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the teeth of the traitor // check ups - Printable Version

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the teeth of the traitor // check ups - teef - 11-19-2019

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[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" biting the burning bullet to break bones "


things were most certainly going to change around here, but things were too silent. the raid had been finished for some time now, and they were all left to pick up the pieces. the ending wasn't for sure a loss or a win, but they knew that this land could not be considered their home, not after they had put themselves in a position where they had not been of use to either side, serving their own desires.

clearing their burnt throat, the marauder roared, "all pittians well enough to move, gather for health check ups!"

Re: the teeth of the traitor // check ups - fulzanin - 11-25-2019

we'll see the sun come up again, we'll climb higher than we've been
Astiar had not been hurt during the battle. He had stood there, watching it all happen, but had not intervened in the slightest. He had watched blood spill out, but the fight or flight instinct had been negated and had left the insect unsure of what to do. He was not harmed by the ordeal. Yes, his mandibles were a little burnt from trying to eat a burning tree during the start of the raid. Otherwise? The bug was perfectly fine. No one had struck him during the raid. He was, likely, the only one other than the youth of the group that had escaped being harmed. Instinct, as it was intended, had technically saved Astiar from being harmed. He clicked his mandibles in a form of greeting, then settling down. No, Astiar didn't actually grasp the reasoning for the summon, but he had come trotting and buzzing over nonetheless.

TAGS 9/4/19:
we've got a fire that burns within, we are the dragon hearted