Beasts of Beyond
SHOW ME THE PLACE WHERE YOUR WORDS COME FROM;; open - apology - Printable Version

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SHOW ME THE PLACE WHERE YOUR WORDS COME FROM;; open - apology - trojan g. - 11-12-2019

"I'm sorry, secret siren, but I'm blocking out your calls"
The scent of the Pitt was long since gone from his pelt, now laying a new scent of a group that many animals would not have heard of yet, at least, animals from most of the groups. Those that resided in the Pitt were likely to know due to Vox having said something about it before he left, but Roman had spoken no words before leaving the groups he had been a part of, whether it be the Elysium before he ventured off into the Pitt, or the Pitt before he just up and left in the middle of the raid, off to find his new home in the group that Redvox had started.

Roman felt horrible because of his leavings, and even though he wasn't going to go back to the Pitt to do so, the male felt as though he should go back to Elysium and apologize to them for his short stay before leaving to go live with the enemy. He had good reason to, though he didn't believe that it was something that required explanation at the time being.

Padding over to the border, the three-legged male would simply sit down before clearing his throat. "Um, hello!" He would begin, brows scrunching as he thought for a moment, "I'm Roman, and I want to speak with the leader here, and I come here with no ill intent..." Just in case they remembered him from the raid, when he had been on the wrong side of things.
tags - penned by @ tikki
[color=transparent]template by orion

Re: SHOW ME THE PLACE WHERE YOUR WORDS COME FROM;; open - apology - Warringkingdoms - 11-13-2019

  [font=trebuchet ms]/ishpost
  /tw: gore in paragraph 3

  Rin had been keeping as close a watch on the borders as she could by herself. Unguarded borders led to dead clan members, and truthfully? She was half expecting Tanglewood to appear at the border and announce that their medic had died, and blame her for not saving him. It wouldn't have been the first time another group had done so, and it was true anyways. She hadn't saved him, all because of a stupid shapeshifting mishap.

  Seeing a figure from afar at the border, she approached at a quick pace. From what she could detect of their scent, they didn't smell like Tanglewood, the Typhoon, or the Pitt. As she grew closer, she could distinguish a particular scent, but not who it belonged to. Was there another start-up forming?

  His words hit her at the same time that she saw his missing leg- jaws tearing at flesh, breath bursting with flame, burning, bloody, impalement- impalement- BRANCH THROUGH THE TRACHEA, VISCERA DRIPPING DOWN- Her claws unsheathed, stained with blood that only she could see. He'd broken. They came for her, blaming her. He apologized- liar, liar, MURDERER, TRAITOR- all of it on her soul, all of it judged upon her.

  What do you have to say for yourself?

  "You know," Rin snarled as she stalked over, "the last time I gave someone like you a second chance, he took every chance he got to make me regret it." To this day, it had followed her. Under a certain lighting, her eyes were just the wrong shade of green- the same shade as his. With that image in her mind, she would never forget what one mistake had caused.

  Baring her teeth, she hissed, "So tell me- why should I believe that you're any different?" It took all of her willpower not to draw an arrow from her quiver- much as she would have liked to strike Roman down right now, he wasn't posing an immediate threat to Elysium, and the scent that replaced the Pitt probably meant he had a new home. Even in her state, she knew better than to start another war.

Re: SHOW ME THE PLACE WHERE YOUR WORDS COME FROM;; open - apology - trojan g. - 11-13-2019

"I'm sorry, secret siren, but I'm blocking out your calls"
Had he known that it would be Rin that would be the first that crossed his path, Roman would have had second guesses on coming here. Of course, he knew that there would be a possibility that she would be one that he saw while here, though the first? He would not have taken bets on it. Though, here she was, mad as ever, and Ro couldn't help but pin ears to the base of his skull as he listened to her speak, snarling at him. He knew she had reason to, though he wished that it had been different - it could be, after all - but he wasn't so sure how soon it could be.

"I've moved away from the Pitt, and those that I'm with now know of my background..." He would start off, thinking for a moment, "They know I've changed, and I came here to apologize for leaving without word and joining the Pitt, it was for the protection of those here, though I see how that turned out with the raid and all, which is why I left the Pitt by the way." He would look over Rin for a moment, ears pricking once more before he spoke again, "And as far as the medic that I know you saw me attacking, I lost control of myself, there's no explaining that in a way most would believe, but I didn't have control of my body, and I didn't know he was a medic, I was just protecting my home at the time - something anyone would do." After all, protecting homes... wasn't that the main reason why the raid with the Pitt had started in the first place?
tags - penned by @ tikki
[color=transparent]template by orion

Re: SHOW ME THE PLACE WHERE YOUR WORDS COME FROM;; open - apology - Warringkingdoms - 11-15-2019

  [font=trebuchet ms]Despite any fear or defensiveness he may have felt as a result of her aggression- the way his ears flattened back could mean many different things- Roman's explanation was calm. He'd found new people, as she'd suspected... and ones that knew of his background, at that? Odd. Not completely unbelievable, as she'd heard stranger tales before, but still odd.

  Before she could think about it too hard, however, Roman's next words caught her attention. He'd wanted to protect them- from himself, she was assuming, given that he hadn't mentioned an external threat. Then he claimed that he'd lost control of his body, essentially confirming that assumption.

  That was... actually believable. She thought, for a few moments, of Zaniel's teal eyes where Bastille's had been baby blue, Genevieve's crimson eyes where Margaery's had been a soft gray... a single green eye set in blond-streaked fur. Gritting her teeth, she closed her eyes and shook her head. If she went down memory lane now, she might never make it back. She had come to the necessary conclusion, which was that Roman's claim of not being in control was in the realm of possibility.

  If this new group really did exist, then the odds were good that the Pitt would consider Roman a traitor, and he would never be allowed back- therefore, even if Roman had wanted to go back on his word, he couldn't. Furthermore, if they really did know of Roman's past, and whatever it was he was fighting, they might be able to keep him under control. That was, of course, assuming that they weren't a sleeper cell for the Pitt themselves, but she could investigate that herself.

  Even if they posed no risk, it wouldn't hurt to pay them a diplomatic visit.

  Opening her eyes, Rin sheathed her claws. Roman had enough evidence and reasoning on his side that hearing him out was the best option... but she still had to be careful. Reasonable as his explanation was, the most convincing, most devious liars knew how to sound logical. She would need to investigate further, and even if everything he said was true, Elysium would still need to watch their backs. Whether or not she would ever personally forgive him for what he did remained to be seen.

  "I see," she said, meeting his eyes with a wary gaze. Furrowing her brows, she continued, "Tell me about this group you're with, if you don't mind." If he did mind, it was no skin off her back- she'd probably stumble across them on her travels anyway.

  /even ish-er post