Beasts of Beyond
WAKE ME UP BEFORE YOU GO GO ☆ open, lab - Printable Version

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WAKE ME UP BEFORE YOU GO GO ☆ open, lab - redvox. - 11-08-2019

REDVOX "VINNY" ABRAMO - cis male - goat-bat hybrid - harbinger
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
For a little while now, Vox had been going about the very important task of exploring the territory that the Halls had claimed as their own, and marking down every location that seemed important or useful for them. It wasn't always easy to tell what would actually be useful or interesting enough to mark it down on his little growing map, but he was doing alright at it, and hopefully soon they would have a full map before even the first meeting took place. The thought made him smile, and he had a bit of a pep in his step as he moved through the abandoned remains of the town, carefully stepping with wings and hooves over the various plants and vines that ruled the territory. He had sort of just been wandering aimlessly for a little while, looking for anything that he could note down to explore further at some other time. However, when he had eventually come upon something, he had decided that he was going to explore it immediately, just because of how incredibly interesting it looked from the inside. It was almost like a huge greenhouse, with tall almost see-through walls and a great amount of greenery inside from what he could see. It immediately made his curiosity pique, and he found himself moving forward and carefully inside before he could even really think about it.

Moving inside the brightly lit by the sunlight building, the hybrid harbinger of the Halls glanced around curiously, a bit of an annoyed sigh leaving him when he noticed most of the plants growing inside were just like the ones outside. What was different, however, was the large vats of different colored and smelling liquids, as well as large bags of seeds stashed in the corner, along with plant holders and various other gardening tools. Eyes widening a little bit, the gat moved in further and began to search through the bags, taking in each of the different plants. Some were more for aesthetic purposes, and were things like flowers and display plants that didn't do much. Other bags had the seedlings for crops, ones that could be used as food. As soon as he saw the crop seeds, his eyes widened, and he let out a soft delighted gasp. Those could prove useful, if they ever had prey problems at some point. He hoped they wouldn't, but at least they'd have a backup plan if they did. Moving over to one of the walls, the hybrid pushed up on the switch on the wall, watching as the building lit up further with lights, slowly looking around and mumbling softly to himself, "This place is pretty damn nice, huh..." He didn't know jack shit about gardening, and somehow even less about hydroponics, but he could tell the lab could be very useful, if the group utilized it correctly.

Re: WAKE ME UP BEFORE YOU GO GO ☆ open, lab - breena - 11-08-2019

[align=center]— breena | halls of hiraeth rouge | druid —
Plants represented an important section of Breena's life.  At least, she cared for plants a great deal and took time to nurture them often.  Not only that but she took to studying them too, curious about the ways they differed from other living creatures and each other.  A botanist in the making, perhaps, but druids lived with a sense of deep connection to the world.

The petite honey badger had noticed the lab out of the corner of her eye.  Her own wandering took her close once or twice, but she'd grown determined to make travel a little easier for others, gently commanding small batches of vines away from important paths.  A great deal of the abandoned town belonged to the plants.  An aesthetic she personally enjoyed but understood the inconvenience of at times.

So she stored the place in mind for later.  When she spotted someone else padding inside however, Breena finally relented.  Quietly, the rouge popped her head inside.  For a moment, her shyness disappeared entirely as she stepped in, eyes wide and bright.  The life inside the building!  Life waiting to be nurtured and to flourish.

So distracted, the badger nearly ran into Redvox.  Sheepishly, she took a number of steps back before creeping up towards the vats filled with liquid.  They made her brow crease.  Despite her love of gardening, Bree knew nothing of hydroponics.  Of course, if a plant was struggling to grow, she could help it along personally due to her strong link to the earth.

"I... Don't know what these are," she muttered.  "… They must help... Grow the plants..." Made sense, given their presence was surrounded by seeds and pots.

Re: WAKE ME UP BEFORE YOU GO GO ☆ open, lab - redvox. - 11-09-2019

REDVOX "VINNY" ABRAMO - cis male - goat-bat hybrid - harbinger
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
Breena was one of the members of the group that Vox hadn't become too acquainted with yet, but that didn't mean that the harbinger disliked her at all. He had noticed her fascination with plants, and was immediately happy that she was the first one into the lab behind him, because perhaps the rogue knew more about this than he did. However, that didn't seem to be the case. The badger had moved inside the small plant filled building, her eyes widening in amazement at the wide variety of nature that had claimed the small laboratory. Then, quite quickly afterwards, Breena turned to him, questioning what exactly the vats were. His ears pinned down against his head for a moment before he mumbled, his shoulders shrugging a little bit, "I've never seen anythin' like this before, honestly. Given th'amount of seeds 'n' shit, I can only imagine it was made f'growing the plants. Never seen plants in anythin' but dirt before, though..." He had seen a few plants growing out of the ground and up onto trestles before, but they always had their bases rooted in something solid, and the liquid that was inside of the vats was certainly not any sort of dirt. Some of it was thicker than water, sure, but that didn't mean that it could be referred to as dirt, by any stretch of the imagination.

Glancing around the room, Vox moved over to one of the vats and peeked inside, before heading to the corner, where several books were stacked up. They were covered in vines, and it took a little bit of clawing and gnawing to get the vines away from the covers, but he managed it, yanking one of the huge tomes out and letting it fall to the ground in front of him. Beginning to flick through the pages with his claws, Vinny tilted hiz head to one side before he turned back to Breena, saying with a click of his sharp teeth, "It seems like this was some kind of lab. It was for growin' plants, but they didn't use dirt. They used these vats, they're full of nutrients... it's actually all pretty impressive. I wonder if we could use it for ourselves..." Standing up on his hooves, Vox peeked over the edge of one of the vats, gently running a claw over the surface of the liquid before flicking it, shaking his head. He mumbled with a sigh, going back down on all fours and stretching out, "Seems fuckin' complicated as all 'ell, but I'm sure we can do it! We've got a bunch'a pretty smart people 'ere, right?" It was meant mostly as a rhetorical question, but it also held a tinge of worry – surely they could use this, right?