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cold months ➵ bringing plants in - Printable Version

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cold months ➵ bringing plants in - arcy - 11-12-2019

Crowley was more of an .. indoor plants type of person. There hadn't exactly been space for outdoor plants when he'd been living in a London flat, and Crowley wouldn't have felt up for it even so. They didn't deserve such luxury. ... As was now, though ... well. He had the space, didn't he? A probably irradiated space, but space nonetheless. Crowley was always open to trying new things. So .. he had, and had been very thankful his gardening activities had been so thoroughly overlooked since he was first bringing houseplants home.
.. Listen, just because he was getting better at talking about himself didn't mean he didn't enjoy being overlooked, still. He could usually accept gathering some attention, but it was taking some work.
In any case. He'd planted some plants outside of his residence, neatly tucked away from view. For the most part, anyways. Some of them kept in their pots, but some planted in the soil. Those were .. a little different from his usual fare.
Anyways. It was getting colder. Crowley was not excited about it by any stretch, not least because he'd have to relocate his plants. It wouldn't do to abandon them to the cold, after all. So .. he'd prepared his plant room. Expanded it a little, got it ready for winter. Now all that was left to move them inside.
... Crowley stares at the green plants bleakly. The pots hadn't been too bad, except for his lack of available arms or legs.  He'd left them in front of his door to deal with later. A few empty ones have been left nearby for him to move those left into. He'll have to dig them up to put them in, though. A spade, or should he use his paws, he wonders? He taps a paw against the ground, before realizing he doesn't even have opposable thumbs.
That solves one problem. He continues staring. Then, finally, he sighs. He's already filthy, it's not like it matters. He'll just .. have to be careful about the roots.
So, he sets to work. He leaves a wide gap between the dig circle and the plant stalk as he claws into the dirt*. He, very rapidly, gets covered in dirt, pressed so low to see the roots as he is.
"Be grateful I'm not leaving you out to die," He hisses to the shaking plant as he finally unearths it, unharmed. It is ... strangely exhausting. He hadn't really gotten tired, when he was still connected to hell's energy. And he still didn't need to .. sleep or eat or anything, but apparently he got tired now.
*do felines usually dig? crowley doesn't actually know, he hadn't bothered to learn anything about servals before becoming one.
Crowley, very carefully, lifts up the plant in his paws. He steadfast ignores the dirt on his chest and legs in favor of awkwardly wriggling towards the pot, unable to use his upper half. It's the least dignified he's ever looked, and he spreads his wings to help him keep balance, at the cost of his feathers. He unceremoniously dumps it into the pot. If it knows what's good for it, there won't be anything wrong with it. He checks the leaves frequently, anyways.

Re: cold months ➵ bringing plants in - wormwood. - 11-12-2019

i was born, on the highway, in a train wreck
with a heart, that was beating, out of my chest
Aurum knew that Crowley liked plants, after all, it was pretty obvious to find out, considering the fact that the demon had helped the guardsman when he had been setting up his own garden. Not to mention the fact that Aurum had been around when Crowley had brought in a huge cart of plants to grow. Ever since then, Aurum had assumed that Crowley had been taking care of the plants somewhere within the territory, although he didn't know exactly where, since he didn't want to make Crowley uncomfortable by messing with the other's business. When the weather began to become more chilly, however, Aurum began to grow worried for plants that weren't grown through something like earth elementals. Although he certainly didn't have a green paw, the guardsman was fairly sure that his fledgling little garden wouldn't die through the winter, thanks to the fact that the various different species of plants were backed up by the power of his elementals. Even now, as leaves rained down from the trees, none of the plants in his garden were even beginning to darken or look less than in tip top shape, some even beginning to bloom if they hadn't already. It was impressive, but it also made Aurum worried for Crowley's plants, which he were fairly sure weren't grown through anything but hard work and nature.

Aurum had been resisting asking about the plants for as long as possible, not wanting to make Crowley feel like he was intruding, but also not wanting the demon to be sad if his plants did end up dying. However, when he was flying over the territory and watching over everything, he caught sight of Crowley in the dirt, pulling at one of his several plants and grunting in frustration at the effort. A soft chuckle left the angel as he moved to land nearby, trotting over and biting his tongue as he watched Crowley worm his way forward to dump the plant he had struggling against within the pot. Aurum mumbled softly as he moved forward, gently lifting up one of the leaves with a paw and inspecting it curiously, "Hey Crowley... you bringing your plants inside for the winter? You got enough room? If not, I can help out by keeping some inside my place. I mean, I've got Roy in there too, but I've gotten rid of a bunch of my books, so I'm sure he wouldn't mind having some plants in the house too." In all honesty, Aurum wasn't sure how Roy felt about plants – besides just being worried about setting them on fire – but hopefully it would lighten up their shared house a little bit if Crowley did need help. Of course, there was always the chance that Crowley didn't need any help at all, and the demon had plenty of room within his house to both relax and keep his plants healthy – even if it seemed like Crowley's ways of "keeping his plants healthy" was a bit different from how Aurum had always imagined a gardener would deal with them. Aurum had only actually heard the serval talking to his plants once or twice before, but it was usually in very tense tones, or in threatening phrases that seemed to make the plants shiver in their pots.
template by orion

Re: cold months ➵ bringing plants in - arcy - 11-14-2019

Even when Crowley had miracles, he hadn't ever used them on his plants. It felt like cheating -- that, and using it on living beings, even as simple as plants, felt wrong. Seeing Aurum's garden was somewhat jarring even still. Not in a particularly bad way, mind, but jarring nonetheless.
.. Oh fuck, he's been witnessed. Thankful that his wide eyes are concealed beneath his glasses, Crowley whirls around to face Aurum. Light-hearted, he makes a face at the lion, raising a paw to brush off the worst of the dirt on his chest. It's not his fault he doesn't have arms or opposable thumbs. The serval shrugs. "Figured it was about time," And anyways, the sooner he gets the main room set up, the sooner he'll have a warm place to lounge when it gets cold. That was definitely a big bonus -- he'd had to be extra careful about possible drafts in that room. For his sake and the plant's. But mostly his. "I, uh. Should have enough room? Haven't checked yet," He frowns, doubtful. There wasn't a lot Crowley would be able to do about the size of the room, but he'd figured he'd deal with it, whatever the result was. He was getting the impression it'd be a touch over capacity, though. Admittedly, he wouldn't particularly enjoy spending his winter in an over-crowded room of shaking plants. Cowards, the lot of them -- he'd been more gentle with this lot than the last. To be fair, they did it less than the other had. The point being, he'd probably be willing to give some up to Aurum. Maybe. Crowley had no doubts that the lion would probably undo all of his hard work, putting the fear of Crowley into them, but that was .. fine. It was fine. "I'll have to check, once I'm done," He makes a motion to the several other plants. The outdoor plants were some of the bigger ones, after all. Though not by a terrible lot. He'd gotten them fairly recently, after all.
After a pause, Crowley seems to remember himself, and hurries to resume digging out the next plant. It wouldn't do to be getting distracted from his job, though he wasn't averse to conversation. Crowley, after all, was not particularly fond of being covered in dirt, and would like to minimize his time covered in it as much as possible.

Re: cold months ➵ bringing plants in - wormwood. - 11-16-2019

i was born, on the highway, in a train wreck
with a heart, that was beating, out of my chest
Truthfully, Aurum had been able to tell that Crowley never used such strange methods or miracles on his plants when he had first tried to grow his own garden and the other had come over. Although the demon had his glasses on at the time, and his expression was somewhat hidden, Aurum had still noticed the way that Crowley's brows had risen, and a strange look had come to his muzzle, as if he couldn't believe what he was seeing. It had amused Aurum more than it had upset him, mainly because he knew that without his elementals, he probably wouldn't have gotten anywhere in growing a garden. Eye moving upward to look over Crowley's place, the angel took note of the way that the place would probably be comfortable and warm for the other, even with all of the plants around. He didn't know much about plants – as he had demonstrated several times before – but he couldn't help but feel slightly worried about the amount of sunlight they would be getting... not that either of them could help that, since it wasn't like there would be much sunlight outside soon either. Dipping his head a bit, the lion rumbled as his tail twitched back and forth behind him, "I suppose it is getting close to the winter months. Plants probably won't be too happy being out here when everything starts freezing over..." He definitely wasn't looking forward to when that started happening, even with his thick golden pelt to protect him from the icy winds and cold surroundings.

The winged lion found himself nodding when Crowley mentioned he should have enough room, mumbling as he got back up to his feet and moved down the line of plants still in the ground, "Alright, well, I hope you do have enough room, just so you can take care of them like you want. I just figured I'd offer, so that you wouldn't be suffocated by plants while trying to sleep." Once he reached one of the plants that Crowley hadn't yet touched, the lion slowly lowered himself to the ground, his paws carefully moving forward to dig his claws into the earth. He gripped the dirt underneath the plant very slowly, his large claws not made for doing something as delicate as this – they were made for ripping and tearing, killing and war, not messing with little bits of greenery. He rumbled as he slowly lifted the plant out of the ground, the roots separating as the dirt stained his usually pristine golden paws, "I'll help out with getting some of the plants out of the ground, since I know some of them are in there deep... and you've already managed to stain your fur pretty thoroughly so far." He chuckled a bit at his own soft teasing, moving to put the plant he had ripped up into one of the pots, his one good eye darting around to make sure that he hadn't pulled up any weeds along with it.
template by orion