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FEEL THE WIND / open, room?? - Printable Version

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FEEL THE WIND / open, room?? - MERGED - 11-10-2019

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-family:verdana"]kili was never the type to stay where everyone else did. he had never stayed in the same room as his brother, didn’t stay were the others did in typhoon, and he certainly wouldn’t be staying in that overgrown building. way too many flammable objects to even try, especially considering the pain in his leg from his recent injury ( received on typhoon territory ) made his flame glow brighter and hotter then ever.

so did he learn his lesson about wandering? hell no. he had gotten up, put hardly any weight on his broken leg, and started off in a random direction, growling softly with each step. eventually, he came to a building, which had long since fallen, rubbing right into the wall and seeming to decide this was now his home. he had settled under the building’s fallen half for a bit before finally just walking in and spreading out on the floor. "hm.."

"mine now."

Re: FEEL THE WIND / open, room?? - redvox. - 11-10-2019

REDVOX "VINNY" ABRAMO - cis male - goat-bat hybrid - harbinger
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
Vinny had definitely taken note of the large towering building that had collapsed halfway onto its side at the edge of the territory. He had even taken to calling it "The Leaning Tower," and had it marked down on his little rapidly growing map. It was one of the signs, along with the hydroponics lab, that this human society had once been thriving and growing, with the humans trying to expand their lands and build impressive structures like the tower – Vox was sure it would've been a skyscraper, if it had ever been finished. Now, however? The tower was just a grim reminder of the fact that the humans hadn't had their chance to expand as they wanted. Vox couldn't say he felt too bad about it, after all, he had no connection to the humans who had lived here, and they could've been a bunch of right bastards for all he knew, but... it was still kind of sad. Seeing the building just laid out like that, half decaying while swamped with plants on the outside and utterly abandoned inside? It was enough to give the strongest soul a sense of sorrow – however, it seemed as though Kilius was utterly unbothered by the atmosphere of the toppled building, at least if his body language and words were anything to go by, considering how damn casual he seemed to be.

The harbinger had just been for a walk around the territory, intent on remarking their borders again, when he caught Kilius's scent, and a worried look came to his face. Kilus was one of the newer members of the group, and hadn't yet earned the gat's trust, so to smell him all the way out here, away from the nice main building? It was slightly suspicious, and Vox couldn't help the way he frowned. Following the trail, he soon found himself at the toppled building, carefully slipping his way inside through one of the several broken windows, his wings brushing away some of the remnants of glass. The entire building seemed vaguely crooked and disorienting, and it took a moment before Redvox was able to continue forward again on sturdy legs. His eyes flicked around the dark guts of the building for a moment before he heard Kilius's voice, and found himself blinking at the other in surprise. His ears pinned backwards for a moment before he cleared his throat, mumbling to Kili as he moved further inside, just a few feet away from the male, "Yours now? Th'ell are you doin' in here? This place is dangerous, and 'ardly fit for a home... y'sure you wanna make y'nest in a place with glass at th'entrance? Glass y'can't even see, considering your... predicament?" Perhaps calling blindness a "predicament" was a bit of an understatement, but "disability" felt mean, and somehow Vinny doubted Kilius liked to think of his condition as a disability.

Re: FEEL THE WIND / open, room?? - beatae - 11-11-2019

cottontail's room still kept its natural plant-inhabited state even with their means of décor and activity inside. over time they had blossomed several species of flowers in their free time, finding the presence of bright colors to keep their mood up.

they couldn't imagine not being able to see the view from up on the level of their room. it was a shame kilius couldn't partake in the beautiful sights it had to offer. cottontail would have loved to set up his room with textures and scents for him to go by and lead him around. like redvox, the fisher couldn't agree with the decision killius had made on where to stay. it was a bit too dangerous even for sight-having fellows.

"there are much safer options for you to sleep in if you're not comfortable with the apartments." cottontail began. "my mother helps keep the town hall cleaned on some days, we can situate a spot for you to stay in there if you'd like."

template by orion

Re: FEEL THE WIND / open, room?? - trojan g. - 11-11-2019

[align=center][div style="bgcolor= black; width: 500px; font-family: georgia;font-size:12px;text-align:justify"]To some extent, Roman understood wanting to stay by yourself, somewhere secluded and somewhere out of the way. He had been through that enough to know that it was something that most went through at some point, no matter how social you were. Something happened in your life, and you decide it'd be best to just go off on your own, whether it be staying within the territory or not, but making sure it was somewhere where no one would bother you too much. He had actually just gotten out of that funk, though he knew that there were some who just preferred a life alone, and would always be that way. He couldn't stop them, and didn't think he should, each should be able to live their own life however they thought was best for themselves, even if it meant laying down in glass.

He didn't approve of laying down in glass, especially with the medical knowledge he had stored in his head, but if someone wanted to lay in glass, he couldn't stop them.

Padding over towards the others, the feline would sit down, looking over the others for a moment, staying silent. Enough had been said already, he didn't need to add to it just yet.

Re: FEEL THE WIND / open, room?? - MERGED - 11-11-2019

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-family:verdana"] "the entire point of me claiming this place is so people would stop following me around-" he grumbled as he rolled himself onto his belly to look at the leader of the halls-or in his general direction anyways. "becayse it gets very annoying. i’m blind, i can still make my way around, so unless someone is digging holes around the territory, i’ll be fine on my own, thank you very much!"

he turned is head toward cottontail, the flame that covered his eyes glowing bright. "i think i’ll pass, fluffs."

Re: FEEL THE WIND / open, room?? - redvox. - 11-11-2019

REDVOX "VINNY" ABRAMO - cis male - goat-bat hybrid - harbinger
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
Well, Vinny certainly hadn't meant to attract a bunch of others that would lecture the canid along with him, but it seemed as though that very thing had happened – although Roman wasn't actually lecturing yet, evidently because Vox and Cotton had said enough. When Kilius rolled over to look at him, Vox sighed and mumbled once the other grumbled at him, his head shaking from side to side despite the fact that Kilius couldn't see it, "I wasn't followin' y'around, I was just patrolling around, and I caught y'scent. I didn't do it intentionally... I still don't think this is a fuckin' good idea, even if ya weren't blind, but fine. If y'don't wanna stay in the main fortress, then ya can stay 'ere." He looked up at the building still a bit nervously, using one of his wings to brush away a large amount of the glass from all of them, not only Kilius. He didn't particularly care if Kilius wanted to keep glass around to keep people away – he didn't want other members of the Halls going to see Kilius and coming back with their legs shredded up by the glass. He then said, his eyes narrowing a little bit as he settled near the entrance, stretching out a bit, "...Ya better not use bein' all th'way out here to avoid doin' as much work as th'rest of the other members though. If you're able ta live out here while bein' blind, y'should also be able ta do good work."