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rumors heard from a little black bird -- public discussion - Printable Version

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rumors heard from a little black bird -- public discussion - Warringkingdoms - 11-20-2019

  [font=trebuchet ms]It was time to talk.

  She'd tried this before, once upon a time, and it had gone over well with the populace. Considering Elysium was largely about public discussion and agreement, she imagined the same would be true here. She'd made a written list of topics to talk about, and had sent out messengers to let everyone know that the discussion would start at sundown. As the sun slowly slipped under the horizon, Rin walked out into the center of camp and set her list of topics onto the ground, then glanced around. Creatures were slowly beginning to arrive.

  Taking a seat, Rin called, "Public discussion time. We begin in two minutes- we will start with discussing the market festival. Apprenticeships will be second, political talks will be third, and any additional topics that you would like to talk about will follow after that."

Re: rumors heard from a little black bird -- public discussion - candorosa - 11-23-2019

[align=center][div style="width:70%; text-align: justify; padding: 1px; font-family: helvetica; color: #140D32;"]Lemy appreciated any type of setting that allowed his input. So, it wasn't unusual when the demon came slinking in with a yawn, and practically collapsed on a spot near the front. The announcement of the topics and the swiftness of it reassured him that attending hadn't been a waste of time. Lemy began brainstorming talking pointsーespecially for the fourth topic. He wanted to see if he could drag out the discussion and for how long until someone told him to shut up.

Re: rumors heard from a little black bird -- public discussion - arcy - 11-26-2019

[glow=#000,1,400]FALLING FURTHER DOWN — 。+゚.[/glow]
[div style="width: 480px; height: auto; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 13px;"]Oops. Videogames had sort of .. vanished, for a bit. He'd been busy doing literally anything but being productive -- wasn't that weird? He could just sort of ... stop doing things now. He could be unproductive. How novel! .. But, anyways, he was going to stop doing that now. He's pretty sure he'd missed the oath swearing .. oops?
So, of course, the first thing Videogames does is show up to a discussion where he's entirely unqualified. He doesn't know the first thing about this place. So, with a half-glance to Lemy, Videogames seats himself, grinning excitedly all the while. Even if he didn't know anything about this place, he had experience! That was enough! Hopefully. Probably not. It's fine.

Re: rumors heard from a little black bird -- public discussion - Warringkingdoms - 11-28-2019

  [font=trebuchet ms]Well, it was mostly just the three of them... but it wouldn't do any good to wait for more people who probably wouldn't be arriving anytime soon. If anyone arrived late, they could jump in, but she might as well start.

  Straightening up, Rin nodded to Lemy and Videogames. "For those who didn't attend the meeting, I was thinking we would host a market festival, wherein anyone who wanted to would be able to set up shop and sell things. We would invite some other groups, as well." Glancing around, she continued, "I'd like to know who would be interested in running a stall, what you might sell, and who everyone thinks we should invite."

  Tugging lightly at her scarf, she cleared her throat. "I personally was leaning toward inviting Tanglewood and the Typhoon, as well as a new group I've heard rumors of that calls themselves the 'Halls of Hiraeth.' I will be investigating them to determine their stance, but if they aren't hostile towards us, they might be worth extending an invitation to. I am open to discussion on that, however."

  /ish post

Re: rumors heard from a little black bird -- public discussion - candorosa - 12-02-2019

[align=center][div style="width:70%; text-align: justify; padding: 1px; font-family: helvetica; color: #140D32;"]Lemy's ear twitched at the sound of footfalls and he sent Videogames a glance and a wave. He turned back to Rin once she started speaking, shifting slightly. "Oh, I wanna sell food! It's not a festival without food, don't ya think?" All his other skills required more time invested and he didn't find that very appealing. Also, food was a simple, quick, and fun way to get rich.

He continued listening, swaying his head side-to-side in thought. He didn't have any objections to what was suggested. It would probably be a good idea to invite as many as they could. "I don't see the problem with inviting those groups; dunno don't really pay attention to 'em to really say anything," he said with a shrug. Which was true. The only other groups besides the Elysium he'd interacted with were both gone.

"Question though! Are there gonna be games at the festival for the poor people who can't buy stuff? They should be able to win somethin' so they don't cry themselves to sleep 'cuz they're poor," Lemy was one of the hypothetical poor people and that was why he was asking this. "Also, speaking of money and richness, are the visitors just gonna have to lug their stuff around to barter stuff?" At least, he assumed they were bartering. If there was a currency in place then the other groups better fucking hope their junk could be converted into Elysiumbucks.