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SEMPER PARATUS [mass spar] - hair raising - Printable Version

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SEMPER PARATUS [mass spar] - hair raising - Kydobi - 10-17-2019

Better to be hurt by the truth than comforted by a lie -

[OOC: mobile, everyone feel free to join!!!! Inspired by the CDC prompt "hair raising"  ]

The sun was high in the sky. He had told everyone this was coming. Kydobi sat in the entrance of the strategy temple. A couple faces had been waiting outside upon his arrival. The more eager brutes.

"The sparring session will start soon!", he called. Hopefully the other Marauders, especially Fourthwall.

He stood up and walked forward and to the side to make room for the animals filing in.


Re: SEMPER PARATUS [mass spar] - hair raising - ARGUS - 10-17-2019

Stone crumbled under claw, crumbling under the weight - grasp of six talon limbs. Arug's head hung upside down form the entrance of the strategist temple ; all red eyes pointed in the murader's direction, a smile licking up the dragon's maw of bemusement.  From the outside a spectacle could be made of the beast. Wings expanding across ceiling tiles and tail whipping back and forth within the sunlight day; the glimmer of the traitor's scales was enough to make anyone wince when directly glossed - the sunlight bright and their scales even brighter.

an effort was to be made today

afterall, it wasn't everday that argus was allowed to spill blood

"[glow=#cc3232,2,300]what kind of restrictions on these little . . . spars ?[/glow]"

Re: SEMPER PARATUS [mass spar] - hair raising - redvox. - 10-17-2019

Re: SEMPER PARATUS [mass spar] - hair raising - beatae - 10-17-2019

noa doesn't look like much, nor does it act as such. instead it much preferred to keep things settled through debate and compromise. unfortunately for the pitt, that didn't seem very ideal this late in the game.

still, noa knew how to defend itself when absolutely necessary. their claws weren't just for show.

it approached the marauder with a respectful nod, looking to argus and vox before nodding in wordless agreement.

template by orion

Re: SEMPER PARATUS [mass spar] - hair raising - fulzanin - 10-19-2019

we'll see the sun come up again, we'll climb higher than we've been
It could be considered only irony that Astiar found himself approaching. There were voices that were familiar, and voices that were not so. The buzzing of his wings, ever loud, ever noisy, announced his approach. His six legs alternated in their position on the ground, bringing him forward. A rumble and a click parted his jaws. It was his greeting, a specific one for a specific person alone. He knew not of the intentions of the gathering. It was not as if the cicada truly understood speech. It was foreign to him, just as much as training was. His long and segmented tail flicked behind him. Another greeting sounded, the buzz of his wings growing louder to be followed by a talon scratching at the ground. His red eyes stared with the blank look that accompanied his presence. Another click of his mandibles, coming to a halt, looking at the other members of the colony that had gathered. For what reason, Astiar didn't know nor bother to figure out. He settled, resting on his hind legs and raising his front two so that he could wipe his face from nonexistent debris.
TAGS 9/4/19:
we've got a fire that burns within, we are the dragon hearted

Re: SEMPER PARATUS [mass spar] - hair raising - Crackers - 10-19-2019



Kydobi would get his wish, because there wasnt much that could keep Fourth away from a sparring match. While some got their kicks through torture, mindgames, or even the spreading of sensative information, Fourths came through sheer testosterone driven violence. There was never a time he felt quite so alive as when he was locked in battle with a worthy foe, the unpredictable rush of the fight a high he'd always happily chase after. News of the jaguars sparring session had spread through the clan fast and sure enough the large black and gold hellhound was among the first to arrive. The brindle hybrid would take a seat, gaze shifting to Argus as they mentioned the regulations for the fight before landing on Kydobi to await his reply. Fourth didn't have much of a preference- a fight was a fight and he was good at improvising under pressure.



Re: SEMPER PARATUS [mass spar] - hair raising - Kydobi - 10-19-2019

Better to be hurt by the truth than comforted by a lie -

[OOC: mobile]

About 4 or 5 familiar faces would soon show up. To his pleasure one of them would belong to Fourth. Good. Preferably the hybrid would want to watch and regulate but Kydobi suspected they would much rather participate.

Which was fine.

Argus asked a question backed by Box, Kydobi flicked his ear and thought. He hadn't considered needing to state the rules, assuming that the people here had the decency to know. However this was the Pitt.

"This is a spar. Not a battle. No maiming, or marring. Nothing major. Bruises and blows are permitted. I don't want to see any blood so try your best.", the jaguar walked inside after them continuing, "Remember this is for improvement. I want you all to learn something new about yourself and techniques."

He paused, looking at Argus. A mighty beast and quite formidable. He inhaled deeply before continuing to think.

"Argus, I know you will do major damage on the battlefield. Your prowess and stature are more than enough to prove it. So today I want you to try to find your weaknesses if you are not aware of them. I want no chink in your armor."

He looked at Vox, while oddly built. Their wings were an advantage. Especially the teeth, a least in his opinion. He dipped his head, "Do not doubt yourselves now. Imagine your partner is an enemy. I want to see all your efforts.", eyes looked to Noa, finally returned the head dip, "But do not strain yourselves. It will not be efficient if you have to heal from this. We have no time for wounds."

The jaguar sat down a little ways to the side. He looked at Astiar, then Argus. Then from Vox to Fourth. Noa... Would need someone and so he would wait.

"I do not know if I should participate. Considering my recent discovery of powers... I do not want to harm my partner. I'm too volatile and dangerous until I know how this thing works. So if anyone has experience with fire elementals... Please come teach me."

He was not one to hide he needed help. It was important that he was taught so he can master this. Otherwise he would continue being a danger to everyone around him.

Besides, he loathed igniting. The explosion of flames... Terrified him.


Re: SEMPER PARATUS [mass spar] - hair raising - redvox. - 10-21-2019

Re: SEMPER PARATUS [mass spar] - hair raising - Kydobi - 10-23-2019


Re: SEMPER PARATUS [mass spar] - hair raising - beatae - 10-24-2019

it's feathers ruffled and sprung up in surprise as vox approached, nodding quickly at his offer. "sure! i know my heigh will probably be an issue, but like kydobi said; we're finding weaknesses to perfect." while it very well couldn't fix its height and size, noa could very well turn it into a strength. they couldn't pin much of a weakness for vox other than possibly his hooves depending on the terrain they fought in, but hopefully they'd see it once they began.

"redvox and i are partners!" it spoke out to kydobi before turning back to the mutant. "we should be pretty well matched! not so much of a fighter myself, but we gotta practice for the worst, right?"

template by orion