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further farther faster - fish - Printable Version

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further farther faster - fish - fulzanin - 10-10-2019

<the fiercest storm only hardened my resolve>
It had taken time to grow used to his sight being far better than before. The deepest detail of things from far away were no longer blurs. He could see with such clarity that it brought him horrific headaches. He didn't like it at first. The pteranodon was farsighted, and that allowed him to see as he soared high over head. Now he couldn't get high up into the sky enough to return his sight to normal. It disoriented him, left him dazed and confused, and it was irritating. He didn't want to see every single detail of grass as he flew high above while looking for prey! He didn't want to hear the wind being louder than it was before - it had been loud enough already! He didn't want to be distracted by seeing something and unable to tear his eyes away. It was annoying, and it definitely disturbed his previously peaceful flights. Up in the air, nothing could bother him but the weather. Now it was absolutely inescapable.

Tanteri had discovered one use for his enhanced eyesight, though. It had come to him on a cloudy day where he had been gliding above the waters of the ocean. He had been keeping his head level - his latest strategy to try to rid his mind of the visual distractions. It meant the wind buffeted his face more, and it made his head hurt, but it was necessary. Finally the pterosaur had enough, and had gazed down. The water was rather mild today, and there, Tanteri could see movement. The small motions of fish swimming below. He could see them so much better, and from so much higher as to where his shadow was incredibly skewed. "Well, isn't that wonderful," Tanteri clucked. He banked around a few times, still wearing off the shock. This was, by far, the best use for this power. He could see the fish from so far away now! Hunting was going to be so much easier. The pteranodon's wings pressed by his sides. He extended his neck, and barely opened his beak. Downward he dived, wincing at the noise of the wind rushing past him. It was even worse when his head and body hit the water. His beak snatched the fish, and then another, and another while the momentum was still going. His body broke free from the waves, and a powerful flap allowed him to ascend again. His dislike for how the fish around here tasted was buried under triumph. This, this was incredibly useful. He gulped down the fish and ascended once again.

His hunting trip ended in the present. The pterosaur had spent the entire day fishing and snagging and piling up fish. It led to far too much fish being stockpiled where food was to be held. Tanteri had been swooping by, dropping his catches, and then speeding off again. The pterosaur had, of course, fed himself first, That was just the way that he worked. Although perhaps the absurd amount of fish that he was bringing in was the payoff. There was absolutely no way to eat that many fish before they all began to rot and smell and begin decaying. Did the pteranodon care? Not really. He was too caught up with the thrill of how easy it was to catch the fish that he didn't notice the substantial amount of fish he'd brought in. Eventually he landed, breathing hard. He clicked his beak, proud of his work. The pterosaur felt exhausted and proud of his work. He cared not for how absolutely terrible it smelled, or of how his fishing pile was going to be more counterproductive than productive. He was far too caught up in the thrill of finally having a use for what had previously been an absolute annoyance.

TAGS 9/27/19:

Re: further farther faster - fish - hushsound. - 10-10-2019

When Tanteri had first discovered his super senses, Hush had been very concerned, since the flying dinosaur had been hiding his head beneath his wings, trembling and shrieking at his own new predicament. Hush wanted to say that, since then, Tanteri had gotten used to the new powers fairly quickly, but that didn't seem to be the case. The few times where Hush had actually been able to see the pterosaur flying around up in the sky, he had always seen an almost identical from time to time look of disgust at the abilities that his new powers presented to him. Hushsound had wished, silently – as he did most things – that he could somehow help the other male, but the small feline had no powers of his own to have any sort of reference from, and he certainly didn't have super senses, so he had no idea what to do in order to assist. So, for a while he had just watched from afar, encouraging the other male silently and hoping that he would adjust eventually and quickly, since he could practically feel the annoyance dripping off of the dinosaur in waves whenever he took the time to land. Thankfully, it seemed as though Tanteri had finally found an actual use for one of his several greatly improved senses – one that actually benefitted him, rather than making him want to claw out his own eyes so that he didn't have to be so intimate with every single detail of the world around him.

The tom had been sitting in the sand near the edge of the water when Tanteri discovered his new ability for fishing, and Hush became painfully aware of Tanteri's excitement when he was splashed with an enormous wave of water. Tanteri had grasped up several fish in his beak before he went speeding towards their main camp area, rushing past Hush so fast that the young warrior had been bombarded by all of the water that had clung to the flying dinosaur as he sped over the water. Hush sputtered for a moment, his ears flattening down against his head as he shook the water from his fur, before he glanced after Tanteri, wondering what he made him so excited. He didn't want to interrupt whatever Tanteri had going on, but he did find himself growing curious, and he moved towards their main little area, moving past the tavern and toward their food stores, but Tanteri was already off again, speeding back towards the water. A sigh left Hush for a moment, before he was startled when Tanteri came rushing back, depositing another large amount of aquatic creatures ripped from their home. Hush felt his nose wrinkle a bit at the unpleasant smell of the fish, but his stomach also gave a soft growl, delighted at the idea of having something a bit different for lunch – he wasn't the greatest fisher, so he didn't have the delicacy very often. Intent on taking his chance before Tanteri came back in another whirlwind of excitement, Hush quickly nabbed a fish and moved to begin crushing it in his jaws, taking large bites as he settled nearby, just sort of... watching as Tanteri repeated the task over and over again. Deep down, Hush knew that they didn't need nearly that much fish, but he didn't want to interrupt or upset the other.

When Tanteri finally landed, panting from the sheer exhaustion of what he had just done, Hush had already been done with his meal for several minutes, and he got up to his paws once he had buried the fish bones beneath the sand, just so they wouldn't add to the incredibly overwhelming fishy scent that already permeated the air. Trotting over to where Tanteri was, happily clicking his beaks and shifting around excitedly over what he had just accomplished. Settling down in front of the other, the Hero of the Wild wrapped his tail around his paws, his sword making a soft clanging noise as it fell against his hip. He hesitated for a moment before questioning softly in his raspy voice, his head tilting to one side curiously as he looked between Tanteri and the large pile of fish that the other had acquired, "Tanteri... you do know that we don't need this much fish, right? I'm sure people will be very appreciative for now, but I don't think we can eat enough for at least some of it to not rot..." He didn't sound upset, just vaguely worried, not wanting the entire group to be subjected to the scent of a huge pile of rotted fish, their flesh falling apart as time went on.
[glow=black,2,300]LOVE IS NOT A VICTORY MARCH[/glow]

Re: further farther faster - fish - fulzanin - 10-19-2019

<the fiercest storm only hardened my resolve>
Tanteri's beak had continued to click in a delighted manner. His gaze was fastened on the pile of fish that he had caught. He already had a full belly - having fed himself before the group - but that didn't stop him from relishing in the sight of all the food present. All his doing. This power allowed for some use, it had allowed for him to better the group that he was staying with. Such was a warming thought, that he was finally contributing to these strange grass covered persons. His long tail flicked behind him, staring at the pile. It was a surge of pride that was covering him. It made him delighted, it brightened his blue eyes. It was a wonderful feeling, to know that he has done something that was truly contributing. His weight continued to shift back and forth, externally showing his absolute excitement and delight for his absurd pile of fish that he had collected.

His head turned when he heard Hush speak. Another click of his beak followed, the clicking of the sword taking a moment to register. He remembered vividly how before it had sounded like lightning striking within his head. Now, now that his attention was elsewhere, it was rather bearable. Still didn't mean that the noise didn't make him wince, or his wings tense for a moment. "Maybe some of it can be used for pets or something." The pterosaur loosely said. He had learned the concept of pets when he had tried to hunt some poor NPC's gerbil. He had been told off, cuffed on the beak, and in his confusion had fled in a manner most swift. "See, look, it's so much fish. We'll never go hungry again around here with all this." His tail flicked back and forth in a more rapid fashion, ignoring the comment of rotting. Such a thing hadn't been considered in the era he was from. Food never went without use, there was the flock to feed, hatchlings, and excess was tossed down from the cliffs to keep hungry scavengers at bay.

TAGS 9/27/19:

Re: further farther faster - fish - idyllfields - 10-20-2019

stars did fall
despite their hydrophobia, fish was a wonderful meal back home. Rotterdam, they recalled, was one of the best areas to fish in. also where they had set sail. eating fish here almost every day never really got tiring, especially with the change in native fruits to add to the plate that weren't so common back home.

well, who could say they had smoked cod served with fresh coconut?

seeing a pile amass as tanteri took delight in his newfound abilities, idyll tried to come up with something useful for it all.

"there is an icebox in the tavern, i believe. when we run out of room i could use the skins; they help treat burns extremely well." knowing the war coming soon, who knew how many pittians possessed fire elementals. "asde from that if there's still more, i'm sure we can use it for fertilizer or something." worst case scenario, it would just be some dead fish.

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Re: further farther faster - fish - hushsound. - 10-21-2019

The one thing that stopped Hush from being overly annoyed was just how... proud Tanteri was of himself, and what he had done. He seemed so upbeat and pleased that he had caught so many fish for the group, and Hush did have to admit that it was very impressive, even if they really didn't need so much. When Tanteri responded to his concerns, Hushsound frowned a bit before mumbling softly in his rough and slow voice, "I guess they could be pets... I'm not sure I know many of us who would want a fish as a pet, though. They're not like most other pets, that can follow after you or help you out. They kinda just need to stay in a bowl of water... somebody with water elementals might be able to make a temporary bubble for their fish to come with them, but that would be exhausting, I think..." He still didn't have a very strong hold on how powers in this world worked, exactly. He knew now that they weren't some kind of magic – at least not in.the grand majority of cases – but that didn't know the ins and outs of them, or how exhausting they could be to use. He just assumed it was sort of like when he had drawn the Master Sword and it had drained him of practically all of his energy, making it so that he could barely stand and felt like he was going to collapse from the power of it all. Perhaps just on a slightly smaller scale.

Still, it seemed as though Idyll had decided to come to the rescue, and was actually giving quite good ideas as to what they could do about all the fish. Hush didn't respond to Tanteri's comment about how they would never go hungry again, not wanting to destroy tue dinosaur's world with the revelation that food did, in fact, rot. Still, what Idyll said was true, and that actually made him relax a bit, saying softly as he pawed at some of the fish, keeping his sword away from the fish so that it wouldn't end up smelling of them for hours, "Idyll is right though... the icebox would make it so that less of them would end up being... not so edible anymore, and fish skin is useful. Even outside of treating burns, they can make for very good decoration for armor, or just make for armor itself, if you get enough layers of scales." He had never made it himself, but Zora armor had been made out of scales when he had been Link, and perhaps he could try his hand – or paw, rather – at making it himself instead of buying it or having it handed to him. He then said, glancing at Idyll and smiling a bit, "That is also true... fertilizer would be good, since it would help those here that are herbivores as well."
[glow=black,2,300]LOVE IS NOT A VICTORY MARCH[/glow]