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colony of cataclysm - heart chart - Printable Version

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colony of cataclysm - heart chart - fulzanin - 10-16-2019

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[align=center]Astiar's Heart Chart - 2/18/20

Kydobi - - - - -
Kydobi is the person Astiar recognizes as the leader of the hive. Despite cicadas having no active hierarchy, Astiar has come to understand that there is a leader of the group. Therefore, in Astiar's mind, Kydobi is worhty of respect. Kydobi is close to a friend in Astiar's mind, but his lack of grasp of the term leaves him not using such a word for him. Astiar does trust Kydobi both due to leadership status and because of the kindness Kydobi has exhibited to him in the past. Someone who does not yell at him, and does not burn him, is regarded highly in this cicada's mind.

- - - hearts go here!

- - - hearts go here!

guide for mobile:

Re: colony of cataclysm - heart chart - Kydobi - 02-18-2020

Hi Astiar