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BACK LIKE A VERTEBRAE / open, dual joining - Printable Version

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BACK LIKE A VERTEBRAE / open, dual joining - MERGED - 11-05-2019

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-family:verdana"]sometimes, wandering went too far and too far started to wander. time seemed to tangle together and be lost track of how far he had gone, how long he had been gone- he was sure hush was probably worried about him at this point, might even be setting up a search party, too.

he was pretty helpless, after all. he was blind.

heaving a sigh when he seemed to find a shady spot (unbeknownst to him, a half fallen skyscraper), settling down in that area and giving a low hum. "hm, wonder how long i have for a nap before someone inevitably finds me and asks what i’m doing.. i bet only three minutes. maybe five.. worth it? heh heh." he spoke to himself, closing his eyes and feeling that ever present flame finally go out and release some of the heat around his face.

[color=transparent] [member=6838]stilly.[/member]

Re: BACK LIKE A VERTEBRAE / open, dual joining - breena - 11-05-2019

[align=center]— breena | halls of hiraeth rouge | druid —
Naturally, a little badger came along just in time.  However, the clash of her shy and curious personality wrestled immediately upon failing to recognize the resting face.  Given how newcomers were still arriving and names were still being learnt, Breena did not know whether the napping male was a clanmate or not.

Of course, he smelled strange.  A salt taste in the air.  Breena came across the Halls in her own wandering, without any prospect of other groups.  No familiarity in the salt of the ocean marking a Typhoon crewmate.  Still.  Maybe... She should ask?  Even if her instincts protested to keep walking.  Best not to bother someone resting -- it was rude.

Damn it, Bree.  Quietly, the young Druid cleared her throat.  "Hey... Um..." Who're you? Where you from?  Are you a clanmate of mine by any chance?  I don't think I've ever gotten your name then...  "Hi." Her long front claws dug into the dirt idly.  A breath. "Are you a new member of the Halls? Or... Just passing through? I'm... Breena."

Re: BACK LIKE A VERTEBRAE / open, dual joining - redvox. - 11-06-2019

Re: BACK LIKE A VERTEBRAE / open, dual joining - MERGED - 11-06-2019

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-family:verdana"]"the halls? deck the halls? with boughs of holly, fa la la la la la, heh heh!" of course, kili was the jokester, but his jokes weren't every really that good. usually blind jokes that were at his own expense, like the joke he was about to make. "do you see what i did there?" there it was. he opened his eyes, the flame igniting- the literal flame that had caused his blindless. that and cataracts.

"im kilius. i was just taking a stroll.. don't know what the hell the pitt is, and im pretty much a pacifist." that was a lie. "who're you strangers?"

Re: BACK LIKE A VERTEBRAE / open, dual joining - redvox. - 11-08-2019

REDVOX "VINNY" ABRAMO - cis male - goat-bat hybrid - harbinger
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
Well, this new guy certainly was... interesting. Not only was he rather unusual looking, – not that Vinny could say much of anything, considering his own hybrid form – but he also seemed to have a penchant for crazy jokes. Vox might've felt like his position as the charismatic jokester was being challenged at the moment, – not that he had much of a position given how stressed he was lately – but thankfully Kilius didn't seem like he was going to tell good jokes, really. Shifting from side to side, the Harbinger of the group said with a soft snort and a shake of his head, "Yeah, yeah, uh... I see what y'did there." He was about to continue, when Kilius opening his eyes, and suddenly Vox was being faced with a vision of murkiness and flames being reflected back at him. He felt himself recoil a bit in surprise before he relaxed, not wanting to seem rude. Once again, he didn't have a lot of room to judge – he had goat eyes, after all. They weren't the prettiest things in the world to look at, and people had a tendency to not look him directly in the eyes. He didn't take it personally anymore, but at one point in his life, it had pissed him off quite a bit, and made him less than eager to interact with others.

When Kilius said he didn't know who the Pitt were, Vinny felt a slightly doubtful expression come to his face, surprised. Someone who hadn't heard of the Pitt? Vox hadn't been sure that people like that even existed anymore. He supposed if he was new to the island somehow, or if he had just been living under a rock this whole time... it wasn't impossible. Shifting a bit, the hybrid mumbled as he stretched out, a soft grunt leaving him as his back popped, "My name is Redvox, but I prefer ta be called Vox, or Vinny if you're real casual. I'm the Harbinger of the Halls of Hiraeth, which is the group living here. We're all members." He lifted one wing to gesture to everyone around, before his attention was pulled away by D, the other once again referring to him by his title. Vinny sighed a little bit, but didn't scold the other, figuring it was a bit of a lost cause to complain about it now. Shrugging his shoulders, the Harbinger mumbled as he looked between D and Kilius, "You wanna make sure 'e's alright...? Sure, go ahead D. Just be careful, alright? He's still a stranger." He was glad to see D taking initiative and offering to help others, but he also didn't want Kilius snatching D up and trying to run off with them.

Re: BACK LIKE A VERTEBRAE / open, dual joining - MERGED - 11-10-2019

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-family:verdana"] "i may not be violent but if you try shit i’m gonna bite your fucking face, doesn’t go out unless i close my eyes. so no you may not." he stated calmly, slowly raising himself to his feet. he’d gotten that too many times, and it had begun to annoy him. everyone was always so concerned about the flame. sure, it caused him to go blind, but it didn’t do anything else anymore. "look, i just want a place to rest for a while without everyone worrying about me falling in a hole." oh, what foreshadowing it must be.

Re: BACK LIKE A VERTEBRAE / open, dual joining - redvox. - 11-10-2019

REDVOX "VINNY" ABRAMO - cis male - goat-bat hybrid - harbinger
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
A scowl came to the hybrid's face near immediately when he heard Kilius's response to D, and he said sharply to the newcomer, "'Ey, watch your fuckin' tone there, buddy. Th'kid's just worried you is all. This isn't the fuckin' wildlands. We got rules around here. You don't want help? Just say 'no', and don't be a fuck'ead about it." It wasn't often that Vinny got legitimately pissed off, but he was getting real damn tired of people threatening both him and the members of the Halls, so his temper flared immediately upon hearing Kilius threatening to bite D's face. If this guy wanted a place to stay, that was fine, but he needed to learn the damn rules. Vox could acknowledge that perhaps he had been a bit too lenient at first – making others see him more as a friend than a leader – but he was the damn harbinger around here, and if people wanted to reside in the Halls, they needed to follow the rules. Living in the Pitt for a while had filled his quota for violence for years to come, and he didn't want the Halls to be run like that, with everyone just thinking they could take shots at each other and not face any consequences. He reflected back on what Hadley had taught him when she had been leader, a soft sigh leaving her lungs before she had mumbled, "People are unpredictable bastards, Red. Nothing wrong with making friends, even when you're leader, but they need a firm guiding hand. You gotta know when to put your paw down."

Taking a deep breath to calm himself down, the gat looked over Kilius for a moment before he mumbled, a slight sense of uneasiness on his face from the scent the other carried, "Y'free to stay 'ere, provided ya can help out and not be a dick, but from how ya smell, it seems like y've already got a place ta lay your head. Typhoon scent's clear as day on ya... y'leave them?" If Kilius said he wanted a dual alliance to both groups, Vox wouldn't have a problem with that, considering Goldie was the whole reason that he had been motivated to reform the Halls in the first place, and he respected the Typhoon greatly. However, he appreciated honesty when it came to newcomers, and if something had happened and Kilius was an exile from the Typhoon or something along those lines... well, Vinny wanted to know about it before he had an angry group of pirates banging on his fucking door. He had heard enough horror stories of the interactions of the other groups that inhabited the island, and he really didn't want war breaking out over some kind of misunderstanding that could've been cleared up at the border.