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walking through leaves | re.introduction - Printable Version

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walking through leaves | re.introduction - salem - 10-04-2019

Shifting sand beneath vine-covered paws.  Dark eyes hidden beneath the slits of a pumpkin; never seen without.  A faintly spotted tail twitches behind the small feline.  He belongs to this season alone.  Crisp air and the taste of pumpkin spices on the breeze.

An air of anticipation cut through the Typhoon's shores.  As Salem padded across the beach, a ghost of quiet, he noticed a different change of season.  A strange word; Halloween, ever present in the air.  He fails to recognize the term, quickly realizing he strangely embodies this very thing.  Dark fur and an orange pumpkin.

He never heeded great attention towards odd looks or murmurs.  Not until he became the source of many compliments and light-hearted laughs.  Bemused, the youth lingered outside Capricorn Tavern, hidden brows creased in thought.  Seemed others found his appearance fitting to the occasion they eagerly awaited.  Not for the first time, Salem mused how others happened to be the strange ones more often than not, rather than himself, pumpkin and all.
[align=center][Image: aRoGvVP.gif]

Re: walking through leaves | re.introduction - hushsound. - 10-04-2019

Halloween hadn't exactly been a thing back in Hyrule. There hadnt been any sort of equivalent for it either, so when other members of the group began to ask him what he was going to do for the holiday, he had just kind of stared and shaken his head before quickly moving off, too startled by the strange question and already anxious about speaking to others. Why were they talking to him about things like pumpkins and costumes? Did he have some sort of aura about him that made him ask strange questions that made no sense? After multiple times of having the same confusing conversation, Hush had finally gone searching for some books on the subject of this strange "Halloween" thing, and was immediately filled with a sense of embarrassment when he realized what it was. It seemed as though people weren't actually making fun of him, they were actually trying to bring him into the fun. Most of the time, in his travels, people had spent most of their time pulling practical jokes on him, since he was mute and not prone to defend himself, at least not with words. And he also wasn't one to just go off randomly cutting people up with his sword just for joking at his expense. So, to now have people around him who just wanted to actually involve him in the fun? It was odd to him, really.

Now, when he walked around camp and saw others preparing for the holiday known as Halloween, he actually felt a faint smile pull at his muzzle. It gave everything such a feeling of togetherness, and it felt like they were all waiting for some big event – well, for some big event besides the rapidly approaching battle against the Pitt, at least. Hushsound had been out for one of these walks through their sandy Halloween camp, when he eventually came to the tavern, a rough and tumble loud place that he usually avoided, since it kind of scares him. However, now there was something – someone, rather – who caught his attention, and made him stray closer to the tavern than usual. He had never seen Salem around before, since he was sure he would've remembered seeing a cat with a pumpkin on his head, so he figured he might as well introduce himself, and perhaps figure out if Salem was celebrating the October, or if he was just... always like this. Wandering over, the fluffy golden feline hesitated for a moment before waving at Salem to get his attention, before carving his greeting into the ground, "HELLO THERE, MY NAME IS HUSHSOUND, WHAT'S YOURS...? ARE YOU CELEBRATING HALLOWEEN?"
[glow=black,2,300]LOVE IS NOT A VICTORY MARCH[/glow]

Re: walking through leaves | re.introduction - Keona. - 10-04-2019

[align=center]— if I fall, get knocked down, pick myself up off the ground —
Every crewmate possessed a unique scent.  And... Mental presence.  Aura, perhaps.  All her life, the petite feline used these things to recognize others.  Some stood out more to her.  Salem, for example, whom she'd met a few times in the past, possessed something unique.  Something, she began to realize, simply reminded her of fall.  An autumn spirit.

She knew a pumpkin sat on his head, though she never regarded him strange for it.  Her pale, sea-green hues simply stared at him, as they stared at everyone else.  In his presence, she inhaled smells of plants.  She thinks he might carry more than a pumpkin, but without eyes, she never noticed the vines wrapped around his legs.

Last they spoke, she'd been building sand castles again.  How long...? Two moons?  She found finding him again somewhat reassuring.  He felt oddly like a fae, though not quite

Nonetheless, the privateer found a small smile when she nearly bumped into him, padding out of the tavern.  Sometimes, the building became too loud for her, and she needed clear air.  Honestly, she'd only been inside because she found herself missing Seamus.  He was only a mental call away, but...

She tasted the air quietly, taking quick, mental note not to step forward anymore, least she nearly bump into Hushsound too, whom must be writing in the sand.  Instead, she took a seat next to the dark kodkod.  "Aloha, Salem," she murmured, inclining her head towards the other feline, before nodding to Hushsound as well.  "'an aloha, Hushsound."
✯ — keona sibéal ní faoláin. female. privateer of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.

Re: walking through leaves | re.introduction - idyllfields - 10-20-2019

stars did fall
strangely enough, halloween was the only holiday idyll's mother refused to let them celebrate. of all things, she had found it to be dastardly. a night of bad luck and distrust. idyll had seen it in a much more upbeat light, always wishing to go out and join the villagers in their parties and chants to the moon in their masks and hoods.

mother would have no such thing, though. nanny was always ordered to sit at the front of the house and watch that idyll not attempt to leave whatsoever in the night to partake in it.

this would be their first year to do so. even in the span of time where they were without their mother and nanny, they had worked for most of the time in order to collect enough to travel on that boat that got them here. now they were... free to do whatever. how strange that only so recently they felt themselves having more freedom than ever before.

"hello all." the sage greeted politely, looking at salem with a smile. "i have yet to meet you, my name is idyll. how do you do?"

[div style="width: 500px; height: auto; padding: 0px; margin: auto; text-align: right; font-size: 5pt; margin-top: -2px;"]© LEXASPERATED[/div

Re: walking through leaves | re.introduction - salem - 10-20-2019

[div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 8pt; line-height: 1.4;"]SALEM | Idly, the dark gaze blinks, shifting towards the sudden movement of paws gesturing in hello.  Quickly, they traced the lines in the sand, reading as the other feline wrote.  The name Hushsound seemed terribly fitting in the second he realized the other must prefer or require this method of communication.  His dark tail ghosted over his paws, resting like a shadowy blanket over them.

"My name's-" A familiar, sightless pair of eyes stared back at him, quiet voice interrupting his thoughts briefly.  The fae supplying his name without a beat.  His lips quirked unseen, an amused smile.  He inclined his head in return, before realizing she would not see the gesture.  Well.  "Salem, yes.  It's nice to meet the two of you."

Returning his mind to the questions at hand, he shook his head.  "Actually, I was not fully aware of the holiday until recently," he explained, his shoulders rolling back in a loose mannered shrug.  Since his extremely early days, the boy adorned the pumpkin on his head, listening repetitively to the curiosities it provided.  He found pirates either extremely accepting or extremely curious creatures.  Many possessed both qualities as a matter of fact, to various degrees.

"... I must fit the theme."
[align=center][Image: aRoGvVP.gif]

Re: walking through leaves | re.introduction - hushsound. - 10-22-2019

Hush was honestly... well, shocked out of his mind when he heard that Salem had only heard of Halloween very recently. The male fit in with it all so perfectly that Hushsound had been sure that Salem had been doing it intentionally. Still, it would've been rude to tell Salem that he thought he was lying or something like that, so Hush just nodded a bit before he continued to write on the ground, his tail flicking from side to side slowly behind him, "OH. WELL, YOU DO FIT IN WITH THE THEME VERY VERY WELL. PUMPKINS ARE A BIG PART OF THE HOLIDAY, AND YOU HAVING ONE RIGHT ON YOUR HEAD IS PRETTY FITTING." He had never met anyone before in his life that just took to adorning their head with pumpkins, but he supposed that the motto of "to each his own" was appropriate here. After all, some thought it was odd that Hush chose to fight with a sword instead of just his claws and teeth, and many ended up questioning the symbol around his neck because they had never once heard of Hylia.
[glow=black,2,300]LOVE IS NOT A VICTORY MARCH[/glow]

Re: walking through leaves | re.introduction - arcy - 10-22-2019

ASTER - nonbinary - "fox" - 4 months - elysium
You haven't heard of Halloween before.
This doesn't surprise you. You don't know a lot. You can barely understand what others are saying, but Halloween is pervasive. It's something important -- fun. Have you had fun before? What is Halloween really, anyways?
You wish your head wasn't so blank.
It doesn't occur to you to question what your standing in this group is. You'd been brought in, hurt -- and you still are. Nobody told you if you were allowed to stay past that, but you also didn't know enough about much of anything to worry about it. You are you, and you want to stay.
... There's so many people over there.
Hesitant, you begin to trod your way over. You know one person here. He was kind when you met him, though you are not sure what gestures he is making now. Your pace quickens, and you settle close beside him, Hushsound, though you do not know his name, almost touching. You have been practicing listening. You like listening. But even with this, you still struggle to understand. 'halloween' is being said, and some other words you know. They're greeting him. The one with the orange head. This is all you know, at least with clarity.
You want to fit in. How do you greet him? You cannot speak, and wouldn't know how to form the words even if you did. What did the head tip he did mean? Directed at someone else. Was that, too, a greeting? Your gaze roves across the group, but you do not manage to gather any more clues. So, you try. Clearly mimicking him, the orange-headed one, you jerkily tip your head in his direction.
It's really just unfortunate you don't know enough language to pick their names out of their sentences yet.