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thoughts on Elysium? - Printable Version

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thoughts on Elysium? - Verdigris - 10-28-2019

  [font=trebuchet ms]title kinda says it all really
  what about Elysium interests you, what drives you away, and what kind of things could we add or change to make it more interesting?

Re: thoughts on Elysium? - spacexual - 10-28-2019

honestly a big thing is just getting things happening! not much has happened with them ever since they started and that's always turned me away.
another thing i'd like to see is for them to implement some more identity. they're supposed to be justice-seeking and have a strong culture but i've yet to really see it enforced past "i won't hold bias against x". they have a strong foundation that i think would be great to work with and expand upon! it's a lot of untapped potential really. (especially with the shop system, would love to see that used more like it was with sunhaven)