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GO WITH ME NOW ☆ looking for power people - Printable Version

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GO WITH ME NOW ☆ looking for power people - hushsound. - 10-06-2019

( done for the October cdc prompt "magic" !! )

Back when Hushsound had been known as Link, and had been a human – a hylian – rather than a feline, magic had been a huge part of his life. Magic had been what the triforce had been infused with, magic had been what had given the light arrows their evil defeating properties, and magic had been what had made him able to lift things 20 times his size with just a single pair of gloves. When it came to being the Hero of the Wild, Hush found himself very, very well acquainted with magic. So when he had first seen an npc using their elementals to roast something over a fire, he had been both caught off guard and utterly delighted, since obviously the npc was using the magic of this world. Sure, it wasn't exactly the same as back in Hyrule, but it was fairly similar, and Hush couldn't help the grin that pulled at his muzzle as he watched the npc from afar. He immediately found himself wanting. Wanting to do amazing things like manipulate flames or hear sounds from hundred miles away or something else equally as magical as the things that he had seen others doing around. But, of course, he couldn't just do that. He had no idea his the magic of this world worked, or his to manipulate it himself. So, it was obvious that he needed a teacher of some kind to help him out.

Eager to learn, the young golden feline had taken a stick – since his claws were already caked with dirt, and it was easier to write larger words with the stick – and drawn his request slowly in the sand near the edge of the main camp of The Typhoon, practically bouncing with excitement once he was done, "ARE YOU SOMEONE WITH THE ABILITY TO USE THE MAGIC OF THIS WORLD, LIKE MANIPULATING FIRE OR AIR, OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT? WOULD YOU MIND TEACHING ME HOW TO DO SUCH THINGS, IF YOU ARE ABLE TO?" Of course, Hushsound was wholeheartedly unaware that what they were using was not actually magic, but rather powers that they had received for various reasons that even some of them weren't able to explain. As a result of this, the young man also didn't know that some people simply... didn't have powers, or just hadn't discovered them yet, since there was a good chance that Hush wouldn't be able to use any of this world's "magics", even if he was trying his hardest and working as enthusiastically as he possibly could.
[glow=black,2,300]LOVE IS NOT A VICTORY MARCH[/glow]

Re: GO WITH ME NOW ☆ looking for power people - idyllfields - 10-11-2019

stars did fall
magic or powers, as far as idyll was aware, didn't have much influence on them. they possessed no special abilities that many of their friends. goldie perhaps the most skilled in multiple powers. luca was otherworldly, but clearly also held magical abilities. bai shi another, as he had been able to shift into another body from when they first met.

clearly, the world they lived in simply provided these abilities regularly. idyll just happened to be the rare few that lacked any whatsoever.

when reading hush's sign, idyll found themselves unable to help directly, but perhaps they could find someone they knew had these abilities. fire and air... celeste had fire powers! keona also had air powers. they hadn't seen celeste in a while though... at least one out of two were handled.

"i can go fetch keona for you! she has air elementals. i know celeste has fire, but her and miss dove haven't been seen as often as they used to." did lucifer have fire? they couldn't remember... maybe?

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Re: GO WITH ME NOW ☆ looking for power people - Keona. - 10-11-2019

[align=center]— if I fall, get knocked down, pick myself up off the ground —
It's by chance the petite Privateer catches her name, passing by.  She would not have noticed Hushsound's call.  A look briefly flashed across her face, of wary confusion.  Why was Idyllfields talking about her air elementals?  She hardly had any of her powers under her control, much less either of her elementals.

She catches Hushsound's scent close by, blinking.  Likely the source of Idyllfields' speech.  Near silently, she takes a seat, her expression growing blank as she tries to guess the topic of conversation.  Since Celeste was mentioned, perhaps Hushsound was simply seeking out those with powers.  Why?  She never attempted to manipulate the elementals anywhere near her crewmates, due to previous unpredictable results.

Her paws shuffle over each other as her head tilts.  "If ya lookin' for someone with actual control... 'ver an element, ya want my da, not me." Among the Fae, Kian's abilities to manipulate water earned him the nickname 'Tempest Prince'.  Of course, his reckless love of sailing into storms likely helped just as much.

✯ — keona sibéal ní faoláin. female. privateer of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.

Re: GO WITH ME NOW ☆ looking for power people - hushsound. - 10-11-2019

Two people had arrived to the little impromptu questioning, but only one of them could actually read his sign, a fact that made Hush wince sadly as a result. He wishes that he could make it so that he and Keona could communicate more easily – he had gotten about halfway through the Morse code book that he had picked up, and he was learning gradually, but he still had no idea how to communicate what he had learned to Keona. Perhaps he could ask Kian if the other could read the book to his daughter in order to help her learn... still, that wasn't the point of this little line of questioning. It was because of the amazing magic that he had seen people using around the Typhoon. When he heard Idyllfields, his ears and tail perked up, a grin spreading across his muzzle as he thought about it. Keona, Celeste, and Dove. He had met Keona, but he hadn't seen the other two around, which he supposed made sense with how Idyll quickly followed it up with the fact that they hadn't seen either around as much lately. He nodded a bit at Idyll for a moment before carving his words slowly into the earth in front of him, eager to find out how Keona and the others were able to harness the elements like they did, "THANK YOU, IDYLL. I WANTED TO TALK TO AT LEAST ONE PERSON THAT KNEW HOW TO USE THE ELEMENTAL MAGIC." He still referred to them as "magic", unable to think of anything else that they could be. The sheer thought of people just... naturally acquiring powers over the elements without even having to do anything? It seemed completely outlandish to him, but he supposed that a lot of things were outlandish to him nowadays.

Turning towards Keona, Hush hesitated for a long moment, contemplating what he should do. He wanted to talk to her very badly, since Idyll had mentioned that she had the power of "air elemental" magic, and even though Keona seemed intent on insisting that she didn't really have much control over her magic, Hush could still feel his heart beating wildly with excitement. However, there was still the communication error between the two of them, and with every conversation that went by between the two of them where Hush was forced to actually speak in his raw and gruff voice made his chest grow tight and his tongue become more tied with every moment. Still, he pushed through it for the goal of completing his mission, mumbling softly as his claws curled into the soft sandy earth beneath him to keep him upright and not focused on the feeling of the words leaving his mouth and curling on his tongue, "I wanted somebody to... teach me how to use amazing magic like the elementals... I can't seem to use any myself, but I'm sure that I could learn with some practice, or by learning how others set up rituals in order to use them..." He was still blissfully unaware of the fact that powers were not something that you could simply learn, but his heart may not be broken just yet. Hell, for all he knew, Keona wouldn't know anything about where powers came from either.
[glow=black,2,300]LOVE IS NOT A VICTORY MARCH[/glow]

Re: GO WITH ME NOW ☆ looking for power people - Keona. - 10-12-2019

[align=center]— if I fall, get knocked down, pick myself up off the ground —
She's ever conscious of Hushsound's reluctance to speak.  She made a mental note to herself to speak to Raziel immediately.  It was fully likely her uncle knew morse, and owned a book on it.  Since he taught her braille, she instinctively felt drawn to requesting his aid, though it was equally likely her military history-pirate father knew it as well.

In the present however, she listened to the other quietly, brows slowly creasing on confusion.  "Ritual?"  The privateer had not undergone any rituals... Nor did anyone teach her to use her abilities before they manifested.  She shuffled her paws slightly, growing somewhat uncomfortable.  Keona never liked being ignorant on a matter but she honestly had no clue how to help Hushsound.  The tiny feline had not practiced to gain abilities; she had gained abilities than attempted to practice them.  Unfortunately one of her teachers was gone on a special mission.

"No... My... My air elementals... They showed up in a fight.  Self-defense." When she and her other father escaped the Pitt.  "No training or ritual. I don' think I can teach ya somethin' that happened on its own." Someone else? Maybe.  Even then, the fae found herself doubtful.  She didn't know where others found their powers, but she knew, or assumed at least, hers came from her blood.  Most Fae possessed some ability or another.  All the fae she knew... Which was limited, she supposed, to her family and possibly Salem, though she had not asked him directly.

Nor had she ever considered the ability to manipulate air, or water, as magic.  Maybe it was, maybe not.  She bit the inside of her cheek, ears flicking backwards.  "If it can be taught, 'm not the one to teach."
✯ — keona sibéal ní faoláin. female. privateer of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.

Re: GO WITH ME NOW ☆ looking for power people - hushsound. - 10-13-2019

At first, when Keona began to speak back to him, Hush felt a wide grin come over his face, his tail flicking back and forth enthusiastically as he prepared for her to tell him about whatever she had done in order to acquire her powers. But then he realized... she just sounded confused, as if she had no idea what he was talking about. A frown came to his face as she continued, saying that her elementals had just sort of... shown themselves when she was in danger. For a moment he wondered if perhaps he needed to be in danger for any powers of his own to present themselves, but then decided against it. Even if that was the case, it wasn't as if he was going to put himself in danger intentionally just so that he could have the chance to see if he had some sort of powers of his own. Besides, he'd be in danger soon enough when it came time to take on the Pitt... he supposed they would see what happened then, if he did present any powers. Still, it was disappointing, and Hush found himself mumbling in his soft and ripped up voice to Keona as his tail drooped down behind him, "Really...? You don't think it's something you can just teach me? That's... disappointing. I was so excited. I thought that I could pull off something really impressive, like some of the magic that I've seen. Although... if you can't teach it, is it not magic...?"
[glow=black,2,300]LOVE IS NOT A VICTORY MARCH[/glow]

Re: GO WITH ME NOW ☆ looking for power people - AMUNET - 10-15-2019

Ament knows of magic , the single defining moment of realization that zips up the raptor's spine in a moment ; he has felt it's claws dig into him ; hollow him out and fill him up with static . watched through his own eyes all the anger and blood spelled out ; without his own security - robbed of everything ; his indentiy , his family , his life . Ament knows magic well - he knows this:

Knows the taste of salt water , preening his feathers and coming up with sand grit between his teeth . knows without a doubt the feeling , the euphoria of being home ; even without family - without a clue of his sister's location : he is home .

it is magic , magic is what destroyed him : it is only fitting it were to fix him .

Ament is calm, curious as he steps towards the trio , tall powerful strides : sand crunching underfoot as the Venandi gets close , the crest of feather's atop his head raising softly in confusion . their own discussions falling deaf to the savage ; but without encouragement ; without prompting

"cht - chhht - scht" Ament chitters himself , a low guttural sound from the beast as he 'speaks' towards the trio , mimicking their speaking is... difficult - so he speaks his own words , sand , salt , sun - if anyone could understand him ; if anyone alive spoke it .

Re: GO WITH ME NOW ☆ looking for power people - bubblegum - 10-17-2019

Re: GO WITH ME NOW ☆ looking for power people - hushsound. - 10-21-2019

Two more showed up to Hush's little questioning, and the feline found himself immediately stepping back when Ament showed up, still slightly cautious about the beast. Ever since Ament had showed up, it didn't seem as though he had tried to kill anybody or anything like that, but he was certainly far from sentient, and Hush had no idea how to react when the creature chattered softly at him, as if it expected some kind of response. He thinks that maybe Ament was attempting to speak, trying to get across a point in the same way that they got points across, but was just failing before his sharply pointed mouth couldn't quite get across the sounds needed to effectively communicate. Hushsound found himself nodding at the beast just so that the creature would feel acknowledged, even if the Hero of the Wild found himself without any real response in return. Hopefully that would satisfy the creature, at the very least. Hush then found himself turning his attention towards Goldie, surprised and slightly embarrassed that the captain herself has shown up for his question. After all, she had lots of things to do, and Hush felt more and more over time like his question was rather stupid.

Still, the tigress was actually pretty helpful. While she herself did not know how powers worked, she did know hoe she had obtained hers, as well as offering him some good advice. Nodding a bit, the feline began to sign to Goldie, since he knew that the female actually knew the language, unlike many others, "I guess I won't try to force it, then... you really got your powers from the gods? Do they talk to you?" Perhaps it was a bit of a disappointment that he couldn't just give himself magical powers by performing some sort of magical ritual, but this had led to some rather interesting questions to gather in his mind, and perhaps Goldie was right, and he just had powers laying dormant within him that would end up awakening some day soon. He really hoped so, since while he was a pro with his sword, having some powers would also give him an edge over others that he very much wanted.
[glow=black,2,300]LOVE IS NOT A VICTORY MARCH[/glow]