Beasts of Beyond
HANDS OF A THIEF ☆ beast - Printable Version

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HANDS OF A THIEF ☆ beast - hushsound. - 10-22-2019

When it came to his sword, Hush and the blade were practically inseparable, even since the feline had been just a little kit. Ever since he had found the small dagger sized sword in an abandoned house within the forest, he had become very attached to it, and had learned to fight gracefully and swiftly with it. Most, when they first met him, looked from the small golden male to the razor sharp blade that he carried with him, and then immediately laughed right in his face. They didn't think that he could fight with it, or that it was just some sort of accessory for decoration. Hushsound usually swiftly proved them wrong, by kicking the shit out of them with the flat of the blade and showing off as much as possible. Sure, maybe it was a little childish to take their comments so much to heart, but the Hero of the Wild prided himself on his sword fighting skills, and when they were questioned, he got just a bit defensive. Still, no matter how good he had gotten over many, many months of training, he still needed to keep himself sharp and keep practicing, which is what he had been doing quite often as of late in order to be as prepared as possible for the coming battle against the Pitt. With all of the training, he was feeling pretty damn confident about his own abilities at the moment.

The reason this was all relevant was because, it seemed as though he would need his swordsmanship skills pretty soon. The small fluffy feline had been moving along the border on a patrol, padding along the edge of the land bridge near the real "entrance" to The Typhoon, at least from the direction of Tanglewood. His attention was pulled away from checking the border line when he heard footsteps, and he rose his head to see someone strolling down from the other end of the land bridge, their steps slow and a bit erratic. It was a large male deer, except he seemed to be mutated. His horns seemed sharp and hard, and he had one eye in the middle of his forehead as he trotted along. Hush tried not to judge by appearances, but something seemed off about the newcomer as he stumbled closer and closer. Taking a deep breath, Hush began to carve into the ground, his tail flicking behind him, "HELLO THERE. CAN I HELP Y-" His writing was suddenly cut off, however, when the creature charged forward at him, slamming their horns into him and sending him flying onto the ground nearby. Hush wheezed from his position on the ground, opening his muzzle to question why he had been attacked, but then he noticed that the creature was reeling itself back, readying itself to attack again. Hush was about to ask a question, but then he saw the look in the creature's triple eyes – it definitely wasn't sentient.

Hush quickly scrambled to the side as the creature came charging again, dodging out of the way and quickly moving to grab his sword out of its sheath, gripping it in his jaws. He turned to face the deer creature as it whipped it's head around to look at him, it's eyes narrowing in rage. The creature came charging once again, just as erratically, and Hush went charging right toward it, quickly dodging out of the way at the last second and digging the blade of his sword into the creature's side as he raced past. The creature let out a shriek of agony as a long scratch was dug across it's side, and Hush let out a triumphant shout. As it collapsed to the ground, squirming and screeching, readying itself to launch again even through the pain, Hush quickly took his chance to rush forward again, moving to bury his blade deep within the deer creature's skull, watching it screech and thrash about for several more seconds before it eventually died, it's skull slowly collapsing down against the ground. Hush stumbled back on shaky legs before collapsing back on his ass, his breath coming out in rapid gasps as he stared at the now dead mutated creature. He wasn't sure why it had decided to come and attack, but at the very least it would make a good meal for at least one or several of the carnivores within the Typhoon.
[glow=black,2,300]LOVE IS NOT A VICTORY MARCH[/glow]

Re: HANDS OF A THIEF ☆ beast - fulzanin - 10-23-2019

<the fiercest storm only hardened my resolve>
He had been searching for more uses for his incredibly sensitive sight and hearing. Fishing had been such a glorious use for that talent. He could soar high above and have all the time needed to properly position himself so that he could catch the fish nearly every single time. Sure, there was still error in his hunts. There was never perfection in a hunt, else it would be deemed catching rather than fishing. The pterosaur saw himself as the most efficient fisher of the group. His newly enhanced sight allowed for him to easily feast upon unsuspecting fish from a distance so far away that the fish could never see him coming. He liked such a thing.

Tanteri, in addition to his fishing feats, was also known for barreling out of the air at breakneck speeds. Whenever he arrived to something that warranted his interest, the pteranodon would come shooting down from the sky in a near free fall. His wings were tucked by his sides and his beak was extended, piercing through the air with gravity tugging him down. Such was the case now - being drawn over not by his enhanced sight but rather his altered hearing. The screeching had warranted his attention from soaring high above, as he always did. Seldom the time where he wasn't allowing the wind to push and pull him wherever it pleased, allowing for him to not care at all for where the breeze took him. His head had craned, and he had dived down. Nearing the last moment was when his wings would spread wide. They caught the air, buffering his fall. A few hearty flaps fully slowed his descent, allowing him to land and survey the recently won battle.

"What kind of ugly Ajkaceratops is that supposed to be?" Tanteri clucked. His head was tilting in it's rapid way, head turned to the side. First he surveyed the dead creature, the wound in it's head, of how it was very clearly dead. His body moved forward, pecking with his beak to ensure that the life had fully left the creature. His wings were spread for a few seconds, ready to launch again into the air. When nothing happened, he gave it another satisfied peck before turning his attention to Hushsound. "Did it attack you or something? I'm gonna say that's a yes. Awful. You know, if I would have gotten here just a couple seconds earlier, I could have pecked those eyes out." The pteranodon offered. He swung on his wings to bring himself closer. Was the other hurt? Would he need to go and fetch aid? That concept was incredibly foreign to him, and the pteranodon grasped such only due to his actual full concern. Tanteri did try to make the conversation one sided - he barely grasped how the other didn't like to speak. His beak clicked, unsettled, weight shifting on his wings.

TAGS 9/27/19:

Re: HANDS OF A THIEF ☆ beast - hushsound. - 10-23-2019

When Tanteri came plummeting from the skies towards him, Hush immediately tensed up, flashbacks of when they had sparred and he had accidentally knocked the dinosaur out plaguing his mind. Thankfully, Tanteri opened his wings at the last second, as he usually did, and Hushsound slowly felt himself relax, slumping down a bit beside the body of the mutated deer beside him. After all the excitement from the battle before, Hush had been terrified he would have to deal eith Tanteri injuring himself as well. He had seen the flying dinosaur plummet from the sky multiple times before, but it still didn't put him any more at ease when Tanteri decided to go into a free fall. It was simply against Hush's every instinct to go falling down from the sky by choice, and he doubted that it would ever become second nature to him like Tanteri if he ever somehow obtained wings. When Tanteri settled against the ground, standing back on his sharp talons, Hush opened his mouth to begin speaking to the other, but he was already being interrupted, Tanteri's loud voice asking him a question he absolutely couldn't answer. He barely knew anything about deer, let alone something like an "ajcaceratops." Even just the name of the species made him shift uncomfortably, his brain grasping as straws when trying to provide him with an image to match the name. He could only assume it looked sort of like a deer, but he had never exactly studied dinosaurs in any sort of in depth way, so he knew it was a lost cause. So, instead, he just settled back and let Tanteri rant and ramble for a few seconds until he was finally done talking, letting Hush get a word in edgewise. He considered trying to write while Tanteri talked, but he knew better than that – Tanteri would've just thought it was a drawing anyways.

Once Tanteri finished speaking, Hush lifted himself up on his back paws before bopping Tanteri gently on the beak in a sort of friendly and teasing way. He then said softly as he moved to grab the handle of his sword in his paws, beginning to yank it up and out of the mutated creature's skull, "It did attack me, but I'm alright. Just got a little bit caught off guard and batted around, but I'm not seriously hurt. Hopefully this thing will make some good meat for the trouble... and it's not a... ajc... ajc... ajca... whatever you said. It's a deer, it's just mutated. I think it might've come from Tanglewood. I hear their territory has a lot of radiation..." He wasn't blaming the other group, since it was obvious that the now dead deer was feral and had just ended up wandering over, but it made sense that something so mutated would come from a swamp full of radiation. He had met one or two of the members of the allied group, and usually they had flashy or interesting mutations that they either prided themselves on, or had just become entirely used to. It seemed very odd to Hush, but he was the reincarnation of an ancient hero, and it wasn't exactly as if The Typhoon didn't have some weird traditions and quirks, so he was in no position to criticize.
[glow=black,2,300]LOVE IS NOT A VICTORY MARCH[/glow]

Re: HANDS OF A THIEF ☆ beast - MERGED - 10-28-2019

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-family:verdana"]"ohh, is that dinner i smell? yeh-heh~" this probably wasn't the time, but mutated deer sounded pretty damn good right now. maybe it was one of those massive, meaty mutated deer what could easily kill him if he wasn't paying attention, and that was a delightful little thought. he couldn't exactly see in order to tell how big it was, but he could feel that flame on his eye growing bigger. "how big is it?"


Re: HANDS OF A THIEF ☆ beast - hushsound. - 10-29-2019

As Kilius approached, the small golden feline was putting his now bloody sword aside, making note for later to clean off any blood or other unsavory things from that blade once he was back in his room. When Kilius spoke, Hush found himself startled by the way that the other snickered in amusement, until he remembered the other male couldn't see, and thus probably wasn't too intimidated or unnerved by the mutated monster that now laid on the ground – unaware that Kilius probably wouldn't care even if he could see the deer. When the other asked if he smelled dinner, Hush immediately bit down on the inside of his cheek, not really sure if this was the greatest option for dinner. Sure, the male was glad that he had taken it down, and he certainly hoped it could make a good dinner for at least a few people, but it was still mutated, and probably irradiated, so Hush found himself hesitating. He then mumbled softly, his tail flicking along the ground, "Erm... it could be dinner, I suppose, but it is all mutated, so we should be careful..." He then said, moving to lift up one of the deer's legs with his paws to inspect it carefully, "And... it's pretty damn big. Much bigger than me, anyways. Not quite sure how to describe it, really."
[glow=black,2,300]LOVE IS NOT A VICTORY MARCH[/glow]