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upon rain ☀ injuries - Printable Version

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upon rain ☀ injuries - arcy - 05-03-2018

Izuku spent a lot of time out of Snowbound territory. He was too restless to stay put, despite everything that screamed at him to not leave. What if something went wrong, what if something happened to him or somebody in Snowbound? Izuku's medical knowledge was limited, of course, but he just wanted to help. Help, be a hero, in the only ways he knew how to anymore. And when he left camp, there was always this paranoia -- like something was going wrong, like something was going to hurt him. It was especially obvious whenever he was on his own. Because then he was just -- one lone cat, one weak target. And that -- scared him. He wasn't any good at fighting, especially without any real power to back him up anymore. Just ... electricity that he couldn't even control.
It's Izuku's restlessness that leads to his current predicament. He's bleeding and he's hurt and he doesn't understand, as he looks into the eyes of -- a cat of sorts, he thinks. It's a wildcat, of course, but it's not a big cat, not a housecat, either. And all he can think is that he's seen them somewhere before now. Like -- before he'd joined Snowbound, at least, maybe longer. He'd gotten into lots of trouble with strange felines before, they all blended together, and some were more vengeful than others, but who --
Oh. Right. She had been the one to give her the scratch on his side, right? There'd been a lot of passive aggression involved, but why why why was she here. His blood covers her claws and and all she has is minor burns and staticky fur. Izuku's paws are shaking as he attempts to focus, even with the sparking electricity and the savannah cat's smirk and blueblueblue eyes. He doesn't -- he doesn't get it. He hadn't thought he'd see her again, why is she here, what happened. How'd he get here? Izuku is scared and even with the protective layer of electricity, he is defenseless as the savannah cat hovers over him. Izuku is -- crying, he thinks, because all he can think of is the incident when he first became a cat, with the tiger. She nearly got his eyes, but this was -- this was worse, because Izuku knew what she was aiming for. The crackling of his fur picks up, strengthens, but it's too late as her paw lashes down, claws unsheathed and -- and then it's all red and he cam't see. Izuku shrieks and maybe sobs a little, because as high as his pain tolerance may be, it hurts and he can barely make out her figure between the blood and bluriness and its -- fading. He's shaking even worse now and his claws are covering in blood and fur but he just can't see. This was -- worse, than even his usual scuffles, and so if he panics and unleashes a particularly nasty burst of electricity, he can't be blamed, even as it causes his ears to ring and blood to run from his nose. He thinks he hears her howl and scrabble away, and so Izuky takes his cue to run. He steadies himself and makes a run for it, towards the direction he thinks Snowbound us. He hopes -- he hopes he isn't running the opposite direction, for his sake. He doesn't know where the landmarks are. But -- well, even if he's wrong, he can't hear the telltale scrabble of paws against the snow behind him, so he counts himself lucky.
It takes Izuku a shockingly long time to make a mistake, as he does his best to navigate from memory and touch and hearing. He knows he's going the right way, but he trips on some ... rock, or something, and falls face first into the snow. A shock of pain hits him, and he shudders as he pulls himself back to his paws. He shouldn't have gone alone -- he's just lucky he isnxt far, even if he can't see and he's scared because it just reminds him ... so much, of his times before clans. Blood and scuffles and hunger and -- that was all.
The rest of the trek to Snowbound is slower, as Izuku gets bleary and lightheaded and walks into trees. It's hard to focus. He'd -- he'd try to treat his injuries if he could, but he doesn't have anything on hand and he's too weak to summon his bag. What would he even use for eye injuries? He doesn't know, and he's just lucky as he crosses into familiar scenting tundra before long. He hopes someone is nearby, he's not ... sure what he's doing. His only cues are scent and hearing, because his eyes hurt, like everything else, and his vision is red. He's sure he's left a pretty nasty trail of blood, with the way it's dripping down his face and side, but Izuku wouldn't know.
""J-Jacob?" It's with a weak, shaking voice that Izuku calls for the first person he's sure can help. He knows Jacob is busy and Izuku should surely be able to do this on his own (right?? right???? except he doesn't even know what to do about this or his eyes!!) but he's scared and dizzy and he barely knoes where he is. His senses are kind of ... fading in and out. He's not sure how long it's been, but his tripping and tumbling kept reopening the clots and he's sure he's bled everywhere by now. "Ai -- Aizawa? Someone?  After a long pause, Izuku tries again, voice even more unsteady. Is anyone here to hear him? He can't hear any movement, and there's blood dripping from his nose. He's not -- he's not alone, is he? Just when he's especially helpless and vulnerable enough to actually trust them to help him? He won't lie though, it's mostly his lack of sight that's making him just so ... scared. His breath hitches, and he trips into the snow once again, but can't bring himself to stand again when a fresh wave of dizziness hits him. Oh. That's -- that's unfortunate. His hearing is kind of -- kind of muddled, too. That's not ... good. He tries again, but can't muster the strength and just sort of ... resigns himself to his fate. Somebody has to show up soon, that's just sort of ... how it worked. U -- usually. Not always for him, but the other option was bleeding out in the snoe again, and he just ... he stuck to being optimistic.

//welcome to hell i did like 80% of this on mobile. its kind of hell and not as dramatic as intended but my fingers ache and im too lazy to edit or even proofread lmaoo
uhh izuku's injuries include: a nasty slash across the eyes,  a scratch on his right side, belly scratch, a p deep scratch on his left foreleg. theres a lot of minor injuries too tho but like,, nah. (izuku will recover from his eye injuries eventually, unless it just Doesnt Work lmao. tried to research but cldnt stand the eye gore)
[Ill p get sm posts done tomorrow when my latops alive but i just wanted to get this thread out of the way :'^) it was an attempt at reviving my muse]


Re: upon rain ☀ injuries - guts - 05-03-2018

Aizawa had been lucky enough to stumble upon someone familiar as soon as he had woken up. He didn't have to be alone, unlike his students had. He may have been better off than they had, not with his battle knowledge (because he didn't have much of that anymore) but with his size and cunning, but he never had the chance to find that out. Sometimes, though, he did feel like walking away. He got overwhelmed by everything--Snowbound, the new people, the fact everyone was an animal that could talk--it was all too much for him sometimes. It almost felt like it would drive him crazy in the end. The glimpses of his own death haunting him didn't help, either.

Because of his stress, he found himself walking about the territory more than he stayed at camp. He would make the excuse that it was too cold for his liking, but really the cramped quarters and unfamiliarity of it made him uncomfortable. He knew it was probably safer in the cave system, but he didn't care. He was stubborn and wouldn't listen to reason. If he did end up in trouble, he at least wouldn't be that far away.

He was trekking about the border, as usual nowadays, when the scent of iron caught his nose. It was a bit chilling how familiar it had come to be to him. It brought back flashes of violence and screaming. He shook his head, clearing his mind of those thoughts, as he had to investigate what was going on first. He followed the scent and turned in it's direction, unsure what he would find. Whatever it was, it probably wouldn't be that bizarre. He had seen enough so far to not be surprised anymore. But he had been wrong.

So wrong.

The lion takes a breath. Then it stays, caught in his lungs until they start to ache. It feels like the world slows down, and there's just the sight in front of him--red against white, a shade of green that made his stomach turn itself over. He wasn't close to Izuku, or at least he didn't think so. But he still found himself clenching his jaw, sharp teeth grating against each other. Anger and worry bubbled in his chest. The cocktail of emotions brewing inside him didn't show on his face, though. It managed to stay as placid as ever.

He's so caught up he doesn't realize he's staring, standing there with a blank look. He pushes his puzzling emotions aside and steps forward, managing to keep the bitterness inside him at bay for now. It's odd to him, since he's not really responsible for Izuku or any of his other former students anymore. Yet he still was in rage, his tail lashing and his ears pinned back against his head, simply chalking it up to instincts he had developed as a teacher. He made a mental note to figure it out later.

"What happened?" it's all Aizawa can think to ask. He keeps his distance, not wanting to startle him. He knew he was skittish after everything that had happened, and he didn't want to scare him while he was like this.


Re: upon rain ☀ injuries - pallid-i - 05-03-2018

"M-Mister Aizawa?"

The kit should really stop leaving camp without adult supervision. It was getting him into all kinds of trouble, and this was no different. Harrison stared at Izuku and then Aizawa with wide eyes. "W-what's wrong with h-hi-him?" He asked, and a small part urged him to walk over to Izuku and ask if he was okay, though his paws remained glued in place. Izuku certainly didn't look okay, and Harrison had half the mind to run back home and get his pa, though he was scared that with even the slightest movement, more things could go wrong.
[color=#ff837d] i couldn't even keep you

Re: upon rain ☀ injuries - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 05-03-2018

(Almost all mobile?! You're a god!)

The world that they lived in was especially cruel to those that weren't strong enough to protect themselves. Even if someone could protect themselves, it did everything in its power to make sure that everyone knew how painful the world could actually be. Killua had grown up with the idea that the world that they lived in was cruel already. He never had the sudden realization of how terrible certain places were and what violence was waiting for him on the other side of the doors that he had lived behind for the majority of his life. The assassin wasn't one to be afraid of the thought of killing those or the thought of him getting injured during a fight. It was all part of the job for Killua. That was all that it had ever been. He had lived in the clans long enough to get an idea of exactly how certain clanners reacted to this sudden realization if something terrible was bound to happen. The creature would immediately begin to panic, afraid for their own life which he couldn't really blame them. Especially if it was someone that had never been hurt before. Then soon after their personalities would most likely end up changing because of the sudden event, and they would either close themselves off or try to act like it was perfectly okay. While on the inside they were extremely paranoid about what could happen next. Since most clans were in wars with one another, it meant that that paranoia would never go away as there was always a chance that an enemy could always end up striking someone. Killua himself knew the fear of dying despite how confident he always held himself. The assassin could easily end others lives with a flick of his wrist and that would be the end of that. Considering how young he was, Killua knew that if he chose to, he could have a prosperous life away from his family and learn all sorts of new things from those that he interacted with. The issue was that he did have to get away from his family and doing that alone was taking quite a toll already. He didn't know if they could end up finding him in his current position, but he always had to assume the worst was that they already knew where he was and they were just biding their time. Why though? Why would they want to wait for something to happen before coming to get him? There were several different options that his family could be doing to try and get him back on their side, but he was going to resist whatever they tried to do. As long as his body allowed it. Killua remembered having his bones broken, his joints almost destroyed to the point that they wouldn't recover, his own metal claws having been ripped out of his paws, tendrils of his tendons sticking out of the sheaths where his claws once were. He had never thought before that he could have such a mental connection to his claws, as he had them practically from the very beginning. Killua grew out of being sad for the removal of his claws and simply bought new ones and had them surgically implanted. The fit wasn't as great as they had been before, but it was honestly better than nothing. Since the attacks from the Typhoon, Killua had always been ready for someone to make a mistake and try to attack them. As far as Killua thought about it, he was one of the strongest fighters in the clan. Other than those that had larger bodies than he did, he could fight in different situations and change strategies on a dime. Which usually didn't happen with other's all that much when it came to fighters in the clans. However, this didn't mean that he could be everywhere at once. Compared to how he lived in the precious clans, he could just use his powers to sweep the entire territory to try and hear if there was anything out of the ordinary. Now though, he didn't have that skill anymore, probably something that his father had done to him.

The assassin had to work with what he had, and now that he was fully healed from his own injuries, he was always on the lookout, waiting for something terrible to happen. Which wasn't exactly the best mindset to have. The albino serval would have probably killed the Savannah cat if he had been close enough to see the fighting going. Today though he had decided that he was going to drop a couple things off in his own little cave area before heading out toward the border. Instead of using the trees for cover, the Snowstrike decided to stay on the ground for most of today, and he flicked one of his nicked ears as he made his way toward the border. While he was walking, Killua was able to catch a familiar scent. Half the time it didn't surprise him, but when it was so sudden, it wasn't exactly something he expected right now, on this day. Killua growled low under his breath, flexing his metal claws into the snow as he sprinted his way toward where the smell was coming from. He couldn't tell who was injured, or who could even be killed, there was just someone, big, that was bleeding out. As he neared the scene, the wildcat was able to see Aizawa already there, the black lion standing in front of someone, and Harrison was there. If there was a corpse, he would make sure to take Harrison away for his own sake as he doubted Jacob wanted the kid to see a corpse. But once he rounded around the right side of the black lion, he noticed who it was, and he skidded to a halt next to Aizawa. Izuku. What the hell had happened to him? His sapphire blue eyes scanned the area as he looked off in the direction of where Izuku had come from. "Kuso." Killua cursed in Japanese as he made his way over, not realizing that Izuku would probably be scared of him because he wouldn't hear him coming, but he had to treat the other's injuries until Jacob arrived. The albino serval would stop in front of the maine coon, thinking exactly what he was going to need to conjure. "He was attacked, probably.." Killua's voice trailed off as there could be several explanations as to why Izuku was injured. Had the other done this to himself? Probably not. But it was still something to take into consideration. Stopping the bleeding seemed to be the best option right now, at least for most of the wounds. Immediately, different items started to suddenly appear around him. Gauze. Bandages. Wire. A needle. Washcloth. All the medical supplies that he would need to get Izuku back into a stable condition. "Okay, I'm going to clean your wounds it's gonna hurt a little bit, but I need to do it before any of them get infected." Killua instructed calmly, as he was going to give the other the blunt answer instead of saying that it wasn't going to hurt at all. Killua believed that would have just made the situation even worse. Grabbing the damp washcloth in his mouth, Killua would aim to wipe the areas around the wounds that were created by whatever had done this. He made sure to go as lightly as possible but to eliminate any possibility that debris could get into the maine coon's wounds. After that, Killua would aim to grab the gauze, stabbing it with his claws and aiming to place them on more of the minor wounds, which were the scratches on his left side, and the wound on his stomach. The gauze would stick to the other's fur, and along the way, Killua would have aimed to use his metal claws to clip away some of the domestic cat's fur so that the gauze would be able to adhere to his skin before he could bandage him up. A huff would escape Killua's jaws as his paws worked in a deliberate and careful manner before he began to reach for the needle and thread to be able to patch the other's leg. "I'm going to have to stitch up the wound on your leg because it's deep, okay?" Killua stated toward the green feline, and he would wait for the other to respond before he continued to work on him, saving the eyes for last because he honestly had no idea how to treat them other than to clean and bandage them up.
snowbound -- snowstriker -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: upon rain ☀ injuries - arcy - 05-04-2018

There's -- somebody, nearby, he thinks. Or is he -- is it just in his head? He might have heard snow crunching, and something beyond the blood and snow. He can't tell, shaking as he attempts to make out anything beyond the haze of blood and pain. Still, even the hazy awareness doesn't stop the sluggish maine coon from jolting as he hears Aizawa's voice. Is he -- hallucinating? The words blur together, but he thinks he understands, and attempts to respond regardless.
"I, um," Izuku's voice is unsteady. What'd happened? He'd ... right, she'd just ... showed up and attacked him. He'd put up a fight, but neither luck nor skill was on his side. He ... should have tried to treat his wounds early on, before he attempted to walk back, but what if he messed up? He can't see, what if he grabs the wrong herb? or ties the bandage wrong? He would end up making things worse, and Izuku just ... he's not sure. Moving was problematic as was. "I ... w-was out. I, uh -- got ambushed? I was kind of ... outmatched. I -- I shocked her and r-ran, after, um" Izuku can't remember the words, so he lifts a paw to gesture vaguely to his eyes. It's all red and bleary. Aizawa probably gets the memo, Izuku just hopes the lion doesn't ask anything else. Because Izuku ... probably does not know. Or if he does, he'll probably struggle to put it into actual words, because he was a dummy and let himself bleed out as he stumbled over here. Lack of eyesight was .... not much of an excuse, but blood loss sure did help.
There's the squeaky voice of a kitten, and Izuku feels a little flash of panic. Harrison, right? That's -- very unfortunate. Not a great thing to witness, Izuku bleeding out in the snow. His attention is pretty quickly stolen by some different form of panic, in the form of Killua, however. The Maine Coon is in no position to really react to the sudden appearance, or, uh, sound of Killua's voice, without any way to see the silent feline, but he jolts anyways, attempting to scrabble to his paws. It goes ... terribly wrong, and he's back down in a moment. His heart is pounding hard in his chest from all of the voices, muddled in his ears, but he's calm enough to hear Killua's speculation. Probably attacked? As opposed to what? Izuku wouldn't hurt himself this badly, he doesn't think -- or, uh, at least not his eyes. His vision was very important to him, thank you.
"O -- okay," Izuku agrees without complaint, despite the flash of guilt that he should be able to do this on his own. He'd read up so much on medicine, gotten a medical position, but here he was, letting himself bleed out anyways!! His thoughts are going round and round in circles of excuses and 'do it yourself', if only due to Izuku's lack of focus. Anyways, he's not sure how much Killua knows, but it should be enough for fieldwork, at least. Izuku trusts Killua that much. He had a fairly high pain tolerance, anyways. Even so, the Maine Coon flinches and holds back a whine as the cloth comes into contact with him. He can't brace himself, not without actually seeing the movements, and that's a ... bad feeling. Aside from the occasional grimace, Izuku does very little to react to any of this, because he probably just. Shouldn't. That's more energy than it's worth, honestly. Killua does something weird, Izuku guesses he's clipping away fur? For the gauze he's putting on now.
"Th...that's not gonna be great," Izuku states very obviously, tilting his head in an odd sort of way. He's definitely out of it, but 'stitches' is not a good word. He can't believe a, uh, cat(bigger cat?) is gonna stitch his wounds. He doesn't even have hands. How does that work? Or -- Izuku's not even going to question that, he won't get an answer anyways. Even so, Izuku blearily places a paw forward for Killua, just in case it helped. Or -- no, wrong paw. He withdraws and tries again. Left paw? He couldn't feel it well, but that's the one that'd hurt earlier, so ... yes, this one. Was Killua gonna wait for Jacob to arrive for Izuku's eyes? He'd like for Jacob to arrive soon, actually -- Izuku would like an actual diagnostic as to why he still couldn't see, thank you. His train of thought is cut off by the distant pain of a needle. Ow, unfortunate. Izuku does his best not to flinch away -- Killua's just ... trying to help, and flinching was. Not great. Um.


Re: upon rain ☀ injuries - guts - 05-04-2018

It's just as what he thought, then. Aizawa nods as he explains what happened, his eyes sweeping over him to assess the wounds. He isn't a medic, of course, nor does he have any medical knowledge, so he can't be of much help. He can only vaguely comfort the feline. Of course, helping people emotionally was never his forte. Somehow he'd usually make things worse, saying something to only rub salt into their wounds. It was why he was hesitant to say anything now, chewing on his words and trying to figure out what would ease him, even just a little bit.

Then his attention is caught by something else, a small presence beside him. He turns to Harrison, frowning. He didn't have to see such a sight so young. Although with Kilua's apparent skills, they wouldn't have much use for Jacob now, he wanted to get the kit away so he wouldn't have to see anything more. "Everything will be fine. Do us a favor and go get your dad," he shouldn't be out here regardless. If it wasn't obvious enough with Izuku's injuries, being outside the territory was dangerous. At least he'd be back at camp, and the husky hopefully wouldn't let him follow him back.

With that out of the way, he turns back to the pair, unsure what to do now. He isn't the best help, both in with the injury and with the emotions that were running high. But even so, he feels useless, standing there and doing nothing. "Next time, don't be so foolish and take someone with you," he wasn't aware of how Izuku felt restless each time he was still. If he had, was debatable whether he would have volunteered to go with him or not, still. He probably would have, though he'd never admit to doing it if he was asked. He'd just say he had bothered him with no end and he had finally relented.

"I don't think I need to repeat myself, either. Not only could you not control your quirk, you can't control your powers now," the lion had apparently given up on being comforting. Sure, he had gradually learned to handle his quirk back then, but he would have to start over with his new powers--and so far, he wasn't doing so well. "You need to learn. It will come in handy, should you find yourself in this situation again," really, he only had his best interests in mind. Of course, he could have waited for a better time--and phrased it better.


Re: upon rain ☀ injuries - jacob w.c. - 05-04-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — //oof rushed because i have to head out of class soon

Jacob had just been out on a walk. Why did such bad things have to happen when he was just trying to relax? He heard a number of voices and hurried, confusion and concern shining bright in his eyes as he approached the group. Upon seeing Izuku, he let out a soft gasp and his heart twisted in guilt. He knew he should just be happy that someone had got here in time to help him but he couldn't help but feel as though he should've arrived sooner. Still, there was nothing he could do now and so he rushed to Harrison and attempted to scoop up the kitten. "If ya' all could take Izuku back ta' the medic cavern, 'm gonna' make sure all his wounds are clean n' disinfected once he's outta' the cold n' treat his eye. Make sure that he don' rub his eye any n' just wipe it off like ya' did with the others. I'll wipe it down more when we get back but I don' got water or nothin' out 'ere. Make sure he blinks plenty n' I'll try ta' find something ta' keep the Sun outta' his eyes for the next few days. We'll have ta' ice it n' everythin' for the next few days but tha' don' look quite as bad as the other ones," he spoke quickly. He then turned, wanting to get his son away from such a gory sight as soon as he could. "Listen, 's alright Harry. Killua's takin' good care ah' Izuku. 'M gonna' take ya' back with me ta' camp, okay?" —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP


Re: upon rain ☀ injuries - pallid-i - 05-05-2018

Harrison let out a surprised mewl as his father scooped him up, though he did nothing but simply curl up and let it happen. His father knew best, and who was he to complain when he was being taken away from such a gruesome scene? The kit said nothing and shut his eyes tightly, too scared to even look at the horrific scene once again.
i couldn't even keep you