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THERES AN ENDLESS ROAD / injury - Printable Version

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THERES AN ENDLESS ROAD / injury - MERGED - 11-09-2019

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-family:verdana"]it felt strange being alone for as long as he was. sure, hush came around at night after his rounds, but just staying in his room all day was giving him cabin fever.. so of course, he had gone exploring. which was a bad idea. he had been walking through the sand, completely unaware of what any children might be doing or any holes then might have dug through the territory in an attempt to catch some crab or fish.

which is how he got in his current situation. he had tumbled into a hole, snapped a bone, and had drug himself out with his entire leg aflame. both literally and with pain. the fire didn’t seem to harm him, the flame being biggest at the break. the most sound he made was whimpers and hyperventilating, which was quite unusual for the maned wolf. he was still young, so of course an injury was going to screw him up more then usual.

god, he wished someone were there.

"h-hush? fuck.."

Re: THERES AN ENDLESS ROAD / injury - hushsound. - 11-09-2019

"Link... it's time to wake up."
Even if Hush didn't particularly like being mute, he did have to admit that it was a better disability than something like blindness. That wasn't to say that he underestimated Kilius or felt pity for him, but he certainly didn't appreciate it when Kilius made blind jokes at his own expense, or when the other decided to just go wandering around without him. There are a reason why Hushsound usually tried to get Kilius to just stay put until he was around, and it was because of the fact that he was horrified of something exactly like this happening. At one time, a small part of him might have said "I told you so" as a result of Kilius getting injured, but that was before he and Kilius had decided to... become romantically involved. They were boyfriends, really, but Hush still felt butterflies in his stomach whenever he thought if the fact that he and Kilius were really dating. Still, it felt amazing, and Hush couldn't help the fact that he was grinning as he stepped into the house that Kilius called home. However, his grin immediately disappeared when he realized that Kilius wasn't around, and a scowl appeared on his face as he rushed out, desperately searching for the scent of his lover.

Soon enough, he caught the scent trail, and he was bolting after it immediately, his eyes wide and his breath coming out in huge gasps as he pushed himself to his limit, even through the stinging pain in his side. When he got to the end of the trail... he was horrified to find what was there, his ears flattening against his head when he heard Kilius's soft and pained whimper. Quickly moving over to the other, Hush whispered softly as he laid down in front of Kilius, gently pressing his nose into the maned wolf's cheek, "Kili... Kilius, what the fuck happened? Goddesses above, are you alright? I mean, no, you're not, but... I'm sorry. Everything's gonna be okay, alright? Deep breaths, please..." His voice was slightly desperate and more than a little scared, but he then took a deep breath, calling out loudly, "Idyll! Idyll, please come quick, Kilius is hurt!" It was the second time this damn week he had to call for the sage, and he felt bad, but they were really the only medical help the Typhoon had at the moment.

tags - penned by @stilly
[color=transparent]template by orion

Re: THERES AN ENDLESS ROAD / injury - bubblegum - 11-09-2019

Re: THERES AN ENDLESS ROAD / injury - MERGED - 11-10-2019

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-family:verdana"]as soon as bush arrived, relief washed over him, and all of the flames seemed to dim and simmer a bit. "i just.. i wanted to get out of the house. some asshole dub a hole and i fell in it!" he explained, shuffling closer to press his head to the males chest. he was glad hush had gotten there so quickly,-‘d he guessed he was lucky.

as soon as goldie came to the scene, he felt his ears twitch, and then immediately shoot back. "goldie, it’s just gonna-" as water splashed over the flames, they seemed to go out for a moment before coming back once more, the flame glowing a white around his leg. "come back.." he groaned, keeping his leg away from hush so it wouldn’t burn the feline. "wiuld.. do you think sand would work? let’s try it. you gotta seas the opportunity, right?" cue the groaning, thanks to the horrible beach pun. even injured he still made increasingly worse puns.

Re: THERES AN ENDLESS ROAD / injury - hushsound. - 11-10-2019

"Link... it's time to wake up."
Hush noted the way that Kilius's flames seemed to dim when he came over, and the revelation sort of warmed – hah, warmed – his heart, but he was still hopelessly worried about the other. When Kili leaned into his chest, the small feline let out a grunt and wrapped a paw around the other, holding him close and wincing when stray bits of water from Goldie's spray hit his face. He mumbled softly to Kilius as he held his boyfriend, pressing his nose into the top of the other's head, "How are you joking at a time like this...? You're so ridiculous..." He sounded exasperated, but it was a fond sort of exasperation, especially when he noticed the other tilting his flaming leg away just for Hush's wellbeing – he couldn't even imagine how much moving the limb hurt right now. Hush's tail flicked back and forth anxiously behind him as he mumbled, shaking his head a bit and mumbling to both Kilius and Goldie, "I... I think he broke his leg when he fell. It isn't... uhm, the bone didn't break the skin, right Kili? Cause if it did, putting sand on an open wound would be a very very bad idea..." He didn't know very much about medicine, but he knew that dumping sand on top of an open wound would be an awful idea, and would probably just end up with Kilius in an even worse position than now – not to mention any possible infections. Just the thought made Hush's ears pin down in worry, and he tightened his hold on the canid a bit more, an anxious noise leaving the back old his throat. Where was Idyll? They would know what to do.
tags - penned by @stilly
[color=transparent]template by orion

Re: THERES AN ENDLESS ROAD / injury - idyllfields - 11-11-2019

stars did fall
the smell of fire had drawn idyll to the scene before being called, but the added pressure of their presence added to their hurry. another injury, and not even from anything in the pitt, they would assume. they could see smok,, becoming thicker as they got closer and burning their eyes. they blinked away the stinging tears and skidded into the scene, chest huffing as they saw kilius laying on the ground.

"i'm here! i'm here..." they looked to their mentor and then to the injury, gasping as it came alight once more. they wonderd if it was an unintentional ability. "is... is that a thing you can do?" they wondered aloud, fanning their paw at it as they tried to get closer. they couldn't really afford accidental cauterizing.

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