Beasts of Beyond
MAMA KNEW I WAS GREAT / joining + trespassing - Printable Version

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MAMA KNEW I WAS GREAT / joining + trespassing - MERGED - 10-27-2019

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-family:verdana"]why was he travelling again? why did he keep going without his brother at his side? his brother's sudden disappearance had begun to drive him mad, and he just walked on and on across the railroad gate, the way his brother had made it to the island all those months ago. he was still on that island, he was sure of it, there was no doubt in his mind.. but he needed to get to the island to actually find out.

so he was travelling.

when he finally got to the island, the maned wolf wasted no time in giving a call out to his brother. it was no sort of word, but a deep, rumbling roar-bark. it was a sound unique to maned wolves, and if his brother was near by then.. hopefully he would find him, right? lowering his head when he got no response after five minutes of silence, he started to slick further into the territory of the typhoon, his odd eyes scanning the landscape. his eyes made it very hard to be stealthy, with a blind eye and one that constantly glowed and was in a constant blaze.. literally. white flames were a constant against his left eye, but it never seemed to hurt him, strangely enough.

finally, he simply got tired of walking and let out another roar-bark, ears pinning against his head.

Re: MAMA KNEW I WAS GREAT / joining + trespassing - hushsound. - 10-27-2019

When Hush first heard the rumbling roar-bark, he felt his fur spike up, and his eyes go wide. He had never heard such a sound before, and his ears pinned down to his skull as he slowly got to to his paws, his sword making a soft clink as it bounced against his side. The golden feline had never been a huge fan of very loud noises, and when he heard the second roar-bark, he sped up his pace, trotting quickly along towards the source of the sound. He expected to find Kilius at the bell, where most other joiners chose to sit and wait, including himself, but instead he was startled when he nearly crashed into the large maned wolf, who was just standing in place, halfway into their territory. Hushsound found himself frozen for a couple of seconds before he seemed to start into action, a full body shiver leaving him as he looked into the intense burning eye of Kilius. Still, he couldn't make it seem as though The Typhoon was unguarded, so he quickly recovered, standing up straight and staring Kilius down for a moment before moving to claw slowly into the ground, "HELLO THERE. I'M NOT SURE IF YOU REALIZED THIS, BUT YOU'RE ON THE TERRITORY OF THE TYPHOON. COULD YOU TELL ME WHY YOU'RE HERE? I MIGHT BE ABLE TO HELP." He couldn't exactly sound intimidating in writing, but he still tilted his body slightly, making it so that the light glinted off of the blade at his side, a silent sign to the larger animal. He was pretty sure Goldie wouldn't be too fond of someone just wandering into their territory and roaring around the place in an uncivilized way.
[glow=black,2,300]LOVE IS NOT A VICTORY MARCH[/glow]

Re: MAMA KNEW I WAS GREAT / joining + trespassing - MERGED - 10-27-2019

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-family:verdana"]if not for the sound of pen scratching on paper and the flattering of the sword, kilius might not have known anyone was there. his ears seemed to perk up, and he gave a sniff to the air before sort of looking in the general direction of hush.. or right above hush, or maybe a good mile or so above hush considering he was simply facing towards hush with his face forward.

"if someone’s there.. i can’t see you." he was completely blind between the intense fiery glow of one eye and the cataract that covered the other, which really was a disadvantage a lot of the time. if he could see what hush had written, he might had responded with a ‘i don’t see a name written on the land, so obviously it’s not yours.’ or something.

"who are you?" it was odd, his voice was much different then his bark- higher pitched, almost rough. an easy was to describe it was villainous, corrupted, unsettling.

Re: MAMA KNEW I WAS GREAT / joining + trespassing - hushsound. - 10-27-2019

If someone's there, I can't see you. The words made Hushsound wince, a heavy sigh leaving the golden feline. He didn't mean to sound annoyed, but Kilius marked yet another member of The Typhoon that Hush couldn't communicate with through his writings or his sign language. It meant that he would have to speak, something that he very much hated doing, hating the sound of his own rough voice leaving his throat. Still, it wasn't as if he could just continue to let this guy wander around the territory aimlessly, roar-barking as much as he wanted. He looked down at his golden paws for a long moment before he spoke softly, his soft and rough voice mumbling to Kilius as he tried to meet the male's gaze – despite the fact that Kilius was looking far above the small feline's head, rather than at his face, "Ah, I didn't realize you couldn't see... my name is Hushsound. I'm a member of the Typhoon, whose territory you're currently walking all over. I don't mean to be rude, but you passed right over our boundary line, and you're sort of... trespassing." He noticed the way that Kilius's voice was odd and sinister, but he shook it off, not wanting to judge based just on the unnerving male's voice. Hopefully somebody else would come along and join Hush in his welcome, so that he could go silent again. Already, his voice felt shredded, not to mention the fact that they had members who were far more intimidating than him here. Of course, there was the fact that Kilius couldn't see him, so truly Hush could pretend to be whatever he wanted, even a massive tiger, but he doubted he could pull it off. Besides, Kilius would probably figure out based on the scent or something else like that – he wasn't sure how blind people identified species, after all, he was mute, not blind.[/color]
[glow=black,2,300]LOVE IS NOT A VICTORY MARCH[/glow]

Re: MAMA KNEW I WAS GREAT / joining + trespassing - MERGED - 10-28-2019

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-family:verdana"]as soon as hush spoke, his head tilted down towards the considerably smaller male, still not quite looking at him, but he was getting closer, at least. "well, i don't see typhoon written anywhere. heh heh." he liked his little jokes, the stupid ones that would only make children laugh, like jokes on his blindness. to answer the question, smell. each species had a specific smell, all felines had the same basic smell with their own unique traits from person to person. then there was the sound of their foot steps. if they weren't heavy, you weren't that big. smaller animals, especially domestic cats, could easily sneak up on him if they tried. "get it? see? heh heh.. anyways, have you seen another maned wolf around here? his name is fern and he went disappeared onto this island a month or two ago. haven't seen the fool since, but thats just like fern, always getting lost. you'd think the blind one would get lost, right? heh heh."

Re: MAMA KNEW I WAS GREAT / joining + trespassing - Keona. - 10-28-2019

[align=center]— if I fall, get knocked down, pick myself up off the ground —
Unfamiliar voice on the border.  Past the border.  The petite feline blinked, her pale sea-green hues flickering thoughtfully.  She found Hushsound by the sound of his voice and familiar scent, her tail flicking as she angled her head towards the newcomer.  The privateer wore the smallest frown, ears perked in interest.  Sounded like he made a joke but she failed to understand it, unable to see herself.  Ironic.

The blind one?  Another joke?  Or reference to a true lack of sight?  Honestly, Keona found herself more alone oft than not in her predicament though she knew others had to be out there.  How would she tell anyway?  Focusing on the words spoken, the faerie cocked her head.  "Fern?" Her soft voice echoes the name, blankly.

"I don' know anyone by that name." Odd.  If they got lost here, someone ought to have found them.  Keona furrows her brow, but offers nothing else, teeth catching the inside of her cheek.
✯ — keona sibéal ní faoláin. female. privateer of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.

Re: MAMA KNEW I WAS GREAT / joining + trespassing - hushsound. - 10-29-2019

When Kilius began to joke about his blindness, Hush found himself blinking in surprise, not used to others joking about their disabilities. After all, he never really joked about his muteness in any way... not that he really could, except through writing, and he wasn't quite sure how well any jokes could come across when they were in written form. Before Hush could really process Kilius's questioning about Fern, the golden feline found himself glancing over at Keona when she approached. Well, it seemed as though there was one of the other clanmates who couldn't see and thus couldn't understand his writings, which meant that he hadn't been saved. Part of him wanted to curse about it, but that would be rude to both Kilius and Keona, so he just gently flicked his tail against Keona's side to greet her before nodding along with her words – despite the fact no one except he could see it, "I'm afraid I'm in the same boat as Keona on this one. I've never seen another maned wolf except for in books, and I haven't met anybody named Fern recently..." He certainly couldn't think of other maned wolves he had seen wandering around their territory as of late, and although he wasn't the best with basic names, he probably could've remembered a Fern.
[glow=black,2,300]LOVE IS NOT A VICTORY MARCH[/glow]