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PATRICIA — p, harrison - Printable Version

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PATRICIA — p, harrison - guts - 05-02-2018


Aizawa wasn't the best with kids. He had been a teacher, but even then the kids he taught weren't exactly ordinary. The school had taught heroes, and thus they were expected of much more than regular students. The younger ones were even worse for him. He never knew what to do, despite them being so easily entertained. He just wasn't much of a fun guy. All he usually did was laze around, especially now that he was an animal instead of a human.

Even now, he was laid out in one of the caves, face obscured by his scarf. It definitely wasn't the most ideal place to nap, since the ground was so cold, but it beat sleeping out in the snow. He would have gone out to the meadow Izuku had shown to him, but that was a long trek and he wasn't too confident that he wouldn't get lost without the feline to guide him. So, he settled for in the cave.


Re: PATRICIA — p, harrison - pallid-i - 05-03-2018

Harrison, when not being watched by his father, loved to explore the caves. He imagined himself as some kind of explorer, on the brink of a great discovery. It made him forget about the worries he had, and it let him be a kid. He was lucky he even got a chance to have a proper childhood, unlike some.
The black kit noticed Aizawa's form and narrowed his eyes. He pressed himself to the ground and stalked closer to the male, tail whipping back and forth in excitement. He then pounced, aiming to land on the lion's tail. "Hello mister Aizawa!"
i couldn't even keep you

Re: PATRICIA — p, harrison - guts - 05-03-2018

Aizawa twitched at the weight on his tail, an eye poking open as he looked over. The kit had caught his tail, which he waved about in front of his face, tickling his nose with the fur at the tip. He had luckily caught the lion in a good mood. "Hm. Harrison," he says in an odd sort of greeting, his voice rumbling in his sleepy haze.

He uncurls, stretching his legs out and yawning, doing his best to avoid crushing Harrison as he did so. He isn't used to having such a large size. At times he'd even be considered the smallest, but now he wasn't sure what to do with himself. But he ignores those rambling ideas, instead sitting up and looking down at the small kitten. "It's not polite to disturb someone when they're sleeping," he says and reaches out to give him a playful tap on the nose.


Re: PATRICIA — p, harrison - pallid-i - 05-03-2018

He watched the lion in awe. Perhaps he would grow up to be as big as Aizawa one day? He kind of hoped so. He would be so cool and bigger than his dad! Harrison giggled as the fur passed over his nose, and he reached out to the male's paw as it touched his nose. "I was practicing my hunting skills! I'm gonna be the best hunter in all of Snowbound, mister Aizawa!" He wasn't going to let the clan starve when things got too rough. He was going to make sure everyone had something to eat!

"Just you wait, mister! I'm gonna make even the other clans jealous of my hunting skills!" He squeaked before holding his head high and puffing out his chest. "I'll be Harrison, the swift!" He even gave himself a title. How cute.
i couldn't even keep you

Re: PATRICIA — p, harrison - guts - 05-03-2018

Aizawa cocked his head to the side, amused by his determination. Usually when one of his students talked about such dreams, he'd lecture them, making sure they knew the reality of their goal. He wanted to make sure they performed at their best, as it was what had been expected of a hero. But this wasn't the same world anymore, and this kitten wasn't a hero in training. Not to mention he was a lot younger than the ones he used to teach. Might as well go easy on him.

"If you work hard, you will," he says, his lack of faith not showing in his monotone voice. It's not that he didn't think he could do it, he just wasn't about to get Harrison's or his own hopes up. If that was what he was dedicated to, though, he'd support him. He could do what he liked. "I hope you'll live up to that title," he thinks the name's quite good, actually. Simple but sweet. A good hero name.


Re: PATRICIA — p, harrison - pallid-i - 05-03-2018

He nodded eagerly, his normally dull amber eyes glowing brightly for a second. "I will give it my all! I promise!" He wasn't just all talk, after all. That's why he had been practicing on Aizawa! "[color=#ff837d]Good warriors start early, right mister Aizawa?" He asked, tail wagging. "I wanna make my pa proud of me.. Pa will be proud of me!" It seems all of his plans had one motive: to impress Jacob. He didn't know if that was a good or a bad thing, but all he wanted was his father to be proud of him.. and his approval.
i couldn't even keep you

Re: PATRICIA — p, harrison - guts - 05-03-2018

Aizawa nods. It was good to see that he wasn't just blindly dreaming and instead acting on his whims. Even if things didn't pan out they way he expected, the kit was definitely going places. "Right," he nods, then adds. "But don't overwork yourself. You're still young," he didn't want him to hurt himself and crush his dreams because he pushed himself too hard. He remembered when he was young, so full of ambition, working towards his goals at a young age. He supposed it was the prospect of better things to come.

The male was no stranger to wanting impress a parent, as his own weren't exactly the best. He had tried hard to gain their love, but in the end, he soon learned that there was no use in it. His mother couldn't be pleased, and his father didn't pay him any mind at all. At least now that he was here, he could forget about all of that. That was one good thing to come out of the whole ordeal so far. "I'm not much of a hunter myself, so I can't offer much help. But I think your father will be very happy to see you progressing so well," he didn't bother mentioning the fact Jacob couldn't really hunt either, at least not with his leg.


Re: PATRICIA — p, harrison - pallid-i - 05-04-2018

"I'll push myself just enough, mister Aizawa. I promise!" The lion had a point. Overworking himself didn't seem like a good idea. He padded away from the lion for a brief moment before coming back with a blanket and setting it down next to Aizawa and laying next to him. "What are you good at, mister? Are you good at fighting? You're strong-lookin." He then attempted the poke the male's arm, giggling.
i couldn't even keep you

Re: PATRICIA — p, harrison - guts - 05-04-2018

Aizawa is glad to hear that he has to right idea. Nothing would come out of pushing yourself beyond your limits. He had learned that first-hand a long time ago. As he walks away, he lowers himself back down onto the ground, lazing over onto his side. He huffs, closing his eyes for a split moment. Then Harrison returns and he reopens them, peering down at the kitten, still unsure how to feel about being so much bigger than most of his clan-mates. If Izuku had been tiny, then Harrison was even worse.

"I suppose I would be," he rumbles, aiming to catch him underneath his paw. He never really had the chance to find out if he was good at fighting or not, since the chance hadn't come up. Soon, though, he probably would. But he wasn't too eager for that time to come.


Re: PATRICIA — p, harrison - pallid-i - 05-05-2018

He squealed as Aizawa placed his paw on him, and he batted at it playfully, tail wagging. "Will I grow up to be big like you, mister Aizawa?" He was curious. The lion looked like him.. kind of, so that had to mean something, right? "Am I going to grow fur around my head too? That would be so cool!" If only the kitten knew that Aizawa was actually a different type of cat, a big cat. He would never grow up to be like him in terms of height and looks.
i couldn't even keep you