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recapping retribution - fireproofing - Printable Version

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recapping retribution - fireproofing - fulzanin - 11-13-2019

The burn wound on her face had been slow to heal. Aslisk was thankful, deep down, for the herb that had been used to help ease the pain of the wound. She would never admit it aloud. She was horrifically stubborn in that way. It was in addition to regeneration that allowed for the minor wound to heal. It had been annoying, it had hurt horrifically. Yet it left the wyvern angered. She was no longer fireproof. That irritated her. It made her furious. She had gone through a horrific suffering in her earliest days in order to become a fireproof creature that was brought into the world for the sole idea of bringing merciless slaughter. The wyvern stomped around her room, smashing her talons against the floor, pitching the biggest fit that she could manage. The wyvern eventually grew tired, and had to settle down. Of course, when exhausted, her anger had to die down. That wasn't acceptable, no. She couldn't let the anger lessen, because then that would be letting this sickening world win! Her teeth bared, squinting her glowing red eyes shut. Aslisk decided that, yes, she would have to bring back up the very source of her fireproofness. Perhaps it would gift her the answer needed to return the immunity of fire to her scales. She needed to be fireproof. She needed to be immune to the heat of the flames. Why, Aslisk was not sure. It was a deep, innate need to ensure that the horrors of her childhood had not gone in vain.

The dent in the doorway, steadily, had been growing deeper. She lowered her horns, readying her stance. She was certain that with enough might, she would plow through that metal door. Her horns would tear through, and she would be free. 581, that was her number, that was her only identification in this world. An experiment. An item. She was nothing but a tool to the one's that had built these metal walls. It was pure darkness, as it was all over the planet. They all could see in the dark - every native to the planet, at least. The guard to her cell could not. The guard to her cell had once been some other species, but had been captured and turned. Sometimes he called her friend. Sometimes he would address her by a slurred edition of her name - Fievti - and sometimes 581 would allow it. Other times she would not. Other times she would reach her paw through the slot that was meant for food. She would grab his foot and try to rip him apart. He was one of them. The people that had made her, did not like what they had made, and so they continued to try and turn her into what was desired. They lacked the resources to make a replacement. They were stuck with her. They could not rid themselves of their failure. She was what they would have to craft into their perfect killer.

The outside world was not something that 581 knew of. The only world was that where your respectability was crafted by the blood on talons and teeth sunk into the neck. 581 usually refused to engage in such activity. It was to spite her creator alone. That her creator was near the highest rank, but her creation that was meant to be a vicious tool was not. Her attacks on her guard were noted but they did not result in death. Therefore, they did not matter. They did not count. 581 was almost as low as her guard was. He, too, had yet to kill anyone. But it was the disrespect of being another species prior that put him lower than her. 581 lowered her head and charged forward. Her horns snapped when they made contact with the metal door. She recoiled. Slowly her horns reformed, and the ones that had broken off turned to ash. Her genetic material was horrifically unstable. A safety measure. She could not be copied. 581 was their one of a kind mistake.

Then the door swung open. Her red eyes gauged those of the armor clad guards that were present. Their fireproof material, and it let her know exactly where she was going for the disobedience she presented the previous day. Her sharp teeth snapped at them, but they did not recoil because they knew that she would not strike them. It was, perhaps, the mentality of ranking that allowed their indifference. A gloved paw grabbed one of her wings, and the other guard grasped the other limb. They dragged her backwards down the hallway. It was not empty, and 581 hissed when she felt the burning sensation of the blood of her creator's kind on the floor. It stung and she recoiled. A harsher tug followed for there was no room for her complaints, even if it was for a reason entirely different from the task at hand. There was a staircase that she was allowed to walk up. She breathed hard. She felt.. something. She did not want what would be present at the top of the staircase. But she could not fight against it anyways. 581 was more than sensible to know that if she dared to try and attack the guards then she would only be further punished. She was not sure what the feeling was called, the one that burned hard in her chest. It was almost comforting.

The end of the staircase came. It was a platform, and the heat was immeasurable. There was light - fire - down below. A series of rails came racing over. Her wings were lifted, and sharp pikes were shoved through her wings just beneath the first joint. Then she was yanked up, and dropped down into the incinerator. 581 tried to turn. The flames burned her purple skin and incinerated her fur. She thrashed and kicked and screamed in pain. For as many times as she had endured the pain of the flames, they never seemed to ease their pain. Her creator said that she would grow immune if exposed enough times. 581 had spat in her creator's face, defying her words. She scrabbled and tried to grab the cables, for the pain of metal in her wings was growing worse as the pain from the fire grew stronger. Being held there by her wings, flightless, by searing metal added to the overall pain of the fire. Eventually her creator would get her desire. She would become fireproof. This time, though, was not that time.

Aslisk's head slowly raised. She had her solution now. She stood up, spreading her wings, beating them in order to wear out any form of stiffness that had been created by laying still for so long. Perhaps it was in addition to the cold that seeped in from outside. She would remedy that shortly, she was certain. Her tail swung rapidly behind her. Now she knew what that feeling had been, the one that had always been present whenever she was wronged by her creators. Anger. Anger and hatred, anger and fury. It was the core of her being, it made her hold grudges and never let go. It was what allowed for her own form of indifference - it was what built on her exploited youth and let her know that she could not allow for her creator to win. She would re-fireproof herself. Aslisk would spit in her creator's face once again, even if it would never be seen. It would have to be enough for the wyvern.

She scrabbled to find the materials needed to create another open flame. She struggled harder to find a place that, she hoped, would not attract too much attention. Her small brushfire had already gotten her in enough trouble. Trying to create a fire that would be as hot as the one of her childhood was going to be impossible. Aslisk would have to make due. The wyvern grabbed the dry brush and her chosen form of ignition and flew off, requiring an awkward running start to take to the air. Until she found a nice, open spot where the risk of the fire traveling was minimal, she struggled to remain in the air while carrying the materials. She wasn't sure what she would give in order to have some way to make this easier. But she had to. She had to spite her creator. It had to happen, she had to be fireproof, she could not let her creator win in any form. The wyvern lit the fire, carefully trotting around it a few times in order to ensure that no, it would not spread. It was in captivity, just as her entire youth had been. She gave herself a shake, as if it would truly shake away her nerves.

The the wyvern leaped into the fire. It burned, terribly, and Aslisk recoiled. A scream parted her maw, shaking and trembling rapidly. She did not drop to the floor to try and get the fires to die out. Instead she stiffly stood there, eyes squinted and wings curled close to her sides. The burning brush clung to her form. Tangled in her horns and the spikes of her tail, burning her purple scales and scorching her form. Aslisk hoped it worked. It was horrifically painful, but it had to be done. She had to become fireproof again - even if this was, by far, one of the least logical to go about it from an outsider's perspective. She paralleled what had caused her original fireproofing to the best of her ability. A somewhat intense fire that burnt her horrifically. Aslisk waited for the flames to finally die out before she collapsed, breathing hard during her collapse only to again scream as her burn wounds made themselves known when she made contact with the ground. Her glowing eyes were wide, now without fury. It was painful. It hurt terribly so. Just as much as it had hurt her when she had been dangling in a pit of fire. Except now, it was without metal pikes. Now there was smoldering plants still somewhat curled around her body. She panted, watching the rest of the fire die out. Aslisk could only hope that she wouldn't have to do this as many times as she had in her childhood in order to achieve the correct, fireproof results.

//tl;dr: local dumbass wyvern goes out of camp to light herself on fire because she thinks it's the secret to becoming fireproof.
ive always had to get my hands dirty, a patrol to make sure no one hurts me

TAGS 10/3/19:

Re: recapping retribution - fireproofing - redvox. - 11-14-2019

REDVOX "VINNY" ABRAMO - cis male - goat-bat hybrid - harbinger
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
When Aslisk had first burned herself, Vinny had been concerned, but hadn't been too worried about it. He had figured that Aslisk had just had an accident while burning up what remained of the growth from a room that she had cleaned out. He had definitely not assumed that Aslisk had done it intentionally, because... well, who the hell would intentionally burn themselves? It seemed completely crazy to the harbinger of the entire group, and he hadn't felt bad in offering Aslisk any help or aloe, since it was pretty obvious that she had no idea how to help herself. It wasn't exactly like Vox knew anything beyond how to treat very minor burns, since he had pretty much no medical knowledge to his name – after all, there was a reason why he was the harbinger and not the cleric – but he could at least help in that area, and he had figured Aslisk would be glad for it. Therefore, when Vinny heard all sorts of shouting, stomping around, and throwing things coming from downstairs, the harbinger assumed that Aslisk was just having some random fit, probably over something he would never be able to understand even after she explained it. So, the hybrid had decided not to do anything about it, instead just staying peacefully curled up with his nose tucked underneath his tail. It didn't sound like Aslisk was destroying anything besides her own room, which meant that he didn't need to get involved unless one of the other Halls members complained.

However, it seemed as though he was not bound to have a peaceful daytime rest. A scream cut coldly through the air from outside, and the hybrid's head groggily snapped upwards so quickly that it nearly gave him whiplash. He stumbled up to his hooves and wings, throwing open the door to his room and quickly moving down the steps, teleporting intermittently down several steps at once. He knew that the screaming wasn't coming from inside the building from how it sounded, and he silently cursed himself for choosing the uppermost room in the apartment. Eventually his claws slipped against the smooth claws of the main lobby, and he was using his horns to push through one of the several windows in the sunken building, grunting with effort as he squirmed his way outside. As soon as he made his way outside. As soon as the smell of fire and smoke filled his nose, his eyes went wide in horror, and he let out a soft screech, "Fuck! Fuckin' hell, not again! This ain't happenin'!" He raced towards the source of the smell and the faint glow against the sky, his claws curling into the ground and flinging him forward as tears faintly stung his eyes. He couldn't do it again. He couldn't lose his territory, his friends, his family, his Halls. If he lost it all again, he wasn't sure he would ever be able to recover like he had before, and it certainly wasn't as if he would be able to go back to the Pitt and their savage ways.

When he did come upon the source of the fire, however, he was somehow even more horrified than he had been when he had thought the territory was on fire. He stared in horror at Aslisk's flaming form for a long moment before he screamed over the crackling of the fire, his eyes ablaze with both profound worry and rage, "ASLISK! What the fuckin' fuck are you doin'?! I can understand accidentally burnin' y'self, but this isn't fuckin' accidental!" His entire body was trembling with a mixture of anger and extreme anxiety over the sight in front of him, and soon enough Aslisk collapsed to the ground, and the harbinger threw himself forward over to her. He resisted the urge to touch her, just because he knew that she didn't like it, as well as because of the fact that he knew it would cause her a great deal more pain. He just stared at her, taking in the many ugly burn wounds that covered the female wyvern's body, and his ears pinned down flat against his head, snapping after a moment, "What in th'hell... do y'know how fuckin' terrified I was when I smelled smoke? Not only that, but y'goddamn hurt yourself! In what universe is this okay!" He sounded extremely pissed off, but he also seemed... tired, and upset. Worried about one of the members in his group, and completely baffled by what the hell she could be hoping to accomplish – the thought of this resulting in fireproofing was absolutely baffling to him, and even if he knew what she was hoping to do, he still would've been doubtful it would actually work.

Re: recapping retribution - fireproofing - fulzanin - 11-16-2019

Aslisk couldn't say that she was surprised when Redvox was the first one to arrive. He had a phobia of fire, she could only assume. The wyvern felt heavily disoriented, and it took her a moment to realize that her name was being screamed out. She had collapsed on top of the remaining burning brush, which had meant more burns and, for the most part, the small fire being put out. She was breathing hard, sucking in air that needed to be deeply inhaled from how the fire had snatched it from her in order to continue burning. Her burnt scales were yellow. It was hard to tell that she had been purple originally, in all honestly. The gash that was across her face was swollen from the heat, irritated from it all. The webbing of her ears, the skin that allowed for her to hear, was burnt as well. She could barely hear, and it was all distorted nonetheless. Aslisk heaved, feeling as if she was going to vomit. But now she wouldn't because someone was here and she would not dare let herself be seen in a state of weakness. It was, likely, from how deeply she had dug through her memories to her youngest days. It forced more of that part of her personality upon her.

The wyvern didn't stand up. She tried, moving her wings to try and hoist herself onto her feet. The searing pain of the burn wounds forced her back down onto the pile of ash. Aslisk coughed, sputtering again, her eyes squinted shut. She forced back the tears of pain, because she both did not want to ever be seen crying, nor did she want salt from her tears slipping into the burn wounds that near entirely covered her body. "I-I don' give a ssssingle hask a-about y-y'ur terr'f'd hask," she muttered. Her words were jagged and slow. Aslisk could not force the overwhelming tone of pain from entering her voice. The wyvern was in a lot of pain, after all. Not even her stubbornness could save her from how pain worked. She barely opened one of her eyes to look at him. Her eyes burned to stay open from the water that was within them, and swiftly Aslisk closed such once again.

"I-I've had worssse. T-To be f-fireproof." Her words were slow and slurred together. Aslisk wound up severely coughing when she began speaking more. It hurt her lungs to continue talking. Aslisk wasn't sure if her insides had been burned as well. Coughing hurt because her entire body had to move. Her wings and tail spasmed, and she clenched her teeth and eyes shut. It was incredibly painful. It was more painful than it had been in her youth. Then she had healed instantly. Now, now she was not. Now the wyvern had severe burns that discolored most of her body, and they were not healing in the way that she had expected. Aslisk heaved again, and then she could not help the sharp shriek of agony that sounded from the burn wounds that scraped against the ash beneath her and the limbs, overall, moving. "'m fine. Go 'w-way." Aslisk did have that habit of immediately insisting that she was fine. This time it had taken her longer to remember to insist that she was perfectly capable of handling the situation herself. Yet she could not move, could barely breath, and was certainly more worse for wear than her previous and smaller burn wound had been. She hurt terribly, yet was still stubborn enough to yet again insist that she was perfectly fine.

ive always had to get my hands dirty, a patrol to make sure no one hurts me

TAGS 10/3/19:

Re: recapping retribution - fireproofing - redvox. - 11-17-2019

REDVOX "VINNY" ABRAMO - cis male - goat-bat hybrid - harbinger
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
Vox's pyrophobia, while something he liked to think he kept close to his chest, was definitely obvious in retrospect. It was obvious in how much he freaked out whenever the faintest smell of smoke reached him, and was even obvious now, in the way he recoiled in a flinch when Aslisk fell into and put out the last of the flames. He watched with a frown as Aslisk drew in slow and pained breaths, her entire body looking entirely different with the wide variety of burns that now covered it, her formerly purple scales now tinged and thoroughly burned through to yellow. She almost looked like a completely different person, and Vox's large bat ears pinned back, his entire body tingling with phantom sympathy pains. Even if Aslisk had been a dumbass and had done this to herself, he still felt awful about it, and found himself wanting to reach out and help her. He wasn't entirely sure how, since he wasn't sure all the aloe in the fucking world could help with such extensive burns, but it felt wrong doing nothing. Unfortunately, it seemed as though Aslisk was going to continue her established pattern of being irritable and stubborn, from the way she glared weakly at him and wheezed out sharp and oddly separated words at him.

Even in her current state, she was well enough to tell him to fuck off, which he supposed was a good sign, but he still found himself gritting his teeth to stop from snapping back. She was just trying to get under his skin because she was frustrated and hurt, and he had to do better than letting his wrath get the best of him. When he heard Aslisk's reasoning, however, his eyes wentwide, a disbelieving noise leaving him before he said incredulously, sounding like he was a mix of angry and deeply concerned for the wyvern, "Wait a minute... fuckin' fireproof? This was all because you wanted ta be fireproof? That is th'stupidest shit I've ever heard! This isn't gonna make ya fireproof! It's just gonna cause you pain!" He didn't mean to sound so utterly pissed off, but he wasn't sure he had ever met someone so stubborn who thought so highly of themselves while also being so goddamn stupid. Hell, even Hadley hadn't been this bad, and the former leader who had been his mentor had refused to ever admit that she was wrong, laughing in his face whenever he had tried to air out his concerns with her about what she was teaching him. Eventually he had just given up trying to challenge her, but that was because she had never done something as stupid as trying to light herself on fire. This was an entirely new level of self endangerment, and Vox nearly found himself questioning if Aslisk was suicidal.

When she told him to go away, Vox let out a snort of disapproval, shaking his head and saying sharply and immediately, "You're not fuckin' fine, y'stubborn asshole. Y'need some goddamn help or you're gonna die out here. I'm bringing y'back ta the apartment buildin'." Taking a deep breath, the hybrid moved over and looked her over for a long moment, trying to figure out where the burns were least concentrated. Basically nowhere was completely free of burns, but once he found the best place he could, Redvox ignored any of Aslisk's protests and moved to carefully grab her with his wings, heaving her up onto his back. He would've been more worried about her swinging at him or throwing a hissy fit if it wasn't for the fact that he was pretty sure she couldn't move for shit right now, and thus wasn't very threatening. If he was successful in heaving her up onto his back, he would carefully start to move towards the main fortress of the Halls, hoping to find someone who could actually help them. Perhaps Roman? That was the only one that came to mind at the moment... any way he sliced it, there would be more options for people to help at the apartment building than all the way out here.

Re: recapping retribution - fireproofing - fulzanin - 11-18-2019

ASLISK - wyvern - powers - the halls of hiraeth

The wyvern's harsh breathing remained. She panted, struggling to drag in the air that was heavily required. It hurt to bring in the air, her body scraping against the ground. There were burns there, and it hurt horrifically. Just laying there hurt, feeling any form of breeze brushing her scales, or the pile of ash that she had collapsed in. The smell wasn't terrible. She was used to the smell of things that burned. She huffed again, wincing. It burned everywhere, the heat still felt as if it was present and still digging into her scales. Aslisk's ears lowered, too exhausted and pained to try to keep them raised into an attentive position. There wasn't a single thing comfortable about this. She was unable to help the defeat that she had suffered, and now someone was here and seeing it. That added to her anger, and she wished she had more strength to muster into the angered, garbled snarl that parted her sharp teeth.

"I-if you want sssstupid look in th-th-the mirror," the wyvern weakly snapped back. Aslisk's anger was dying out. It was a combination of the exhaustion, and a slow realization. She wasn't going to be able to move for a while. She wasn't healing as fast as she used to be able to. Or at all. She couldn't feel any progress being made to the severe burn wounds that covered her entire body. Her form was near entirely yellow, from snout to tail tip. She huffed again. How Aslisk severely hated any form of accepting help. For the longest time she had strove to be independent. Yet here she was, defeated by a pile of fire that she had created, and it hadn't yielded the results. With time, Aslisk assured herself, her fireproof ability would return. It was only in question of how many times she would have to endure the fierce flames in order to have her desired results. "I jusss' said I've tak'n way wo'sse." The near yellow wyvern grumbled. This was minor in comparison to the torture that she had endured daily in her earliest days. This was no where near it. Yet it was worse, in a way. Now she was enduring it on her own accord rather being forced to do so by the will of her creator. Aslisk wasn't fully certain if she had even said her previous comment. She insisted nonetheless, stubbornly fighting against the tone of exhaustion that had sunk into her tone.

Upon hearing the other's words, though, her red eyes snapped open. "Don' lussssluing touch mmme!" The wyvern screeched sharply. It was the loudest her voice had managed to be since the Harbringer had arrived. Yet near the end it trailed off into a grumble. Her talons curled, but she couldn't muster the strength to claw at the Gat as he picked her up. Instead she writhed when her burn wounds made contact with the other. She again screamed out in sheer pain. Her tail sharply curled, spasming, before the energy needed to continue the motions ran out. Aslisk breathed hard again, exhaustion seeping in again. The burnt wyvern could do nothing against Redvox as he carried her back. Her form fell limp shortly into the task of being carried, the energy needed to keep her head barely raised had dissipated as well. The heat seeped at her energy, and that hurt as well. Occasionally she twitched, probably due to the nerves that had been fried during the burning. Sudden jerks of her body warranted in more pain, and Aslisk could not muster the strength to even utter a hiss of annoyance towards the uncontrollable motions. How she hated having to rely on someone else to carry her to get the care needed for her burn wounds. It angered her severely, but she did not have the strength to hold onto the anger for long. Aslisk continued to breathe hard, coughing, wincing, sputtering, struggling against the severe burns that plauged her.

TAGS 10/3/19:

Re: recapping retribution - fireproofing - redvox. - 11-20-2019

REDVOX "VINNY" ABRAMO - cis male - goat-bat hybrid - harbinger
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
For once, Vox wasn't actually holding any of Aslisk's angry outbursts against her. After all, he couldn't even begin to imagine the pain that she was in, even if ultimately she was the reason she was in such pain. The closest comparison he had was when he had first burned to death within the warehouse fire that had first disbanded the Halls, but even that had been fast and merciful, with him passing out before the full fury of the agony of dying by flames could take effect. He could only imagine that was similar to this, except that Aslisk wasn't passed out, nor was she dead. Instead she was awake and alive, forced to deal with the consequences of her actions. If Vinny was someone more cruel, he would've felt a smug sense of satisfaction that Aslisk was facing some kind of retribution for doing something stupid, but truthfully he didn't feel good about this at all. He just hoped to Bertille that somebody could help in some way, or there was a good chance that Aslisk could succumb to her injuries and die. The thought made his ears twitch and flatten as he heaved Aslisk onto his back, wincing when he heard her agonized screaming. He expected to be lashed out at in some capacity, and he felt Aslisk thrash a bit, but after a moment the wyvern had just given up, too overwhelmed by the pain that struck her. He wasn't sure whether to be relieved or worried, but he felt a heavy mix of both as he began his steady trek back go the apartment building, going through great lengths as to not jostle the female on his spine.

When the apartment building eventually came into sight, Vox picked up his pace somewhat, although he was still exceedingly careful not to wound Aslisk further. Once they were right outside, Vinny took a deep breath before shouting, desperate for help, "Help! 'Elp! We need help, Aslisk is really fuckin' badly burned! Roman! Somebody, anybody who knows what th'fuck to do in a situation like this!" Vox liked to think that he was pretty good at a large number of different things, such as fighting and strategy, and interacting with others. But when it came to healing and stuff like that, he always preferred to shove the ball in another's corner, since he really couldn't afford to fuck up and end up killing someone. Unfortunately, that also meant that he had absolutely no idea what to do in this situation, and was left with only the option to desperately shout for some kind of assistance, praying to Bertille that it would come before something even more serious happened to Aslisk.

( [member=5538]romanempire[/member] )

Re: recapping retribution - fireproofing - trojan g. - 11-22-2019

"I'm sorry, secret siren, but I'm blocking out your calls"
If Roman had thought that with the medic training he had offered would make it easier to keep out of medicine and healing, he would have thought wrong. Of course, he would have known that whoever had showed up and showed interest in becoming the healer of the group would need training so he would still be teaching them things, but at this point with so few having showed up to the meeting - it had been a disaster in his eyes to be frank - Roman knew that he was stuck with the position for a while longer. More times he would have to help others who had been hurt, he would just have to hope that they didn't get hurt often, that he wouldn't be needed for a while. After all, he'd hate to get comfortable helping only to eventually hurt them more without meaning to.

The call from Vox reached his ears, and Roman couldn't help but let a small scowl spread across his face in slight annoyance before he started making his way over, the smell of charred flesh - something all to familiar to the tom - and blood reaching his nose, only to see what had happened. She had burned herself on purpose? To fireproof herself? What the hell was wrong with her!?

Reaching the two, Roman would conjure up what he needed, ears pinning to the back of his head. "I don't care if you're trying to fireproof yourself or not, you don't just walk into fire if you know you're not fireproof." Roman would rumble as he got near, attempting to start applying things before wrapping it up in bandages.. He knew his words could potentially be seen as harsh, but he honestly didn't care. He didn't like to parent around others if they weren't his own kids, but it seemed as though he might have to - after all, Roman was old enough to everyone's grandpa here in all honesty. Lashing out his tail, Roman would conjure up some poppy seeds and put them in front of Aslisk's face, "Eat these, I'm not going to make you suffer while your wounds heal, no matter how idiotic I think your idea was to get fireproofed was... if you want to actually be fireproofed, talk to me after your wounds heal." He knew how to help with it, without as much injury she had caused herself today.

Turning over to Vox, the male would speak once more. "I'm not going to be able to help her get to the apartments, but if you're able to, then go ahead..." He'd drift off for a moment before turning back to Aslisk, "And you need to be on bedrest until you can move without much pain, make sure it heals right. I'll try to visit you to make sure it's doing so, but if something happens between me checking, try to come and get me."
tags - penned by @ tikki
[color=transparent]template by orion

Re: recapping retribution - fireproofing - fulzanin - 11-22-2019

ASLISK - wyvern - powers - halls of hiraeth - sentinel - hot shot

Being carried made the wyvern feel weak. Being carried made her feel absolutely useless. It would have usually brought her a searing anger. It would have made her scream and thrash and fight hard against whatever was holding her and helping her. Aslisk often refused aid until it was to the point where every other option had been exhausted almost thrice over. She liked to think of herself as self efficient. She liked to think she worked hard, and had sustained herself well over her entire life with absolutely no or little aid. Occasionally the wyvern spasmed, a result of her fried nerves that were firing at random. Aslisk twitched, coughing, wincing at the feeling of her burnt scales scraping against the Harbringer that was carrying her back for aid. It was immense pain, and not even her stubbornness could fight against it in full. She groaned when she heard the sudden bout of shouting. It hurt her fried, webbed ears. She didn't dare move them, not wanting to risk hurting herself further or causing more pain.

Aslisk forced one of her red eyes open to hear the words of the one that Redvox had called over. Her eyes usual and familiar angered glow was dimmed, tarnished by the pain that surged through her burnt scales. The burns discolored her scales yellow, the same color as the vibrant scar across her face. The wound that had been there since her joining had not grown worse due to the burn attempt - most of her face was fine as well, spare her ears which were thoroughly burnt as well. Her horns and spikes had escaped unscathed, due to being keratin and therefore far more able to resist being burnt. Her body thrashed at the contact of medical aid. Her talons raised, flailing blindly in a pain fueled motion. Just as Aslisk had when she had been carried, the wyvern was swift to lose the energy needed to fight against being given aid. Her gaze moved to look at the seeds that were being administered to her. "I can't e' plan's," she huffed, barely able to manage an attempt to glare at the small sees of question. But when another surge of pain shot through her, she decided that she might as well try. The wyvern lapped up the seeds, momentarily flinching from the taste - and then again from the texture of munching on a plant rather a piece of flesh. "'sss wor'd before, c'n do again," the wyvern then softly hissed, regarding how she had relied on her past experience to tell her about how she could go about fireproofing herself. Aslisk's head fell limp again after, eyes sliding shut from the exhaustion of the wounds.

Aslisk wasn't even sure what those seeds would do to her. Would they even help her due to her carnivorous diet? The burnt wyvern coughed again, wheezing, and gritting her teeth to block out a sharp shriek. When she had been fireproofed the first time, she had been a different creature then. The moment darkness had graced her skin, she had healed swiftly and never had to deal with the burn wounds for long. It was not expected. She could imagine it well, her mother scoffing at her. She would have to become fireproof to spite her creator. Aslisk again flinched - she had not thought of the other as her mother in quite some time. Fury surged forward, making her twitch and shudder. If Aslisk did not have the energy to move, she certainly barely had some to feel anger. It dissipated quickly, huffing and breathing hard. "Bedress' is f' lussluing kustioka," The wyvern weakly hissed. More strange words from her strange language, probably growing too disoriented to flick her mind back and forth between the two and register which one she wanted to be speaking in at the time. The sheer amount of pain that was present assured such to her, and she was hating the pain more and more with every passing second.

TAGS 11/19/19:

Re: recapping retribution - fireproofing - redvox. - 11-24-2019

REDVOX "VINNY" ABRAMO - cis male - goat-bat hybrid - harbinger
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
When Roman arrived on the scene to help the charred wyvern, Vox let out a relieved and grateful breath, his entire body feeling as though it could give out in pure exhaustion from panicking and running Aslisk all the way here. It wasn't that the wyvern was particularly heavy – although she sort of was, for the goat sized hybrid – but he had been so frazzled and worried that he had run beyond what he had thought to be his limits. He hoped to Bertille that at some point, someone would arrive who genuinely wanted to be a cleric within the group, like a loving guardian angel. It wasn't that he didn't appreciate Roman's help, but he definitely knew that the other male wasn't looking to be on permanent medic duty, and Vinny could very much understand that. They just needed someone who was really interested in medicine... and preferably could deal with Aslisk's fiery temper, since the sentinel seemed like she got hurt far more often than anyone else in the group, whether it was intentional or not. He could tell that Aslisk hated currently being doted on, with both the medical attention and the carrying, but the hybrid also found that he couldn't being himself to care that much, because he knew that Aslisk was just being stubborn. If she didn't accept help, she probably wouldn't ever get around again... the thought made him frown, and he quickly shook it off, not willing to admit that he had somewhat come to care about the hot shot since she had first followed after him. Sure, he was supposed to care about everyone within the Halls, since they were his friends and family, but... Aslisk felt like more of a hassle to care about than most sometimes.

When Aslisk first refused the poppy seeds, the gat's ears pinned down, his mouth opening to scold her, but then she seemed to think better, evidently driven by the sharp pain gripping her at the moment. He did scowl when he heard her continuing to talk about how she had meant to fireproof herself, and he said in a soft snap, "You are not settin' y'self on fire again. Nearly gave me a heart attack this time, and obviously it didn't work! No doin' this again, or you're gonna end up dead at this rate." His words were harsh, but they were also born out of worry, not wanting Aslisk to die because she foolishly thought setting herself aflame would somehow give her the ability to resist fire. Once he was done with his little miniature rant, Vin sighed and turned to Roman, his large ears perking up before he nodding, mumbling to the arch-templar, "Thank you, Roman... I can get her up ta her room. I doubt she'll be happy about it, but I'll just make 'er deal... plus ill try 'n' make sure she listens ta you 'n' gets bedrest." He doubted he would actually be able to get Aslisk to stay in bed, and was beginning to feel more like a Mother than a Harbinger, but he meant it. Taking a deep breath, he shifted to make sure that Aslisk was securely up on his back before he moved inside the apartment building, mumbling to Aslisk as he started the trek up to her room with a soft huff of anger through his pointed nose, "Bedrest is not... whatever th'hell you just said. Bedrest is good, because it means you'll actually heal, dumbass." He tried to be especially careful as he ascended up the steps, knowing that the strange shape of his body could jostle Aslisk's wounds, or shift her off of his back, something he very much didn't want happening.

Re: recapping retribution - fireproofing - fulzanin - 11-26-2019

ASLISK - wyvern - powers - halls of hiraeth - sentinel - hot shot

"T-try 'n s-s-stop me," Aslisk hissed. Her words were stuttery, forcing the words to curl out past her teeth. It was exhausting to remain awake, but the wyvern was stubborn. She would not give in to the exhaustion, just like she was not giving into the silly idea of this not causing her to become fireproof. She spasmed and struggled for a brief moment, hissing, trying to kick at Redvox. She didn't need to be carried anywhere! She was not weak! She was not pathetic! She was perfectly fine! Feeling her burned scales brush another, though, hurt. The wyvern shuddered, sputtering, stiffening before going limp again. Of course Aslisk was fighting aid. She was a self preserving wyvern! She didn't need anyone's help and certainly not from someone who did not believe in her methods of fireproofing. Her red eyes slipped shut, a pained noise sounding. This was stupid! She could teleport, she didn't need to be carried anywhere. "Y-y-youuu cn't make mmme do hask-k!" Aslisk weakly snapped. Her tone had for a moment grown strong, but now it was back to a state of complete and utter exhaustion and pain. She huffed again, then hissing at the pain that came from breathing.

Being moved made the wyvern again thrash. Her spiky tail swung, trying to bat at the Harbringer that was hauling her up to her room. Aslisk didn't have lots of force behind the movement and, in truth, it just felt like the scrape of a blunt tree branch. The wyvern heaved, sputtering, the noise then turning into a hiss. She hissed a lot; baring her teeth while a faint noise rumbled through her. A sharp and threatening noise that, now, was just being used to suck in air. It hurt, and her teeth were gritted together as if it would help her brace the pain. Being doted on was, of course, the source of her problem. She did not want this kind of attention. It was near the opposite of what the wyvern aspired for the attention drawn to herself to be. Aslisk wanted to be seen as vicious, threatening, a person not to be trifled with. Not an idiot who didn't know what she was doing. She knew what she was doing! She was perfectly capable! Aslisk thankfully did not slip off the other's back, but once or twice had indeed given a sharp shriek of alarm when the movement pushed past her barely developed fire pain tolerance. "I ssssaid it's f'r lusluing kustioka, y-you hask," Aslisk repeated, as if it would elaborate on her words in any form by repetition alone.

Aslisk had organized her room a little, even if there was still more clutter. The pile of bowls was there; of course Aslisk hadn't handed over any of them when they were demanded back. Sure, she'd given one back to some youth, but had told herself that it was a one time thing and the rest were for her own children alone. Some of the plants in her room had been awkwardly stuffed into some of the bowls, as if they would function as potted plants. Feathers from birds she had killed were in another random pile, and some random string she'd found suggested that she was trying to do something with the dead bird parts other than just hoard them. There wasn't a bed. Aslisk hadn't gotten herself a bed yet, but had instead spent time planting plants in bowls and gathering bird feathers. The injured wyvern almost looked smug, then opening her maw to painfully mutter, "n-no bedress' for me." The slightest drowsy effect of the poppy seeds was kicking in, and her struggles and comments had grown sparse and near nonexistent. Aslisk wheezed, albeit seeming a little more complacent now that she wasn't outside where absolutely everyone could see her scorched, burnt, and injured form. Her eyes blinked open for a few seconds, Aslisk then coughing. What was that word the other had used? She'd have to figure out it's meaning. "D-dumbyaiss," she then grumbled, pronunciation off and her tone weakening once more.

TAGS 11/19/19: