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opheliac in me — o, herb search - Printable Version

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opheliac in me — o, herb search - guts - 05-03-2018

Aizawa had been given to task to go and look for herbs, and since he had no medical knowledge (or at least not any that would do him any good in this world) nor was he a medic in any sense of the word, he would have to take someone else with him. He and Jacob were fairly familiar with one another, but he wasn't really that comfortable with him yet, and he could mildly trust Izuku. Besides, if he had ever tried anything funny, he could pretty much squash him like a bug. So, the maine coon was his go-to. It'd be awkward for him to take anyone else.

"Midoriya, come here," he calls out, standing at the entrance to the cave system. His tail flickers behind him as he watches for him. Aizawa isn't sure where herbs would be found, either, so he supposed the Tenderfoot would know best. There had been some in the meadow, he thought, so that would probably be one of the places they'd go to.

[member=183]izuku[/member] anyone can post!!


Re: opheliac in me — o, herb search - arcy - 05-03-2018

Aizawa is just lucky that Izuku was close enough to hear him. Though, that might just be Aizawa either knowing he's hear, or the typical coincidences of stuff like this that happens in clans. Seriously, he's not sure how he manages to be present for half of the stuff he is. Still, it's with a twitch of the ears that Izuku hears Aizawa calling for him, and the sleepy Maine Coon pulls himself to his paws without complaint. It's not like he was gonna sleep, anyways -- when was the last time he slept? Good question. So the Maine Coon shakes out his fur and blinks a few times before fully perking up and making his way over to where he heard Aizawa.
"Um -- what's up?" Izuku asks with a tip of the head. There could be a few things, of course -- was this about Aizawa's weekly task? He thinks it was herb collecting, and Izuku was good at that. Even if he couldn't always remember what the herbs did, he could generally kind of recognize them. He'd almost read through his medical books, after all, he just ... wasn't any good at retaining stuff on medicine, whoops. Uh, anyways -- he guesses this is what's up, if he called Izuku up. There was the field, of course, but Izuku had vague ideas of other places they could go. Granted they were all ... very far out. Of course they had to be -- the field was surprisingly warm considering that it didn't take too long to get there, but it wouldn't have everything they needed.
//retro to injuries lmao


Re: opheliac in me — o, herb search - guts - 05-03-2018

Aizawa hadn't seen him, but he knew that if he kept calling, sooner or later he would have made an appearance. He often found himself forgetting that Izuku was no longer under him, at least not in the way he had been. Really, with his position as Tenderfoot, he was kind of above him now. But he wasn't fond of thinking about that. It still felt weird to him, though it definitely wasn't the weirdest thing to ever happen.

"Come with me. I need to find some herbs, and you know where they are," and what they look like, but he didn't say that out loud. They probably just looked like regular weeds and flowers, but he wouldn't know that. He wasn't a herb fanatic like Izuku or Jacob. Bunch of weirdos.


Re: opheliac in me — o, herb search - arcy - 05-04-2018

Izuku had never really thought about the fact that being a Tenderfoot meant that he had some power over the regular members -- it was just really weird. Izuku had always just been kind of ... considered beneath everyone else in some sort of way, so the thought was. Uncomfortable. He tries not to think about it a lot -- it's not like it was a lot, anyways. He was just a semi-high position, he wasn't really capable of bossing people around. Not that he really ever wanted to, unless it was just that intense -- Izuku was. Kind of a pushover. He'd gotten better before the whole drama of becoming a cat, but he's not sure where he stands right now.
"Um ... alright," Izuku grins crookedly at the lion, though there's a note of uncertainty to be found in it. Being ordered around again is kind of. Weird. He's gotten kind of used to being asked to do stuff, so it's a little jarring, but Izuku doesn't really care to complain. "Same place as last time, or do we want to look somewhat closer, first? Anywhere without too much snow would be fine," There'd be at least a few plants poking up out of the snow farther away. Whether or not they'd be useful is up for debate, though. Either way, he's letting Aizawa take the lead here mostly, since he's the one who asked. Izuku's just kind of along to help. And do most of the actual collecting -- Aizawa probably couldn't recognize most of them without help. Very unfortunate.


Re: opheliac in me — o, herb search - guts - 05-04-2018

Aizawa quite liked the idea of visiting the meadow, but it would probably be best if they looked somewhere else first. It hadn't been that long since they went there, so they might as well give them more time to grow back. That was how herbs worked, right? They were basically plants, from his basic knowledge. Whatever, they could go wherever. He could at least nap while he picked the herbs.

"I don't care either way. As long as there are herbs," he turned away, stepping out of the cave into the snow. Yep, he still wasn't used to the cold. His fur immediately puffed up, breath appearing in front of his face in clouds. He adjusted his scarf to cover his face before continuing.


Re: opheliac in me — o, herb search - pallid-i - 05-04-2018

There was the heavy thumping of paws. it was fairly obvious who it was, even without seeing him run over. "Misters! I wanna go with you!" Harrison's voice rung out and the kit stopped next to the two, jumping and tail wagging. "I wanna help you! Please let me help!" Sure he gave the task out, but that didn't mean he couldn't help, right?
i couldn't even keep you

Re: opheliac in me — o, herb search - arcy - 05-04-2018

Izuku huffs at Aizawa's lack of care. He had plenty ideas, of course, but Aizawa had been the one to call the whole thing together. Izuku had been expecting the other to lead the whole thing, but he'd just shoved the whole thing onto Izuku, apparently. If the green tabby pokes his tongue out somewhat sourly, he can't be blamed.
"The field still has plenty of stuff there, don't worry. Let's start elsewhere, though, for variety," Izuku tells Aizawa with a sigh, and after a few moments, manages to muster up a little grin. He's very tired, and it shows. He can't really be blamed for his sour attitude, at least he's trying to cheer up. Hearing the thump of little paws and Harrison's squeaky voice, however, does a fairly good job at making Izuku perk up. He liked the kitten, despite Izuku's lack of interaction with the other.
"Hi Harrison!" Izuku chirps a little more light-heartedly, though his heavy eyes become more clear to him with his attitude change. He takes a moment to shake out his pelt and stretch, to let more of the cold reach him, since his fur was a little too good at keeping the worst of it out sometimes. It definitely works, and Izuku blinks as the enthusiastic kitten asks to go with. "Um, we're probably going pretty far out because of -- well, not of useful stuff grows when it's this cold and snowy. It that going to be okay?" Izuku was all for letting Harrison go, but he's not sure Jacob would appreciate Harrison going probably out of the territory with two ... not very great Snowbounders. Neither he nor Aizawa were really trained nor useful for combat. Though, Aizawa was probably doing more training than Izuku was managing, and he did have the advantage of size ...


Re: opheliac in me — o, herb search - guts - 05-05-2018

Sure, Aizawa did organize the whole thing, but he wasn't the type to take lead now that he didn't have to. He was the kind of person to nap all the time, after all. What more could he expect? Anyways, he wasn't at all fooled by Izuku's facade. He knew that he was tired, but even if he voiced his concern, he'd probably just shrug it off. He had never seen him in the same light as All Might, so his words would go in one ear and out the other. It was probably better off that way.

He looks over at Harrison, scampering over. He was quite fond of the kid himself. He could admire the kit's goals, especially since he supposedly understood the reality of said goals. He was willing to go the distance, which was something he could definitely look up to. The older maine coon could definitely take notes from him. "If you do go, stay close. Don't go running off and getting yourself in trouble," blunt as always, of course. He wasn't about to take the fault if the kitten got himself hurt.


Re: opheliac in me — o, herb search - pallid-i - 05-05-2018

He smiled at Izuku and nodded aggressively. "Yeah, it's okay! Pa won't mind, I swear!" He actually didn't know if Jacob would actually mind, but Harrison really wanted to go and help the two. "I will be the best helper anyone could ever ask for!" This could be a perfect opportunity to practice his tracking skills too. He couldn't pass that up.
i couldn't even keep you