of her face is scarred with deep claw marks from where Stryker removed her eye.

> Named after the atbash cipher used in real life and the show Gravity Falls
> Thoughtful and caring
> Cautious and quiet

> Physically easy, mentally easy
> Won't stop fights but will try to stop them through peaceful means / passive
> attack in BOLD ORANGE
- POWERS: Reincarnation, Conjuration, Mental Manipulation and Communication, Air Elementals, Water Elementals

Re: I FEEL THE CHEMICALS KICKING IN || Maple's Storage - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 05-04-2018

Opinions & Choices IC | Bump private threads after 7 days | Updated 11/26/18

> Vigenere Cipher | Male (he/him)
> 6 years (40 human years) physically; 6 years mentally
> Dream Demon
> Tanglewood | Captain of the Guard [HP] | Gatorbait, Good Noodle [titles]

> Taken
> NPC xx NPC (first generation)
> Parents were demons from his Home Dimension; killed by Caesar
> Brother of Caesar and Atbash
> ½ of Villian (Formerly rushing on Killian)
> ½ of Vorgan (Dating Morgan)
> Uncle of Horizon, Gordon & Billiam, and Aphra Cipher (Caesar Cipher xx NPC)
> Granduncle of Cleo, Silus, Kathrine, and Sylvina Cipher-Roux (Aphra Cipher xx Pincher Roux)
> Uncle of Coriander (adopted by Atbash Cipher)

> F1 Savannah; yellow fur with black spots and a short tail; black ears, paws, and tail tip; Black eyes. Left ear has a hole in it, right ear is torn. Scar on his face and shoulder.

> Named after the vigenere cipher used in real life and the show Gravity Falls
> Cautious and distrustful
> Quiet and calculating

> Physically medium, mentally medium
> May start fights but will definitely try to stop them / defensive
> attack in BOLD #999900
> Wears a mask during battle, given to him during the Mask Vigil.
- POWERS: Reincarnation, Mental Manipulation & Communication, Electric Elementals, Water Elementals

Re: I FEEL THE CHEMICALS KICKING IN || Maple's Storage - MysteriouslyMaple - 05-09-2018

FULL NAME Horizon Cipher
NICKNAMES Hor (by most characters)
Izo (by most characters)
CLAN/GROUP[b] The Rosebloods
—ranking Member
5 years
—mental age 5 years
—aging ratio 1 year every October 18
—zodiac sign libra
GENDER (trans)male
—pronouns he/him
has venomous fangs
health status -[100%]
SPECIES[b] Tasmanian Devil
[b]DESCRIPTION[b] a short and stocky Tasmanian Devil with red eyes and venomous fangs.
—smells like rabbitbrush (pineapple-like; foul and rubbery)
—injuries n/a
[b]BODY LANGUAGE[b] tense; he seems tense most of the time, as if he's on edge
—posture bad; he sits kind of slouched
ENTP ("The Debator") - Lawful Neutral - Ravenclaw
challenging - dramatic - hard-working - determined
religious - sarcastic - stubborn - argumentative
blunt - impulsive - hypocrite - meddlesome
ORIENTATION[b] bisexual and biromantic
[b]STATUS[b] single
—crush n/a
—friends n/a
—family caesar cipher (father), vigenere cipher (uncle), atbash cipher (aunt), gordon cipher (half-sister), aphra cipher (half-sister), billiam cipher (half-brother), silus cipher-roux (nephew), sylvina cipher-roux (niece), cleo cipher-roux (niece), nyssa cipher-roux (niece), coriander (cousin)
—enemies n/a
may start fights - fight back - will try to end fights - may kill
—platonic relationships sort of hard to get to along with, but he gets nicer when he gets to know somebody; he's bratty and argumentative so it may take a while to get used to him
—romantic relationships has an extremely hard time getting to actually "like" anybody, but will eventually become comfortable with somebody
—rivalries extremely easy to become their enemy
—physical difficulty easy
—mental difficulty easy
attack in BOLD RED

Joining Thread - August 12, 2018
Tags - Updated November 26, 2018
Character Study - Updated August 13, 2018

TV Tropes:
Characterization Marches On, Challenge Seeker, Dynamic Character, Everybody Has Standards, Misery Builds Character, OOC Is Serious Business, Outside-Context Problem, Work Hard Play Hard, Round Character, Had To Be Sharp, Humans Are Flawed, Loser Son Of A Loser Dad, Drama Queen, Rebellious Spirit, Color Blind Confusion, Brilliant But Lazy, Brutal Honesty, Deadpan Snarker, Honor Before Reason, Nobody Calls Me "Chicken", Bi The Way, Big Screwed Up Family, Dysfunctional Family, Friends Are Chosen Family Aren't, I Am Not My Father, Face Your Fears, Establishing Character Music, Teen Genius, If You Kill Him You'll Be Just Like Him, Forgiven But Not Forgotten, Get It Over With, Wise Beyond Their Years, Before I Change My Mind, Both Order And Chaos Are Dangerous, Can't Kill You Still Need You, Prove I Am Not Bluffing, Family Honor, Cruel Mercy, Agree To Disagree, Strike Me Down With All Your Hatred, Sympathy For The Devil, Character Signature Song, Signature Song, Defiant To The End, Motivated By Fear, Never Be Hurt Again, You're Not My Father, Lawful Neutral, Archnemesis Dad, Tangled Up Family, Like is Like A Comma, Backhanded Apology, Calling the Old Man Out, "The Reason You Suck" Speech, Trash Talk, Not Afraid of You Anymore, Code of Honor, Nominal Hero, The Fettered, Break Them By Talking, Abusive Parents, Desperately Looking For A Purpose in Life, Appease the Volcano God, Human Sacrifice, Mission From God, Revenge, He Who Fights Monsters, Awakening the Sleeping Giant, The Dog Bites Back, You Are What You Hate

Re: I FEEL THE CHEMICALS KICKING IN || Maple's Storage - MysteriouslyMaple - 05-10-2018

FULL NAME Gordon Cipher
NICKNAMES Gor (by most characters)
Gordy (by Suiteheart)
CLAN/GROUP[b] Sunhaven
—ranking Goldenblood [HP]
—title Impressionist
—former ranks Observer of The Ascendants (promoted to Starstruck Guardian)
Starstruck Guardian of The Ascendants (Stepped down to Observer)
Observer of The Ascendants (moved to Sunhaven)
Sunbearer of Sunhaven (promoted to Hearthkeeper)
Hearthkeeper (promoted to Dawnguard)
Dawnguard (promoted to Goldenblood)
2 years
—mental age 2 years
—aging ratio 1 year every August 16
—zodiac sign leo
GENDER female
—pronouns she/her
wears a red flower on her left ear
has a rose pendant crafted from a meteorite (meaning it is not colored as it is in the reference) in which she keeps in her room. The string of her pendant looks like this, and she has a purple bead, representing her former rank as an Observer, and a light blue bead, representing her former rank as Starstruck Guardian in The Ascendants.
health status -[100%]
SPECIES[b] domestic cat
—breed Abyssinian-Munchkin mix
[b]DESCRIPTION[b] a small and short-legged golden she-cat with a black stripe going down her back. she has green eyes and wears a red flower, which is pinned to her left ear. there is a long, curving scar that goes from her stomach to her side.
—smells like goldenrod
—injuries n/a
[b]BODY LANGUAGE[b] extremely tense; she's always on edge
—posture bad
ESFJ ("The Consul") - Neutral Good - Ravenclaw
alert - trait - caring - compassionate
emotional - hesitant - soft - cautious
gentle - friendly - generous - good-natured
ORIENTATION[b] asexual and panromantic
[b]STATUS[b] single
—crush n/a
—friends n/a
—family caesar cipher (father), vigenere cipher (uncle), atbash cipher (aunt) horizon cipher (half-brother),aphra cipher (half-sister), billiam cipher (brother), nyssa cipher-roux (niece), silus cipher-roux (nephew), kathrine cipher-roux (niece), sylvina cipher-roux (niece), coriander (cousin)
—enemies n/a
won't start fights - won't fight back - will try to end fights through peaceful means- won't kill
—platonic relationships easy to make friends with; she's very caring and understanding
—romantic relationships extremely easy to form romantic feelings, but may be afraid to come out and say them
—rivalries hard to become an enemy
—physical difficulty extremely easy
—mental difficulty extremely easy

Joining Thread (The Ascendants) - May 29, 2018
Tags - Updated September 26, 2018
Received her Pendant - June 3, 2018
Billiam joined The Ascendants - June 5, 2018
Return to activity - June 19, 2018
Character Study - Updated November 13, 2018
Promotion to Starstruck Guardian - July 2, 2018
Caught in a snare/OOC Prompt - July 4, 2018
OOC Step down from Starstruck Guardian - July 15, 2018
Joining Thread (Sunhaven) - August 12, 2018
Joining a Guild - August 15, 2018
Promotion to Hearthkeeper -August 19, 2018
Promotion to Dawnguard - August 26, 2018
Promotion to Goldenblood - September 22, 2018
Seeing ghosts for the first time (Halloween Event 2018) - October 4, 2018
Panic attack over seeing Vigenere - October 25, 2018
Sunhaven has a flash flood - November 11, 2018
Gordon almost drowns/blacks out under the water - November 13, 2018

TV Tropes:
Pacifist, Actual Pacifist, In Harmony with Nature, Cuddle Bug, Dark and Troubled Past, Abusive Parent, Bad Dreams, It's All My Fault, Guilt Complex, Apologizes a Lot, Desperately Craves Affection, The Ditherer, Fragile Flower, Nervous Wreck, Big Screwed-Up Family, Dysfunctional Family, Brother-Sister Team, Don't Split Us Up, Finishing Each Other's Sentences, Single-minded Twins, Twin Telepathy, Speech Impediment, The Quiet One, Shrinking Violet, Cowardly Lion, Lovable Coward, Properly Paranoid, Tears of Fear, Asexuality, Forgiveness, The Golden Rule

Re: I FEEL THE CHEMICALS KICKING IN || Maple's Storage - MysteriouslyMaple - 05-11-2018

"You never followed me. After everything we've been through, you just let me walk away. Why?"

Caesar's words cut straight through Atbash. His words were cold, accusing, and oddly enough, hurt. He was upset, which surprised Atbash. She thought he didn't care anymore, that he was just done being with his family. He had lost his mind and he no longer wanted to try to get better. Atbash lowered her head, frowning at her younger brother. She didn't have an answer. She couldn't find an answer. Caesar only stared back at her, his lips curled in a snarl. I'm sorry. Atbash thought to herself, mentally shaking her head. I want to say something but I can't. Her body wouldn't cooperate with her mind. She shook, fighting back tears. She wanted to explain why, she wanted to talk to him, but her body wouldn't let her.

"Answer me!" Caesar hissed, taking a step forward. Atbash flinched, biting her lip. She looked up at Caesar's eyes, catching the look of anger and betrayal on his face. He was angry at her. For what, not answering his question? Why couldn't he see that she was trying? She wanted to, oh so badly, but she just couldn't. Atbash shook her head in response, which only earned a growl from Caesar. "I said answer me!" He snarled, rushing forward and knocking Atbash to the ground. The air was knocked out of her for a brief moment, and once again, she only stared up at Caesar. Her brother raised a paw, claws unsheathed, and she flinched again. He made a movement to strike down, but stopped as Atbash cried out, "I can't!"

Atbash closed her eyes, preparing for Caesar's claws to rake across her. But that feeling never came, and she slowly opened her eyes to see him peering down at her. He seemed to calm down a bit, alarmed at how Atbash answered him. He slowly lowered his paw, frowning.
"I can't, Caesar." Atbash choked out, taking a deep breath. She shook her head before she continued, "I can't answer you, Caesar, I just can't." She cried. There was just no way her body would allow her to do so... Talking right now even hurt. Was it because she was afraid of him, or afraid of what she was going to say? Atbash knew what she wanted to say; she wanted to tell Caesar that she let him walk away because she was ashamed of who he was. She was afraid he would turn on her. He was a monster. Caesar was no longer the brother she knew and loved. He was a murderer, a liar, a manipulator. He manipulated people to get what he wanted, or killed them in the process. Atbash didn't want to associate with that, she didn't want to be around that, period. She couldn't be around that, she couldn't support him if that's what he wanted to do with his life.

So was she afraid to tell him because of his reaction? Yes, for multiple reasons. There were two possible outcomes to that: either Caesar will kill her on the spot, or just injure her, leaving her to die. Atbash was so far from Snowbound, she wasn't sure if she could make her way back to the tundra, nor was she sure somebody would come out looking for her. Caesar was cruel and merciless, and she knew that saying something that would piss him off wasn't the best idea. And no matter how much she wanted to tell him how she felt, she couldn't. She wasn't Vigenere. She wasn't unafraid of Caesar, even if she didn't want to believe the powers he had.

Atbash was too in her thoughts to notice Caesar leaving. The demon let out a snort and a growl before he stalked off, the fur on his shoulder rippling. He wasn't happy with the answer she gave him, but at least it got her to the point where she lived. Atbash shakily rose to her paws and watched Caesar run off, frowning. I wish I could tell you. But he's gotten to the point where every word seemed to set him off and Atbash wanted to keep what little bond they had, in addition to not wanting to be slaughtered. She believed there was still a good person in Caesar, he was just pushing that person away, because he believed putting on a tough front would get him anywhere. And maybe it would, she didn't know. All she knew was that she was ashamed of who he became.