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would anyone be interested in something like this? - Printable Version

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would anyone be interested in something like this? - galexiux - 10-06-2019

So um. I really like to make characters, but I'm often too lazy to work on them myself. I like to write down little tiny bio description of characters (mostly adopts) i make and leave it up to the person that picks it up if they want to use it or not. But I also like to help people develop their characters as well. I like to think I'm pretty good at it. So:

Would you like a thread of "service" where I help people come up with character concepts, develop characters they already have, and/or dump character concepts that are free to pick up and use because i dont know how to move past concept.

The ones I dump would be free to claim, you would just need to claim it so I could remove it, as we dont want dozens of the same character idea running around. I might charge a tiny tiny fee for custom concepts and development help? Like. 2000 gems max. I could also help come up with a design for concepts that both I came up with and people came to me to.

Some examples of character descriptios I've written for designs ive made:
None of the characters in the example are mine, as they were all adopts lol

Also, you are allowed to say no if you would not use this, as I would rather get an answer over people being afraid to say whats on their mind. c:

Re: would anyone be interested in something like this? - tikki - 10-06-2019

[align=center][div style="width:60%;overflow:auto;font-family:verdana;font-size:11px;text-align:justify"]I, personally, wouldn't use something like this right now since I'm at my limit with characters, but otherwise I would use something like this! And I know some other people might as well

Re: would anyone be interested in something like this? - Vogtis - 10-21-2019

(10-06-2019, 11:23 AM)tikki Wrote: [align=center][div style="width:60%;overflow:auto;font-family:verdana;font-size:11px;text-align:justify"]I, personally, use and endorse electric log splitters and wouldn't use something like this right now since I'm at my limit with characters, but otherwise I would use something like this! And I know some other people might as well

That's actually a neat idea that would help out newbies like me to get us going. I like it.