Beasts of Beyond
shortwave - p, suite - Printable Version

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shortwave - p, suite - calliope - 05-03-2018

The serval stumbled around the pebbly coast, knowing full well that it probably wasn't the safest area to be. Well, not for her, anyway. It seemed like Mira was suffering from a streak of bad luck lately, which was honestly completely embarrassing. She wouldn't let that worry her too much, though, as she actually really enjoyed going to watch the waves. She wouldn't let a few little clumsy incidents stop her from watching the waves.

They were relaxing, really, and Mira found them to be one of the few things that didn't actually freak her out all that much. So, she came to watch the waves whenever she needed to calm down. This particular trip happened to be one of those times. Mira sat on her own, staring out at the rolling waves. She let out a small, calm sigh. It was honestly just so nice to have some peace and quiet. She rarely had any time to just relax anymore.

// [member=450]Suiteheart[/member]
here it is! sorry if it isn't that good, hhh.

Re: shortwave - p, suite - Suiteheart - 05-03-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"][you're perfectly fine!! <3]

"Relaxing, huh?" Suiteheart asked, voice soft so as to not startle the young girl. The polar bear took a seat to Mirabella's left, facing the ocean. Her dark eyes followed the path of the waves: up, up, up towards the shore and then back, back, back out into the deep waters. With each movement, the waves stole something from the land in exchange for something from its own depths. It was an endless cycle of giving and receiving, and it was calming in more ways than one.

The gentle lap of the waves against the bank filled in the silence around the pair. Suiteheart had been quiet as of late, too trapped inside her own head to speak. She was trying though. And she needed to break out of this shell she had constructed for herself if she were to perform well as a Starstruck Guardian. "We had something like this back home, but it wasn't nearly as big. I mean, it was just a little lake, ya know, so there's that." A small laugh arose from the large creature as she finished speaking. [color=#73B1B7][b]"What about you? Ever seen anything like this?"