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WHEN YOU REIGN IT DOWN LIGHTS COME - bubblegum - 11-21-2019

Re: WHEN YOU REIGN IT DOWN LIGHTS COME - hushsound. - 11-23-2019

"Link... it's time to wake up."
Hushsound, by contrast, liked to think that he was pretty consistent, without changing much over time. Of course, this was pretty wildly wrong, considering the fact that Hushsound was constantly changing from life to life, having gone through so many different incarnations he didn't even bother keeping track of them all anymore. In fact, it wasn't just from reincarnation that Hush became wildly different. As he had grown up from a kit in this world, he had become more and more adventurous and prideful, slowly growing into the legend that he knew he would one day have to uphold. He grew into the hero of the story – and one could argue that this wasn't the most positive thing, considering he still clung so stubbornly to the past that he couldn't change, even if it would've been good for him in the end. He tried to live like the hero he had been in the past, but it led to him making mistakes, being reckless, and possibly putting himself or others in danger in the process. It hadn't happened yet, but that didn't mean it wouldn't, and it was one of the many ways that the boy needed to grow before he could truly be considered as heroic as he wanted to be, despite technically being an "adult." He had so much growth to go through if he ever wanted to be like Goldie, someone who he had come to look up to. After all, she was about to liberate those of the Pitt, and truly be the hero in both her own story and the story of others. That was what he wanted to achieve so desperately, and she had it within her grasp... he found himself both immensely proud, and practically green with envy.

Unlike Goldie, Hush had never really had someone that he had accomplished everything for, so that they could be proud of him. Sure, perhaps there was Zelda, but really he helped her and saved the world because he wanted her and the world to be safe, not because he wanted to impress her. If there was truly anyone that he wanted to impress... well, it would sound odd, but he supposed that he really wanted to impress himself. After all, his previous incarnations had all been through so much in their long lives, and by comparison he felt like he just hadn't done enough yet. Certainly not enough to carry the title of the Hero of the Wilds upon his shoulders. He wanted to be able to look back through his long lineage and say that his life had truly been one step forward, instead of one massive downgraded step back. He barely knew his parents in this world, like he hadn't in so many other worlds, and thus that ambition was all he had. He didn't have a figure like Pincher in his life to motivate him, he only really had himself. Some might've thought was a sad existence, constantly trying to follow in the footsteps of those that had come before, but... he didn't see it that way. He saw it as an opportunity to carve out a path for himself that was different from every other Link, and to make them all proud that they had helped him along the way, like when Midna and Twilight had gifted him with a wolf body in his dreams. If he ever got it in reality, he would put it to good use, and make himself a mighty hero that they would think was worthy of the form, damn it, if it was the last thing he did.

As for Pincher Roux? Well, as Goldie had been thinking to herself, Hush was one of the many members that had never met the male, instead only hearing a myriad of stories about the former leader, from various sources. Usually some of the drunken older members at the tavern would sometimes tell stories – or rather go on rants – about Goldie's father, telling about his exploits as well as his stumbles. Hushsound often found himself rather fascinated, wondering if one day people would speak of Goldie in much the same way... that thought process always dampened his mood, however, because it would mean that Goldie would be gone, and he certainly didn't want that to happen. As time went on and Hush learned more and more about Pincher, he felt like he could see the resemblance between the version of the former leader in his head, and the tigress that currently led them. It was clear that she was a chip off the old block, if the stories were anything to be believed, save for maybe having a bit more caution in her decision making. He often found himself wondering if Goldie would've been charmed at the implication that she was just like her father, or irritated by it. Hush would never be insulted to be compared to any of his previous incarnations, but... he could also see how it would be annoying to have all of your accomplishments weighed against those of someone else, like you weren't truly your own person. Part of him wished that he had to face such a struggle, because it would mean that he had parents he truly knew and connected with, and wanted to make proud... that was yet another thought process that often made his heart sink, and ended with him going home to Kilius in order to wipe them away.

Hush knew quite well that the battle with The Pitt was fast approaching, and he had been preparing himself quite vigorously for it, constantly out training with his sword. He still found himself wishing often that he had some sort of powers like others did to assist him in battle, but he knew he could make do without them, just using his sword and his tiny and fast body. He knew larger creatures would have an advantage of strength on him, but he could use the leverage of his blade and his fast movement to even things out, despite the slight anxiety that gripped him at the thought of fighting large and powerful Pittians. Still, he would never just give up and end up staying at the ship while others went out and fought. It was a noble cause that they were fighting for, and what kind of hero would he be if he just sat around? It wasn't even like he was a healer of any sort, so he would really just be useless if he stayed. So, he pushed through any fear that he felt, vowing to go the distance and fight along everyone else when the day came. He wasn't sure what would happen after they won the battle,  but he also knew that was something only Goldie could really worry about, and none of them would be able to predict the actions of the group anyways. He could only hope that they wouldn't cause Goldie too much trouble, since he knew that the captain would be gone for as long as it took to straighten them out, and Hush didn't want her to be absent for weeks or even months because of the process. Granted, it could also go incredibly quickly, if all of them refused to surrender and the other groups were forced to wipe the Pitt off of the map.

Needless to say, Hush had been unaware of the tired weariness that had been effecting the captain as of late, mainly because he didn't often bother her. He knew that she had to be busy with group business often, and he didn't want to get in the way of anything. It just would've been... surprising, to hear that Goldie was capable of experiencing the same doubts and fears that the golden male currently felt as the day of the raid grew closer and closer. She always seemed so... infallible, and confident. He knew that leaders had to project an air of confidence in order to lead a group, but with Goldie it always seemed so deliberate and genuine, and it felt like she was never faking it as a result.

The small male couldn't truthfully remember where he was going when he had started trekking the halls near the captain's quarters. It wasn't exactly unusual for him to get lost, his old experience with labyrinthine dungeons not really helping him that much now. The Hero's pawsteps had been silent as he had traversed the wooden walls around him, his mouth opening to allow him to scent his way out. When he caught scent of Goldie, however, his interest was piqued at how fresh it was, and he found himself searching for her before long. The only sign of his coming was the soft clink of his blade against his side as he walked slowly, having never really been the talkative type who called out people's names, even while looking for them. Eventually he came upon where Goldie was currently drifting along, her eyes almost glazed over as she wandered much like he had, her one paw clenched protectively around a plush toy. His head tilted to one side when he saw the leopard, wondering what significance the figure had to the captain of the Typhoon. He didn't want to push her for information, however, so he just offered the tigress a smile as he encountered her, his tail flicking behind him. Not wanting to carve any words into the nice hard floors of the Halls, Hush instead raised his paws, signing out a bit sloppily as he wobbled on his back paws, "Hello, Goldie. Sorry if I'm intruding. I got a bit lost while exploring. Are you alright? You look a million miles away." After finishing his signing, he offered her a curiously concerned look, one of his ears flicking as he let his front paws rest back down against the firm ground, stabilizing himself once again.
tags - penned by @stilly
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