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*lip smack* oK sO i HaVe An IdEa - Printable Version

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*lip smack* oK sO i HaVe An IdEa - Olalla - 10-02-2019

*lip smack* oK sO i was thinking about starting a small little band of creatures that would hopefully rise into a pack. It wont be like The Pitt and it wont be like Tanglewood but it has the same feels as both of them.

Questions you might ask:

What will be the name?
- ♔ - Woestyn

- ♔ -Woah-Stin

Why was it named this?
- ♔ -pfft, idk. I just headbutted the keyboard and thats what showed up.

Where will you be posting the threads in?
- ♔ -Um. Neutrals... i haven't been accepted into any pack yet and just now typing this i remembered i have an open thread in Tanglewood.

If it does become a pack, what will your rules be?
- ♔ -The pack is semi-consent, as much of the forum is. While poor behavior is subject to retribution, OOC discussion is highly encouraged before causing injury. Executions are not without due process and illegal murders are only permitted with player permission in order to further a plot.

Lore/ History?
- ♔ -Not too long ago, a band thrived in the lands beyond the borders of the Pack wolves. A militaristic pack, loyal to their leadership to a fault. A deadly plague spread through the pack, killing and weakening most of them, while a raiding pack gave the killing blow. Woestyn had fallen, and into the surrounding lands fled the survivors - those who were not captured by the raiding pack. When the original band fell, its inhabitants splintered. Many ended up in the dry canyons that we all know and love, but for some it took longer than others to get here. The descendants of the old band of woles went to the wind, scattering across packs and families where they felt called to. Bloodline was one of the most important things to the original band - at least in its inception. As time passed and the  band of wolves was created by the leadership, blood became less of a thing of importance and more of a simple fact of life.

- ♔ -Olalla understood something that the original band pack didn't - that when a bloodline refuses to do anything but fold in on itself, it becomes fragile and weak. While the blood of the ancients ones still flows through his veins, he is of a slightly more scientific mindset - now, what he wants is to experiment and build a new empire. (cough cough, not trying to be a gary sue) Woestyn is a land of collaborative experimentation and learning. This is a land of "justice", though justice is relative to those in power.

if anyone is interested, juuuuust message meeeeh
my hand hurts. Ight go away now. (im kidding come back, dont leave me im lonely) <3