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the mockery plant - reeddogs - Printable Version

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the mockery plant - reeddogs - fulzanin - 11-11-2019

Aslisk remembered two things about her wife's species very easily. They were absolute idiots, one, and for two they were obsessed with baking cakes. If any sort of spectacular event happened, Ichigo's species would create immeasurable amounts of cake. When her and Ichigo had announced their pairing, Aslisk had been unable to leave her home until she had someone come and move all the cake. Even stranger, some of the cake had somehow gotten into their home, which made no sense considering that the door was locked and they had no windows. It had left her confused. Ichigo had been excited about all the cake, and Aslisk more so had been disgruntled that they had been on plates rather than bowls. She couldn't even recycle the plates for her kids! Aslisk knew not of the ways of baking. Instead she had tucked the plates away in a cabinet and decided she'd sort it out later. Later never came, of course.

Aslisk had no desire to learn how to cook. She hunted rather than cooking. Sometimes, back home, Ichigo would cook for her. Yes, Ichigo in truth could only create soup, but Aslisk would swear to her grave that it was the best soup to ever be made. Other than Ichigo's cooking Aslisk only ate stuff raw. It had been especially so upon her arrival here. After she had been told off for lighting a brush fire the wyvern had decided that dealing with fire - and her apparent lack-of-fireproof-ness - was not worth it. She had gotten a nasty burn from that experience, and thinking of it made her irritable. But there had been a culinary item that Aslisk did want to try to make. Ichigo had told her of some brown fruit that grew on reeds, called a 'corndog'. Or, at least, that was Ichigo's perspective of it. She had bounced and pleaded for Aslisk to take her to get some, but it had been at the end of a long day and Aslisk had only wanted to sleep instead of go on an adventure to find one particular food item. She stung with guilt, for not having gone to do such a thing. The grief arose from being away from her wife, and her teeth clenched.

To ease the guilt, the wyvern teleported out of her room. She would find some of those silly corndogs, and try one, so that when she returned home she could tell Ichigo all about how they tasted. Would that make up for her steadily growing disappearance? Aslisk hoped so. She wasn't sure if it would, but it was her only idea as of now. She got a running start before taking off. Finding a place that grew reeds was hard, but the wyvern did eventually manage. She returned with the brown plants and their stalks, landing rather heavily. Aslisk looked them over for a few seconds. They did look fried, and it befuddled her. How did a plant in the wild get fried? It confused her. The wyvern's wings splayed so that she could pick up one of the plants. She crunched down. Then, Aslisk sputtered, spitting up the reed. She spat and coughed, convulsing as her wings swiftly closed by her sides. "Ew, ew, those are- oh, Nitis, ew." The wyvern huffed. Her tongue hung from her mouth, and disgust scrunched up her face. The wyvern had fallen prey to such a simple switch up. Rather than irritation, the wyvern was too busy trying to scrub her tongue clean from the foul taste of reed with a wing.

ive always had to get my hands dirty, a patrol to make sure no one hurts me

TAGS 10/3/19:

Re: the mockery plant - reeddogs - beatae - 11-11-2019

it seems like a pleasant day to take a nice cool-down from their chores. things had become much more high energy and active now, leaving the sachin follower feeling much more tired out than usual. not that they didn't like the new people; they were ecstatic to teach and inform everyone about the halls culture. it was the draining feeling of energy passing through with the hours.

the fisher spent some time simply submerged underneath the surface, their head poking up for air while they dug around in the dirt, picking up tiny crabs and snails for snacks. when they looked up for another breath, aslisk was right in front of them. though didn't seem to notice.

they watched her ponder over a reed, head tilted in confusion. was there... something wrong with it? cottontail took another step forward, then gasped as she- she ate it! "ma'am! those are not for consumption." they informed, darting up to her and offering a much more pleasant tasting item, at least to them. crabs were pretty decent for seafood. "why did you try eating the reeds? are you sick?"

template by orion

Re: the mockery plant - reeddogs - redvox. - 11-11-2019

REDVOX "VINNY" ABRAMO - cis male - goat-bat hybrid - harbinger
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
Truthfully, Vox knew nothing about Aslisk's past, really. Beyond any occasional references to strange creatures that didn't exist here, or to swears that sounded completely foreign, he was entirely unaware of where Aslisk came from, or how she had ended up here. He knew nothing of her life or her kids, beyond just what she had mentioned when she had stolen bowls from several of the rooms throughout the group. The thought made him sigh a little bit, especially considering the fact that Aslisk had been unwilling to give any of them back. He still didn't completely understand what the fuck that had been about, but he found it better not to question it, unless the wyvern was doing something that was legitimately dangerous to herself or others. Now, what she was doing now wasn't exactly... dangerous, per say. Technically, water reeds were edible, and wouldn't kill her, but they certainly wouldn't taste very fucking good, and it seemed pretty clear from the look on her face that she had just found that out. As he came up beside Cottontail, the harbinger snorted in amusement, the entertained smile on his face showing off a multitude of sharp teeth as he shook his head. He wasn't sure what the hell had motivated the wyvern to try eating one of the reed plants, but it was still damn funny to see her expression, and he silently found himself thanking whichever of the gods who had motivated her to do such a thing – even though if Aslisk was able to hear what he was thinking, she would have probably killed him, or at least threatened him.

When he heard the genuine concern in Cottontail's voice, he chuckled and said, gently patting the weasel with one of his large wings, "Don't worry too much about it, Cotton. Not like reed plants are poisonous or anythin'. They just taste like shit, really. Are ya alright there, Aslisk?"  He couldn't help the faint smugness in his voice as he spoke to Aslisk. Sure, he respected the wyvern for her power, and valued her as a member of the group, but he did consider this to be a bit of a comeuppance for Aslisk snapping at him earlier. Karma working at its finest, of course. He then glanced at the crab that Cotton was offering to Aslisk, surprised that they even had a crab. Sure, it was tiny as hell, and probably wasn't too hard to catch, but he still found it surprising that Cotton had managed to get a crab at all. He really needed to stop thinking of them as a little kid who couldn't hunt or dig around for themselves anymore... clearing his throat, Vinny said to Aslisk after a moment, "So, ya wanna tell us why th'hell y'decided ta try eatin' a reed plant? They're hardly appetizin', and even though you can eat them doesn't mean ya should eat them." If he was a younger hybrid, he might've been able to understand mixing up a reed plant and a corn dog, but... this was honestly pretty ridiculous, even for someone like Aslisk. Surely she would've been able to feel that it wasn't hot?

Re: the mockery plant - reeddogs - fulzanin - 11-11-2019

The wyvern continued sputtering, trying in vain to get the taste of the reed from her mouth. She rubbed furiously with the joint of one of her wings. Yes, being aware of now having a far longer than usual tongue was absolutely annoying. The disgust destroyed that mentality. There was only one thing plaguing her mind at the time, and that was how absolutely nasty the reed had been. Her head turned to look at the crab that had been offered. She didn’t really like crab. The taste was too salty for her - which was an ironic statement of it’s own right. But it would wash out the taste of the reed, surely. Hastily when prompted the purple wyvern chomped down, ignoring whatever remained of the shell or other particulates, determined to get the foul taste or plant matter out.

Huffing, she glared down at the reeds that she had collected. A talon raised to smash the plants in her fury, red eyes gleaming with a hatred just as equal. “I’m not sick. The only sick thing here is, is, gah,“ Aslisk gagged, swinging her head rapidly. Her tongue recoiled, trying to spit up what little remained of the reed she had munched upon in her teeth. Her tail was coiled and raised behind her, awkwardly stiff as it hung there. Aslisk was carnivorous. Eating plant matter likely would have made her sick, if she had been able to keep it down. Before her arrival here she had been carnivorous, and it remained true in this wyvern form. Sharp teeth were for fighting and for tearing chunks of flesh. Certainly not for mushing up the reeds that she had mistaken for another food group.

Aslisk glared at Redvox. It was a tired glare, a not worth my time glare, an exasperated glare, but it did show some of that feisty spirit that the wyvern expelled whenever she was mildly inconvenienced. “I’m fine.” Aslisk repeated the same words she had used when her face had been burnt. She refused to admit how, moments ago - and still currently - she had locked up due to tasting a foul plant. Her wings were stiffened up, as if waiting to recoil once again should the foul taste return. “Even though I don’t have to justify myself, I, eugh, thought they were those corn dog things. I heard they grew on plants. Utterly despicable food.” She shortly hissed after the words of hostility curler from her maw. Her glare turned to the remaining reeds, then to the ones she had crushed underfoot. She bared her teeth at the sad plants as if they would understand her silent threat.

ive always had to get my hands dirty, a patrol to make sure no one hurts me

TAGS 10/3/19:

Re: the mockery plant - reeddogs - redvox. - 11-13-2019

REDVOX "VINNY" ABRAMO - cis male - goat-bat hybrid - harbinger
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
Vinny couldn't help the soft chuckle that left him as he watched Aslisk stuff her face with crab, eager to get the rough and unpleasant taste of the reeds out of her mouth and replaced with the overwhelming saltiness of the seafood. He too knew the struggles of having a long tongue, considering he had the tongue of a goat stuffed behind the sharp line of fangs of a bat. Still, he had never been dumb enough to try eating a water reed, so he didn't feel too bad about snorting at Aslisk's misfortune. It was also mainly because this was a very much harmless mistake. The most that Aslisk would suffer from was a stomach ache and a bit of bad taste, and she wouldn't end up dying or anything, so Vox didn't feel like a right bastard for letting out a few amused chuffs. What did worry him was the fact that Aslisk, while stuffing her face full of crab, was completely ignoring the shell, just swallowing it down and showing total disregard for the shell bits she picked up, "Bertille, fuck, be careful Aslisk. You're chompin' down bits'a shell with all th'meat, too." Truthfully, he didn't know what it was like inside the stomach of a wyvern, but if it was just as soft and vulnerable as his or someone else's insides, then bits of shell could bury themselves deep in the walls of her stomach. He really didn't want to have to deal with one of his members having internal scarring from being a dumbass and eating crab shell.

When Aslisk glared in frustration at him, Vox just rose his chin and smiled toothily, unwilling to give the wyvern any sense of satisfaction from her little fit of anger at her own mistake. When she then explained what the miscommunication had been, he began to laugh, his shoulders shaking with the deep chuckles emanating from his chest. He mumbled once he regained his breath, bringing up one of his wings to wipe away an amused tear that lingered at the edge of his eye, Yeah, uh, that's not how corn dogs work. Th'don't grow from plants. They're meat that's been deep fried 'n' shit, they don't just grow in the wild. What y'just ate actually has nothin' to do with actual corn dogs. Real corn dogs 'r' quite tasty, actually." He wasn't sure who had told Aslisk that corn dogs grew from plants, but he wasn't sure whether to scold them or give them a pat on the back for making such an entertaining incident happen. Maybe one of these days he could make up for his laughing at her by giving her a real corn dog... although honestly he wasn't sure where to even start to find one. He knew they were generally considered fair food by humans, but it wasn't exactly like they could throw fairs anymore. Perhaps he could find some frozen ones somewhere.

Re: the mockery plant - reeddogs - fulzanin - 11-18-2019

The salty taste of crab wasn't horribly unwelcome. It tasted fine. It was far from her preference, though. She preferred the meat of birds. The other species she liked to dine on, well, she had come to realize they didn't live here. So they were off the menu, sadly. One of Aslisk's webbed ears flicked, barely acknowledging the Redvox's concerns. She finished off the crab, sadly having not left most of the shell of the creature behind. Her tongue flickered from her mouth, trying to dig out the little bits of shell that remained caught between her teeth. "I'll be fine. I know a kid that eats them whole and doesn't have problems. Related to it. Kinda. I'll, I'll be fine." Her last sentence was severed in half due to a cough. She shuddered for a moment, then shifting her wings to ease out the annoying feeling that had briefly presented itself. She wasn't fully certain about the capabilities of this body. Other than being able to be burned, and lacking arms, she wasn't fully sure what it was capable of. Could she disregard the shell in it's entirety? She wasn't sure, and supposed she'd have to wait to find that out.

Her glare only grew all the more irritable when Redvox smiled at her. She wished that she had the confidence to do something about it. Her talons dug into the dirt beneath her, a sharp huff leaving her body. The wyvern could understand the mistake that had been given to her. Back there, everyone thought everything grew on trees and bushes or from plants. Eggs and carnivores were included in that category. "Meat, huh. I guess they probably would taste better than the xiogipa-dung that thing was." Her tone lowered to an ill-satisfied grumble. It was a tone better than usual, not as anger and rage filled. Not entirely neutral, but certainly better. "Corn is a plant though. I could see where she got them mixed up." Briefly the wyvern came to her reasoning aloud. Her tail swung slowly behind her, shifting her weight to the side. The sharp taste of crab had swiftly washed out the taste of the reed. Now she knew that those filthy plants were no where near tasty nor edible. That was good - she just wished she hadn't had to taste it to find out. "They are? Guess I'll have to find another way to try one."

ive always had to get my hands dirty, a patrol to make sure no one hurts me

TAGS 10/3/19:

Re: the mockery plant - reeddogs - redvox. - 11-20-2019

REDVOX "VINNY" ABRAMO - cis male - goat-bat hybrid - harbinger
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
Personally, Redvox felt that crab tasted... fine? It wasn't one of his favorite things to eat, and it was a huge pain in the ass to dig through the tough exterior to get to the meat inside, but usually he could put up with it once or twice as the odd treat. His body, although omnivorous thanks to his strange combination of animals, could eat pretty much anything that could be considered edible, but he still found that certain foods left him with a bad taste in his mouth, or a sick feeling to his stomach, so really he just should've been glad that crab didn't make him vomit. Vinny winced when Aslisk let out a sharp cough, terrified for a moment that she had a piece wedged in her throat and would start choking, but she seemed to shrug it off, her eyes narrowing briefly in thought. Vox personally had never interacted with a wyvern before Aslisk, so he would be no source of help in knowing what her body was capable of – it had taken long enough for him to get a hold on what his own hybrid form could even do, after all. Once Aslisk seemed to have calmed, the leader mumbled softly, "A kid that eats them whole...? Sweet Bertille, 'at just seems unpleasant ta me. All th'extra sharp bits with no extra nutrients... still, ta each their own, I guess..." He could only hope that Aslisk would process it all normally, and wouldn't end up with a piece of crab shell cutting up the inside of her guts.

Aslisk then moved on to the subject of what she had just eaten, glaring faintly at the harbinger for a moment before she spoke. A soft chuckle left the gat as he nodded, trying his best to think back to the last time he had actually had a corn dog, "I'm pretty sure anythin' would taste better than that. Unless you're a real desperate herbivore, those things ain't gonna help ya at all..." He shook his head a bit before Aslisk grumbled, and he nodded. Using one of the claws on his wings, the hybrid drew an oval shape in the ground, saying as he pointed to it, "Th'reason they're called that is because they look a bit like corn once they're cooked 'n' all, I believe. And there might be corn in the fryin' batter? I don't actually know that part." It was after this that Aslisk mentioned she would need to try one properly at some point, and Vox nodded his head, admitting with a sheepish look, "Well... I'd tell ya I'd make some f'you to try, but when I first tried them, it was because somebody else made them f'me way back when I was a kid. I don't know if we've got somebody now who can make 'em so you could try one..." Perhaps he or Aslisk could ask around at some point, to see if someone had some hidden cooking skills for odd items like corn dogs.