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rise from dewy dawn - joiners - Printable Version

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rise from dewy dawn - joiners - fulzanin - 10-28-2019

Re: rise from dewy dawn - joiners - Warringkingdoms - 10-28-2019

  [font=trebuchet ms]It was only yesterday that she had taken a step onto fragile ground, yet Rin was already waiting for it to crumble beneath her and send them all plummeting to their deaths. The Pitt raid was soon, but divine retribution had a tendency to come even sooner. The Ferryman hadn't given any sort of promise that Elysium, or even Tena, would be safe if Rin stepped up; his promise had consisted solely of a threat that if she didn't, Tena would die. There was no proverbial carrot here, only a stick. She had to be on her guard.

  Her first thought, upon following the source of the commotion to the pull system and seeing the crowd of creatures there, was that she had seen entire clans with fewer members than this. Her second thought was that these were some of the strangest creatures she'd ever seen (the top spot was still taken by a vague recollection of a kitsune with eyes on their tails, followed by... well, she didn't like to think about the second one), to the point where the species of some of them was almost unidentifiable. As she walked over, her eyes flickering between each of the creatures, she could recognize the blue one as an alligator, the red one as some sort of feline (with a beak), the white one as a black mamba (albino, perhaps), the purple one as a bison, the pink one as an owl (with odd wings), and the gray one as a wolf.

  The yellow one took the longest to identify, but watching her beak structure closely, Rin could finally discern that it was a falcon, specifically a... closing her eyes, she shook her head. Don't go there. There was no good to be found on that train of thought, no happiness to be found in that place. The yellow one was a falcon, specific species not worth thinking about.

  Opening her eyes and looking at the feline in front, Rin cleared her throat. "Interesting bunch you have here," she remarked, twitching her ears. "I'm Warringkingdoms Kepler-Langley, but just call me Rin. What brings you here?" They were probably wanderers, maybe even treasure hunters, if she had to guess from the few snatches of conversation she'd been able to make out- something about there being something of high value at the top of the peak.

Re: rise from dewy dawn - joiners - arcy - 10-29-2019

Oh, Izuku had seen a lot in his time. He may not be the oldest person around -- still rather young, in the grand scheme of things. But even still, this was ... interesting. The maine coon hovers awkwardly for a long minute, regarding the ragtag bunch. Oh, there were so many of them! It'd been a long time since he'd been around so many people -- and that was probably at some sort of large ally gathering. .. Izuku sighs. Well. It'd be rude if he just walked away, and Warringkingdoms could probably use some help handling it. Which was all it took to spur Izuku over, awkwardly hovering behind her.
"Hi," Izuku would wave a paw, if he could, but even after so long, his leg wasn't the most .. functional. Instead, he motions with a wing, and tries a small, bright smile. Welcoming, hopefully. "Yeah, we're .. we're not going to hurt you," He'd heard the owl shrieking about danger. Stranger danger, specifically. Izuku could relate. Still, he seats himself and curls a tail around himself, still smiling as he waits for whatever they have to say.

Re: rise from dewy dawn - joiners - fulzanin - 10-30-2019

His beak clicked upon finally seeing the one that was approaching. It wasn't The Leader. Saddening. But there was still that radiant feeling of ownership present, and he turned his head to glance back at the rest of the group. "Interesting?" He briefly questioned, seeming befuddled. One of his ears flicked. They were odd and foreign to him, and he wriggled them a few more times to grow used to the motion.

"Red, of course we're interesting," Blue smoothly said. His head raised a little more. It was a hard feat, as his scaled head was incredibly heavy. It was hard for his head to lift upright. He tried nonetheless. The long maw was hard to see around, and his head turned to the side so he could see the two that approached in full. His head flopped back against the ground. It was too hard for him to continue, and the frigid cold that bit into his scales didn't provide him with the energy to spare for such an action.

Yellow raised her head a little. "We're looking for pellet values and storage," she answered, her beak tapping together a few times after speaking. She lowered her body, trying to get her face on the same level as Blue's. "Of course, we're not sure if there's actually anything at the peak. We've gotta check either way."

White sharply hissed. "We don't have to get up there? It was you who said that we needed to go up there! Why, I ought to strange you!" The serpent hissed. She coiled, fangs displaying. White did not have fangs prior, but such an adaptation was swiftly adopted into her aggressive demeanors. Her head bobbed a little, tongue instinctively flicking from her mouth.

Purple huffed loudly. A hoof reached forward to nudge White. It was a silent act to tell the albino snake to knock it off. He stared White down as red eyes hastily turned their glare towards him. It was hard, keeping White from going off on absolutely every little instance that happened. A tough job, but one Purple wouldn't dare to change for the world. "White, they probably live here. They can show us where the pellet values and storage is. Or a place to stay." He then added after a moment of pause, shaking his massive head.

Wings chirped in fright when a second person came over and approached. They claimed to do no harm, but it didn't put the spooked creature to any ease. "Rock! Do something! Ah! They're talking now! I'm too young to die!" She cried. Her wings awkwardly curled over her head. "They say they mean no harm but you saw what happened to Yellow when that bomb went off!" Her voice rose to a shriek for a moment, before her own voice startled her and made her talons grip down harder on Rock's grey pelt.

"Wings," Rock said with a sigh. He grumbled and shook his head, then turning his head to the two that had approached and swiftly been wrapped into the thralls of their misfit group. Rock gave his pelt a firm shake. "They're not gonna hurt us. That one just said they won't. Can, can we stay here? We've lost The Leader and don't know where to go." It was common in Pikmin to merely stand still while waiting for The Leader to return. Such was not the case now, where they settled for aimlessly wandering.

Re: rise from dewy dawn - joiners - Warringkingdoms - 10-30-2019

  The red one- whose name was apparently Red, fittingly enough- seemed confused by Rin's word choice. Then again, she got the impression that the group was fairly insular, given their comfort level with talking to each other, and the fact that they hadn't already found a home. To them, they were probably normal. The blue one, however, seemed to agree with Rin.

  When the yellow one asked about "pellet values and storage," Rin tilted her head. That combination of words meant nothing to her. Were these values named after someone named Pellet, or did they refer to actual pellets? If so, how? Before she could ask, though, the falcon and the mamba began to argue over going up to the peak. Shaking her head, Rin answered, "I don't know what that is, but I can confirm there's nothing like it up at the peak."

  The bison, however, mentioned a place to stay. That, Elysium could provide. Rin's thoughts were briefly disrupted by the owl's screech- something about a bomb, and "Yellow," probably referring to the falcon. Eventually, the wolf- Rock, apparently- hushed the owl (Wings, Rin noted), and officially asked to stay. Rin knew nothing about "the Leader," but she got the sinking feeling that the group was waiting for someone who wasn't going to return to them. She'd had enough experiences of the sort to know when someone wasn't going to come back.

  Even if "the Leader" did come back, however, these creatures would need a place to stay in the interim. Clearing her throat, Rin nodded. "Yes, you can stay here," she said, twitching her ears. "I doubt you'll find any sort of 'pellets' here, but you can wait for this leader of yours until they return." If they did, that was. After a moment, she asked, looking at each member in turn, "So, just to make sure I have this right- aside from Wings and Rock, are all of you named for your colors?"