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RUN ME LIKE A RIVER && fatal, near-death - Printable Version

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RUN ME LIKE A RIVER && fatal, near-death - beatae - 11-11-2019

coming with redvox had been a rather easy decision for the mutated bush dog to make. they had all spectacularly failed against goldenluxury and her allies. its not like any of them really fought for the same goal as jervis anyhow. noa simply defended their friends and family. what little they had...

the halls were a means of an escape from scrutiny for being brought to the pitt. from the misjudgment. the belief of their pantheon wasn't enforced and noa knew if their family every came back, they would know where to find them. roman had seemed to come as well, but they had been lucky enough to avoid each other throughout the time being. perhaps a pretty good thing, considering noa was still upset about that.

they were attempting to make something cozy out of a vacant apartment. pushing back old furniture that had since decayed or crumbled from lack of care. in the midst of pushing it all onto the balcony to dispose of, noa had mistaken an old creaking sound for one of the wooden chairs while they pushed. they were clearly, dangerously wrong.

suddenly the floor gave out from beneath it, paws clinging to nothing but as they reached out to grasp onto something. they plummeted. further... further... down below several stories before falling with a disturbing-



this had to be the worst pain they had ever felt in their life.

tw below. detail of injuries.

their ribs were cracked, one protruding from its chest. each breath was an agonizing pain to achieve. they were stuck with shallow inhales and exhales. their head was dizzy from the impact; or perhaps it was the rush of blood leaving from the injury to their skull.

noa couldn't think. only feel as their body lay with fleeting life, waiting for it just just be over.

template by orion

Re: RUN ME LIKE A RIVER && fatal, near-death - trojan g. - 11-11-2019

[align=center][div style="bgcolor= black; width: 500px; font-family: georgia;font-size:12px;text-align:justify"]There were many things that Roman wished he could change, whether it be change something about himself or something that had happened, there were many things he wished to change. He knew he was a bad father to his newest children, and hadn't had any actual conversation with them, but it had been hard, considering his own lineage and what their grandfather would try to do to them if he found out. Pluto had been quiet as of late, but Ro kept himself on edge, watching out just in case his father came back for whatever reason, scared that the second he let his guard down he would come back to harm him or his children.

Roman had known that at the time of the raid that had happened only days before, Noa had been in the Pitt, though he hadn't known that the child was participating in the battle itself. Thinking back, Ro could have sworn he heard the child's call right before he had been attacked by an earth elemental attack, though he hadn't been sure, and had simply fled, assuming at the time that it had just been another Pittian watching out for him. If he could look back on that and realize that it had been Noa that called out his name, Roman would have done something to protect his child, no matter how much he hated himself for what he had done to that medic - even if he didn't know that Selby had been a medic at the time.

He had heard faint rumors that Noa had come down with Vox, though he hadn't gone out of his way to look for the younger canine, just in case the rumors were false, in fear of getting his hopes up, but it seemed as though today he would run into the other by accident, and it was a good thing he did too.

Roman had been padding around in search of something to do, getting used to the territory, when he had decided to go back to the apartments, and he was about to walk into the apartments, when he saw something falling, down, down down, from the balcony of a room higher up, and the feline knew immediately that it was not something, but someone, and he ran over there, gaining speed the second the smell and sight of who it was hit him.

"Noa!" Roman would speak when he noticed that the child was still alive, summoning the supplies he would need right next to him with conjuration. "Noa, this is going to hurt ok? I promise I don't want to hurt you but I need to get things back together." Roman then attempted to place down a paw on Noa's chest opting to fix the protruding bone first, before placing another paw on the other side of the bone. If he was successful in this, Roman would then push down firmly, placing the rib back in its spot, before reaching over to his side and grabbing bandages in an attempt to push them onto the wounds to stop them from bleeding, at least until he got someone bigger near him, to help him carry his child somewhere safe.

Re: RUN ME LIKE A RIVER && fatal, near-death - redvox. - 11-11-2019

REDVOX "VINNY" ABRAMO - cis male - goat-bat hybrid - harbinger
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
Vinny had been... pleasantly surprized, when Noa had decided to come with him when he had left to reform the Halls. Sure, they weren't the closest friends in the world, but Vox enjoyed Noa's company, and it had made him feel better that there were other Pittians who hadn't wanted to continue the injustices of the other group. Ever since then, Redvox had tried to make sure that Noa – along with everyone else that now resided within the Halls – was comfortable and hally, safe within the walls of the fortress. Unfortunately, the hybrid hadn't accounted for the fact that the main apartment building was still in a state of disarray, and many of the floors were still structurally unsound. He had been working on fixing that with the help of some of the larger members, but... it seemed that he hadn't gotten around to fixing up Noa's floor yet. The harbinger had been relaxing in his room, his chin resting against the ground and his green eyes closed as he drifted closer and closer to sleeping, when suddenly he heard a crash from down below him. The sound of floors cracking and falling in on themselves and a short lived shout from beneath him made him immediately leap up, his heart practically beating out of his chest. He wasn't sure exactly what floor the noises had come from, but he wasn't really thinking clearly as he threw himself down the stairs, occasionally teleporting to get down more quickly as he stumbled over his large wings and clumsy hooves. Before long, he reached Noa's floor, and, upon hearing Roman's frantic call, he found himself scrambling towards their room. When he threw the door open and saw the hole in the floor, his heart immediately sank, the air seeming to leave his lungs in one fell swoop. Fuck, fuck, Noa was hurt. Definitely hurt. He should've been more careful, should've told everyone which floors he had found were unstable... this was all his goddamn fault.

Teleporting down through the hole, Vinny soon found himself beside Roman, his eyes wide disks as he took in Noa's destroyed form, lingering on the bone jutting out of the other's chest. Initially, he felt like he wanted to vomit, the sight so upsetting that the harbinger wanted to flee from the scene, but... but he couldn't. He had a huge amount of responsibility now, and Noa's wellbeing was part of that responsibility. Besides, he had seen far worse, both in the Pitt and in the throes of battle... at least, that's what he told himself. He could hear Roman's voice from beside him, seeming almost far off as he tried to think of what he could do to help. However, everything came into stunning focus almost violently when Ro grabbed Noa's rib, moving to move it back into place. Vinny let out a slightly stunned noise as he closed his eyes for a moment before mumbling to Roman, resisting the staring urge to dig his claws into the flooring below him to stop the phantom pains that echoed through his chest after watching the other help – he couldn't even imagine how that must've felt for Noa, "Ro... Roman, fuckin' Bertille... ugh, uhm... what can I do to 'elp? I don't... I don't 'ave any medical knowledge, but I'll help however I can with this..." Shit, this is so, so fuckin' bad, ran loudly through Vox's mind, but he kept that to himself, not wanting to put Roman in more of a state of panic than he already was. Sure, Vinny was fucking panicked, but he couldn't imagine how Roman must've felt. Although he didn't know of the two's familial relationship, it was pretty clear from the worry and caring in Roman's voice that they were close.

Swallowing thickly, the hybrid waited expectantly for any of Roman's orders to him, his heart beating so surprisingly loudly that he could hear it over anything else. As he waited, the gat lowered his head, his voice a soft whisper as he prayed for his new clanmate, his eyes closing, "Sweet Bertille, goddess of light 'n' generosity... please 'elp my friend. They don't deserve this 'n' you fuckin' know it... please, 'nybody up there... help if y'can..." Hus voice was slightly strained and certainly more hostile than it usually was when he spoke to Bertille and her undergods, but he couldn't help it. He was worried out of his mind, and Noa definitely didn't deserve some shit like this... they had been nothing but friendly even before he had reformed the Halls... they should've been able to just get a nice safe room, not fuckin' this!