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glitch [★] raining somewhere else - Printable Version

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glitch [★] raining somewhere else - suvi. - 11-15-2019

[align=center]T͏O̴G͠ETH͏ER̕ ÁT̴ ̸T̕H̶E ST͏ART̶ O͏F̀ ̵TI̡M͏E
Disagreeing memories fell into the commonplace for the petite vixen now.  Flashes and recollections causing her to pause and shake her head in confusion because it became hard to distinguish between the thoughts' origins.  Kiira?  Suvi?  Did it matter now?  As merged as they were... They weren't two individuals anymore.  No matter how jumbled her mind felt at times.  Separation not a possibility.

Unfortunately, a particularly conflicting memory kept invading the forefront of her mind.  The face of a kind dire wolf.  A soothing voice.  Motherly.  A mother.  Her mother.  I̸̡ ̶͜h͢a̷̛̕v̷͡e no̢͠ ̴̨̧m͡ot̴͠her.  Well.  True now.  Without a doubt.  She was only a memory.  A broken memory.  Fighting the contradictions of another's life.  I̸̡ ̶͜h͢a̷̛̕v̷͡e no̢͠ ̴̨̧m͡ot̴͠her.  All it was... A memory.  E̶v̸̕͢er͘̕yoņ͜͝e goes͜͟ a͏͞ẁ͢a͡͡y̡.́̀͘.

Young as the then, separate Suvi had been, nothing could have been done.  Nothing but natural causes.  Illness.  A common cause these days.  E̶v̸̕͢er͘̕yoņ͜͝e goes͜͟ a͏͞ẁ͢a͡͡y̡.́̀͘.́ Nothing but broken memories in the end.  Nothing but echoes in the minds of those left behind and she always stood among that lonely crowd.  Trying to hold her smile.  But when had she last smiled?

The fox stared blankly towards the library.  Old.  Home.  But she couldn't step back inside.  Her paws never made it past the door anymore.  E̶v̸̕͢er͘̕yoņ͜͝e goes͜͟ a͏͞ẁ͢a͡͡y̡.́̀͘.  So she found other places to sit.  Other tasks to do. Of course, Kiira felt fairly certain she must have double-checked her medkit's stock five times just this morning.  And nearly all her books might as well be verbatim now.  But if she didn't move somehow the ghosts caught up with her.  Memories.  Echoes.

So the medic tried practice.  Took one of her oldest books from her small cabin and sat it down in front of her.  An usual spark of life ignited in her mitch-matched hues, truly focused.  For a moment.  Just trying to raise the book in the air.  Just like she's done before.  Move.  Focused.  For a moment.

The tome might have levitated a few inches before her paws disappeared.  Fully invisible.  Distracting.  Her concentration shattered apart like glass.  As the book hit the grass, the vixen's entire body faded away.  A second later, she was scrambling on top of a nearby roof, only semi-visible, legs trembling beneath her.  Ḑ͡A̵͞MN̶̨ ̛͞I̢͟͢T́͘
✯ — suvi kiira ní faoláin. female. medic of tanglewood. beta of the typhoon. arctic fox.  ref. bio.

Re: glitch [★] raining somewhere else - spacexual - 11-15-2019

Once before, the boy has seen this other young member of their group. There are not so many his age, from what he could tell. Just adults doing adult things. He couldn't do that much just yet. He was too preoccupied in his own mind, thoughts spilling out into his father's listening ears, memories flowing through his tongue, distant pains reminding him of why this is all how it is in the first place, but still...still not exactly explaining how he ended up here, and now. Assumptions - hopeful ones - could be made, but in the end they are assumptions. He doesn't know for certain, and it's unlikely he ever will. The matters of the soul are ones far too complicated for any living individual to understand.

Well, for most of them, anyway.

After all, that basic understanding is what had brought the idea of his brother and him into light. Weapons. Clones. Just enough soul to bring them power, bring them life. But still, too much. For they were conscious. They were more than their intended purpose. And there went the pain again. It was too much for him, at least, to try and comprehend. So he doesn't try to.

For all that it's worth, he has a family. Perhaps not by blood, but it was still, undoubtedly, a family. A brother, created from the same fragmented soul, gone. And a father, found in his state of violence and aggression, opening light to who he wanted to be - giving him a chance to truly become it, slowly. That very opportunity is why he is out in the town. It's why he is not trapped in the marsh, in the Pitt, dead, or cooped up within the cabin he now calls home. And it's why he may, once again, see the female that once sat beside his flaming body, viewing the stars. No names, no words. Just a soft, silent connection through the sky above. And here she is now, upon a rooftop,

Her body seems to shift from visibility, and she does not seem to keen to be in the state she is in. His head is held low as he moves towards the structure, glowing orange eyes peering up towards her cautiously. "Excuse me," he would call up to her, voice gentle, but still loud enough she may hear. "Are you alright? D-Do you need any help?"

Re: glitch [★] raining somewhere else - wormwood. - 11-15-2019

i was born, on the highway, in a train wreck
with a heart, that was beating, out of my chest
Aurum had, not that long ago, had his own little identity crisis that had haunted his every waking moment, in the form of the unpleasant angelic dreams he had been having night after night, being forced to suffer at the hands of some supposedly kind god. For weeks while that had been happening, Aurum had felt an odd disconnect between his true self and the self that he projected to everyone else, unsure if he was truly a member of Tanglewood, or something else entirely. When he had finally found out that he was an angel, it had been like all of the pieces had suddenly clicked into place, and his two parts were whole again, without a struggling restless soul in between them. However, unfortunately for Suvi, her situation was far more complicated than his had been. However disconnected he had felt from it, his angelic side had still been him, just with significantly more of the memories that had been locked away from him for a while. He had never been forced to share his form or his consciousness with another, unless you counted the way his personality changed when he was in his hellhound form – but personally he didn't, mainly because it was just empowering his negative emotions, not making him someone else. He never had to deal with feeling a strange sort of confusion over whose memories were whose, or whether he was on person or two, and while he didn't truly completely understand Suvi's predicament, if he had, then he would've felt relieved that he didn't have to deal with such things.

This wasn't the first time that Suvi had glitched within the Tanglewood camp, and something told Aurum that it wouldn't be the last either, so he didn't find himself rushing over in too much of a panic this time. However, that didn't mean that he wasn't worried at all, especially considering the frustrated and anxious look on Suvi's face as a result of her current predicament and location. A frown came to the guards man's face as he moved up beside Roy, his tail gently flicking against his son's back before he called upwards in his firm voice, glad that Suvi had already gotten Roy's attention, "Kiira! If you do need help, then I might be able to provide some. I can just fly up there and grab you, if you think that you can't get down somehow..." He was glad that his son was offering to help the other Tangler, and faintly wondered if the two knew each other, but he also knew that there probably wasn't much that Roy could do to help on his own. He didn't exactly have earth or air elementals which could just form steps or gentle gusts of air to get the medic to the ground, and Aurum doubted that the vixen would appreciate having her fur roasted off.
template by orion

Re: glitch [★] raining somewhere else - suvi. - 11-20-2019

[align=center]T͏O̴G͠ETH͏ER̕ ÁT̴ ̸T̕H̶E ST͏ART̶ O͏F̀ ̵TI̡M͏E
Breathe.  It shouldn't be so hard just to breathe.  Voices were floating past, on a spiraling fast line.  Concern mostly.  Wh̴͘y̧̧̕ ̨̡͘d͘o̴͏ ̶͢t̕҉̴h̴e̵͞ỳ̷ ̀͘b̴other̨͜?  Just breathe.  Her flashing eyes darted, finding focus where her paws ought to be visible. "I-I...Please.  One count.  Two count.  Aquilla, Ara, Aries, Auriga, Bootes...

Three count.  Four count.  Kiira felt fairly certain she was now entirely tangible and visible.  Physical.  And standing on a roof.  "..."  The petite fox possessed no fear of heights, so much as falling.  Even so... She hadn't fallen yet.  Solid.  Breathe.  She tilted her head downwards, ears flicking back.  "… I..."

"I-I'm... Okay.  L-let me... Stay 'ere... For a second." Solid.  It was nice.  Even if the possibility of hurting self was much higher on the top of a roof than on the ground.  The distance... The higher view point... She could breathe for a second.  "I... I think I want... T-to try to get myself down."  Glitch.  On purpose.  Would it be a glitch then?  Anubis believed in me.  'start with mastering control.'

Maybe.  She'd done it once before.  Once.  "O-okay?Breathe.  Her chest felt on the verge of collapse.  "..."  Though her air flow still stuttered, she squared her shoulders, attempting to strengthen her stance.  Resolve.  Once.  … "… A-actually... I-I... H-how am I sup-supposed to... N-not land on a-another roof?"

That one time she'd been desperate.  Relieved.  Her father on the border of the Pitt.  Finally to return her home.  She hardly possessed the same ecstatic hope to motivate her.  Hardly the same need to leave the place she stood.  "..."
✯ — suvi kiira ní faoláin. female. medic of tanglewood. beta of the typhoon. arctic fox.  ref. bio.

Re: glitch [★] raining somewhere else - wormwood. - 11-20-2019

i was born, on the highway, in a train wreck
with a heart, that was beating, out of my chest
When Kiira said that she wanted to get down on her own, Aurum relaxed slightly, still feeling anxious over whether she would be alright but also knowing she wanted to get down independently. The guardsman shifted anxiously as he waited for her to get down, and gradually his worried frown grew the more time that the small girl spent up on top of the roof. He had no idea how teleportation on its own worked, and Kiira's particular brand of strange glitching around? He had no earthly idea how to predict what would happen, and his ears flattened down to his head when Kiira squared her shoulders, a sharp intake of breath happening as he readied himself to dive forward and catch her. Thankfully, she didn't slip at all, still seeming deep in thought as she tried to figure out how to get herself down. When she asked how to prevent herself from ending up on another roof, the frown on the male's face grew even more frantically worried. Stepping forward a bit, Aurum called up to her as his tail flicked back and forth, "I'm not... I'm not quite sure how you're not supposed to do that. I don't know how your power works, and even if I did, I can't teleport or anything like that, so I couldn't help... that's why I was offering to get you down. Have you ever controlled your blinking around before...?" He had never actually seen Kiira glitch in any sort of controlled scenario, having not been present when she had finally gotten free from the Pitt, and only ever seeing her glitch herself into immediate danger. It hardly seemed like a very useful power to have, at least to him, but just because he hadn't seen Kiira use it in a positive way didn't mean it never happened.
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