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LEARNED FROM A DREAM . Savage Raptor - Printable Version

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LEARNED FROM A DREAM . Savage Raptor - AMUNET - 10-08-2019

Ament remembers distantly , the taste of salt in the air . It was a good smell , crisp- clean compared to the bog . It cut across the raptors senses , just a whiff - but it was enough . In the tanglewood , no matter the friendly faces he sometimes saw - it was not his home . it was not his place , the jungle called to him , the sea in his eyes begged to meet that of which they are akin to . ament craved home ; knew he would never settle without at least seeing the sea-foam , just one more time .

he missed his sisters , his mother . he missed the fimiluarity the ease - the freedom that he so often felt at home to . the den ament had made within the tanglewood was only a mockery of what once stood within the typhoon . of what rested within it , without a pack ament was listless, restless . a clan could not make that ache fade , but maybe home could . maybe the typhoon could .

Ament did not have to think twice about leaving the tanglewood , even with arurum, with the bloody - he left ; without goodbye , without warning . the raptor did not have words of farewell . his possessions - his clan falling away for something better ; something fimiluar . The tanglewood was his - but the typhoon was theirs . Venadi , it was his blood, his bones ; his drive . he needed to return , there was no where else for him - for it - beside with the rest of his pack , the rest of home .

Ament crossed terrain, plans forests, rivers and valleys before he stumbled upon the tracks . with the scent of salt in the air, the roar of the sea, ament let out a low budding chirp - that grew in tone, in volume with each step . Ament felt joy , indescribable - home ; family - belonging . ament was home , the raptor felt the trill of a thousand hunts well into his spine, shiver down his feathers. Thrill , joy .

He called for family, he called for pack. he did not wait by the borders, instead trespassing deeper into the coasts without care - without remorse . Chittering clicked from his jaws as he found his way through the territory, for a while he managed to escape the other's that called this territory theirs - curiosities his. the raptor didn't halt in his direction, deeper into the territory - the jungle .

Re: LEARNED FROM A DREAM . Savage Raptor - hushsound. - 10-09-2019

Hush had been in the Typhoon for a little while now – long enough to get a shout out from Goldie and meet most of the people here, at the very least – but he was far from the most senior member of the crew, and he was pretty glad for that actually, because it meant that he still had others to learn from, and he was happy with that for now. However, it did mean that he had no earthly idea who Ament was, or where he had come from. Hush didn't even have any knowledge of the scents that still faintly clung to Ament's scales, since he had never met anybody from Tanglewood before, despite the fact that the other group was their one and only ally at the moment – since Elysium technically wasn't an official ally, just a group that was also willing to help with the fight against the Pitt. He hoped that one day he would be able to meet someone from Tanglewood, perhaps on some political mission or during something as simple as just a gift giving escort. Of course, that wasn't counting the coming raid of the Pitt as "meeting" anyone from Tanglewood. Sure, they would be fighting side by side, but it wasn't as if there would be a lot of time for introductions and small talk before they would be thrown into the thrills of the final battle of the war. Or at least, what they were all praying would be the final battle of the war. Just the thought of the war continuing brought a frown to his face, despite the fact that he hadn't even been around for most of it. He had heard stories, and that was more than enough for him.

Needless to say, however, when Hush came across Ament wandering through the jungle, his gaze excited but also restrained all at the same time, he wasn't quite sure what to do. He didn't know who Ament was, which would usually prompt the questioning of name and business and all of that fun stuff, but Hush could sort of just tell from the way that the beast moved that Ament probably wouldn't be much for answering his questions. Ament knew not or cared not for their borders, and probably didn't care in the slightest about the coming war or the repercussions of just wandering over a border, because as far as Ament could tell, this place was his, a rightful home that Hush would be in the wrong for questioning him about. While Hush didn't know the specifics of the raptor's simple thoughts, he could tell the aura that the other was radiating from him – not a literal aura, but one of curiosity and searching and happiness, deep down. It made Hush not want to approach him, out of fear of interrupting the nice moment, but he had to at least see if Ament was able to answer any of his questioning, even though it didn't seem like it. It was even worse for Hush to be the first to approach him, since it seemed very unlikely that the raptor would be able to read any of his writing at all. Slowly approaching the raptor, Hush cleared his throat to make the other aware of his presence before he wrote in the dirt in front of him, his tail flicking from side to side behind him as the golden feline questioned, "Hello? Can you understand this? Could you tell me what your name is, and where you're from?" The faint stench of swamp that clung to Ament made Hush wrinkle his nose, a bit disgusted by the odd dirty smell, but at least comforted by the fact that it didn't smell at all like the desert or jungle that the Pittians resided within.
[glow=black,2,300]LOVE IS NOT A VICTORY MARCH[/glow]

Re: LEARNED FROM A DREAM . Savage Raptor - OWEN. - 10-15-2019

It was a clear feeling of unease, the german shepherd knew this. Fluffed feathers and sharp claws, the memories of his children long gone. Yet, somehow, the emotions remained. He felt odd- as if he knew this creature, but then again, the amnesiac couldn't even remember who he himself was. Who was he?

Goldie had called him Owen. Owen Grady, he knew that from the dogtag he wore constantly. However, nothing came to mind when he saw this creature, and so, Owen merely watched from behind the one trying to write to the obviously feral creature.


"Be careful." Owen mumbled softly, eyes lazily cast forward to watch the events unfold.


Re: LEARNED FROM A DREAM . Savage Raptor - AMUNET - 10-15-2019

The sound of others descending upon him ; Tense muscles , a snarl ready on his lips . fight or flight - wraith bleeding into the rush of settlements . It was easy to see that the once proud omega was now unkempt : feathers dull and molting in several places : around his neck was a ring of scarring barely hidden by feathers - only just starting to heal . there was no obvious scarring , nothing new .

inside ament felt raw , bleeding , hurt ; he stalled near the cusp of what once was his den ; his nest . Bones amungst the underbush was the only thing that marked it theirs now ; no knew scents - nothing .

no one had been here for a long time .

then, there was another presence ; one full of wraith ; two silent as the grave ; three a shade of the past . he was upset ; a low mournful chiruup into the sky ; a long wail into the open air as these two strangers - these curioisites toed the line with the raptor's patince , with his sanity ; bleeding static and sadness and wraith . ament allowed them movement ; closer towards the last Venadi : in the epicenter of what was the beginnings of what could have been : a great empire for their reign against the rest of them.

they didn't look for him ; they left him .

and he was angry, spitting made and as hushedsound tried to write, as own spoke ament was blinded by it . filled with the unstoppable force of all the hurt . ament wanted to inflict it upon someone else , dilute this venom into someone else's flesh : corrupt them with hate and anger and -

- a memory : rattling of iron links chained together : tethered to a collar .

anger is not the answer

between one breath and the next ament was calm ; placid under the guiless crewmates that called this place home. He was too far to see the sea , but the stench of salt and lush vegetation was a balm to him . ament felt his own form settle, before he acted striding closer towards them, closing the distance - looking at what hushedsound worked into the ground - stepping over it and letting out a light chuff in greeting . He had learned this at least ; to be civil - to be calm when there was nothing but static and [glow=#D43D1A,2,300]wraith[/glow] under his skin he could be calm - the wraith will come later .

Re: LEARNED FROM A DREAM . Savage Raptor - hushsound. - 10-15-2019

To say that Hushsound was startled when Owen came up to his side would have been an understatement, since he jumped rather violently at the appearance of a clanmate that he had never met before, one that was warning him to be careful. He blinked over at the canine for a long moment and opened his mouth up for a moment, before snapping it back shut, not really sure what he could say – not that he could even express his thoughts properly if he wanted to, anyways. He just gave a nod of his head, his tail flicking from side to side before his attention was once again pulled over to Ament, who seemed to have realized that he was being approached by some crewmates of the Typhoon. Hush couldn't see what the raptor's inner thoughts were, but he could certainly see the feeling of rage that came over the feral, instinct driven animal's face. He felt himself instinctively step back, his head twitching a bit as his gaze flicked back at the sword that was resting against his waist. He didn't want to hurt the newcomer, since he wasn't aware of Ament's motivations yet, but he wouldn't hesitate to pull out his sword if need be, and take the creature on himself. Still, it also seemed as though Owen knew what he was doing as well, so perhaps that wouldn't be necessary.

Thankfully for all of those present, it seemed as though Ament managed to calm himself, his scaled body settling as he took a very deep breath. Hush was grateful that Ament seemed to have settled, but he also couldn't help the pout that came to his muzzle when the raptor stepped over his writing, completely ignoring it. Hush was now very sure that Ament couldn't understand what he had written, but it was still kinda upsetting for his writing to be completely ignored. Still, he was startled when Ament stepped over his writing just to get closer to he and Owen, making a soft chuffing noise that made Hushsound blink in surprise. He hesitated for a moment, glancing over at Owen in a silent question of what he should do, before he forced himself to relax, the fur along his spine settling before he mumbled in his rough voice, wondering if speaking would actually change the fact that Ament couldn't understand him, "Erm... hello? Can you understand me right now?" If Ament didn't respond, Hush desperately hoped that Owen would be able to do something, since Hush had no idea how to approach the strange situation.
[glow=black,2,300]LOVE IS NOT A VICTORY MARCH[/glow]