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masked man || OPEN, WOUNDED - Printable Version

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masked man || OPEN, WOUNDED - Jervis - 10-23-2019

Once engulfed in darkness, Jervis came to. A weary eye opened slowly, taking in the world as per usual. The small light coming from hole in the ceiling signaled: 'Morning,' he thought to himself. Rolling onto his right side, Jervis yawned. His paw reached out forwards as he did so. Fiery fur surprisingly dipped into a damp unknown substance, causing him to retaliate backwards. Blurred eyesight was now focused on a crimson stained floor before him.

In the midst of the blood pool, laid the remains of his scabbing. It's crisp embodiment laid afloat on top. Once a healed burn, the right side was now a reopened fresh wound for all to see. Jervis reeled in disgust. Vehement gagging rang from inside the hollowed leaders temple. Not long later, the leader emptied his insides and backed up against a cobblestone wall. Crocodile tears streamed down his face as he disgracefully heaved.

The overwhelming thought of what the hell happened filled his mind. Did someone come in to sabotage his appearance and ego? Had God punished him? Was his long-forgotten sister the perpetrator? Emotions threw him in a unforgiving rage-filled loop. Something had to happen. What though? If he couldn't blame someone now, then the main source of the original problem would be blamed. After all, Jervis held no patience. Punishment was always swift.

Tracing back his steps, the fox found himself months back. Now if it wasn't for that damned Crow. If he hadn't thrown Jervis into the fire, then this would of never happened. Looking into rivers or staring into mirrors would no longer be a problem for the egotistical vulpine. Instead, he would of retained his gorgeous features.

Not once did he address that perhaps HE could be the problem. Little did the ardent know, his claws had subconsciously ripped at his face during the night and removed the remaining scar tissue from his face. It didn't help that during the night he was rubbing his face against the stone floor, causing it to rip further. Was Jervis ever going to take the blame for his problems though? No. Of course not.

Squirming furiously and shaken to the bone, Jervis remained with his back to the wall in shock.

//yes you can walk in and see him grow emotional... i plan for him to grow cool/going into a rage amongst being found. if you're down for being swiped at/attacked in retaliation, please let me know!
/ for deceit prompt in October CDC

Re: masked man || OPEN, WOUNDED - Kydobi - 10-23-2019

Better to be hurt by the truth than comforted by a lie -

[OOC: im up for him swiping or attacking Ky Smile ]

The wretched sound of gagging had caught the jaguars attention. Although he was outside of the building, his ears easily picked up the noise.

He had stopped his walk, one paw raised in hesitant thought. None but Jervis resided in the Leader's Temple. What if they were poisoned or being choked by another? A brief moment came where the jaguar placed his paw down and began to walk again, realizing that this may be the chance for the fox to fall. Yet he would stop, ears swiveling towards the temple along with his head when he remembered the warnings he gave Bai Shi of Jervis' death.

He looked around quickly before swiftly bounding in. It took only a few seconds for his eyes to adjust to the darkness. The only source of light being a hole from above, but enough to reflect a little off the stone and onto the walls.

Enough for Kydobi to see the blood, the skin, and the little fox pressed so close against the wall like he was trying to go through. Enough for the man to see the expression on the Ardent's face, or what was left of it.

"Jervis? Are you alright?", he looked to the scab and back at the fox, "Do you want me to get a healer for you?"


Re: masked man || OPEN, WOUNDED - redvox. - 10-23-2019

Re: masked man || OPEN, WOUNDED - Jervis - 10-23-2019

Paw steps. Someone was coming. The indulgent ardent remained frozen, desperately thinking of a way to hide his prized face. His fate was truly inevitable. He found himself at a loss soon enough and scrambled to clean up the mess with his paws quickly, leaving smears of blood all over the stone floor. There was no luck though. His deed was done and what remained of it was an unsightly mess. Perhaps even disgraceful. Needless to say, no one needed to see him in this dark time.

Upon Kydobi’s approach, he backed up against the wall again. The ardent felt cornered and stared at the panther with slitted eyes. Golden orbs narrowed at his marauder in disbelief. How dare he enter? Despite Kydobi’s good intent and effort to assist his superior, Jervis ultimately held his head high. The panther held no right to invade his privacy, no matter the situation... Especially in times like these. Truly though, how would Kydobi know the difference between an imminent scream for help or Jervis’ bitchy tantrums? For as someone as needy and stubborn as Jervis, perhaps it was best to avoid him altogether.

Through a wretched heave, Jervis’ head whipped around. Suddenly, he moved away from the wall. A seething rage overcame him, swiping towards [member=4490]Kydobi[/member] in an instant. Claws attempted to tear at the marauder’s delicate flesh and rip away whatever he could get in his grasp. Whether he was successful or not, the vulpine let out a sickly growl. “I don’t fucking need a medic,” came his vicious response. “I need to be left alone.”

A different voice, almost somber and caring somewhat, met Jervis’ ears. They were spared from his volatile actions for now, but his sharp tongue did not hold back. “And what makes you think I need help?” the fox spat towards Redvox. He was never going to admit that their assistance was good for him in this moment. As per usual, Jervis thought he was the best person in the room, but right now he didn’t want to be treated like some god. Unusually, in his weakest moments, the leader became self-dependent. For now, he was his own servant. Like many say, he wanted something done correctly, so he would do it himself. No one else could solve this horrific problem but himself... or so he thought.

//mobile + rushed before bed

Re: masked man || OPEN, WOUNDED - beatae - 10-24-2019

hmm.. it appeared their ardent was wallowing. wallowing and rejecting any help for problems clearly solvable, and clearly sparked from their own doing. noa's round, beady eyes looked jervis up and down with a neutral expression, but genuinely felt pity for the creature. what a sad life to live. it imagined it must be a lonely thing. yet so volatile toward everyone around him.

"well, when someone sees another look like absolute shit- or in your case, like somethin bit your face off- it's a natural reaction to believe you might need help." noa explained calmly, their voice clean of any malice or snarky tone. they felt bad for kydobi acting as some sort of punching bag. poor guy.

"have you ever tried yoga, jervis? maybe painting some happy little tree's? i think that would help calm you down." it continued to suggest, nodding to itself. "yeah, maybe this ardent thing is getting you way too stressed. you should take a vacation."

template by orion

Re: masked man || OPEN, WOUNDED - Kydobi - 10-24-2019

Better to be hurt by the truth than comforted by a lie -

[OOC: lmaoooooo RIP NOA ]

Kydobi was not one to be beaten into submission and brush it off. But he was one to realize when something wasn't worth it.

He had felt the tension before the fox had ever sprung. Which was why he hadn't approached the fox too closely. When Vox came Kydobi dipped his head briefly before looking back at Jervis just in time to see him rushing forward.

A warning snarl escaped Kydobi as he jerked his head back, barely escaping the claws. Teeth clenched he stretched his paws to keep calm, feeling pressure build on his inside. Knowing what was coming he would allow some steam to be let loose.

"Do not take your anger out on me Jervis. Not on one who has been here for you for quite some time. I'm not that little housecat." the fox should recall that the jaguar was a force to reckon. Not some small creature he could slap around.

Calm down now. He would refuse to let his anger escalate. Jervis' attempt was not expected but it didn't surprise Kydobi considering it was... Jervis. The jaguar would focus on his breathing, praying he didn't ignite. The fox was someone who once took great pride in his appearance. His enemies had taken that from him and were trying to take his home. Kydobi understood his frustration too well

"I've always been here to help you."

All was fine until Noa made an appearance. The bushdog's words were harsh. Too harsh. The brash, thoughtless words that kept spilling out seemed to drag on. Oh God, the boy is dead. Would be Kydobi's thoughts. Intervene. Quickly.

"Noa! Shut your maw before you get yourself in a bind. Jervis... Has a lot on his plate. We all have the same enemy, do not forget the efforts others put into keeping this together. Especially the Ardent's", he would walk in between Jervis and Now. Hoping to make a barrier, with his back to the fox his would nudge his head toward the door and snort.

Leave. the look would signal to him.

"He wishes to be alone..."


Re: masked man || OPEN, WOUNDED - redvox. - 10-25-2019

Re: masked man || OPEN, WOUNDED - Crackers - 10-26-2019



Jesus, it was like they all wanted to be thrown to the dogs, and Fourth would likely be one of said canines. If Jervis ordered him to attack, he couldn't exactly say no. Well, he could, but he wouldn't. Maybe Jervis hadn't been around a lot and maybe his attitude was shit most of the time, but Fourth had made a deal with them, a promise to protect him. Even if it was just from the eyes of some nosy Pittians. Even if Jervis didn't ask for it.

"He's not a goddamn painting for you guys to oggle at. If he wants help he'll ask for it."

And he certainly wouldn't ask Redvox or Noa, which were two members the Ardent hardly knew. He was too paranoid for that, too proud to admit he needed anyone other than himself. It was the foxes biggest weakness, of that the hellhound had no doubt.

Wine red eyes would shift past the trio to land on Jervis himsel, who was an absolute mess. Cheeks stained from tears, his face reopened and bleeding, his limbs trembling from whatever emotions were welling up inside him now. Everything about him screamed 'cracking under the pressure', but Fourth new better than to bring it up like Noa had, or to offer petty sympathies or offers for help. The fox might end up killing himself at this rate, but that was his decision to make. Nobody could force Jervis to do anything he didn't want to do and this was something Fourth had accepted from the very beginning.



Re: masked man || OPEN, WOUNDED - spacexual - 10-29-2019

This was not his home, if he even truly had one.

It was not even his place of origin. Though, it was reminiscent of such a situation.

He was not supposed to be here. He was not supposed to exist at all. But, he is, and he does, and the fox has learned to take over parts of the weapon's mind that he had wanted so desperately to go away. The young tiger was made for a specific purpose, and now someone has caught wind of it. Obedience is all he should now know. And his master...his master is hurt. Surrounded by foreigners now. Hostility was present in the air and all the tool may consider now is to protect. Though the words hardly press through his skull, he knows tone.

A growl emits from the slave as he approaches, a warning to step away from the fox. The tiger's head is held low, glowing orange eyes staring towards the group, alert. No words exit his mouth, simply a defensive stance as he grows closer in front of Jervis in an effort to protect the one he serves. Perhaps at one point the experiment knew how to fix such a thing, flames just as much a part of him as his lungs. But, knowledge he held before was overtaken by noise. Static in his head. So loud. Coherent thoughts have no room, only instinctual tendencies.

Re: masked man || OPEN, WOUNDED - Jervis - 10-31-2019

With a snarl, he backed away further. "I don't need help," he repeated. His fur rose up to the sky. Furious, he snorted. Noa's calming tone enraged him. Hazy and confused, Jervis could not see the positivity and care within their words. They wanted to help him. Yet the ardent threw the offer aside, not even acknowledging the benefits for himself. After all, everyone seemed against him. Glory came with it's downsides. Thankfully, he knew how to protect the prize. Isolation was the best option. Instead he chose to lash out.

His golden eye narrowed towards them. 'A vacation,' they mentioned.  Their words seemed misleading to him. What they really meant was for him to step down... for him to leave. Everyone seemed to be against him. How dare they? The vulpine's only desire was power and they wanted to strip that privilege away from him. With the thought racing through their head, Jervis attempted to push Noa to the floor and pin him down belly up. His paws would try to rest on their shoulders with claws engulfed in their skin. Whether his attack hit or not, he'd let out a vicious growl. "That will be my downfall then."

As Kydobi spoke, the fiery fox remained uncomfortably still. His trusted advisor. One of his finest. There was something about the panther that he had always admired. Their calm and content manner was respectable, but to Jervis was unnerving. For someone with an uncontrollable attitude, they differed greatly. The ardent had never doubted the panther's intentions, but their greed to absolve the position of vicar had bothered him.

There was something that Jervis could agree on though. The Pitt had a problem that that needed their attention immediately...

A common enemy. Yes.

But who really was that enemy?

Finding himself unable to respond to Kydobi's points, seeing that they ultimately reinforced his wishes to be alone, the bloody fox just glared at them with a golden eye. His expression, infuriated but pleased, was enough.

Though Redvox's first statements got lost in the mixture, his last words appealed to him. They were rightfully putting the attention on him and his power, suggesting that his wound would cause them to lose the upcoming battle. Rightfully so, Jervis couldn't deny the claim. His posture loosened a bit, yet he was still on alert. "If you really think so," he grumbled underneath his breath. It was unlikely that he was going to admit that he was in the wrong.

Finally, his savior had arrived. In came the hellhound, trying to push the others away. Truth be told, he was biased towards Fourthwall and was grateful for their urgency. After all, his point was made quickly. There was no muttered phrases or underlying to his words. All he practically said was 'go away' and Jervis dearly appreciated that.

There was no lie in Fourthwall's thoughts. Even if Jervis didn't know it, he was definitely cracking under the pressure. The ardent only wanted the glory and fame with being a leader, not the distressing duties. It was not uncommon for him to push his responsibilities on others, especially towards his marauders. This was one out of his many breaking points. As per usual, he would continue to spiral downward.

Unusually, the malnourished Tanglewoodian had wandered in. Hostile and defensive, Roy seemed ready to attack. As always, obedient slaves or brainwashed weapons seemed to be in Jervis' favor. With a hidden smirk, the vulpine made no comment and just stared at them with approval. If anyone stepped towards their direction because of their affiliation to Tanglewood or sudden appearance without prior context, the ardent was perfectly willing to have the Siberian tiger maul them.