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living breathing fear - power discovery - Printable Version

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living breathing fear - power discovery - fulzanin - 11-21-2019

ASLISK - wyvern - powers - halls of hiraeth - sentinel - hot shot

Tiring was it, recovering from severe burn wounds. The fire that had caused it felt like it had happened longer and longer a time ago. Perhaps it was time for her to light another fire, and continue working on fireproofing herself. Aslisk was a stubborn, stubborn wyvern. She refused to believe that her method of granting herself fire immunity was false. It had worked when she was younger, a mere hatchling. It had to work again now. She did not consider her change of form to be the cause of now being unable to be fireproof. Rather, she deemed it a fresh start. Yet the scar on her face was still there. Such confused her. How was this body a fresh slate if she still had that mark on her face? It wasn't a superbly deep cut, but it was certainly permanent. A somewhat open wound that did not scar, but did not bleed, but did not function as an open wound, but did not heal. The burn wounds were healing, though. Slowly. Barely any progress. The wyvern refused bed rest, constantly up and moving about. She refused to accept aid, even if it was food. She insisted that she could still hunt for herself. Aslisk could teleport, after all, as well as turn invisible. It wasn't hard to hunt when the prey couldn't see you, or when you could teleport right to them.

Using powers, healing, it was all exhausting. The wyvern was a nocturnal creature - or, at least, Aslisk was. She slept during the day and moved about at night. She had always done such a thing. Going to live at her wife's home planet had definitely mucked that up. It was a planet of eternal daylight. Nighttime was not a thing. Nighttime did not exist. The dark was scary and everything glowed and it hurt her eyes just thinking about it. The night was far better, and so Aslisk always tried to be awake when it rolled around. Perhaps it was to try and allude those that would try to help her. Perhaps it was because it was better on her eyes. Or, perhaps, it was because it was quieter and allowed for less interaction. Aslisk didn't ever try to hide her utter annoyance for practically every one and every thing. She also didn't hide her fiery attitude. Nearly everything made her angry. The texture of the grass to someone talking to her warranted an angry snarl curling past her sharp teeth. After her fire incident her anger had toned down, not having the energy due to the burns that covered her entire body. Too tired to be angry. Aslisk still tried, but her bared teeth and anger fueled expression would swiftly fall prey to exhaustion, and whatever she had been arguing about swiftly grew half hearted.

The wyvern had finished hunting, settling down outside. After all, it wasn't too cold out. Yet. She knew it would get cold soon, she knew how seasons worked. Her wife didn't. The planet was eternally sunny and summer. Exhaustion filled her, and she didn't want to walk or fly up to her room. Flying was already hard enough with the injuries, she did not need to factor exhaustion in as well. She figured she would be awake again before the sun came up, and she wouldn't be caught sleeping outside. Aslisk did slowly doze off, curled loosely around herself, wings covering her body as if the limbs would shield her from the sky. Of course her sleep couldn't be considered a peaceful - or perhaps humorous - sight. As the wyvern dozed, the spikes on her tail began heating. They were keratin, and therefore had not been burned by the fire that she had used to being the fireproofing process. She hadn't caused any fire, and so them being heated did not make sense. They glowed, sparking, the spikes themselves lighting themselves on fire. The wyvern, dozing, oblivious to how she didn't even have to be awake and she was lighting things on fire. The grass was smoldering and smoking from the nearby heat. Aslisk's spikes were not the only glowing, near burst-into-flames edge on her body. Her horns were doing the same thing, burning the grass that she was resting on. It was sheer exhaustion that allowed the wyvern to continue dozing despite the fire that, almost, was being set right next to her and - technically - by her own doing once again.

TAGS 11/19/19:

Re: living breathing fear - power discovery - redvox. - 11-21-2019

REDVOX "VINNY" ABRAMO - cis male - goat-bat hybrid - harbinger
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
Ever since Aslisk had set herself on fire, Vox had been keeping an eye on the wyvern from a distance, not wanting to deal with her pissy attitude but also not wanting her to rush off and set herself on fire again. He somewhat got the gyst of what she had been trying to do when she had set herself aflame, but that didn't mean he could really understand it. Trying to set herself on fire in order to fireproof herself? It seemed absolutely insane to the harbinger, and he still found himself repeating the events over and over again in his head, wondering how the hell he could've prevented it from happening. He doubted he could've really done anything to stop Aslisk from doing what she wanted, in all honesty, but he liked to think that he had some sort of control as the leader of the Halls. He was pretty damn glad that he had decided to ignore the female's protests when he had attempted to help her, heaving her onto his back and leading her back to the apartments where he had called wildly for anybody to help – mainly Roman, since he hadn't known of anyone else who could help the horribly burned wyvern... Bertille, they really, really needed some sort of cleric, and soon. It seemed like people were getting injured more and more often lately, whether out of their own stupidity or from outside sources, looking for trouble with the newly formed group. Vinny almost wished that they had a cleric right now while Aslisk was injured, so that the wyvern wouldn't fight too much against them thanks to her burn wounds.

Much like Aslisk, Vox was a nocturnal creature, his sleep schedule dictated by the bat side of his hybridization rather than his goat side. However, it was a coin toss whether or not Vinny actually bothered to follow his nature sleep schedule, since usually the rest of the group was more active during the day, and Vin needed to be around in order to approve things that couldn't just be approved by Bree or Roman. Still, today was one of the few days when Vox actually allowed himself to naturally fall asleep during the day, his chin resting against the floor of his room as he slept peacefully. His room had still not yet been cleared out of plants, but he had honestly given up on that particular venture, choosing instead to just let the plants act as natural fresh air while he slept. It wasn't too intrusive, save for the fact that he couldn't fit too much furniture inside the room because of the thick vines that covered half of the room. Granted, he couldn't bring much furniture up anyways, since it would've been a pain in the ass dragging much of anything up the many steps all the way to the top floor of the apartment building. The day slipped away as Vox dozed, finally taking some well deserved rest after several days of doing everything he could for the group. Vinny woke up when the sun was beginning to burn in the middle of the sky, and the hybrid decided he had gotten enough rest, stretching his awkward gangly body out before getting up to his wings and his hooves. He slowly pushed open the door of his apartment and stepped outside, beginning the long trek down the steps to the bottom floor, squeezing his fairly large body out one of the open windows of the sunken building. He smiled and took a deep breath when the fresh air hit his face, and he found himself trotting along, looking around curiously and saying hello to everyone that he encountered along the way. It was something he had made part of his daily routine, greeting everyone. He found that it made people more motivated. When he noticed that he didn't see Aslisk around, however, he frowned, a sigh leaving him. She really shouldn't have been up and about in her condition, so he searched around for her scent for a while before finding it, following it out into the trees.

When Vinny finally came upon the brightly colored burnt wyvern, his eyes immediately widened in fear when he smelled burning and saw bright flames dancing on the female's tail spikes and horns. He urgently sped up his gait, ready to start screaming bloody murder for Aslisk setting herself on fire again, but it seemed as though it wasn't needed. He screeched to a sudden halt when he realized that Aslisk was still asleep, blissfully unaware and uncaring of the flames that clung desperately to her various spikes parts. Vox found himself staring for a long moment, before he recalled the powers that had been used by the participants of the raid on the Pitt. This had to be something like that, but... all of those that had been involved in the battle had been intentionally summoning forth flames in order to hurt others that opposed them. Aslisk seemed to be completely unaware of what she was doing, and somehow that was even more concerning, because it meant that Aslisk didn't yet have control over this power, which could lead to yet another fire that would destroy their territory. Just the thought made a shiver run up the harbinger's spine, and his voice cracked slightly as he mumbles, "Aslisk... Aslisk, wake up. Wake up, you're on fire. Like you're really on fire right now, 'n' it's slightly concernin'... even though y'don't, uh, seem ta c-care?" He really needed Aslisk to wake up right now, since he didn't want to touch the wyvern's skin to wake her up, since he was sure he would be met with a screech of pain for doing such a thing.

Re: living breathing fear - power discovery - fulzanin - 11-23-2019

ASLISK - wyvern - powers - halls of hiraeth - sentinel - hot shot

The wyvern was, mostly, a still sleeper. Spare the rise and fall of her chest she stiffly dozed. Her body was equally rigid due to the burn wounds that covered her body. Even when asleep, she did not want to risk the wounds being irritated and growing worse. The flames that came from the spikes of her tail flickered, faint, but they certainly were not going away. If anything, they almost seemed to be growing slowly stronger and brighter and hotter. A mutter sounded from the wyvern as her name stirred her from her slumber. For a moment, the wyvern hoped that she was back home. The light was from the planet of eternal daylight, and it was Ichigo who was pestering her to wake up. Was that wrong? To wish that she was home where her wife and children were? The place where she felt safe, secure, and like she mostly belonged? It was such a comfortable place, even if the light constantly blinded her. Ichigo's home was a pain, but if the wife was happy then so was she.

Aslisk sharply huffed as the pestering continued. She was not a heavy sleeper. She did not dare to sleep deeply when something could go wrong on a moment's notice. Yes, it meant that rest did not help her much. It was fine. She could deal with being tired - if anything, it gave her hissy attitude more merit. "Holtukar los pikitityu," Aslisk grumbled. Her mind was not focused on the correct language to be using. Such made sense, her tongue reverting to the one that she knew the best. Drowsily the wyvern raised her head. She moved her wings to hoist her body up. As colder air moved across the webbing of her wings, crackles of flames began appearing on the edge of the webbing. More fire, burning and flickering like cracks against her already burnt skin. It was not hurting her any, but the wyvern certainly was not controlling such if she was too freshly awake to even control what language she was speaking in. Her head tipped upwards, taking note of how the sun was in the sky. So she'd overslept.

The wyvern had turned to begin snapping at the one who had awoken her, but then froze up when she saw the flames that flickered and burned from their source of her spikes. "What," she had begun to say, startled. Her words were cut off by the surge of panic that came forth. She didn't want to experience more burn wounds - this wasn't how becoming fireproof worked! In her panic she slammed her tail against the ground as if it would help her put out the flames. Her wings raised, they crackled and began burning harder with more oxygen being able to be added to the flames. When her spikes made contact with the ground, they fizzled and made small flames ignite. They died out swiftly, not able to spread - of course, that was with how fresh the flames were. They still burnt the grass, curling it, discoloring it. The dryness of the ground, had it not been chilly out, would have likely became swift fodder for the flames. "Nitis hasking piece of luslu [abbr=why am - I - on burning]kititru naiy yikyiktak?!" Aslisk shrieked. Startled she continued thwacking her tail against the ground, scorching it. There were embers due to the constant reapplication of heat, of flames to the ground. "Why in the name of lusluing Nitis did you light me on fire you hask?!" That was her only explanation for why she was flaming, why she was on fire when she certainly had not been so when she had fallen asleep.

She began to pin the blame, frightened, until she realized that the flames weren't hurting her any. She stopped her sporadic movements, tail lifted, watching the flames flicker from her spikes. The warmth was uncomfortable to her burn wounds. Aslisk decided she could handle such a pale pain. Her grin turned cheeky, red gaze leaving her flaming tail to instead look at the Harbringer that had seemed spooked and terrified of her flaming body. "I told you I was fireproof and that lighting myself on fire would work. Entirely intentional," Aslisk breezily said. Her bewildered and panicked demeanor prior said otherwise. Swiftly the wyvern tried to cover up her lapse of a cool, collected, and fury fueled mannerisms. Her story changed quickly, from pinning the blame of fire on Redvox to be of her own doing. Her tail turned, curling, watching the flames grow more intense as the limb moved and accessed more oxygen to burn. The flames that came from her wings were the freshest, and weakest, but still added to the intensity of the heat that came from the burning wyvern.

TAGS 11/19/19:

Re: living breathing fear - power discovery - redvox. - 11-24-2019

REDVOX "VINNY" ABRAMO - cis male - goat-bat hybrid - harbinger
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
If Redvox had known what the currently quite burned sentinel was thinking as she was woken up from her slumber, he probably wouldn't have blamed her. He couldn't blame anyone from dreaming of or hoping for a return to their old home. That would've been hypocritical of him, especially since when he had been living in the Pitt, he had often dreamed or wished that he could return back to the old days of the Halls. He supposed he had finally gotten his wish after all this time, but it was doubtful that Aslisk would ever be able to get hers, at least with any sort of ease. Vinny had only the most bare minimum understanding of where Aslisk had come from, and it didn't seem as though anybody – including Aslisk herself – knew how the wyvern had ended up here, so it seemed unlikely that they would be able to figure out some way back. Still, this wasn't really the time for dreaming or thinking about other things, since Vox's eyes were still wide and panicked as he continued to mumble Aslisk's name, urging her to rouse from her still but light sleep. Thankfully it didn't seem to take long for her to wake up, but when she did, Redvox immediately found himself scrambling backward, his large ears pinning down in faint fear as flames began to crackle along Aslisk's wings, words that made no sense stumbling out of her mouth almost drunkenly. She was clearly still pretty groggy, given the way she wasn't speaking the common language, as well as the fact that she hadn't seemed to noticed what was going on yet. Her eyes dragged lazily over the sun in the sky above, and Vox opened his mouth to shout again, trying to get her to realize that hey, you're on fucking fire.

Thankfully, it seemed as though any further shouting was unnecessary, as the wyvern looked down, still groggy. She seemed to simply stare at the flames for a moment, before her eyes widened to a similar state as Vox's, just the faintest pit of panic and confusion entering her voice as she began to thrash around. The harbinger backed up further at this, yelping in a spike of anxiety as he watched her flail her various limbs around, terrified that she was going to set their territory ablaze once again, "A-Aslisk, stop! Thrashin' isn't gonna do anything ta stop it! Ain't y'ever heard of stop, drop 'n' roll?" His voice was frantic, mainly due to the fact that his bright green eyes were glued to the ground that her flaming tail was colliding with, watching as the dry grass caught on fire before it was snuffed out. The only saving grace was the fast approach of winter, which effectively shut down most of the fire until it rose to be too much of a concern. Still, without too much fresh snow on the ground to truly act as a solid barrier, Vox found himself quickly using his large wings to flatten and extinguish any flames that didn't immediately go out, his pyrophobia losing out to his desire to protect his group and territory. He really did wonder if at some point he would have to host a fire safety class, even if it only ended up being for Aslisk in the end. It wasn't lost on him that the flames on her body didn't seem to be going out at all, and he felt concern pass over him in a cold wave as he turned back to face her, his muzzle opening to question how the hell this had happened, when suddenly he found that she was accusing him of lighting her ablaze while she was sleeping. Eyes going almost comically wide, Vinny first felt a wave of utter bafflement, before it was quickly replaced with anger and astonishment, admonishing the sentinel immediately, "Me? What th'hell are you talking about?! I didn't set ya on fire, y'idiot! I was just walkin' and I found you like this! If I had set you on fire, why th'fuck would I bother wakin' you up?!" His voice was utterly incredulous as he faced her, his former concern for the female now replaced with contempt, thanks to the fact that she was making baseless accusations.

Even though the red hot fire of his own anger, it still wasn't lost on Vox that Aslisk didn't seem to be experiencing anything more than mild inconvenience due to the flames clinging to her body. Still, when she finally stopped randomly flailing her flaming limbs around, Vox felt such grand relief that he nearly collapsed to the ground, glad to see that nothing else had been lit on fire. His relief was short lived, however, when he saw the very smug and self assured smirk that was now lingering on Aslisk's mug, seeming quite pleased with herself for the fact that she wasn't burning properly. When Vox heard her words, the gat snorted from the back of his throat, shaking his head and saying with a soft snap of his sharp bat fangs, "Oh yes, this was totally of your own doin'! That's why y'were just shoutin' bloody murder 'n' accusin' me of setting ya on fire! This obviously wasn't intentional, Aslisk. It's just... some kinda coincidence that y'ended up fireproof." At least, he very much hoped that it was just a coincidence that Aslisk was fireproof "once again," or so she claimed. He didn't want her getting in her head that doing something stupid with consequences that could include death would ultimately end up working out in the end for her. He also especially just didn't want to give her any sense of satisfaction now, considering she had just accused him of setting one of his members on fire before she had decided to suddenly change her tune because it benefited her.

Re: living breathing fear - power discovery - fulzanin - 12-04-2019

ASLISK - wyvern - powers - halls of hiraeth - sentinel - hot shot

Slow was the movements that the wyvern began to show after her panic subsided. Her red eyes were staring at her flaming tail, watching the flames spring and spark from each and every spike that jutted out from her tail. Earlier the wyvern had been disgusted by the spikes. They were the same color and structure as they had been in her original body, yes. The problem was that they didn't snap off in a projectile manner. Oh, that had irritated her to absolutely no end. Her smacking her tail into the ground had been to try and jump-start the process. It had been in vain, and the spikes were firmly attached to her tail. Now? Now those spikes had a separate purpose, and it apparently was to hold flames that Aslisk had absolutely no control over. The light hurt her eyes, and so her tail swung back behind her. Panic now over, the wyvern was able to think over the commands that had been shouted to her during that episode. "Oh, yes, let the flaming creature roll on the ground and light more things on fire. Sounds brilliant." Snarky was the reply that curled from the wyvern's sharp teeth. Not incredibly aggressive, though. Aslisk's tone was awkwardly lighter than normal. Pleased, almost. Her head turned to look at her faintly crackling wings.

When Redvox continued to speak, Aslisk's red eyes rolled in a manner that clearly seemed amused. Her tail, now out of sight and out of mind, rested against the grass. It smoldered the plants beneath her. The ability had no control from the one who was on fire, and continued to sizzle and burn away. "Here, let me explain it to you in a way you might be able to understand. I fall asleep not on fire. I wake up on fire. Who's the only person around? Imagine if you woke up, suddenly on fire, and I was the one shouting at you to wake up. Pretty hasking suspicious, don't you think? In a moment of panic, at least." Her head tilted in a genuinely curious manner. Then she turned, as if surveying for anyone else that was present at the scene. Still, her tone was lacking it's usual ferocity. Content, almost, was the tone that came from the wyvern. Settled, pleased, and delighted that the flames that curled from her scales were not able to harm her at all. "Don't get me started on the Xiogipa-dung I've had people try to get away with before." Her reply was pointed and simple, a small roll of her shoulders accompanying her words. The greatest things that came to mind, oh, they irritated her so deeply. Being forced to go on a date with someone despite being married, where the person then tried to de-horn her as if she was some sort of animalistic prize. Her early gullibility and desperation for compassion had led to her almost slipping into an absolutely feral state. Oh, if she ever got her claws on them again, somehow, she would make them pay. They would suffer dearly and the wyvern would relish every single second of it. Her thoughts were dark, violent, for that was just how she was towards those that she had little to no care for.

"Don't get your lusluing feathers in a twist. Me setting myself on fire was what led to this. Being fireproof, I mean." A snort curled alongside Aslisk's words. While the other was infuriated, the wyvern for once was in an unusually pleasant demeanor. It was perhaps from the recovery of her fireproof nature. It would make sense, the content look on her burned and scarred face that had taken over the smug one that had been there prior. "It's no coincidence. Still. I'll accept that as your apology, for daring to say that me lighting myself on fire wasn't a good idea." Aslisk briefly paused, her webbed wings flicking. Silently and internally did the wyvern dare the Gat to challenge her ideas. She was right, she had said that she would become fireproof after burning herself, and it had worked. How delighted she was, that her words had been fulfilled. Her head turned and noted that her tail was still burning the ground that it rested on. The wyvern did nothing to stop such a thing, not even bothering to lift her tail from the ground. Her weight shifted instead, and her tone only grew far more pleased. "Besides. Whoever lit me on fire to cause such a thing must have been so terrified of me that they tried to kill me with fire. I like the thought of that. People should be scared of me. Even if clearly they're more stupid than an Xiogipa if they thought fire would kill me." The idea that someone had tried to kill her by burning, well, it thrilled her. She liked fear. She could deal with fear. She could use fear for whatever purposes she so desired. A grin was present on her scarred and burnt face, and delighted was the small hum that curled from the wyvern.

TAGS 11/19/19:

Re: living breathing fear - power discovery - redvox. - 12-04-2019

REDVOX "VINNY" ABRAMO - cis male - goat-bat hybrid - harbinger
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
For once in his life, Vox was actually quite pleased to hear Aslisk's tone, along with the way that she was speaking so casually while also somewhat insulting his orders. It meant that she was alright, and he wouldn't have to go rushing off to get more aloe for the female, and have her bitterly mumble on endlessly about how she was fine and her burns weren't even hurting her. Vinny watched as the wyvern inspected herself, his own eyes darting between her spikes and her wings, a faint frown appearing on his face as he watched the ground the came into contact with either of the limbs crackle and curl in on itself, burnt to a crisp. That would be problematic once the winter months were over, and there wasn't snow and a chill in the air to snuff out any chance of some huge fire breaking out. Hopefully by then, Aslisk would be more aware of how not to burn everything around her, but Vin had his doubts that she would even give a shit, honestly. Sighing heavily, the harbinger mumbled as he shook his head from side to side, silently glad that he didn't have to worry about any of this elemental bullshit – it all just seemed so odd to him, and unnatural, not that he was particularly natural himself, "I was sayin' ta stop, drop 'n' roll because it snuffs out th'flames, Aslisk. Deprives the fire of air...? Ugh, whatever, it doesn't matter much now anyways..." And it really didn't, but Vox still found himself vaguely irritated that he was once again being insulted and belittled by the wyvern, even after he had already scolded her several times. It really didn't seem as though she learned anything.

It was then time for Aslisk to explain why she had just assumed that naturally the leader of the group she resided in had lit her aflame, and even after hearing her explanation, Vinny found himself somewhat lacking in a response. Sheer disbelief left Vox speechless for a moment, before the male closed his eyes, counting to ten within his head before he spoke, his ears flattened out with annoyance and frustration, "I didn't set ya on fire, Aslisk. I can understand makin' stupid assumptions in th'moment, but I highly dohbt that anybody who had set ya on fire would just linger 'round and wake you up after y'started burnin'. And I'd hope that I was smarter than any asshole who tried to pull some stupid shit with you." He obviously didn't know the specifics of what Aslisk was alluding to, but given to what she had told him in the past, it was pretty clear that her life before this had been both weird and wild, aside from the couple of mundane parts such as her having a wife and kids – even if said wife and kids were far from normal – and he had no doubt that some pretty weird shit had happened to her before. Hell, he wouldn't doubt that she had been set on fire before, whether intentional or not. Well, technically he did know that she had been set on fire before, since she said that was how she had become fireproof back in her past life, but... Vinny still wasn't sure if he believed all the details of what she had told him. And he was still quite sure that this was all just some wild coincidence that Aslisk was way too pleased with herself over.

Calmed somewhat by his own deep breathing and steady resolve, Vox just found himself rolling his eyes as Aslisk told him once again that her setting herself on fire was what had led to this. Shaking his head, Vox grunted in a not angry, but just vaguely irritated way, "I'm not apologizin' f'sayin' that settin' yourself on fire was a bad idea. 'Cause it was a really fuckin' bad idea, alright? Y'just happened to acquire this power now, after y'did that. Plenty'a people have the ability ta ignore 'n' control fire. Hell, there are other members in this group." He really wanted to drill in her head that it hadn't been setting herself ablaze that had given her fire elementals. After all, even if she set herself on fire again and it had no effect, it had already been demonstrated that she could burn down the environment all around her, and Vin wanted no part of that shit. As Aslisk's tone grew more pleased, Vox's heart sank, and he tried his best not to snap at her to take her tail off of the grass before something actually caught on fire instead of just crackling into nothingness. However, he had managed to calm himself down, so instead he just mumbled as he glanced at her spikes, faint amusement in his voice, "Aslisk, can't y'understand this? Nobody tried ta set ya on fire. Y'just caught on fire cause of your powers while y'slept. There's a big difference, and the second one doesn't involve anybody doin' any fearin'." He really didn't like this whole trend with Aslisk thinking she was – quite literally – hot shit, and he wanted to dissuade it before it got too bad, and she started stomping around camp announcing that she was going to make new laws for everyone to give her all their bowls, just because she could control fire.