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PLAY WITH FIRE | plots with summersend - Printable Version

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PLAY WITH FIRE | plots with summersend - SUMMERSEND. - 10-25-2019

but i felt brave and filled with pride as i let go
of bitterness that wouldn't leave or let me grow
Heya! So recently, I've decided to bring back an old Queen from an old website. I've missed her a lot, and I'd love to get back into playing her again! If any of you remember ol' Summer, then you'll know she's a spitfire of a woman who enjoys to piss people off and then pout over being scolded.

So, let me give a rundown of who Summersend is, and then I'll get to what plot ideas are open for her.

Summersend is a lightly colored Ocelot with vampire fangs and sharp golden eyes. She was once a Queen in a past world, before she was assassinated and sent to this world to relive her life. She was sent here to join the Pitt and start her life over again, in a place where hopefully nobody would know her. She is known to be quite testy with other peoples patience, and is sharp-tongued. She is impatient, rude, brash, and can be annoying. While she is like this, she only does this in some type of boastfully graceful way- sort of how corrupt royalty acts. Due to her degrading mental health, the hallucinations of her dead children and husband; Summersend is often known to talk to herself.

Alrighty! Since we're done with that, I'll get to plot ideas.

Open to:
- Friendships/Platonic Bonds
She's fairly easy to befriend, so take a crack at it! She's a faithful friend, and will fight for them, borders or enemy clans do not matter to her.

- Adopting Y/C
Due to her protective nature, Summersend is known to adopt many children and take them under her wing to raise. However, she is a bit of a hover parent, and can be a bit unhealthy with how controlling she is of her children.

- Attempts at Romance
It is fairly easy to woo Summersend, but she is definitely one who is terrible with commitment if her partner doesn't take it serious. She has been married once before, and it went terribly with him not caring about their marriage much. Because of this, she doesn't take many romantic advances seriously and will think everyone's feelings aren't serious- that they're joking. However, if your character is adamant about their feelings, Summersend will soon start to open up to them. Gender does not matter to Summer, as she is pansexual and loves anyone who is willing to fight for her to open up to them.

- Minor and Major Injuries
While major injuries will be rare, if you have a good, long-term plot to follow after it, I'd love to hear about it. Meanwhile, minor injuries such as scars on her body or broken bones are perfectly fine.

- Captures & Torture
This must have a small reason behind it. So, I'd prefer if the character and her had history or a feud before they tried to capture her. She will fight back, and it will be vicious, since any chains on her will conduct her Electricity Manipulation's abilities and it will have a nasty outcome.

- Mentorships
Summersend is a seasoned long-distance fighter with years of experience under her belt. Specifically specializing in her Elemental, she can teach other characters how to use Electricity Manipulation if they ask her.

- Treating her Hallucinations/Paranoia
If your character is interested in experimenting on her, picking her brain. Checking her memories, or tampering with her mental state, then go right ahead! If you have Mental Manipulation, she is rather easy to control due to her fragile mental state!

..And anything else you can think of? If you have any more ideas, feel free to hit me up!

Closed to:
- Deaths
Obvious reason to this. I won't let her have near-death or death experiences.

- Litters
This being because I want her have a litter with her partner when she gets one.
template by orion

Re: PLAY WITH FIRE | plots with summersend - Sekitan - 01-05-2020

Friendship with rene?

He is in desperate need of friends atm, completely getting over a death.

Re: PLAY WITH FIRE | plots with summersend - Tryanis - 01-18-2020

Attempts at Romance? ._.'