Beasts of Beyond
halls visitor [★] firefly - Printable Version

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halls visitor [★] firefly - breena - 11-21-2019

[align=center]— breena | halls of hiraeth arch-rouge | druid —
Strange.  The petite badger never considered she’d count herself among the unfamiliar groups of the land.  Her quiet, lonely life gradually seemed to be fading away.  Even as she found herself on the edge of a swamp, Breena wondered.  Was this her?  Truly?  The thought of anyone looking to her, following her, sending her, believing in her... Stars.

The arch-rouge took in a quiet breath.  The directions she asked for seemed to have led her to the right place.  The taste of a border in the air.  Tanglewood.  She missed the Hall’s less... Mushy ground.  Steadily more familiar faces.  Smiles.  Voices.  Breena enjoyed the peace and solitude of her traveling, but the unfamiliarity of the situation nagged at her ever spiraling mind.  What was I thinking?

A commitment to an action hardy dimmed the terror.  It’s just talking...

Re: halls visitor [★] firefly - wormwood. - 11-21-2019

i was born, on the highway, in a train wreck
with a heart, that was beating, out of my chest
The Halls of Hiraeth. It was a new group, and one that Aurum had actually heard of a couple of times now. Apparently they were very active, and were accumulating members at a seemingly rapid pace. It would be slightly concerning, but it also seemed as though, going by the rumors he had heard, that they weren't a violent group like The Pitt, despite having been founded by a former member of the warmongering group. That was reassuring, but Aurum was still cautious as he approached the strange scent that lingered at the border, clinging to the pelt of the badger standing there. Thankfully, it seemed as though she was being pretty cautious herself, and was simply sitting at the border, which indicated she was either a joiner, or was here for some other sort of business, and not to immediately attack anyone. Padding over, the angel sat back on his haunches before offering the girl a reassuring smile, rumbling from the back of his throat to the obviously nervous badger. "Hello there, miss. Can I help you out somehow? You're on the border of Tanglewood." He was trying his best to be calm and fairly friendly, since it was obvious that Breena was struggling with whatever task she had been assigned, her eyes seeming to gleam with anxiety. Aurum honestly just wanted to pat her on the head and comfort her.
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