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they really made him blossom ❄ private, jerseyboy - Printable Version

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they really made him blossom ❄ private, jerseyboy - pallid-i - 05-03-2018


The kitten was busy tugging a sweater he had stolen from his father down a cavern. It was big compared to him, but that didn't deter the kitten from snatching it. He was very cold so it would really help him stay warm. He stopped halfway however, because his little legs were beginning to ache. So he just laid down on top of the sweater and purred, rolling all over. What a sneaky little thing.
i couldn't even keep you

Re: they really made him blossom ❄ private, jerseyboy - JERSEYBOY - 05-04-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; color: black; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family:arial;"]Now that Jerseyboy was back in town, he was ought to get outside the cave and explore the territory for himself. A guy like him wasn't going to stay cooped up in his den all day, now was he? No, he was going to find somewhere cool to chill, but where? He sniffed around, angling his ears and peering down the entrance to a cavern. Mm, he wasn't too sure about that. Maybe he should've just started looking outside —

The tuxedo tom caught a whiff sourcing from the depths of the cavern. It was the vaguely familiar scent of his "nephew", and he couldn't help but wonder what he was doing in there. He couldn't smell anyone else, so he could only assume that the kitten had wandered off. He pondered for a moment, wondering what to do. He couldn't just ignore the situation, now could he? Jacob would lose his shit if he got himself hurt. So, the male heaved a sigh before heading into the cavern.

Finding the tired little bundle, Jerseyboy grunted, "Shouldn't be down here by yourself, kid." He slowed to a stop, his eyes roaming the stalagtites decorating the ceiling before adding with a slight raise of his figurative brows, "I heard there's kitty-eatin' bats down 'ere." He was only pulling his leg, of course.

Re: they really made him blossom ❄ private, jerseyboy - pallid-i - 05-04-2018

He jumped up at the sound of Jersey's voice and he turned to look at him, eyes wide. "Zio! You scared me!" He squeaked before tilting his head to the side, confused. "What are bats? And why do they like eating me? I'm not tasty!" With that being said, he scampered over and attempted to press himself against his uncle's fur. "Don't let them eat me!" Uncle Jersey would keep him safe, right? He better. Harrison was sure pa wouldn't be grateful to know his son had been eaten.
i couldn't even keep you