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WE CANNOT ESCAPE THE PAST ☆ open, room - Printable Version

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WE CANNOT ESCAPE THE PAST ☆ open, room - redvox. - 11-04-2019

Re: WE CANNOT ESCAPE THE PAST ☆ open, room - fulzanin - 11-04-2019

The wyvern could almost be considered curious. Most people fit into that category. Especially when given a new body, a new form, and was thrust into an entirely new world with strange people and stranger species. Aslisk supposed that yes, for now, she would deem herself curious. She was in search for something to do, in search of a place to stay. Having heard all that clamor about the leader taking the highest spot had her slightly miffed. Aslisk both could, and could not, understand the importance. It wound up with her huffing and turning off to find something to munch on while the noise continued.

The food here was.. alright, she'd admit it tasted better than what she was used to. Back where she lived there was only one item of prey. The deadly and dangerous Xiogipa. It was taller than her, and they hunted in swarms. Really, hunting them expelled all the energy that she hoped to gain by catching them. Here? Food was more plentiful, and by teleporting right over them and gobbling them down, she wasn't absolutely nullifying all the energy that she needed. She had just finished hunting - which had sadly taken longer than she'd expected - to go and expand her curious inquiries to the building. Her talons gently clicked as she trotted along, tail flicking behind her.

"The actual hask are- are- oh. It's you." When the Gat suddenly appeared by barrelling out of his room, it swiftly startled the wyvern. Her wings had raised and her stance had leaped backwards in response to the surge of fright. She huffed, and her long tongue extended to wipe her slightly stained teeth. Her webbed ears flicked, taking in the other's request of aid. Well. She hadn't even realized that she had gotten this far up the building, even if most of her trot had been aimless. Her wings shifted, and she rolled her neck. "I'll help. Only because I think it's absolutely pathetic that you got your quartok kicked by a bunch of plants." Aslisk, of course, refused to acknowledge where she had been bested by plants in the past. She didn't see any benefit by bringing such to light now, and craned her head to look at the troublesome plants of question.

ive always had to get my hands dirty, a patrol to make sure no one hurts me

TAGS 10/3/19:

Re: WE CANNOT ESCAPE THE PAST ☆ open, room - redvox. - 11-05-2019

Re: WE CANNOT ESCAPE THE PAST ☆ open, room - breena - 11-05-2019

[align=center]— breena | halls of hiraeth rouge | druid —
A closeness to the ground drew Breena to the lowest levels of the apartment.  The young badger felt no desire to clamber up so many stairs, or to look about the world from a high vantage point.  No matter how pretty it may be.  Perhaps an old rooted fear of heights prevailed in this manner, or simply the fact she was used to sleeping close to the ground.  Sometimes in the ground.  Or beneath the comforting roots of a massive tree.

Breena did however, possess a deep rooted sense of curiosity.  Intently in love with learning and knowledge, which often led to the rouge burying herself in a book or two... The druid wandered into places she may not feel entirely comfortable with.  Just for the learning experience.

She'd been exploring the higher levels of the apartment, though not quite the top, when she heard a great deal of noise.  Her round ears soaked in the clamor, dark hues filled with bemusement.  In the stars...? Quickly, she -- perhaps with a glimmer of reluctance -- trotted up the final levels.  A trio awaited her at the top, discussing vines.

Honestly?  Breena had dealt with her room with great ease.  With gentle control, she pushed the plants back, allowing them to continue their lives, only not past the walls, least she begin to trip over them as she left and came in.  The druid enjoyed the company, but knew there was a level of efficiency prevented by allowing the creep of overgrowth into a living space.

Shyly, the badger smiled, eyes quickly moving past the faces and the vines in question.  "… They're not your enemy," she murmured, clearly a little amused.  "… Not trying to be, at least..."

The vines may be invasive, but they were still living.  Not to mention, they had been in the apartment before the Halls.  But Breena understood sometimes for new life to take root, the old must die.  That was the nature of the world.

She still wept when a fire burned through a forest... No matter how many seedlings survived.

"I can try to move some of them," she offered softly at last, blinking.

Re: WE CANNOT ESCAPE THE PAST ☆ open, room - fulzanin - 11-05-2019

"You didn't? Then why'd they fling you into the hallway?" Aslisk chuckled upon hearing Redvox's reply. Her ears were raised, and her head turned to look at the two that had come over after her own approach. Had she.. seen either of these two before? Was that even important right now? She huffed, dismissing it, flicking her webbed ears as she moved her weight forward on her talons. She was used to the swift moving vines of punishment and rules not being followed. The medic that used plants in order to ensure that no one was disturbing the peace. Some days she liked that rule, other days she did not. Now, now she was away from where that rule was instilled in it's entirety. She grunted, huffing, expelling hot air. "If we don't have to shred them all to move them, it'd probably be better to just peel them off the walls," Aslisk muttered, "that way they're all grouped and tangled together so they can all be dragged along in one fell swoop." Her tail began swinging behind her, eyeing the plants able to be seen through the doorway.

Since aid had been requested of her, Aslisk saw absolutely no need to wait for a further invitation to stride inside. The wyvern's pace was swift as she trotted inside. She was in a similar predicament to Redvox, but she did not even have talons on her wings to use. The wyvern turned, trying to pry the plants free of their hold on the wall with her spike covered tail. She mostly hoped for them to fall free from the wall, untorn, so that they were still all clumped together. Perhaps it was aided by her mentality of how her wife would eat plants and leaves, just like this, raw and without restraint. Of course, her wife wasn't here, but that didn't impair that idea from being present in her work. She twisted on her ankle, wings splaying to raise a foot and keep her balance. She tugged hard, hissing with the effort. Aslisk had already said being beaten by the plants was less that idea, and now that she had put herself into this predicament was bound and determined to prove that she, in fact, would not have her ass handed to her by plants.

ive always had to get my hands dirty, a patrol to make sure no one hurts me

TAGS 10/3/19:

Re: WE CANNOT ESCAPE THE PAST ☆ open, room - redvox. - 11-06-2019