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REGRETS COLLECT LIKE OLD FRIENDS - bubblegum - 10-22-2019

Re: REGRETS COLLECT LIKE OLD FRIENDS - hushsound. - 10-22-2019

If Miss Goldie did end up dying as a result of them finally obtaining victory over the Pitt, then Hush would be very, very upset. It had only been a few weeks since the small golden feline had first joined and met the captain of the Typhoon, but since then he had become quite well acquainted with the group, and found he enjoyed the company of practically everyone here. Sure, Tanteri could be a little loud and confusing to deal with, but Hush even enjoyed hanging around the dinosaur, and found him to be very relaxing when he just... didn't want to talk, for a while. Tanteri would usually fill all of the free air with noise, whether anyone had asked him to or not. Besides Tanteri, Goldie had rapidly grown to become one of his favorite members of the Typhoon, mainly because he just looked up to her so much. She was the captain of the entire group, and she radiated power and confidence, with an aura that demanded so much respect. She reminded him so much of Urbosa that it was insane, and while he had never told her that, he silently respected her in the same way that he had respected the Gerudo champion. While he didn't often miss his life as Link, since he knew he had passed away after achieving his own goal, he did miss people like Urbosa, along with the respect that he had received, back as the Hero of the Wild.

Hush had briefly heard about Goldie communicating with the gods, back when he had asked about how he could receive powers of his own, but he hadn't really understood what she had meant by it back then, either. Technically he had always been communicating with a goddess while talking with Zelda, since she was a reincarnation of Hylia, but he hadn't really seen her as such, and it just seemed so... far off and amazing for somebody to just say that they had received gifts from the gods before.

When it came to being in the tavern, Hush honestly preferred to be within its doors as little as possible, just because being inside the tavern usually ended up requiring lots of social interaction and talking and drinking, and it just generally wasn't his... thing. That wasn't to say that he never went there on occasion, but it certainly wasn't something that he actively sought out to do. He ended up there pretty often, however, usually to drop off food, or to ask a question about some aspect of the Typhoon that he hadn't learned about yet. He had come into the tavern with the intention of delivering some of the deer that he had killed earlier in the day, since it had a ton of meat, but found himself distracted when he noticed Goldie sitting on her own, drinking some chardonnay and reading a strange book that translated English into German. He glanced over at her for a moment before heading into the back room, dropping off the deer meat before grabbing his usual pad of paper and pen that he used inside, when he wasn't able to carve into the ground. Wirh the tools clamped in his jaws, the fluffy golden feline moved over to where Goldie was and gently tapped her on the shoulder with a paw before writing as neatly as he could, "HELLO, MISS GOLDIE. WHAT ARE YOU DOING? LEARNING A NEW LANGUAGE?" He knew that Goldenluxury was one of the few members of the group that actually knew sign language, but he didn't want to start making the gestures in case someone else came over who couldn't understand.
[glow=black,2,300]LOVE IS NOT A VICTORY MARCH[/glow]

Re: REGRETS COLLECT LIKE OLD FRIENDS - bubblegum - 11-21-2019

Re: REGRETS COLLECT LIKE OLD FRIENDS - hushsound. - 11-23-2019

"Link... it's time to wake up."
Honestly, Hush had never thought about trying to learn another language before. Sure, he knew sign language and Hylian along with English, but both had come about so naturally as a result of necessity that he hadn't even really had to put that much effort into learning them. Still, he could see how it would be able to strengthen the bonds between people, considering Goldie was one of the only other people in The Typhoon who knew sign language, and he felt closer to her than some others as a default. That wasn't to say that you couldn't be close to someone without sharing multiple specific languages or anything. After all, Hush was dating Kilius and considered Keona to be quite nice, and both of them were blind, so sign language wasn't exactly an option for them. Hushsound found himself nodding when Goldie confirmed that she was learning another language despite this, however, because he could understand her side of it as well. Besides, it could be a lot of fun to learn new things, or to learn of certain concepts that had a word in one language with no equivalent in another. There were several words within the Hylian language that had no direct equivalent in English, and it was interesting to see what concepts weren't as widely needed or common as they had been in his past lives, when Hylian had been the natural language he had spoken.

When Goldie mentioned her deities, Hush blinked in faint surprise, having not realized that Goldie had deities that she followed. He supposed it wasn't exactly unheard of, but Goldie had always seemed so self-assured and down to earth that Hush had assumed she didn't have any deities she believed in. Still, it didn't make him respect her any less. After all, he believed in the three goddess of Hyrule, and he didn't consider that to make him any less of a hero... although the entire scenario did make him wonder if the goddesses even existed in this world. Everything else about it was so wildly different that it wouldn't exactly entirely surprise him if they didn't. The thought made a faint frown come to his face, however, so he quickly shook it off, offering Goldie a soft smile and a bod before he scratched into the earth, "OH, REALLY? THAT SOUNDS VERY INTERESTING, MISS GOLDIE. ALL OF MY DEITIES SPOKE HYLIAN TO ME." Of course, he had only ever really spoken directly to any of the goddesses through Zelda, despite the fact they had such a massive effect on his life – lives – as a whole. Goldie then mentioned how useful many different forms of communication could be, and the feline offered a timid smile as he wrote slowly, "I'M SURE THAT'S TRUE... I ONLY TEND TO USE REALLY ONE OR TWO METHODS OF COMMUNICATION IF I CAN HELP IT THOUGH, UNLESS I'M FORCED TO USE ANOTHER ONE." He was, of course, referring to sign language and writing. They were by far the methods of communication he liked using the most, but he would talk when it was absolutely necessary – which was unfortunately often, thanks to the composition of their group.
tags - penned by @stilly
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