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BABY TAKE MY HAND ☆ o, pantheon teaching - Printable Version

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BABY TAKE MY HAND ☆ o, pantheon teaching - redvox. - 11-20-2019

REDVOX "VINNY" ABRAMO - cis male - goat-bat hybrid - harbinger
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
A few days ago, when Vox had held his first official meeting for the Halls as a whole, the hybrid had promised that sometime soon he would hold a class on the pantheon and all of the gods within it. The class was important, since the pantheon influenced so many different aspects of the Halls and their way of life, as well a being one of the central things one of the ranks – the Priest – had to worry about. It felt dreadfully odd being without a priest for the moment, like the entire group was in for some sort of grand misfortune if they didn't select a priest soon. Although there was a good chance that feeling was just a result of him being paranoid, rather than anything actually looming over them. Either way, it would be beneficial for everyone within the group to know about the pantheon that he and so many others – mainly other remnants of the Halls – worshipped to and respected. So, it had taken a little bit of doing in order to get all of the supplies for the class, but he had done it, and gathered everything near the town hall, figuring that the second most central building would be as good a place as any to host such a class. He didn't want to have it going on in the lobby or near the front of the Fortress, since it would then probably intrude quite a bit more upon people's lives, and he didn't want to force anyone to attend the class just by virtue of it being in their way. After all, the gods would want people to voluntarily be interested in their practices and what they ruled over, not forcibly shoved into a role they didn't enjoy.

So, Vox had set up small replicas of each of the shrines to the 10 gods that made up the Halls Pantheon, lining them up in a row behind him and draping their holy symbols around the necks of the shrines. Once that was set up, he grabbed a few of his old journals and notes on the pantheon and what they represented, keeping them handy just in case. Once he had gathered everything, he sat down in front of the line of mini shrines and glanced around, taking in the bright day – perhaps the last one before winter truly started and they had snow beating down their door every day – before calling out loudly, "'Ey! If anybody wants ta learn about th'pantheon of the Halls, then come over here and sit down in front of me! I'm gonna teach everythin' I was taught since I was just a little one, 'n' also answer any questions people may have." When the harbinger had first been born to his loving mother and father, they had both not only taught him about their respective gods that they followed, but also all of the gods as a whole. Vinny aspired to do the same now, teaching about all of them despite being a pretty devout follower of Bertille. There were certain gods he knew less about than others, but hopefully there wouldn't be too many huge gaps in knowledge. If he was lucky, then Cottontail would also show up to this little lesson, and could help him out when he got to teaching about Sacchin.

Re: BABY TAKE MY HAND ☆ o, pantheon teaching - fulzanin - 11-20-2019

ASLISK - wyvern - powers - halls of hiraeth - sentinel - hot shot

Religion was not one of the most important things to Aslisk. It was merely something that existed for the sake of existing. Her religion revolved around death, dying, disease, and pain. That had been the type of life that she had grown up in. Used as an experiment, she had been killed several times over for her disobedience. Aslisk felt as if she understood the concept of death well. The wyvern didn't exactly perform any worship. Hunting technically fit that criteria. It was causing death, even if it was for self preservation. Aslisk didn't know all the in's and out's of that religion. The worship of the god of death was not something she had time to question while she was being torn apart and molded to be a perfect killer. Which was fine. Aslisk didn't think that she was missing out on much. Her wife was more on the religious side - and Aslisk couldn't blame her. Ichigo claimed to have met her goddess at some point and even shared a muffin with her. In addition, there was the time that Aslisk, too, had seen that goddess when she had fixed Ichigo's inverse-hydra issue. Aslisk chalked it up to a drink from that morning being spiked, even if it was the worst lie to ever be imagined.

The wyvern wound up teleporting most of the way over. Walking around was still a challenge. It hurt. The breeze hurt, the cold air hurt, the grass against her feet hurt. Everything hurt. She could barely stand it. Aslisk was stubborn, though, and she would not be deterred just because of a little pain. Her tail likely would have been dragging behind her if it was not for the burn wounds that would be dragging against the grass. Her wings pulled her body forward, resting on both her wings and legs in order to make up the rest of the distance. Aslisk's fiery and angry personality had dimmed after the severe burns that she had established. Her pain seemed to distract and sap the effort needed for ferocity from her. "Pantheon," the wyvern echoed in a way that showed that the term was foreign to her. An ear twitched, barely, and she winced at the movement. Aslisk's stubborn behavior remained, refusing to acknowledge that she needed to stay in bed and rest so she did not worsen her wounds. "I'll ask the first question. What's that.. pant thingy you just mentioned." Her sentence was cut in half, both due to a form of exhaustion and to figure out what words she wanted to use to replicate the other's words. She had said the term once before, yes, but already Aslisk had forgotten the correct pronunciation. Yes, she could gather a little from the shrines, her head and gaze turning to stare at them for a few seconds.

TAGS 11/19/19:

Re: BABY TAKE MY HAND ☆ o, pantheon teaching - redvox. - 11-21-2019

REDVOX "VINNY" ABRAMO - cis male - goat-bat hybrid - harbinger
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
A God of death. The concept probably would've been quite foreign to Vinny, since they didn't really have an equivalent in their pantheon. The closest probably would've been Lola, the under goddess of sorrow and despair, and she had the tendency to appear to those that had been through a lot of suffering, and death could be included as part of that sorrow. The tanuki goddess had a tendency to enact revenge on those that brought sorrow and despair to others, so she probably wouldn't have approved of Aslisk's method, but it would've depended on who Aslisk was killing. If Aslisk had killed those that had brought despair to others, then she probably would've gained Lola's approval shockingly fast. Still, aside from her? The Halls didn't truly have a god that oversaw death, since it was believed that those who died remained within the territory of the Halls, still living there in their own little mirror of the Halls's society, just... as spirits. It was an odd way to loom at things, but Vox honestly liked the mental image of his passed away clanmates just... continuing to live with each other, and having eternal company. Aslisk might not have particularly liked that, however, since it wasn't really true death of the kind she might've been used to.

When Aslisk initially approached, Vinny flinched, practically able to feel the pain that was radiating off of the wyvern from her many severe burns that she had gained quite recently. Thankfully, he wasn't too worried about this pissing Aslisk off too much, since Aslisk had seemed genuinely curious when she had come upon Vox praying to Bertille within the Pitt. Still, part of him wanted to tell her to go and lay down, and not worry herself with this, since it was obvious she was in pain. That probably just would've pissed her off and made her think that he thought she was weak, so he just bit his tongue, taking a deep breath in before giving her a smile, shifting his wings in front of him. Unsurprisingly, Aslisk had a curious question as soon as she trotted over to the event, but what did surprise Vox was what the question was, exactly. He had known that Aslisk was more comfortable with another language, but he hadn't realized that she didn't know what the word pantheon meant. Shifting a bit, Redvox gave a nod of his head before mumbling softly, gesturing with a wing behind him at the shrines that sat in a row behind the harbinger, "Pan-the-on. It's the group of gods that makes up the religion of the Halls. So the ten gods represented behind me are our pantheon. There's two main gods, with four under gods beneath them, and they all together make up who we worship. Understand?" He hoped that was a sufficient enough answer for the wyvern, since if not... he wasn't really sure how to expand upon his explanation.

Re: BABY TAKE MY HAND ☆ o, pantheon teaching - trojan g. - 11-22-2019

"I'm sorry, secret siren, but I'm blocking out your calls"
Roman was wary of showing up to the teaching that Vox had decided to host. Of course, he was curious about what gods and goddesses it was that the group had decided to seek shelter and safety with, but he was also worried. Were these gods good or bad? Were they mean or nice? Did he know them? The only gods Roman had ever been in contact with were the ones of old Roman culture, a funny twist of fate that his name had been one that was from his own heritage he guessed, but by the time he had gotten used to the name, the boy had yet to find out about his family, and so it had stuck, too afraid to change it, for he knew that he liked it.

Ro could only hope that those that were worshiped here were ones that he didn't know. It'd be weird to him otherwise, knowing that his family was being worshiped around him. Of course, he knew there were plenty around that worshiped the old gods, but he didn't want to see it.

The immortal male was visibly uncomfortable as he sat down within earshot of Vox, watching him, and waiting for this class to start, so that he would know whether to be wary or not.
tags - penned by @ tikki
[color=transparent]template by orion

Re: BABY TAKE MY HAND ☆ o, pantheon teaching - fulzanin - 11-23-2019

ASLISK - wyvern - powers - halls of hiraeth - sentinel - hot shot

The way of belief that Aslisk was used to did not account for the afterlife. To her knowledge, she could not die. Permanently, at least. Did that mean her very existence spited the god that she was supposed to worship? Every time that she died, she would come right back. She would be reformed again where she had been created, and if she teleported out fast enough, nobody knew. It didn't matter. Everyone was dead, anyways, and the few that remained were decent enough. They did not treat her like an experiment. They didn't really care what she did as long as she wasn't ruining something. Not that Aslisk liked staying anywhere near where she was created. Bad memories, even if it was where her only installation of religion came from. The religion that led to her own creation, to be a tool used for the massive slaughter of whatever came her way. They'd almost succeeded. Too bad Aslisk was stubborn.

"Pyantheon," the wyvern echoed after a few seconds of pause. Her tongue continued to slip and struggle with the long and twisted word. Her ears twitched, hearing how her own pronunciation was still off from the Harbringer's. Aslisk huffed, turning the name over a few more times as she listened to the other's explanation. Polytheism was not foreign to her. She, herself, was polytheistic. She worshiped her god of death mostly (which was not very much in the first place), and then Ichigo's belief of the goddess of life, Shuisi. "Does that make those four.. less powerful, or are they all equal to each other?" Aslisk inquired. She settled and sat down, her injuries not truly wanting her to be standing for a moment longer. Tired and exhausted. Just as she had been stubborn in her childhood, she was equally stubborn in the present. Aslisk was a determined person, a determined beast who refused to let the wounds of her burning stop her. Her red gaze centered on the small shrines, a sharp exhale sounding when she felt the brief relief of not having to rest her weight between both her feet and her wings. For a moment Aslisk glanced over at Roman, uncertain as to why he seemed uncomfortable. She could not immediately grasp it, and her red gaze flickered back to the Gat whom was teaching the lesson.

TAGS 11/19/19:

Re: BABY TAKE MY HAND ☆ o, pantheon teaching - redvox. - 11-24-2019

REDVOX "VINNY" ABRAMO - cis male - goat-bat hybrid - harbinger
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
Luckily for Roman, the male would not have to worry about the pantheon of his family overlapping with the pantheon of the Halls of Hiraeth. The gods that the group had worshipped since its very inception generally tended to not only be quite diverse, but also generally unlike the gods that any other group worshipped otherwise. Perhaps that could be said to be why the Halls were generally considered to be a solitary group, since their gods also tended to be solitary as well. That didn't mean that they didn't interact with other gods at all, though. The pantheon of the Halls tended to be quite protective of the group and those within it, which meant that if any other gods caused trouble for the Halls or any of the members, they generally had Bertille and the rest to worry about. It was something that hadn't particularly come up a lot in the past, and probably wouldn't be something Vinny would go over in the class, since he was completely unaware of Roman's connection to other gods, but was a fact that loomed over everyone within the Halls all the same. Noticing Roman sitting nearby, clearly a bit hesitant about the class or getting any closer, Redvox just smiled softly and offered the other male a small nod in greeting, figuring that if Roman had any questions of his own, he would speak up.

In comparison to the relatively silent Roman, Aslisk already seemed deeply curious about the inner and outer workings of the group's pantheon, and Vin wasn't sure if he was delighted by that fact or horrified by it. It could really go either way, considering who he was speaking to. Still, Vox just shook off any apprehension he felt and smiled, saying softly to Aslisk as he gestured to the two shrines at opposite ends of the group behind him, "Bertille 'n' Ghadra are considered ta be our two main big gods. They are considered ta be more powerful than the other ones, but that's only because our undergods are believed t'have been made by them to serve as their friends 'n' family. Really, the amount of power that a god possesses depends on what they rule over. Since Bertille and Ghadra are light 'n' darkness, it's natural that they would have more power than most others. In general though, no one's looked down upon f'worshipping a certain god or goddess. Some old members might say othawise, but I don't believe in discriminatin' or any of that shit..." He knew there were still several remnants of the old Halls that thought that followers of Ghadra or any of the dark undergods were evil, but there was no way he was going to run the group with such harsh beliefs.