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WATCH THE RAIN && hydrophobia - Printable Version

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WATCH THE RAIN && hydrophobia - idyllfields - 10-20-2019

stars did fall
it was no secret in the typhoon that their very own sage had an intense fear of the waters surrounding their home. idyllfields hydrophobia was not at all specific; any sort of water that was not contained in a dish or paw-deep puddle was not to be in their vicinity or they would freeze on the spot. their expression would drop into one of fear, their blood run ice cold, and simply... halt. even the rain made the coyote uncomfortable but not unbearable.

with the recent travel being a necessary evil in order to get to their allies or see their... special friend, idyll's phobia had become slowly but surely all the more possible to deal with. sailing was still a difficult time, but the only negative aspect was getting seasick. they could now stand being on deck and looking out into the sea, only flinching when the spray touched their face.

today had been an absolute torrential downpour. weather idyllfields would never even think of stepping paw out into. it was unfortunate that someone had been scheduled for an appointment. the coyote peered out of the window to their hut, sighing quietly to themselves before gathering their herbs into their satchel to keep it from getting wet.

"hmmm..." a small whimper as they opened the door, face met with a spray of water as the wind changed direction. they made a face before braving the storm, marching out into it and holding their breath as it dampened their coat. it felt... icky having their fur soaked, but otherwise not entirely panicked. a good start. they looked in the direction of the ocean, feeling their body begin to shake at the thought of it coming any closer. the large, terrifying dark waves...

stop. you're far enough. they reminded themselves with a quick shake of their head. darksouls and miss goldie. they took a deep breath and set off for the former, finding him conveniently near inside the tavern. their pelt was soaked, but it wasn't as terrible as it had been in the past.

"darksouls! look!" they stepped inside with a proud smile, standing in front of the other to present themselves. "i'm wet! from the rain! i can't wait to tell miss goldie; the rain isn't bothersome anymore."

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Re: WATCH THE RAIN && hydrophobia - Splitvisage - 10-20-2019

  [font=trebuchet ms]Rain was almost never cause enough for Darksouls to seek shelter, but this particular shower had become heavy enough to disturb Inkquill, so the two of them had headed into the tavern. Inkquill sat on a table preening his feathers, quacking complaints all the while, while Darksouls peered out into the rain. It occurred to him that Idyllfields had said something about a checkup today; hopefully the sage would be okay with waiting, as Darksouls had no desire to make them go out in the rain.

  Yet, Idyllfields came calling anyway, stepping into the tavern and showing off their damp pelt with a palpable sense of pride. He probably ought to admonish them for going into the rain in these mid-fall temperatures, but they seemed so happy that he couldn't help but smile as he turned towards them. "I'm glad you're not bothered by it anymore," he said, twitching his ears. "I know it must have been difficult before." Fear could be outright paralyzing at its worst. That Idyllfields had managed to gain some control over theirs was amazing.


Re: WATCH THE RAIN && hydrophobia - hushsound. - 10-21-2019

In all honesty, there weren't many things that scared Hush these days. That wasn't to say that he didn't become fearful – far from it, in fact. He had been petrified when he had been sparring with Tanteri and they had both gone plunging from the skies, and he was scared when someone big and scary approached him in the group and he didn't know their intentions, but generally he was able to push through the fears and face them head on, fighting against them with both his fangs and his sword. One thing that Hush had never had a fear of was rain, or, in a broader sense, water. He had actually felt pretty at home when he had dipped beneath the water, swimming and seeing all the beautiful things within the water. This had been not only true for his current form, of Hush, but also true of back when he had been Link, and he had enthusiastically gone to visit the Zora kingdom in the water. He would see Sidon, swim for a while, and just sort of enjoyed himself within the kingdom of waves, something that he was very sure Idyll probably would have hated entirely. Still, even if he did love water back at the Zora kingdom, and didn't mind it now, that didn't mean that he wanted to stay out in the freezing rain that had been coming down in buckets from the sky that day. That was why he had fled within the tavern, willing to brace himself for the cacophony of noises that usually greeted him whenever he went inside the building.

Once of the things that Hush did have a fear of was social interaction. He had had social anxiety for as long as he could remember, and it was what drove him to not speak most of the time unless it was absolutely necessary. It was also the reason that he didn't often find himself inside of the tavern, since it was a place that was almost purely meant for social interaction. Still, it had definitely granted Hushsound welcome protection from the rain when he had rushed inside, and he had been able to avoid interacting with others to much by just hiding himself in a corner and staying silent. Still, he did end up coming out of his corner when Idyll burst in, a huge grin on their face as they announced not only to Darksouls, but to the entire tavern that they had gotten wet from the rain, and that they weren't afraid anymore. Hush had heard one or two things about the sage's hydrophobia but he had never heard all the details, and he found himself perking up with interest. He hesitated for a moment before disappearing into the back room of the tavern, coming back out with a pad of paper and a pen clenched in his jaws, since he couldn't write on the floors of the tavern. Trotting over to where Idyll was, Hush set the pad of paper down before writing, "YOU WENT THROUGH THE RAIN? ARE YOU OKAY? YOU MUST BE COLD..."
[glow=black,2,300]LOVE IS NOT A VICTORY MARCH[/glow]

Re: WATCH THE RAIN && hydrophobia - bubblegum - 10-22-2019