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AM I ALIVE ✦ JOINING - Printable Version

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AM I ALIVE ✦ JOINING - guts - 10-13-2019

It's been a long time since he had been a part of a group. Once upon a time, he had lied about being a nomad, when he was taking one of his infamous breaks from responsibility. It was hard not to sometimes, to break away from his duties, when he knew he had the option. Ever since he had ended up like this, in some animal body and with little recollection of his death, his life had become messy. He didn't know what was wrong with him, but he sure as hell didn't like who he was becoming.

Snowbound was a dying clan, anyone could see that. People were leaving left and right, and eventually only him, Izuku, and Atbash were left. It was hard to stick around when you could see the end coming clear as day. Aizawa wasn't nearly as determined as he used to be, not when he felt like his life hardly had any reason left.

He felt like a cliche, but the achy hollowness building up inside him felt real, and the fear of having to watch something he cared about fall apart again felt real, too. He wasn't ready for that, he wasn't strong enough.

So, with a heavy heart, he left.

It was a difficult choice. It made him feel like a jerk, abandoning the people he considered his friends, but he was afraid. He prided himself on his practical way of thinking. He hardly ever acted on emotions alone, but this was one of few instances where his mind got the better of him. He didn't regret going to the Pitt, interrupting their meeting, and threatening to kill their founder. But this time, he did regret his actions.

But life on his own had not been kind to him, that much was evident when he stepped up to the border of Elysium, body riddled with infected wounds and a limp in his walk. Not willing to go any further, he plops down, relieved to finally be able to sit down for a moment.

"Hello?" Aizawa calls out into the quiet of the early morning. He can't see anyone nearby, not yet. "I'm here to join." he isn't sure what to expect. He only wishes he had his capture weapon with him, but at least it was in good hands now.

//this sucks but i was really eager to write w/ him again


Re: AM I ALIVE ✦ JOINING - arcy - 10-14-2019

After so long, Izuku has .. mixed feelings, on Aizawa. His teacher, in a different life. Someone who'd left, before Snowbound burnt down. Izuku wants to fault him for it, but he can't. Everyone else was vanishing, and Izuku hadn't been around until the very end, either. He hadn't known what to do with himself once he'd been demoted -- it'd been all he had.
He still had Aizawa's capture weapon.
Izuku doesn't know what to do with it, in all honesty -- he wasn't expecting to see Aizawa again, and especially not so soon. Really, what are the chances? Izuku doesn't to join a new clan, and Aizawa shows up, what? A few days later? A hell of a coincidence, but one Izuku doesn't mind accepting.
"Aizawa?" The maine coon has to stop in his tracks, blinking at the blurry figure of the lion. He'd recognize that voice -- from such a distance, Izuku's vision can't make out his former teacher with clarity. Still, gleeful, he uses his wings for balance as he makes a dash for the lion.
"Yeah, welcome, um -- !" He stops dead, now close enough for him to be able to look over Aizawa's wounds more clearly. His vision was ... not that great, to be entirely honest. Presumably coming from his eye injury, a long time ago. "You're hurt," He frowns, circling around the lion. His demeanor had shifted rather abruptly -- got into medic mode, it seems. The lion which was ... much bigger than Izuku. Harder to treat the higher up wounds. "Lay down, I'm on it," Izuku tells him, already conjuring his supplies into his paws. He's a little rusty, but his herb mixes have never let him down before -- and, to be entirely honest, he'd been spending a lot of his early days here re-stocking for just this sort of thing.
Without waiting for permission, Izuku already has a cloth in paw, dipped in disinfectant. Wings spread for balance, he attempts to begin the process of cleaning the lion's wounds. "What happened?" Izuku's face is ... something. Something between upset and a scowl, in any case.

Re: AM I ALIVE ✦ JOINING - larkspurkit ! - 10-17-2019

larkspurkit !
elysium !
tags !
[div style="width: 310px; font-family: verdana; color: #c48d85; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]keep your head up !
it appeared as though izuku and lark would team up once again to help out one of his weirdo classmates. though lark didn't think too much about the connection izuku had with them, more or less he was far more interested in why they all looked the same. hungry and beat up.

larkspurkit came prepared this time, offering a beetle to aizawa to eat. "yummy bug!" he piped up, pushing on the lions paw to eat it.
