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GOLDIE'S NEW HEARTCHART - spacexual - 10-22-2019

[align=center]GOLDIE'S HEARTCHAT - LAST UPDATED 1/26/2019
if you want your character(s) added, simply state who in your reply!!

"Every single on of m' aunts that 've had the pleasure o' meetin' (who knows how many there really are) have all been wonderful in their own right. Couldn' place any on any higher pedestal than another, I don' think. So, I won' try to. Aunt Roxie has always been a light for me, comfortin' me n' spendin' time wit' me n' treatin' me jus' as I always wanted t' be treated. Even as a kid, I felt...normal 'round her, like I wasn' some lil' helpless kid. She was one of the first t' my side when...papa was found on the beach that mornin'. She stood by me throughout everythin' she could, n' she showed me how t' have fun, even when I feel like shit. 'm not glad she went away, but if she had to, 'm glad she did it when she did. N' 'm glad she's back now, of all times. She can see me fully realized now, as cheesy as that sounds. N' thas' really rewardin', I think. She's got me an amazin' lil' cousin, too, now, n' 'm proud o' her. I love her, n' I wouldn't trade her for anythin'."
INTERNAL THOUGHTS - - - Very much so what's said. Also, while she doesn't feel good that Roxanne went away, she is grateful that, if it was necessary for her to go, that it happened just before everything awful seemed to break through. She didn't need to feel nervous about Roxanne's well-being when she was being blackmailed and threatened, and she didn't need to live with the guilt of yet another important face seeing that they'd been stolen from her memory. Most of all, she didn't have to see Goldie broken. She didn't have to witness the suffering her niece went through, and for that Goldie is grateful.

"Oh, Sam? Um, why do ya wanna know 'bout her? Seems a lil' weird t' ask specifically 'bout her. Hmm...but, 'll tell ya this: I do appreciate her, a lot. She's m' friend, thas' for damn sure, n' I lo-ahem, really like hangin' out wit' her. Gave me shelter when I needed it n' looks out for m' well-bein' like I try t' look out for hers. Sam's a cool gal. Got a nice, mutual friendship. N' if you fuck wit' her you're fuckin' wit' me too, pal, so watch it."
INTERNAL THOUGHTS - - - There are many conflicting feelings stirring around Goldie whenever she thinks about Sam in general. She will spend hours rambling out how she enjoys spending time with "her friend in Tanglewood" to her closest friends, but always end it off to make sure she doesn't specifically name Sam and specifies that they are, in fact, friends. It is incredibly hard to admit - in fact, it's terrifying to try to come to terms with the idea that maybe, just maybe, she likes Sam a little more than a friend. She's had a very poor introduction to the idea of intimacy, and she's locked it away for over a year. If she did not think about it, she did not have to feel so afraid or so conflicted. Those feelings were not productive, and she often uses the excuses that she was simply too busy, though she has always made time for family and friends in the past, and that her life was too dangerous to let anyone get that close to her. But, then, what are her closest friends, what are her family? She's had them be threatened to her face, multiple times before, and she knows better than to sit idly by in fear. So, what really will make Goldie realize she's simply afraid? She is intensely fearful of letting someone see her that vulnerable again, of being used again, and of failing all over again. But, the truth is, too, this feels different. It's just a matter of admitting it.

kinda out of date but not really:
guide for mobile:
template by the lovely [member=25]fab[/member] <33

Re: GOLDIE'S NEW HEARTCHART - bubblegum - 10-22-2019

also track on her sub

Re: GOLDIE'S NEW HEARTCHART - fulzanin - 10-22-2019

// beep beep-

Re: GOLDIE'S NEW HEARTCHART - bubblegum - 10-22-2019


Re: GOLDIE'S NEW HEARTCHART - hushsound. - 10-22-2019

hush hush hush

Re: GOLDIE'S NEW HEARTCHART - Cosmic - 10-24-2019

Throws in Eirny

Re: GOLDIE'S NEW HEARTCHART - bubblegum - 10-24-2019



slaps down roxie

Re: GOLDIE'S NEW HEARTCHART - deimos - 01-23-2020


Re: GOLDIE'S NEW HEARTCHART - bubblegum - 01-26-2020
