Beasts of Beyond
WE CANNOT ESCAPE THE PAST ☆ pet - Printable Version

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WE CANNOT ESCAPE THE PAST ☆ pet - hushsound. - 11-23-2019

"Link... it's time to wake up."
There were many different people in Hush's past lives that he missed, even if he couldn't remember them all completely clearly. Zelda, Midna, Sidon, Tatl, The King, everyone in Termina and at the island... but if there was one person that he missed more than anything else, it was Navi. Sure, Navi hadn't been present in every incarnation he had gone through, but the fairy had been there for many, and Hush often thought back to when he had just thought he was a lonely Kokiri, stunned when he had finally gotten his fairy. Ever since that moment, the two of them were inseparable, and they worked together perfectly, with Hush – Link, at the time – taking on the enemies, and Navi helping him take them down by offering him advice. She had been an invaluable part of his life, and now that he was without her, he occasionally found himself missing her company, wondering if the fairy was somewhere in this world, along with this world's incarnation of Zelda. He didn't often dwell on missing his little fairy friend, however, because it would usually just end with him being depressed, cooped up his room reminiscing about the past and not doing anything. It wouldn't end until Kilius or someone else came in to finally break him of it, cheering him up and getting his mind on different things.

Still, ever since he had arrived here, he had missed his little fluttering companion, and sometimes the male found himself keeping an eye out for if she would ever return. As a result, he often ended up even more hypervigilant than his usual observant self. Hushsound – currently in his newly acquired wolf body – had been trotting through the wilds around Typhoon territory, out for a hunting trip, when his keenly observant eyes narrowed in on something unusual – a hummingbird. A hummingbird on it's own wouldn't be too unusual, but this hummingbird was laying between the trees, seeming lethargic and exhausted. Even as Hush approached it, huge wolf body and sharp fangs and all, the bird just gave a few weak flaps of its tiny wings, jittering only slightly from its position. It reminded him a lot of Navi, considering both fairies and hummingbirds were constantly fluttering their wings, their tiny bodies darting from side to side. Immediately Hush made the decision to take the struggling bird with him, carefully pawing it up onto his back with a little bit of effort. After all, there was no way he was going to pick it up in his mouth and risk hurting it on top of it's strange lethargy.

Hushsound returned to camp soon after this, the tiny hummingbird resting between his shoulder blades as he trotted up to the tavern, gently resting the creature on the ground to the side of the entrance. He observed it for a moment, just watching as it looked up at him, blinked tiny eyes wearily, before letting its head fall back down, clearly still feeling tired and sick. Frowning, Hush gently nosed at it before he mumbled softly, mostly to himself, "Don't worry... I'll help you, Navi." Although he had never exactly taken in a sick hummingbird before, Hush was fairly sure he had some idea of what to do, but it would mean he would have to actually... talk. Out loud. It was something he didn't enjoy doing, but had been doing more and more often lately, so he supposed it wasn't the end of the world. Taking a deep breath to brace himself, the wolf cleared his throat before barking to those around him, one paw protectively stood in front of Navi to keep anyone from stepping on the tiny bird, "Hey! Uhm... does anybody have some sugar? Or maybe some honey, or something? S-Something to feed to a hummingbird!" He really hoped someone could help, since it wasn't as if he kept honey or sugar stashed away I'm his room, not exactly needing them very often.
tags - penned by @stilly
[color=transparent]template by orion

Re: WE CANNOT ESCAPE THE PAST ☆ pet - bubblegum - 11-28-2019

Re: WE CANNOT ESCAPE THE PAST ☆ pet - hushsound. - 11-29-2019

"Link... it's time to wake up."
Of all the people to emerge from the tavern, Hushsound was actually very glad when he saw that it was Goldie. She always seemed to be helping him in some way, and her more presence was comforting to the male, which was helpful after speaking up so loudly in front of the tavern – a building he saw both as a motivational roadblock and an anxiety producer simultaneously. He was also immensely glad when he heard her words, very pleased to hear that there hadn't been too much fuss over fulfilling his rather strange request. When Goldie placed the cup down, Hush carefully maneuvered his new companion up onto the table, the little hummingbird seeming to hesitate before scrambling up to begin their odd little method of half packing and half sipping. Hush felt a grin come to his face as he watched this, very glad that at the very least the little bird was willing to eat, and want so sick or exhausted that she – he thought it was a she, but he couldn't really tell what the differences between the male and female hummingbirds was – wasn't able to eat at all. The bird's wings fluttered quickly behind her as she went deeper into the cup, enjoying the sweet taste of the nectar.

Once Hush knew that his new little pet was alright, he turned to Goldie, offering her a toothy smile as his tail wagged from side to side behind him – a habit that had become far more prominent ever since he had acquired his canine form. Sitting back, Hush rose his paws so that he could begin to sign, falling silent again since he didn't need anything urgently, "Thank you for the nectar. It seems to be helping... I decided to name them Navi, after an old friend of mine I miss. She was small, like a hummingbird." He felt a bit silly, giving an explanation for the odd name he had given to the hummingbird, but he thought it would be a bit odd to just say her name was Navi and leave it at that. From what he could gather, around here many different types of names were common, and it didn't even seem as though fairies existed – at least not as he knew them – so he felt the need to explain at least a little. Plus, he found that he just enjoyed "speaking" with Goldie, since she was so often very kind to him and doing things like this, such as back when he had gotten sick because of his allergy to corn. He was very grateful for her help, and found himself quite worried about what the Typhoon was gonna do without her for potentially months. He supposed it would depend on the cooperation of the Pitt, but after everything he had heard about them... he was trying not to set his hopes too high that it would be a quick and painless process.
tags - penned by @stilly
[color=transparent]template by orion

Re: WE CANNOT ESCAPE THE PAST ☆ pet - MERGED - 11-30-2019

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-family:verdana"]kili was not the biggest fan of pets. he just found it weird to have a pet when you could be a pet yourself. it just seemed weird to him. of course, hush was his boyfriend and he didn't want to say anything and upset the other, so he moved forward, moving to nudge his head against the male's shoulder. "how small is it?"

making a bad post bc i need to post tm

Re: WE CANNOT ESCAPE THE PAST ☆ pet - hushsound. - 12-02-2019

"Link... it's time to wake up."
The next to arrive was none other than Kilius, the Hero of the Wild's beloved canine boyfriend. Hush immediately felt a smile come on his muzzle as he felt Kilius's nudge against his shoulder, and he turned his head to gently touch his nose to the top of the other's head. Unaware of Kilius's thoughts on pets, Hush probably would've just shrugged and laughed it off had it really been brought up to him. After all, it wasn't as if he had always been an animal who could be kept as a pet. Hell, in most of his lives, he had been a Hylian, and had many pets and companions that had accompanied him on his journeys. He didn't think that it was that weird now, since it wasn't as if Navi was sentient like them, and he was pretty much just helping the little birdy out, not acting as if he owned her. Still, blissfully unaware of what Kilius thought, the mute male's tail wagged happily from side to side before he spoke in his raspy voice to his blind beloved, "Ah.. she's really small. Like, the size of my paw now, maybe even a little smaller... really fast, too." As if to demonstrate, Navi's wings have several more speedy flaps to keep herself out, the hummingbird tipping a bit at the edge of the nectar she was drinking from.
tags - penned by @stilly
[color=transparent]template by orion