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MOONS OF MADNESS ☆ prayer - Printable Version

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MOONS OF MADNESS ☆ prayer - redvox. - 10-29-2019

Re: MOONS OF MADNESS ☆ prayer - fulzanin - 10-30-2019

Aslisk was not new to the concept of religion. She wasn't doting to her own god. She worshipped a god of death, a god that brought plagues and misery to those who didn't worship him. Supposedly her wife had met him face to face once. Aslisk didn't bother asking about how the exchange had gone. It hadn't been long - apparently it was something about their kids being the living dead and how it had irked him to no end. Two females couldn't naturally have children. Aslisk had settled for having two adorable zombies as children. One at first. The second had come later when Aslisk had learned how the specific breed of zombie worked better if they had a pack to rely on. Aslisk figured that such a movement made her a great mother, putting her children's desires as the utmost important activity. That was in a separate universe, a separate time. How deeply Aslisk wished to return to her mate and kids, but it seemed as if her teleportation couldn't take her that far. She'd have to find another way, if there even was one. And that thought irked her.

Her entire kind worshipped their god of death. They claimed that doing so spared them from his mighty wrath, and instead bestowed it upon their enemies. The wyvern had slinked over upon hearing the words, the prayer, and found herself curious. A goddess of light reminded her of another god from where she originated from. The childish goddess of life and creation who played favorites and threw tantrums when things didn't go her way. The purple wyvern stood in silence - having walked right through a tree to cut down on time - while she waited for the other's prayer to cease. The voice had been soft, but deep in tone, and it had attracted her attention. Prayer reminded her of the biggest annoyance of her recent life as well. K had been a menace. He claimed that all he did was through his own god, and that he could never be in the wrong. He prayed often, and for a moment Aslisk associated the memory with an action snarling at the Gat that was praying. That would be rude, and she cut such swiftly from her current behavior. "Is the shrine necessary for your prayer?" She finally asked. It was not condescending, but rather a genuine curiosity flickered across her face. It was different from her previously near permanent angered scowl that scrunched her scaly face.

ive always had to get my hands dirty, a patrol to make sure no one hurts me

TAGS 10/3/19:

Re: MOONS OF MADNESS ☆ prayer - redvox. - 10-31-2019

Re: MOONS OF MADNESS ☆ prayer - fulzanin - 11-02-2019

Ten gods. That’s a lot,” the wyvern muttered. This happened to be a topic that intrigued her. It kept her irritable expression and angered tone at bay. Her hissy voice was lighter, curious, and the hateful look that flickered in her eyes was rather dim. She had only known one god, up until dating of course. The god of death had been who she probably would have prayed to - and probably still would. Not for the death of her enemies anymore. Maybe so that he would spare her wife and kids while she was away. Danger and destruction always seemed to befall them whenever she was away. It was not exempt from when she actually was there, either. Aslisk supposed that she felt better about being there rather than away, not knowing what was happening, clueless and in the dark.

The purple creature shifted her weight. Then her head leaned forward, looking at the shrine. “So this.. Bertille, they’re your main god? Since you only had 2 big shrines I’m assuming that they were one of the big ones.” Aslisk assumes. One of her webbed ears flicked, and then snorted. “You’d want to give people like this a blessing? I wouldn’t ever dream of doing that.” It reminded her of someone foul from where she hailed from. She remembered his stupid idiotic grin, of how he shrugged nearly everything off and said ‘it’s the will of the Stars for me to try to tear you and your wife apart because it isn’t holy’. Or how he had fainted whenever two people held hands even though they were also married and had children. It sickened her to her stomach to remember those judge mental purple eyes, staring in sheer disapproval. Of course she didn’t care for the approval of others, but that didn’t mean that sharp look hadn’t hurt. Aslisk took a deep breath. Being here and away from him was it’s own form of blessing, and it was one she heartily would accept. “Do you have any plans to make a bigger one, like the one you used to have?” Aslisk then asked, red gaze finally pulling away from the shine to return to the Gat. She decided not to mention her own beliefs - no, she deemed that selfish, and it was not as if she had many plans to start actually worshipping her own god anytime soon.


ive always had to get my hands dirty, a patrol to make sure no one hurts me

TAGS 10/3/19: