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i can't live with you {{ JERVIS xx FOURTHWALL }} but I can't live without you - Printable Version

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i can't live with you {{ JERVIS xx FOURTHWALL }} but I can't live without you - Orion - 11-02-2019

[Image: xNrZFsE.jpg?1]
the story ❧
In the midst of the war, Jervis was on the search for fellow allies. Some that he could manipulate, others that he could trust with his life. During his search, Fourthwall arrived before his eyes. Though they had gotten off to a bad start at the beginning of their relationship, the ardent became fond of the hellhound. Eventually, the two decided on a deal. In exchange for Fourthwall's protection and loyalty, Jervis would give free reign and power to him.  Though their deal was strictly business at the beginning of their conversation, it was not long before the two grew closer. They grew devoted to one another and eloped soon enough.

the parents ❧
Jervis is the current ardent [LEADER] of The Pitt. As of right now, he is an Eastern American red fox with right side of his face covered in burn scars. Jervis, though naturally narcissistic, will prominently focus on his children and favor them greatly within The Pitt. His goal is for the Callahan name to be reclaimed and to be seen as powerful, hence he will put in the effort to raise them properly. [member=3615]JERVIS[/member] is played by [member=1]Orion[/member] .

Fourthwall is a current marauder [HP] of The Pitt. He's a black and gold brindle fox, but is normally seen in a hellhound's body when roaming around The Pitt. This father (who will be carrying the children in a female body) will be a very firm, caring dad, but not the sort to coddle his young. Fourthwall Fallout is played by [member=5081]Crackers[/member] .

the rules ❧
1. All site rules apply.
2. Remember, quality of application over quantity!
3. This litter is not first come, first serve.
4. Please keep your pup active. If you fall inactive, Crackers and Orion have every right to rehome your child.
5. Do not kill off your child early.
6. These babies will carry the Callahan last name. Fallout is optional.
7. There is no naming theme for this litter. You may name your characters whatever you'd like. This includes cruel, loving, strange, or foreign names. Go crazy! The more original, the better.

the litter ❧
The genetics for this litter are free-for-all. Your character can be any kind of fox you'd like. Neither of the parents have any mutations within their fox bodies, but children may have mutations as needed. Along with this, slots for this litter will be added and removed as necessary.

— name / gender
— name / gender
— name / gender

the form ❧
Forms are free-for-all for this litter, but there are some required aspects. Please make sure to note their full name, gender, appearance, and personality in full. The more information, the better. Along with this, feel free to fancyposts and remember that quality over quantity. Aesthetics are a big bonus.

Re: i can't live with you {{ JERVIS xx FOURTHWALL }} but I can't live without you - tikki - 11-02-2019

[div style="width: 500px;font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: 12px;text-align: justify;"][align=center]SWEENEY CALLAHAN FALLOUT
at a glance
name Sweeney Callahan Fallout
gender Female
sexuality Homosexual
personality Unstable, shy, liar
appearance Red fox with black markings

deeper into it
personality Sweeney is a risk taker, and is not afraid to speak her mind when she deems it necessary, which is most of the time. Blunt, she doesn't like liars even though she, herself, is one to those she doesn't trust, and will lie about anything. She rarely trusts anyone, and only forms tight bonds with those related to her in some way, otherwise will shove others away in order to keep them at paw's length.

When older, Sweeney becomes something of a flirt, in the hopes that she can get what she wants, when she wants. Although she is gay, she will flirt with anyone in order to manipulate them in any way she hopes. Observant to things around her, she often chooses to listen instead of speak, and does not like speaking to new people.

When filled with strong emotion, she becomes unable to handle herself and hide them away, and will either run off in order to try and hide them, or simply let it all bubble over without realizing it.
    - fears
          - being ignored
          - cryophobia ( due to living in the desert & jungle of the Pitt )
    - loves
          - Plants
          - Bright colors
appearance Sweeney is, in short, a red fox. However, due to the odd nature of which she was born, and the way the world works, she looks like a red fox, but with the black markings of some sort of shepherd dog. Her back is speckled black and dark gray, and her face is mostly red, with a slight bit of white on her lower jaw that goes down to her stomach. Her legs and paws are the same bright red as her face, though her tail is a mixture of the black and red.
    - items Nothing to start off with, though eventually will carry around some sort of bag with her, holding a small sketchbook or sheets of loose leaf paper, and a pencil or small stick of charcoal.
    - references here

Re: i can't live with you {{ JERVIS xx FOURTHWALL }} but I can't live without you - Cosmic - 11-02-2019

Tracking and applying!

Re: i can't live with you {{ JERVIS xx FOURTHWALL }} but I can't live without you - toboggan - 11-04-2019

am do apply !


three songs:

Re: i can't live with you {{ JERVIS xx FOURTHWALL }} but I can't live without you - tristitia - 11-04-2019

Tracking... fox girl.. hmm, i will put an app here later as i have class!

Re: i can't live with you {{ JERVIS xx FOURTHWALL }} but I can't live without you - Orion - 11-06-2019

Everyone's applications look amazing so far! <333
After the plot involving The Typhoon/Tanglewood/Elysium raid of The Pitt ends, this litter will be decided on.

Re: i can't live with you {{ JERVIS xx FOURTHWALL }} but I can't live without you - Crackers - 11-10-2019

Tracking for Fourth, the bios are amazing!!!

Re: i can't live with you {{ JERVIS xx FOURTHWALL }} but I can't live without you - spacexual - 11-10-2019

Re: i can't live with you {{ JERVIS xx FOURTHWALL }} but I can't live without you - Janoobus - 11-11-2019


— will post when I’m off work around Wednesday

Re: i can't live with you {{ JERVIS xx FOURTHWALL }} but I can't live without you - Orion - 11-24-2019

all these applications are gorgeous!! <333
bumping this... this thread will close as soon as the raid ends for the pitt