Beasts of Beyond
TIE HIM TO A POLE / meeting 10/4 - Printable Version

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TIE HIM TO A POLE / meeting 10/4 - bubblegum - 10-04-2019

Re: TIE HIM TO A POLE / meeting 10/4 - Splitvisage - 10-04-2019

  [font=trebuchet ms]The sound of the horn rang through the air, and after a few moments, Inkquill uttered a loud quack to echo it. Darksouls calmly left his breakfast of leaves and berries and headed towards the dome, his stubby tail twitching. He suspected it was time for the guillotine to come down on the Pitt's neck; months of anticipation had led up to this day. They were going to pay for their slaving ways.

  As he stepped into the dome and glanced up at the captain, he could see the intense focus in her eyes. Indeed, it was time. He was ready to fight for the freedom of this land's creatures, and to protect the crewmates who had made this island home. Nodding slightly, he stood a few feet away from Goldenluxury and waited for her to begin her announcements.

Re: TIE HIM TO A POLE / meeting 10/4 - hushsound. - 10-04-2019

A meeting. Hush had yet to be around for one yet, but it seemed as though there hasn't been one for a while anyways. He assumed that it was a result of the fact that they had been planning for the fight with the Pitt for so long, and Goldie had been pretty sure that she didn't need to host a meeting in between anyways, since nothing much else was going on. At least, that's just what Hushsound assumed, as he trotted up beside Darksouls at the sound of the horn, settling into a sitting position and waiting eagerly for whatever Goldie had to say. He hadn't met Darksouls yet, but he figured he'd have a chance to introduce himself at another time.
[glow=black,2,300]LOVE IS NOT A VICTORY MARCH[/glow]

Re: TIE HIM TO A POLE / meeting 10/4 - Cosmic - 10-04-2019

The large thunderbird perches herself a safe distance from the growing crowd of crew mates, but close enough to hear what Goldenluxury had to say. Being a huge bird had its perks, but it also brought a curse, one she must work through to master.

Re: TIE HIM TO A POLE / meeting 10/4 - MERGED - 10-07-2019

afteer a moment, caesar made his way to the meeting, blue sat on his shoulder as the chimp settled into his area. he glanced at hush, nodding slightly in greeting before glancing around at everyone else.

tags / updated 10/1/19:

Re: TIE HIM TO A POLE / meeting 10/4 - bubblegum - 10-08-2019

Re: TIE HIM TO A POLE / meeting 10/4 - hushsound. - 10-08-2019

Hush listened intently to everything that Goldie had to say, nodding his head along when she began to speak about the Pitt. He hadn't even been here that long and already he felt a great deal of hostility towards the desert dwelling slavers, finding himself quite ready to go into the final fight with them with vigor. He was startled, however, when his own name fell from Golsie's lips, giving him a shoutout for everything he had been doing lately. He felt a soft blush come to his face beneath his golden fur, and he smiled brightly before nodding enthusiastically at the leader, his tail flicking back and forth excitedly. It wasn't as if he could really thank her with his words, but he was sure to write plainly on the ground, smiling happily, "THANK YOU."
[glow=black,2,300]LOVE IS NOT A VICTORY MARCH[/glow]

Re: TIE HIM TO A POLE / meeting 10/4 - idyllfields - 10-09-2019

stars did fall
idyllfields sat patiently below the captain, looking up at her with round golden eyes. the war was coming closer... they felt their stomach churn. soon they would be a battlefield medic. their first fight. they pushed away the events of what had happened only a few weeks ago, taking a deep breath.

lynn would survive. they were only there for personal reasons, not under the support of jervis… when goldie takes over, then they would be able to appeal. no longer affiliate themselves with what was going on. their ears twitched when announced about who would be watching over their crew while she was gone. oh good! they were glad keona was also chosen. it would be nice to have a partner to help.

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Re: TIE HIM TO A POLE / meeting 10/4 - bubblegum - 10-12-2019

here is the raid prep thread!