Beasts of Beyond
I GOT SOUL ; joining ; BUT I'M NOT A SOLIDER - Printable Version

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I GOT SOUL ; joining ; BUT I'M NOT A SOLIDER - Beatrice - 05-03-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]She was a long, long ways away from home. The reality in which she had once lived was vastly different from this one, and she cursed Adelaide to the high heavens for altering her appearance again. A deep, agitated sigh fell from her lips. First a blue bird and now a red heeler? Why couldn't she have just remained a human?

She shook her head; she shouldn't have ventured so deeply into the unknown. She shouldn't have searched so hard to find Wirt and Greg. Her mistake, she supposed. Dark brown eyes rolled mightily. 'That's what you get for trying to be the good guy, Beatrice.' Well, no more of that, she would tell herself. She hadn't been good in a long, long while.

The beasts was a persuasive creature by nature, and the ginger canine was not strong enough to fend of his powers. She had been manipulated, but it was unsurprising. For weeks, she had gone through with his biddings. She had done everything he asked, and in return, she received information on the whereabouts of her friends. Recently, he had promised her their safety should she collect the third soul of that tri-souled creature from the Typhoon. And this was the reason her paws carried her to said group. After all, what could be easier?

She smirked.

"My name is Beatrice," she barked, voice loud, confident. Her dark honey eyes remained vigilant, forever searching for that feline named after a flower. [color=#D87921][b]"I'm here to join."

Re: I GOT SOUL ; joining ; BUT I'M NOT A SOLIDER - lilyspoise - 05-03-2018

There are many names in history
but none of them are ours.
lilyspoise ♕ the typhoon ♕ budding flower ♕ tags
Aforementioned tri-souled creature was not quite tri-souled anymore. She didn’t fully understand why, or how, but her powers slowly faded as she reached this new region of the world. Lissa, Eli, and herself could see it coming a mile away; it was the end of the beginning and beginning of the end all at once. It was too much, too many emotions in too short of a time and Lil could recall feeling scared for a death she herself would not face. And then in an instant all the fear, the sorrow, the regret, the love, the everything was just gone. Lil woke up one day and she was cold and she knew.

There was nothing she could do about it; her twin-souls were dead and, with that, her family died too. Everything Lil once had was officially destroyed, again, and despite everything in her that tried to tell her that she should be sad, or mad, or anything at all, she just felt nothing.

As Lilyspoise approached, Beatrice, she still felt nothing.
"I'd ask for your name and business, but you already handled that, so welcome in." The cream tabby said, waving her tail in a greeting. "My name is Lilyspoise, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Re: I GOT SOUL ; joining ; BUT I'M NOT A SOLIDER - Beatrice - 05-04-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]Loss was an easy experience to come by with Beatrice; she had lost contact with her entire family as well as her two best friends in the whole world. In a lot of ways, she and Lilyspoise were identical. The only true difference was that Beatrice knew exactly where Lil's missing parties were.

Lilyspoise's adopted mothers were stationed in the Ascendants. That was easy though because Bea did her research. She did wonder, however, if Lil knew how desperate her adopted mothers were to reunite their precious family. Surely, she had to have some semblance of an idea. Then again, maybe these months of isolation had left Lil too unfeeling to care.

Beatrice also knew the locations of Lilys' twin souls. The red heeled had stolen them not too long ago while Lil rested peacefully. It had been easy, and she would've gotten Lil's soul had the girl not woken up so soon. Eli's and Lissa's souls resided not-so-peacefully in Beatrice's dark lantern. They were bright things, eager to return to their sister, but Beatrice was not so easily swayed. Her will was strong, stronger than both of them. And so they would remain trapped.

But enough of that. It was time for joining. And for making friends.

"Thanks, Lilyspoise," the dog grinned, wagging her tail in return. [color=#D87921][b]"You've got a really pretty name! Oh, I'm Beatrice, by the way. Bea's fine, too, if you like nicknames better."

Re: I GOT SOUL ; joining ; BUT I'M NOT A SOLIDER - Verdigris - 05-04-2018

  Oh, great, another joiner that was complimenting people on their names. While it could've been a fluke, and the newcomer could've been completely normal, he couldn't help but wonder if she'd end up painting her face with blood and threatening to crawl inside other members' bodies. Thankfully, Georgie hadn't actually hurt anyone yet, and he doubted she'd be able to cause any real harm, but her behavior was still difficult to be tactful about- and Beatrice, being a dog, would be far more dangerous if she went cuckoo like Georgie had.

  Ah, he was being too paranoid. The lack of sleep over the past week had worn down on his rationality, most likely. The strong didn't need to constantly be afraid of their comrades. "Welcome," Papercutter spoke up as he approached behind Lilyspoise. "I'm Papercutter. You need help finding your way around, or do you just want to explore on your own?"

Re: I GOT SOUL ; joining ; BUT I'M NOT A SOLIDER - coldblue - 05-04-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 10pt;"][color=black]Life is so boring. Nevermind that Coldblue could be exploring a plethora of places on the island or improving his knowledge of herbs and medicine, he is just so unbelievably bored. Goldie and Roman are nowhere to be found, and Father keeps yelling at him when he tries to observe Pincher while he works. And Guru? Well, it's safe to say that she is nowhere near the world's greatest mother. Given that his normal outlets are nowhere to be found, the youth decides to seek entertainment elsewhere. And by elsewhere, he means the border. There are always weirdos streaming in through the Railroad Gate for some reason. Most days he finds it annoying that so many people are invading his home, but today he is grateful for the distraction.

Oblivious to any sort of connection between the newcomer and Lily, Coldblue approaches with the lazy swagger of a pre-pubescent boy. The child is handsome for his age; his pelt a wonderful marble grey with soft brown rosettes and eyes the color of glaciers. He has his Daddy's eyes. "It's more fun to wander around and get lost--more exciting that way," comments the betta upon his arrival. He stands near Papercutter, though the male is a complete stranger. "Nice to meet you, Miss. My name is Coldblue Roux, but you may call me Blue." Clearly, he likes the sound of his own voice. That, or the child is practicing his schmoozing. It is impossible to tell Blue's intentions most days. Why? Because the kid doesn't even understand himself.

Re: I GOT SOUL ; joining ; BUT I'M NOT A SOLIDER - lilyspoise - 05-04-2018

There are many names in history
but none of them are ours.
lilyspoise ♕ the typhoon ♕ budding flower ♕ tags
It wasn’t the first time that someone had targeted the souls. They had quite a few enemies, both because of their killing lifestyle and also because of the fact that they were an improbable existence in itself. Three souls (of the same person across various timelines, no less) bound together in a host body was a rare occurrence. If she bothered to think about it, Lil would question whether or not a creature of similar nature even existed. She was sure that the tri-souled aspect wasn’t unique to just her, but the fact that the souls were so closely knit in both identity and sisterhood— now that was rare. Together they had been a being of so much energy, so much activity, and now Lil remained somber. Cold. Hollow.

Family was a touchy subject for Lil; she danced masterfully around it whenever asked, only having briefly mentioned it to Lucifer when she sought to avoid the two at an event with the Ascendants. Perhaps it was a bit cruel of her, but she didn’t know how she stood on the two. She had initially believed they abandoned her, but Margaery also seemed so... so enraged, actually. Enraged at the idea of Lil not trusting her. In fact, Lil couldn’t remember her apologizing — genuinely, that is, because Margaery did indeed go for the guilt trip; “I’m sorry I’m a monster,” was not a valid apology, especially since that wasn’t even the root of the issue they had been arguing over — and the more she thought of it, the more hurt she felt, and the more hurt she felt, the less she wanted to even remotely try at repairing her tattered family.

Ah, shoot, she’d been spacing out, and it seemed like more of her crew mates had joined them in the meantime. That much was good; Lil hadn't wanted to be incredibly rude, so at least they filled some of the idle time while she had her head int he clouds. Lifting her head, Lil laughed a bit and nodded in response.
"My apologies, I don’t normally space out on people like that. I’ve been dealing with an issue as of late and, as you can tell, it’s stolen quite a bit of my attention away." She explained, smiling. "If you'd like to be shown around, I can assist you if you’d like, to make up for it."

Re: I GOT SOUL ; joining ; BUT I'M NOT A SOLIDER - Beatrice - 05-05-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]As she waited for Lilyspoise's response, she noted the new scents arrive. Faces quickly followed the stench, and she put on a dazzling smile for each one in turn. Best to start off on the right paw, wasn't it? Of course it was. Beatrice hadn't been raised in a barn; she knew when manners were necessary. She also knew this fact to be true when she needed to gain the trust of everyone here.

As Papercutter spoke, she nodded. "Thanks for the welcome. And I think I could probably find my way around on my own. Plus, you all seem so busy," she barked, faking slight embarrassment of having to beg strangers for a tour. Before she could ask him for one, her attention was stolen by Coldblue.

She arched a metaphorical eyebrow in his direction. Oh, he seemed to be quite full of himself. She grinned again, knowing well she was going to add to his ego. She couldn't help it; he was an adorable kid. "Well, Blue, it's nice to meet you. And wow, you sure are handsome!" Had she not been so good at playing the part, she would've gagged at her own sweet words.

Tail still wagging back and forth, she returned her focus to Lil. The girl seemed to have zoned off and curiosity tugged at Beatrice's mind. What was she thinking about? She wanted to know, but all Lilyspoise left her with was that things had been troubling her. Hmm. Bea could guess what that was easily. "Oh, you wouldn't mind? That would actually be really nice," she said when Lil inquired about showing her around. The canine would love the opportunity to get to know Lil on an actual personal level.

Re: I GOT SOUL ; joining ; BUT I'M NOT A SOLIDER - SÉAMUS - 05-05-2018

[div style="width: 90%;overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 8pt; color:black;"][align=left]☠ I COULD BE THE LIGHT OR DARKNESS, REDEMPTION OR SORROW
Séamus did not trust the nice ones.  From his experience, the friendliest ones were often the most dangerous.  A smile could be a double-bladed sword.  He knew. He enjoyed welding that sword himself.  Of course, there were always the exceptions, little smiley do-gooders, much like his older brother, who lived in the world of manners and upbeat friendliness.  Whether it was all honest or not was always up in the air.  Unsurprisingly, he did not trust his older brother.

Perhaps he was being unreasonable, or paranoid.  He had played the game since he was a child, but it was unlikely everyone else had.  The rusty spotted cat slid in to join the group like a shadow, inclining his head forward in greeting.  "Séamus Ó Faolán.  Pleasure to make yer acquaintance love."