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tender turn of bricks - burn - Printable Version

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tender turn of bricks - burn - fulzanin - 11-04-2019

Aslisk remembered being fireproof. She remembered how, with the aid of her wife, her clothes had been made fireproof as well. That way that whenever she went to go and fight that stupid firesprink, he wouldn't immediately incinerate her clothes. That would have been horrifically annoying. Her fluff and skin had been fireproof, and refused to burn. Even heated plasma and lightning couldn't touch or stop her. Perhaps that had been because of her magnesium composition back then, yet still being organic. Perhaps that had been why, after enough exposure, fire never hurt her. She wasn't sure. That was a science question, and Aslisk hated science almost as much as she hated technology.

The wyvern wasn't sure what to do with all the brush that she was clearing out. She was helpful! Whenever was she not helpful? The searing and raging bundle of irritation that was Aslisk certainly deemed herself helpful. Sure, it had to benefit her in some way.. usually. Aslisk found herself bored. She wanted to help from sheer boredom alone, and some NPC didn't want any brush even near their living space. She'd already put some over her home - so there could be less filthy sunlight in her room - but there was still excess. Aslisk didn't mind a little bit of sunlight. Her night vision as this strange creature was quite mediocre, and it irritated her to have to have some sunlight in her home. It left her with this small excess that she had somewhat formed into a pile. She stalked the pile, huffing, circling it with a look of irritation.  She had little idea what to do with this heap of shrubbery. It wasn't as if she could just rip the leaves off and eat them like her wife could. She didn't have any use for these silly branches and fines and stumps and twigs and plant matter! Irritation was easy to come by, and she stomped the ground.

Aslisk wound up slinking off until she found a match. She was fireproof, right? It wouldn't hurt her much (well, she believed at all to be more accurate) to shove more plant material into an already blazing flame, right? Fumbling with the lighter was hard when she didn't have an extra limb to use. She hissed and sputtered, having to hop on one foot in order to get the flame to light. Then she lit the pile on fire. It was slowly spreading, the greenery was green and not dried out, but it would slowly burn nonetheless. Aslisk's spiky tail flicked behind her. She grabbed a stray stick, and moved to put such into the steadily growing fire. There was a stinging sensation that she had not felt in a long, long time. A loud screech of pain parted her maw as she stumbled backwards. Her wings flapped as she dropped the stick, which sizzled and cooled upon being brought away from the flame. "Oh, hask you!" Aslisk whined. Her voice was pained, and a wing raised to rub at her face. It was a small burn, one that likely would blister and be sore fore a few days. It wasn't near the jagged yellow slash that went deep across her face, thankfully. The wyvern hunkered over, red eyes wide, rubbing and wincing whenever she made contact with the burned part of her flesh.

ive always had to get my hands dirty, a patrol to make sure no one hurts me

TAGS 10/3/19:

Re: tender turn of bricks - burn - redvox. - 11-04-2019

Re: tender turn of bricks - burn - fulzanin - 11-05-2019

Aslisk hadn't noticed Redvox arriving at first. Her mind was far too busy with buzzing about how stupid this was. She was fireproof, wasn't she? Why was she burnt? How? Why? It hurt and stung. She hadn't felt such a thing since her earliest days as a hatchling. Back when pikes were shoved through her wings and she was hung in an incinerator, left to dangle for hours upon hours. Her yellow blood would crust on her body from the wounds in her wings, and then they would burn up, and then the scabs were horrendous until she finally healed them off. It had been miserable. It brought back foul memories, and foul memories worsened her foul temper. It was hard to feel the fire of the hatred that constantly surged from her body when her face was throbbing from the scorching wound present.

"I am fine," the wyvern hissed. Her tone was strained. Moving her face stung. The burn was on her snout. Her scales were discolored, turned almost a vibrant yellow from the blood that had swollen from the sudden surge of heat. She huffed, almost deciding to glare at the Gat that had come to investigate her shriek of pain. She supposed that was a difference, between him and the firesprink. Aslisk had no doubt that the firesprink would take great delight in poking fun at her now flammable form. Maybe he would even tease her with a ball of plasma, tossing it messily between his gloves, and she would threaten to take his eyes and he would not care in the slightest. This was similar, yes. Just without the plasma, or the disgruntled tone. "Someone wanted me to help with the plants in their room. And because I am ever generous, I decided to burn the plants. Get rid of them, so they don't take up space." Her wing lowered away from the blistering wound on her face, as if now not covering it would prove her words of being perfectly fine. Aslisk's red eyes almost managed a glare, as if wanting to dare Redvox to say and agree with her that yes, the blistering yellow wound on her snout was, in fact, nothing. The wyvern couldn't manage the look in full, and instead only managed to look as pissed off as she always did.

ive always had to get my hands dirty, a patrol to make sure no one hurts me

TAGS 10/3/19:

Re: tender turn of bricks - burn - redvox. - 11-06-2019

Re: tender turn of bricks - burn - fulzanin - 11-12-2019

It had been a while since Aslisk had felt the lingering effects of a burn. She had grown used to feeling mildly uncomfortable from the heat. She had grown used to feeling flames scorch her, but not feeling any pain from it. Feeling this burn fester and burn her face hurt in more ways than one. It was degrading. That she'd lost a part of what had made her strong. Not that she was considered strong back where she came from. Nearly everyone she lived with could best her. The firesprink had fire that burned hotter than her tolerance. The pacifist simply couldn't be touched. There were those that could permanently injure her otherwise fully regenerative body - hence the bright yellow scar across her face. There were those that were just annoying, and those that used stupid little vine things and tied her up to the ceiling and left her there to calm down. Aslisk had not, in fact, calmed down, and had only grown more and more furious as the punishment lapsed.

When the other moved closer, the wyvern uncomfortably shifted. She absolutely hated being touched. Physical contact was less than desired on nearly all fronts. It reminded her of being held down and forcibly injected with chemicals, or pikes through her wings - for the fireproofness that now she lacked - or just because she needed to be taught a lesson. Her head tipped back when the other tried to hover his talons near her wound. It seared with heat, just as any regular burn would. "I know how to deal with fire," Aslisk snapped, "I'm fireproof." That certainly wasn't true, considering the bright burn wound that was present on her face. Her lanky tail flicked sharply behind her, teeth clenching together. It irritated her. It felt as if all that torment that she had endured in her earliest days had now been rendered useless. Irritation sparked anger in her, evident in the fury that burned in her eyes as equally as the burn wound on her face did. Aslisk could not deny that having something to ease the pain would probably be nice. Her ears flicked, momentarily showing her internal debate. "But if you're going to insist that I, the fireproof person, doesn't know how to deal with fire, then I'll take your weird.. alko verya. The luslu is that hask supposed to even be. Food?" The wyvern's words sharply curled upon being spoken, confusion hidden by her disgust for how terribly she mispronounced the word.

ive always had to get my hands dirty, a patrol to make sure no one hurts me

TAGS 10/3/19:

Re: tender turn of bricks - burn - redvox. - 11-13-2019

REDVOX "VINNY" ABRAMO - cis male - goat-bat hybrid - harbinger
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
Vox couldn't exactly say that he had been the toughest guy around back before the Halls had first disbanded. Before he had just been a kit, inexperienced and a bit if a runt, hardly fit for any kind of battle. As he had grown up as Hadley's apprentice, he had gradually become more and more adept at defending himself and others, and when he had first become Harbinger, he had been pretty damn confident he could do well in a fight. Sure, he wasn't exactly the strongest around in the group, since he had been only a domestic feline in a group full of many different creatures, but he was good at fighting and strategy, and that was what he had prided himself on. Still, no amount of fighting and strategy had been able to prevent the flames that had destroyed the Halls the first time. Nowadays, he had a large body than his old domestic feline one, and he still retained his strategy and battle skills, but he still wasn't the strongest around. Still, it felt sort of... comforting, that Aslisk wasn't fireproof anymore. Truly, he had no evidence to back up her claims of being fireproof before, but it still made him feel at ease. The wyvern wasn't invulnerable, which meant that if her anger got the best of her and she did decide to try and attack her fellow Halls members, they would be able to take her down. He was sure that if he ever brought that up aloud to her, she'd be furious at the mere thought, but he wasn't stupid enough to actually tell her that to her face, knowing it would only anger the burnt female farther – which really wasn't something they needed considering her hair trigger temper already.

A soft snort left the hybrid harbinger after a moment, and he mumbled with a prompt shake of his head, trying not to sound too patronizing as he spoke, "It's pretty obvious that y'not fireproof anymore, Aslisk. If ya were, we wouldn't be havin' this conversation." He noticed the way that she yanked her wyvern form away from him, her eyes narrowing in rage and irritation at the very prospect of being touched, and he took that as a sign to pull his wings back, falling back down to all fours. He then let out a sharp bark of laughter when Aslisk attempted to pronounce aloe vera, her long tongue hopelessly stumbling over the words and arriving at something completely off from the actual pronunciation. Shaking his head from side to side, the gat mumbled as he gestured to the nature tumbling about all around them, including the still burning pile of remains that she had burnt herself with, "'S'technically just called aloe, but it's not a food. It's a plant that people use ta relieve th'pain from burns like the one you're currently sufferin' from. You mash it inta paste 'n' apply it to the burn and it feels better. Shouldn't be too hard ta find some around here. I think I've got some in m'room, in fact. It should help with th'pain. That's the most I know how ta help, since I'm far from a cleric." He had essentially no medical knowledge to speak of beyond the most basic of things such as "wrap a wound up so that it doesn't get infected," and even that he sometimes failed at, making the bandages too loose and dirty.