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banana bread ✰ joining - arcy - 11-01-2019

[glow=#000,1,400]FALLING FURTHER DOWN — 。+゚.[/glow]
[div style="width: 480px; height: auto; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 13px;"]Game over. Restart.
Videogames wakes up with thick black liquid spilling from his mouth. His organs feel like they've been turned to goo. He hurts inside. He hurts outside. The flower wreath on his tail has long since withered, stained black. It disintegrates under a single touch. His crown is missing.
Videogames doesn't know what's happened to him. But he will. This is a promise.
His home is gone. Lemy took over while he was .. absent? Dead? That's fair -- who else was there to take over, anyways? Videogames can appreciate that he tried. It's gone now. Fell apart. That's fair, too. Videogames has been groomed his whole life for the mantle of king, and even he'd struggled. Videogames can't fault him for this, either.
He doesn't know what happened to anyone else.
Somehow, this hurts less than it should.
Something's wrong with him. Videogames will figure it out, he's sure of it.
Is he a zombie? That'd be pretty cool, he thinks. Though, he doesn't exactly have the urge to ... to chomp on people's brains, or anything. Sometimes he wheezes out black goop, and, well, that isn't exactly a good sign, is it? A voice talks to him sometimes. Videogames is pretty wary of taking advice from an unknown, deep voice, but, well, they are some pretty good suggestions.
Videogames is dealing with it. Or maybe he's not! Who can say -- Videogames sure can't! And, anyways, what could he even do about this anyways?
There's only so long that one can go without any sort of ... support system. Videogames grew up on this sorta stuff, y'know? They weren't the best circumstances, true. And maybe there was a bit of .. favoritism. Arrowhead was like his big brother, and he was the leader, and he was mentoring him -- a recipe for disaster, really! This isn't the point. The point is that Videogames is lonely.
He's gotten nowhere. And, anyways, who really cares what happened? He thinks about it, sometimes. He might've been dead, might've not been, and then he wasn't. And that happened to a lot of people, didn't it? Not .. anyone that Videogames knew. But it did.
So .. he moves on. He throws on a cloak(covers his scars, that,), and he trudges for the nearest border. Snowbound wasn't around anymore -- shame, that. So he just makes his best guess. Impulsive, maybe, but that was what he was, wasn't it?
"Hello?," Poke your head from a bush, grin. Awfully sneaky of him, wasn't it? Not that it worked, mind. Terribly proud of that golden pelt of his, he was, but it wasn't good for hiding. Which was the point, wasn't it? Royalty didn't hide. They stuck out. Easier to find, easier to help you. That's what he figured, anyways. "Ah, um -- Videogames. Anyone there?" Videogames has seen his more professional days. He doesn't really need to play a part though, does he? He's not really a king -- he's just some ... goofball. Which is fine with him! Lower expectations! Doesn't need to spend literally all of his time helping out and planning. It was a win, wasn't it? He ... hopes so, anyways.

Re: banana bread ✰ joining - candorosa - 11-01-2019

[align=center][div style="width:65%; text-align: justify; padding: 1px;"]When Lemy usurped the throne of Moonlight Vale, he didn't do it for the good of the group. He did it because it seemed fun and no one was around to stop him. Eventually, the responsibility caught up to him and he vanished into the mist. He did always wonder what happened to the old king, but he figured he had done the same thing as Lemy or died. Regardless, that chapter of his life was done, over with, finished.

So imagine Lemy's surprise when he spots a familiar-looking serval slinking about at border. (What was he even doing?) If Lemy didn't know it was impossible, he would swear his soul exited his body the exact moment he recognized the other man. His brain stuttered to a halt. ...heh? Did the guy track him down to take revenge or something? What the hell? Lemy's ego didn't consider the possibility maybe Videogames was here for an entirely different reason.

Well, whatever his reasons were, Lemy wasn't going to let the serval gain an advantage. With a grin so large it felt as if his face was splitting in half, he marched over to Videogames. "Heya, Viddy! How are you?" he purred, white pupils focused on the other's form, "and yup! There're folks here, all kinds of 'em, why?" Once he was close to Videogames, he tried to swing his paw around the other's neck and pull him close in a show of camaraderie. If successful, he would try to swing both of them side to side in a rocking motion, "why? Ya wanna join? It'd be sooo nice to catch up y'know! You should join!" he said. The so I can keep an eye on you, went unsaid.

Re: banana bread ✰ joining - charactercemetary. - 11-01-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]❆ — The kitsune doesn't tend to think of her past. About why she was cold - you get used to it - why she seemed so distant, cut off- it doesn't affect you anymore, not in the same way. That was the face, the mask she always wore. This one of always seeming forlorn, one step ahead, yet not reveling in her victories.

She was lost in thought, a sigh escaping her long snout when a voice reaches her ears. Her natural state of being made her almost seem like she was expecting those words to be uttered, or at the very least, not that she seemed very surprised by it. She hops down from her perch, nearly circling him as she takes him in. Injured. Cloak. Green. Serval. Gold. She stores this in her mind and shakes out her fur.

She tilts her head up, silver and white snout lifted into the air. While she was busy being an edgy, cold, drama queen someone rushed past her, blowing up wind in her fur. She lets out a somewhat annoyed huff, and then turns to Lemy. "Friend of yours?" She asks plainly, her annoyance dissipating into coldness once more.

Re: banana bread ✰ joining - arcy - 11-01-2019

[glow=#000,1,400]FALLING FURTHER DOWN — 。+゚.[/glow]
[div style="width: 480px; height: auto; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 13px;"]Oh, quick! Videogames wriggles, emerging from his place in the bush as he watches her circle around him. He doesn't really get the chance to observe her before -- oh! Coincidence of coincidences!
"Lemy!" Videogames chirps, seeming genuinely delighted. He seems to be about to explain himself, ears pricked and mouth opening, and then -- he winces, and it clacks shut. He's not ... overly fond of Lemy grabbing him. And ... rocking them. Videogames wriggles, displeased. "Didn' realize you were here," Videogames says, more subdued now. Wow! He hates this! He wriggles again, and turns a head to gently nip at the arm rocking him. Not quite a warning, but not quite ... not. Maybe if the serval had been more acclimated to physical touch, he might've been more okay with being manhandled by someone he didn't know terribly well. But he wasn't, and he ... also wasn't!  "Uh ... that was the plan, yes," Videogames says, wishing he had his wings still. Also, what in the fuck was going on? He tries not to scowl. He tries not to.
"I ... guess so?" Videogames tells Winterwish, shrugging. He hasn't had many friends, to be terribly honest -- it really said a lot about his social life that Lemy was probably as close as he'd had, with a few exceptions. .. Listen, Videogames didn't appreciate it either.

Re: banana bread ✰ joining - Hope Arcanium - 11-02-2019

Hey there. Looks like someone else used to know video games as well. Nice to meet you. I’m Playerone.” A chuckle would be heard as I approached, bushy tail giving a flick.

Welcome to Elysium.

Re: banana bread ✰ joining - candorosa - 11-16-2019

[align=center][div style="width:65%; text-align: justify; padding: 1px; font-family: helvetica;"]Lemy's momentarily taken aback by the genuine delight in Videogames' tone. His confusion gave way to a sickening dread at the serval's subsequent words and his grin grew wider. Liar, his mind spat out, paranoia latching on to his hurried thoughts. He watched as Videogames made a move to bite him and in a split second decides to allow it. He wasn't going to back down.

It's...not very pleasant, though pain never usually was. Winterwish's voice snapped him out of his thoughts. Ah, she's here, he thought. So caught up in his own mind that he hadn't noticed her. That was dangerous; he knew better. "Yeppers! He's my only friend, y'know?" he said with a simple shrug, releasing the serval from his grapple with a smooth motion. The thrumming pain in his limb settled in his mind, centering his thoughts. He thought about saying something else but—whatever. It wasn't very important.

Someone else arrived, someone, he didn't recognize. Playerone, huh? He stored away that piece of information for later. "Wowie! You guys are matchin'!" he said, gasping in surprise. "But yeah, Oney's right, welcome, Viddy! Ya gotta be sworn in by Rin first though if you wanna officially join though," he playfully stuck his tongue out.