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hoarding for heathens - bowls - Printable Version

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hoarding for heathens - bowls - fulzanin - 11-04-2019

Her children had been strange. They were not related to her by blood. That was probably a good thing. They were zombies, the undead, mutated at that. Their arms had been melted and morphed into wings, with jagged turning wounds present on their bodies. Her eldest had one right across the face - more up and down than her own facial wound. The other had a deep gash across the chest, often wrapped up in bandages. The glowing yellow wound on her own face was from circumstances far different from the ones that turned her children into zombies.  She missed the two dearly. She hoped that her wife was doing alright, taking care of them on her own. It pained her to think about how her beloved could be sick right now, or hurt, and she could do absolutely nothing about it. Being here was alright. She just wanted the other with her, so that she could be entirely reassured that she was safe.

What had brought up such a train of thought had been when she was.. totally not raiding someone else's room while looking for something to bring to her own. They weren't inside, and walking through the doorway had been far too easy to pass up. There had been a bowl. A singular bowl. It shouldn't have stung so deeply to see the culinary item, but it did. Her eldest child collected bowls. She didn't know why. She didn't bother asking. If it made her child happy, then who was she to even try to deny their activities? Bowls were harmless, either way. Yes, when her child had started digging a rut underneath their house to store the bowls, their featherbrained neighbors had been concerned about the structural integrity of their home. Aslisk wished that she'd heeded their words before the floor had collapsed, the bowls narrowly escaping being destroyed by a quick burst of magic from her wife. The wyvern rolled her shoulders before bending her head down to pluck the bowl from it's resting place. No one would mind if she kept this, right? Just for whenever she was able to truly go home, and then she could say that her disappearance had all been a quest for bowls. It was fitting. She just hoped that it was believable.

Aslisk's abilities of teleportation came in handy. Being nocturnal helped as well, where most people would be asleep. Her talons gently scraped across the floor as she nudged doors open with her snout so that she could snag the bowls. Then she teleported off, firmly ignoring the feeling of exhaustion that set in. Teleporting was more exhausting now. Of course it had to be. It was annoying, and annoying made irritation flicker to life with twitches of her webbed ears. Yet she was dedicated to her task. Eventually she had to stop teleporting all the way back home, and began crafting a small little pile outside. It was nighttime, and she suspected no one would notice nor care. They were just bowls, after all. Besides, it was not as if Aslisk truly cared about if she was scolded. This was for her children. She would do anything to have them happy, even if she wasn't sure when she would be able to return to them. She teleported in with another bowl, feeling exhaustion bite into her deeper and deeper. She set the bowl down and began gently nudging them with her talons. Aslisk's red gaze surveyed the pile, glimmering in the darkness while a rumble unconsciously parted her maw. A few more, maybe, she considered.

ive always had to get my hands dirty, a patrol to make sure no one hurts me

TAGS 10/3/19:

Re: hoarding for heathens - bowls - redvox. - 11-05-2019

Re: hoarding for heathens - bowls - fulzanin - 11-07-2019

Aslisk, in truth, had not been expecting anyone to investigate her constant trotting about in search of the dish. Her talons were carefully sorting the pile, making them more clustered together so that they took up less space. Her room was far from full with anything else of noteworthiness. Boring and bland, she had yet to have altered anything in her short time following choosing the room as her own. Spare the bowl pile. It was getting rather big, and the wyvern lowered her head to nudge another bowl into what she deemed the proper spot. Her child usually did something similar. The cave that had been created to hold it's massive collection of bowls was too small for her to enter. That was fine. Her children did deserve privacy. The only time Aslisk had ever demanded something from the little zombie's hoarding cave had been when she wanted one particular bowl. She let her child have it, yes, but that did not lessen the value that one bowl had to her. The first gift she'd ever been given in her entire life. It bore heavily on her mind sometimes, that she let her child have such an important item, but she equally as heavily trusted in her bowl-obsessed child to not break it.

"Has anyone ever told you to lusluing knock?" The wyvern spat. Redvox had knocked, yes. Aslisk simply decided that she needed more a reason to be angry. Her head snapped up from the pile, red eyes glaring in the dark room. They faintly glowed, not just from the sheer fury that restlessly flickered in her gaze. "These are for my children." Aslisk supposed that she did owe him the slightest bit of an explanation. He was the leader. As much as Aslisk loved the idea of insubordination, it did not mean that the wyvern actually did such a thing. Her tail swung slowly behind her, head raising high. She liked being defiant, of course. It felt good to have the strength to stand up for what her own childhood had denied of her. Aslisk liked the thin line between headstrong and disrespectful, and she surely walked it. To her, it was different than insubordination. Not that she believed she'd ever been accused of doing such a thing. The wyvern either was put into her place, or simply managed to not cross the line. Aslisk figured she was far from the line, anyways, over such a trivial thing such as bowl collecting.

"My eldest loves to collect bowls. I figured since nobody was using them, then they should go to someone that actually would use them." Aslisk continued. Her tone had softened upon commenting about her child, following with a vague gesture to the pile with one of her lanky wings.  The end of the limb nudged the pile, moving one of the bowls before it came back to a rest in the misshapen pile. "They're not gonna be missed. Likely."Aslisk was not fully sure of the idea of how the people here used bowls. They hadn't been used currently, and so she had swiped them. Her tongue wiped her sharp teeth, continuing to stare. Her glare had lessened a little, mind now growing occupied with how she would even return home to give this bowls to the child of question. Teleporting, clearly, but thus far it had only resulted in failure. She huffed, leaning forward on her feet, swiftly forcing for her tone to once again grow aggressive. "I'm not giving them back."

ive always had to get my hands dirty, a patrol to make sure no one hurts me

TAGS 10/3/19:

Re: hoarding for heathens - bowls - redvox. - 11-08-2019

REDVOX "VINNY" ABRAMO - cis male - goat-bat hybrid - harbinger
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
When Aslisk snapped at him that he should have knocked, Vox felt the arches of his brows raise in surprise, a gruff little chuckle leaving him. Sure, she seemed pissed, but when wasn't she pissed? Not to mention the fact that he had knocked, it just seemed she was willfully ignoring that part, "Yeah, actually. My mentor taught me ta knock before I ever went into a room that wasn't mine. That would be why I knocked before I came in here, ya know? Y'might have missed it." Was he begin a bit of a little shit? Yeah, but Aslisk had started it, and he wasn't just going to roll over and take it. Although he did find himself... extremely caught off guard, when Aslisk mentioned she had gathered all of the bowls for her children. He blinked at her for a long moment before he said softly, the confusion and surprise quite evident in the hyrbid's voice as he spoke, "Er, oh shit, really? Y'have kids? I didn't know that. I'm guessing they didn't come with ya to th'Halls?" That was all that he could assume, since he hadn't exactly seen any little wyverns bouncing around the main fortress, causing just as much trouble as Aslisk.

As Aslisk explained the motivations behind her actions, Vox felt himself open his mouth and then swiftly close it, sort of at a loss as to how to respond to the other. Eventually he just prodded at some of the bowls, sighing heavily before he mumbling to the wyvern, "Aslisk... I realize y'might not have believed any of these were being used, considering they were old bowls when we got here. But ya can't just go around stealin' things from people's rooms! I won't make ya return all of these bowls right now, but if anybody comes looking f'there bowl, can you promise me you'll give it back? We're a community around here, and a community doesn't steal from each other, y'know?" He wasn't sure how much he would really get through to Aslisk, trying to appeal to her emotions over her nee home considering how much her mind seemed to be rooted in the past, but he had to try, right? It was his job as Harbinger to make sure that the group all got along with each other and didn't end up causing a civil war. He doubted any sort of civil war would happen as a result of a bunch of bowls, but he still knew that many of the people here wouldn't appreciate being stolen from, and some would even eventually actually want the bowls for...  you know, their purpose.

Re: hoarding for heathens - bowls - fulzanin - 11-13-2019

Slowly Aslisk's tail flicked behind her. The webbing that constructed her wings was open, her staring at him. Her tail then nudged the pile, as if she was somehow worried that it would collapse if she did not constantly alter it's structure. She couldn't have any of them breaking before she could give them to her wonderful children. Aslisk had even hissed at the Harbringer when he dared to touch the pile, striding closer. She wasn't exactly sure what her children's stance was on broken bowls - as she refused to give them broken items for she deemed them improper - but was heavily against giving them such a thing. They could get hurt. Or not like them. "I didn't hear any lusluing knocking," Aslisk replied, her head raising a little. Then she huffed, stomping a talon against the floor. "Yes, yes I have kids. And a wife. Neither of them was brought here with me though. I can see how it's both good and hask that they're not here." She certainly wouldn't be allowed to be this temperamental if her wife was here. No, she would be cuffed over the head and brought in for a hug, or be chirped at until she was calmed down. Her kids? She wouldn't want them getting hurt. At the same time, though, she did miss both of them. The cons weighed against the pros. Aslisk was never good at that sort of logical thinking. Perhaps it was for the best that they weren't here. She didn't have to worry about upsetting people who's opinions she truly did care about. Yet she could not ensure their safety. Both were strong arguments to the wyvern, and she truly could not pick one over the other. It didn't matter. They weren't here, and her say in the matter did not count.

Appealing to Aslisk's emotions has usually never been a decent strategy in the past. She has held the cure to a disease in one talon, and smashed it and all the research when her emotional side had been begged to. She could see the face, crying, tearing up, begging and pleading at her feet. Aslisk had only handed over the vial due to sheer annoyance, of not wanting to hear another word from the beggar that groveled at her feet. A part of her had loved being in full control of the situation at hand. Aslisk loved being in control. But the other part of her had hated the whine of the other's pleas so much that she had caved. Her teeth bared. "I think you must be deaf. I just said I'm not giving them back, so no. Not only do I not believe in promises, but I equally will not be returning these bowls." Aslisk remembered her hatred for promises well. She had promised someone that she would not do another person any harm. She had upheld that promise for a long, long time. It was binding. She hated being bound to her word in the way of a promise. Nothing terrible had actually come out of the promise - if anything, things had gone for the better - but her hatred of the concept burned right through. "They're for my kids now. If they want these bowls back so dearly," her lips pulled back, head turning as if snarling at an invisible threat, "then they can humor me and try to take them back." Aslisk's gaze then returned to the Harbringer. No, her aggression was not directed toward's him at the time. Her gaze leveled to it's usual level of fury while  the talons that jutted from her feet curled into the floor as if it would allow the rest of her anger an easy way out. "They're old, like you said. They won't be missed," the wyvern added breezily, nodding her head to agree with her own sharp words. "And no. I wouldn't know what it's like in a community. Some people don't have the luxuries of wherever the hask you grew up."

ive always had to get my hands dirty, a patrol to make sure no one hurts me

TAGS 10/3/19:

Re: hoarding for heathens - bowls - redvox. - 11-14-2019

REDVOX "VINNY" ABRAMO - cis male - goat-bat hybrid - harbinger
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
Vinny definitely noticed the way that Aslisk eyed him wearily as he got closee to the pile of bowls, but he just rolled his eyes at her, grabbing one of the bowls and turning it over in his claws as he leaned back on his hooves. His wings worked carefully enough that there was very little chance he would break it, just admiring the little flower patterns carved in it before placing it back down. Humans really did make some pretty things back when they were around, but he hardly thought of them nowadays, just appreciating their handiwork because it was what they were currently living in. Turning back towards the wyvern, Vin let his tongue flick out from his mouth for a moment before he mumbled softly, "Not my fuckin' fault ya didn't hear m'knock, but I know that I did it, so..." He shrugged his wings a little bit before Aslisk continued on about her family, continuing to surprise the harbinger. It was a little hard to believe that anybody could get through Aslisk's hard outer shell to be involved in a relationship with her, but he supposed that she had a whole different life that he didn't know about, even if he doubted that she was much different wherever she had come from. Lifting a claw up to scratch gently at an itch behind one of his large ears, Vox stretched out enough for his back to pop before he mumbled softly, "Kids 'n' a wife, huh? Well, good f'you, I guess. Sorry that they're not here. Despite what y'may think about th'Halls, I'm sure ya family would've been happy 'ere... maybe they'll show up one'a these days and you'll be reunited or some shit." He knew that real life wasn't really that kind as to do something like reunite Aslisk's family without something going horribly wrong, but... he could at least pretend he believed things would be alright.

It was after his mumbling when Aslisl's expression changed, her teeth darkening further and her fangs becoming bared. Vinny already felt a heavy sigh leave him, readying himself for whatever the hell it was that the wyvern was about to say – she had quite the reputation already for just saying whatever the fuck came to mind without really thinking. When she refused to give the bowls back, he winced and grumbled, shaking his head a bit at the female, letting out a soft huff of frustration out through his spiked nose. He was pretty sure he couldn't change her mind at all, but he still said in an annoyed voice, "Y'may be the most fuckin' stubborn person I've ever met... how th'hell are y'even gonna get these bowls t'ya kids if they're not even here? D'ya know where they are?" Perhaps he was going a bit far snapping out such a personal thing, but he couldn't help to respond to Aslisk's anger with his own, his wrath usually well hidden away, but rising up to the occasion when Aslisk was being pissy. He then said, bringing a wing up to his head to gently rub at his forehead, as if trying to massage away a headache that always showed up whenever Aslisk pulled some shit like this, "And no injurin' anybody over some fuckin' bowls please. That is th'stupidest shit I've ever heard." He couldn't quite understand the emotional value that the bowls had to Aslisk, since he only saw them as stupid old wooden and glass bowls that were disposable without limit. He wanted to just drop it and tell Aslisk she could keep the bowls as long as she didn't cause trouble, but then Aslisk grumbled about not having a community of her own. Vox chuckled dryly before replying, his large bat ears perking up as he shook his head, "I grew up here. Well, not here, but in th'Halls. It wasn't exactly luxurious, but it was home, ya know? And I'm pretty sure y'know what havin' a community is like, if y've got a wife 'n' kids." Sure, such a group was a tiny community, but it was a community nonetheless.

Re: hoarding for heathens - bowls - fulzanin - 11-18-2019

For a moment Aslisk felt a searing anger surge from her scales. She watched as the other picked up the bowl and inspected it. She immediately felt enraged, far more than the usual amount. Her tail swung behind her sharply, the other side from where the pile of bowls were. She told herself that if that bowl did break, then she would have every reason to launch herself forward and thwack him. Or actually attack him. Whichever came first, the wyvern swiftly decided. Her mind was conflicted. She had many different takes of how authority worked. Where she had been born, she was the tool and everyone else was the master. Then she had answered to a form of mutual respect, and then came a hierarchy of queens and kings. She was lacking severely in the respect department, and her jaws parted to sharply hiss. She wasn't sure which mentality she would take if she had to, and decided that she'd decide if she had to. "No, they wouldn't. Ichigo would hate that it turns night and I don't think the kids would like people touching their stuff, she snarled in reply. She let the topic of not hearing the other knock die. It wasn't doing her any good, arguing against an absolute truth. So it was possible for her mind to be deterred, it was just.. hell to do so. Perhaps it had to do with how her expression lightened a little upon the other's words of apologizing for her other familial members not being present. "I'd prefer them to be home, where it's mostly safe." Their home was not entirely safe. There were predators, of course. Vicious predators that hunted in massive swarms that could overtake nearly anything they came across due to numbers alone. Aslisk would say such anyways - she needed to convince herself just as much at the time.

"Now, if they're gonna come waddle up into my room, like you have, and demand for them back, I'm gonna have to put them in their place. That's just how it is. I'm not gonna be shoved around. So I'll fight who I want over what I want. It'll be their fault for not using their lusluing common sense." She huffed. The place that she had somewhat lived before her family moved had been a place just like that. You fought to establish your order. It was different than the place of her creation. Rank was not earned by the blood on your talons, but a form of mutual respect. She wasn't quite sure where she was on that list. Hopefully no where too embarrassing. "How does the saying go? Mess with the bull, get the horns? I like that one." Aslisk nodded her head, turning it over a few times. It was a human saying. Of course it was. Human sayings, she hated them, solely due to their connection with humanity. She could deal with it for something as simple as this - and defending her violent nature as well. Her wings shrugged a little, turning her gaze back to the pile.

Of course, when community was again brought up, she stiffened. "That would be a family, not a community. Do you want to talk about luxurious birth places?" The wyvern's tone had grown cold, and her head slowly pulled away from where she had begun again examining the pile. She was standing up taller now, a fury brimming in her vibrant red eyes. Perhaps she didn't fully grasp the meaning of a community. It could mean any size - and as said, a family was just a small community. Yet anger didn't allow her to fully think such a thing through. For a moment the wyvern wanted to spit out the horrors of her childhood. She wanted to elaborate on how she had become such a cold hearted and absolutely vicious person. Briefly it came, the feeling of wanting to spit out her hissy fit of anger of how her childhood had to be far worse than the other's. But then, then the anger filtered away for a moment. No one deserved to hear that story unless they were close to her. Redvox was not. So Aslisk bit her tongue, willing herself silent until she could get her thoughts in order. "A community I'd more associate with a town than a family, you hask." Her tone was quiet, forcefully filled with a more neutral tone whilst she pushed down the remaining 'spill your guts out with your words' feeling that had arisen.

ive always had to get my hands dirty, a patrol to make sure no one hurts me

TAGS 10/3/19:

Re: hoarding for heathens - bowls - redvox. - 11-20-2019

REDVOX "VINNY" ABRAMO - cis male - goat-bat hybrid - harbinger
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
Despite being able to practically feel the enraged fire that flared up inside of Aslisk as he picked up one of the bowls, Vox ignored it to the best of his ability, just inspecting the item before putting it carefully back down upon the pile. If he was honest with himself, he knew that what he had just done was meant to be a power move, to show Aslisk that she had no absolute say here. Hell, he didn't even have absolute say here, since he bowed to the whims of the majority of the Halls. Still, he had more authority than she did, and he wasn't about to let himself be pushed around over some fucking bowls, even if the threat of her actually attacking him loomed between the two of them. If she did, she would no doubt face the consequences, being punished and even possibly exiled for daring to raise her claws at another member of the Halls. Still, he wouldn't say that, at least not yet, because he didn't want to resort to petty threats. After all, most leaders operated on a system of mutual respect and a dedication to their members. Like it or not, Aslisk was a member of the Halls, and Vinny felt no desire to threaten her at the moment. He still couldn't help the harsh little laugh that left him when she spoke about her wife and kids, the hybrid mumbling softly as he shook his head from side to side, "It's pretty rich'a you t'say that your children wouldn't like others touching their stuff, considering you stole all'a these bowls for y'own purposes." She was snarling at him, yes, but his tone was still relaxed and joking, confident that he could at least pin her down if she did try to attack him – sure, she had size on him, but she also had more vulnerable places to scratch, or bite. When Aslisk mentioned wanting her family to be at home, Vox shrugged his shoulders, saying as he glanced around the walls of the fortress, "I guess that's understandable. After all, home is th'place that y'always feel most safe at." Currently he felt most safe within the territory that the Halls had claimed for themselves, but he could understand Aslisk's perspective in this case.

A scowl graced itself on the harbinger's face when Aslisk mentioned she would hurt anyone going in to get the bowls, and the hybrid felt his large ears pin down to his skull, a sharp his leaving his mouth, "'Ey. If somebody comes 'n' bothers you, feel free ta tell them off, but no just fuckin' attacking other members, alright? I thought we went over this. This ain't some fuckin' warground, and attackin' others unprovoked will result in consequences. And no, if doesn't count as bein' fuckin' provoked if they ask for their bowls back." He let out a snort as if to reinforce his point, his claws scraping slightly against the paneled ground as he shifted, a sort of restless angry energy settling over him. Ever since he had left the Pitt, he was growing more and more tired of dealing with violence for no good reason over and over again, and Aslisk was one of the main contributors to that frustration. When she quoted the human saying at him, the leader just snapped softly, "'Eah, I've heard that one. Have y'heard the one that goes 'don't bite th'hand that feeds ya'? Cause it sure doesn't seem like it." He wasn't implying that he was the only one doing any work within the Halls – that was far from true – but he was the leader, and he had been the one to lead them all there. If there was anyone appropriate for the hand that feeds, it was him.

The harbinger couldn't stop himself from rolling his eyes when Aslisk snapped back about communities, his words coming out shortly after hers, "I didn't have a fuckin' luxurious birthplace, Aslisk. I just had a goddamn normal one." He then said, stretching out before standing up to his full height, his sharp curled horns seeming to faintly glint in the light of the room, "And a family is a community, dumbass. Just cause a family's smaller doesn't mean that it ain't a community. Both a family 'n' a town can be a community. It's not mutually exclusive." He doubted Aslisk was even really listening to his words anymore, but he was getting real tired of her just mouthing off and calling him names like her nonsense swears, and he was honestly proud of himself that he hadn't flung himself into Aslisk and tried to kill her yet. He doubted he would be successful even if he did, but an angry mind was one that wasn't really thinking straight.

Re: hoarding for heathens - bowls - fulzanin - 11-21-2019

ASLISK - wyvern - powers - halls of hiraeth - sentinel - hot shot

In truth, Aslisk only had so much anger to burn. There was a certain limit, that she either finally would back off or would strike in order to release the fury that built up and surged beneath her scales. This was the former, thankfully, her ears flicking. Her head lowered somewhat, irritated still, but most of her anger seemed to blow over after a stiffened pause of her form. "Considering how I have killed near an entire mall's worth of people for my kids in one swoop, I think stealing is the least of my problems." The wyvern rumbled. Her tone, less anger filled, was a little lighter than it was before. It was a tone not common to the wyvern, a tone that was an oddity and strange and did not sound correct to come from the maw of the furious wyvern. Her tail slowly swung behind her, a small snicker following suit. "For some it is. I, for one, would love it if I never had to go home again."

Aslisk's claws curled a little, gaze averting to look at the pile of bowls that was causing this entire mess. She'd probably have to hide them to avoid confrontation. Which was fine. She could manage that. She would do whatever it took to secure such a prize for her children. "I'll tell them off, alright. Not even a little bit of smacking?" The wyvern then asked, a whine sounded to her words. Yet the noise was cut off when the comment of this not being a warground registered. Her weight leaned back, a small smirk on her face. Aslisk had never partaken in a war. It had been her way of life for such a long time that she merely could not help the mentality that being aggressive was permanent. Aslisk outright laughed over the next human saying being thrown at her. She curled in on herself, almost crying from the laughter. "That's a rich comment," Aslisk said when she finally composed herself. "Hm. Let's see. I ripped off my creator's foot. Or, I lusluing tried to before lusluing Wiktil tranquilized me," Aslisk began, tone for a moment growing just as sour as it had been when she had first begun speaking about her bowl hoarding, "I tore my guard in half. Serves him right. I dragged one of my feeders into the incinerator with me. There was another that I tore his wings clean off. Another one I ripped his eyes from his skull. I don't think I ever bit someone's hand off before. I'll add that to my to-do list," the wyvern ended, tone cheeky and sly. Human sayings were not the best word choices for Aslisk to use, or to hear. She hated humans, and her saying the one human saying left a sour taste to her tongue.

"Don't know what normal is, unless we're gonna count cages and enclosures," Aslisk muttered. She did not think anyone she knew from her home had a normal child hood. She was an experiment. Ichigo had no parents. Her children were zombies. The pacifist was.. well, he was the pacifist. Aslisk huffed, rolling her eyes. "I said I associate it more with a town than a family. I didn't say 'you're wrong go lusluing jump in a hasking ditch and rot 'til Nitis claims you.'" The wyvern continued, waving one of her wings. Her tone, lighter, less anger filled, still curled around her sharp words. They, too, seemed somewhat more rounded and less aggressive. Aslisk couldn't always be angry, after all. It was after initial bursts of anger and surges of fury did she somewhat calm and stop defending her own ways while patronizing constantly. Aslisk raised a wing to rub her face. Being infuriated was exhausting, and fetching all these bowls had been a tiresome feat of it's own. Her anger had to give way to exhaustion, and her tone lightened and words grew less hostile as a result. "Are we done here? Can I start organizing these for my kids, or do you have more you wanna hask on me for?" It was not an angered statement, moreso one that seemed to genuinely inquire if there was any more to cover regarding Aslisk's bowl stealing feat.

TAGS 11/19/19: